This code was implemented following the book Ray Tracing in One Weekend. I would definitely recomend to anyone interested.
[+] simple multi-threaded
[-] multi-threaded hit detection
cargo run --release > img.jpg 371.14s user 1.86s system 297% cpu 2:05.52 total
[+] simple multi-threaded
[+] multi-threaded hit detection
cargo run --release > img.jpg 1343.27s user 6.97s system 350% cpu 6:25.50 total
[+] multi-threaded
[-] multi-threaded hit detection
cargo run --release > img.jpg 381.35s user 22.14s system 242% cpu 2:46.15 total
[+] multi-threaded
[+] optimizations
[-] multi-threaded hit detection
cargo run --release > img.jpg 370.62s user 1.69s system 348% cpu 1:46.87 total