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Using the JavaScript Client

To use the JavaScript client which comes with the bundle to connect to your server, there are two options readily available.

Loading the required JavaScript

Option A: Include Bundle JavaScript

This is the simplest option and allows you to include the JavaScript files provided by the bundle.

Step 1: Include JavaScript in template

You will need to include two JavaScript files to make the connection work; the Autobahn|JS library and the bundle's client script. It is recommended these be added at the end of your template before the closing body tag, but before any other application scripts that may need them.

To include the relevant JavaScript libraries necessary for GosWebSocketBundle, add these to your root layout file just before the closing body tag.

<script src="{{ asset('bundles/goswebsocket/js/vendor/autobahn.min.js') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ asset('bundles/goswebsocket/js/websocket.min.js') }}"></script>

Note: This requires the FrameworkBundle and TwigBundle to be active in your application and the assets:install command to be run

If you are NOT using Twig as a templating engine, you will need to include the following JavaScript files from the bundle:

  • vendor/gos/web-socket-bundle/public/js/vendor/autobahn.min.js
  • vendor/gos/web-socket-bundle/public/js/websocket.min.js

Step 2: Initialize the connection

Once the JavaScript is included, you can start using the websocket client to interact with your server.

The below example uses the shared_config bundle setting to automatically set Twig global variables with the server host and port

    var websocket = GosSocket.connect('ws://{{ gos_web_socket_server_host }}:{{ gos_web_socket_server_port }}');

Option B: Include in your application's JavaScript files

If you are using Webpack and Encore to manage your site's assets, you can include the bundle's script file in your own application's scripts.

import WS from '../../vendor/gos/web-socket-bundle/public/js/websocket.min.js';

JavaScript API

The following describes the API made available through the JavaScript client.

GosSocket object

The GosSocket object is a wrapper around the AutobahnJS API and provides helpers for creating a connection and triggering events

Public Methods

GosSocket.connect(uri, sessionConfig = null)

The GosSocket.connect() function is a factory method to create a new GosSocket object and connects to the websocket server.

The uri parameter is the URI for your websocket server (i.e. 'ws://').

The sessionConfig parameter optionally allows you to customize the options in the AutobahnJS API, you must pass an object containing any of the following keys to customize these values:

  • retryDelay: Number, the delay (in milliseconds) between retry attempts when the connection is lost (defaults to 5000)
  • maxRetries: Number, the maximum number of retry attempts when the connection is lost (defaults to 10)
  • skipSubprotocolCheck: Boolean, unknown use
  • skipSubprotocolAnnounce: Boolean, unknown use
GosSocket.on(event, listener)

The GosSocket.on() function lets you add a callback for an event.

The event parameter is the name of the event to subscribe to. Currently, the bundle only uses socket/connect and socket/disconnect.

The listener parameter is a callback function to be triggered when the event is fired off. When executed, this is scoped to the GosSocket instance firing the event. Callbacks receive one parameter, a data parameter of any type. Please see the examples below for more details., listener)

The function lets you remove a callback for an event.

The event parameter is the name of the event to subscribe to. Currently, the bundle only uses socket/connect and socket/disconnect.

The listener parameter is a callback function to be removed from the event


The GosSocket.isConnected() function is a helper function to determine if the client is currently connected to the websocket server.

GosSocket.publishToTopic(uri, data = {})

The GosSocket.publishToTopic() function lets you publish a message to a requested websocket channel.

The uri parameter is the URI for the websocket topic to publish to, as defined in your route configuration.

The data parameter is the optional data to be passed to the websocket topic, generally an object.

If not connected to the websocket server, this function will throw an error.

GosSocket.rpcCall(uri, data = {})

The GosSocket.rpcCall() function lets you call a RPC function on your websocket server.

The uri parameter is the URI for the websocket RPC to call, as defined in your route configuration.

The data parameter is the optional data to be passed to the websocket topic, generally an object.

This function will return the resolved Promise from the underlying Autobahn.JS library to allow you to process the response from the server.

If not connected to the websocket server, this function will throw an error.

GosSocket.subscribeToChannel(uri, callback)

The GosSocket.subscribeToChannel() function lets you add a subscriber for a websocket channel.

The uri parameter is the URI for the websocket topic to subscribe to, as defined in your route configuration.

The callback parameter is the subscriber to be added.

If not connected to the websocket server, this function will throw an error.

GosSocket.unsubscribeFromChannel(uri, callback)

The GosSocket.unsubscribeFromChannel() function lets you remove a subscriber from a websocket channel.

The uri parameter is the URI for the websocket topic to unsubscribe from, as defined in your route configuration.

The callback parameter is the subscriber to be removed.

If not connected to the websocket server, this function will throw an error.

Public Getters


The GosSocket.ab getter lets you retrieve the AutobahnJS API object.


The GosSocket.session getter lets you retrieve the active AutobahnJS session object.

Private Methods

Although JavaScript does not natively support the notion of public or private functions, the below functions are considered private to the GosSocket object and not intended for public use.

GosSocket._connect(uri, sessionConfig = null)

The GosSocket._connect() function is a wrapper around AutobahnJS' ab.connect() function and handles firing the socket/connect and socket/disconnect events.

GosSocket._fire(event, data = null)

The GosSocket._fire() function handles calling all listeners for an event.


Basic Usage

var webSocket = GosSocket.connect('ws://');

webSocket.on('socket/connect', function (session) {
    //session is an AutobahnJS WAMP session.

    console.log('Successfully connected!');

webSocket.on('socket/disconnect', function (error) {
    //error provides us with some insight into the disconnection: error.reason and error.code

    console.log('Disconnected for ' + error.reason + ' with code ' + error.code);

this Scope

As mentioned before, this is scoped to the GosSocket object when calling listeners.

class MySocket {
    constructor() {
        this._someValue = 42;
        this._webSocket = null;
        this._webSocketSession = null;

    connect(uri) {
        let _this = this;

        this._webSocket = GosSocket.connect(uri);

        this._webSocket.on('socket/connect', function (session) {
            // this is the GosSocket object
            this.on('socket/disconnect', function (error) {});
            // To set a class property, need to use the `_this` var we declared before
            _this._webSocketSession = session;

        // Or, you can use arrow functions to have `this` scoped correctly
        this.on('socket/disconnect', (error) => {
            this._webSocketSession = null;

In-Depth Example

Clients subscribe to "Topics", Clients publish to those same topics. When this occurs, anyone subscribed will be notified.

For a more in depth description of PubSub architecture, see Autobahn|JS PubSub Documentation

  • session.subscribe(topic, function(uri, payload))
  • session.unsubscribe(topic)
  • session.publish(topic, event, exclude, eligible)

These are all fairly straightforward, here's an example on using them:

var webSocket = GosSocket.connect('ws://');

webSocket.on('socket/connect', function (session) {

    //the callback function in 'subscribe' is called everytime an event is published in that channel.
    session.subscribe('acme/channel', function (uri, payload) {
        console.log('Received message', payload.msg);

    session.publish('acme/channel', 'This is a message!');

Before being able to subscribe/publish/unsubscribe, you need to set up a Topic Handler.

For more information on using the WAMP Session objects, please refer to the official Autobahn|JS documentation