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GTfatahTH edited this page Feb 16, 2021 · 7 revisions

Hello world, hola mondo, boujour le monde and مرحبا بالعالم .

With RM.injectI18N, app internationalization has never been easier.

Table of Contents

Create translation classes

You start by creating the translation class.

Example: For English US:

//My naming convention is: EnUS = (En: language code, US: country code)
class EnUS{
    final helloWorld = 'Hello world';
    //You can use method for plurals
    String countTimes(int count){
        if (count<=1){
            return '$count time';
        return '$count times';

    //Can have formJson method if the translation is load asynchronously
    EnUs fromJson(String json){

For Arabic

//Implements EnUS for type consistency.
//We can use an abstract class as type.
class ArDZ implements EnUS { 
    final helloWorld = 'مرحبا بالعالم';
    //You can use method for plurals
    String countTimes(int count){
        if (count<=1){
            return '$count مرة';
        return '$count مرات';


  static InjectedI18N<I18N> i18n = RM.injectI18N<I18N>(
    Map<Locale, FutureOr<I18N> Function()> selectionMap, {
    String? persistKey,
    //Similar to other injected
    SnapState<T> Function(MiddleSnapSate<I18N> ) middleSnapState,
    void Function(I18N s)? onInitialized,
    void Function(I18N s)? onDisposed,
    On<void>? onSetState,
    DependsOn<I18N>? dependsOn,
    int undoStackLength = 0,
    bool isLazy = true,
    String? debugPrintWhenNotifiedPreMessage,


It is a map between Locales and function that returns the corresponding translation Objects.

The function return is FutureOr of the translation object type. This means that we can return Futures.


final i18n = RM.injectI18N<EnUS>(
        Locale('en', 'US'): ()=> EnUS();
        Locale('es', 'Es'): () async {
            String json = await rootBundle.loadString('lang/es_es.json');
            return EsES.fromJson(json);

Notice here that translation can be obtained synchronously or asynchronously. Both ways are accepted. Even if you mix them, states_rebuilder will handle them appropriately.


It is the key to be used to locally store the state of the app's locale. If defined the app will store the chosen locale and retrieve it on app start.

You have to first implement the IPersistStore or use the library states_rebuilder_storage.

Listen to i18n (TopAppWidget)

To make the state of the InjectedI18N available to the widget tree, we use the TopAppWidget.

import 'package:flutter_localizations/flutter_localizations.dart';

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  // This widget is the root of your application.
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return TopAppWidget(
      //Provide and listen to i18n state
      injectedI18N: i18n,
      //If the translation is obtained asynchronously, we must define
      //the onWaiting widget.
      onWaiting: () => MaterialApp(
        home: Scaffold(
          body: Center(
            child: CircularProgressIndicator(),
      builder: (context) {
        return MaterialApp(
          //Defining locale and localeResolutionCallback is more than enough for the app to get 
          //the right locale.
          locale: i18n.locale,
          localeResolutionCallback: i18n.localeResolutionCallback,

          //For more elaborate locale resolution algorithm use supportedLocales and 
          // supportedLocales: i18n.supportedLocales,
          // localeListResolutionCallback: (List<Locale>? locales, Iterable<Locale> supportedLocales){
          //   //your algorithm
          //   } ,
          localizationsDelegates: [
          home: const HomePage(),//Notice const here

The onWaiting parameter of TopAppWidget is optional and should be defined if the translation is fetched from an async source. If you forget to define onWaiting and some of your translations are async and an exception will be thrown.

Consume the translation

In the widget tree, we use the i18n.of(context) to obtain the translations.


The of method depends on an inherited widget, so even if your widget is declared const, it will rebuild when the app locale changes.

You can directly use i18n.state.helloWorld and it will work provided you do not use const widgets that prevent the parent from rebuilding them.

Change locale

To change locale use set the locale of the i18n state

i18n.locale = Locale('en');
i18n.locale = SystemLocale();

states_rebuilder search of an exact match for the locale, if don't find any, it searches for a locale with the same languageCode. If that fails, then the first element in selectionMap is used.

SystemLocale is a class from states_rebuilder library. It extends the Locale class. It is used to represent the system locale.


    onSelected: (locale) {
        //set the locale, the app will use the corresponding translation
        i18n.locale = locale;
    itemBuilder: (context) {
        return [
        //First item is for the system locale
            value: SystemLocale(),
            child: Text('Use system language'),
        //Map throw all the supported locales
            (e) => PopupMenuItem(
                value: locale,
                child: Text('$locale'),

Device system locale

If the app is set to use the system locale, then it will look for the device system locale. and search if it finds an exact correspondence in the selectionMap. If it does not find one, it looks for a locale with the same language code, and lastly, if it fails it takes the first locale in the selectionMap.

When the device app locale changes, states_rebuilder observe it and change to the corresponding locale.

supported locales

Use the getter supportedLocales to get the support locales.