This Documentation aims to document all Use Cases for User Access Module
Direct Endpoint Call
1.1.1 Create Client Session1.2
1.2.1 Create Collaborator Session1.3
1.3.1 Create Administrator
1.3.2 Update Administrator
1.3.3 Delete Administrator1.4
1.4.1 Get Permissions -
Messaging Calls
2.1.1 Authenticate Client
2.1.2 Authenticate Collaborator For Sector2.2
2.2.1 Create Client2.3
2.3.1 Get Administrators Ids2.4
2.4.1 Get Collaborator Is Admin
2.4.2 Get Collaborator Is Deleted
2.4.3 Get Collaborators Ids From Sector
2.4.4 Get Deleted Collaborator Ids
This are the use cases that is received via direct endpoint call (HTTP/HTTPS - JSON)
This use case has the objective to Receive a Client Email
and Password
process data, validate and if valid return a Client Session Token
that is used to authenticate the Client Again
Ideia of Request Payload - JSON
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "my-secret-password"
Ideia of Response Payload - JSON with Comments
"token": "JWT Token"//It Is a Encoded JWT Token
- Create Client Session Integration Event
This use case has the objective to receive a collaborator E-mail
and Password
process data, validate and if valid return a Collaborator Session Token
, that is used to authenticate the collaborator again
Ideia of Request Payload - JSON
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "my-secret-password"
Ideia of Response Payload - JSON with Comments
"token": "JWT Token"// It Is a Encoded JWT Token
- Create Collaborator Session Integration Event
This use case has the objective to create a administrator if none exists or if other administrator is the one making the request.
TODO: Request and Response
This use case has the objective to receive a administrator token and info about the data to update, it must update the administrator with the new Data and return the resource with the path to list administrators
TODO: Request and Response
This use case has the objective to receive a administrator Token and if valid it must delete the administrator from the database
TODO: Request and Response
This use has the objective to return all Administrators in a Paginated List
TODO: Request and Response
This use case has the objective to receive a token and it must return all the permissions the respective user has
TODO: Request and Response
This use case has the objective to receive the client Token and return a validation result representing if a user is authenticated or not
TODO: Create Request and Response
This use case has the objective to receive a collaborator Token and the sector to validate auth.
it must return a Authentication Result representing if the user is authenticated or not
TODO: Create Payload
This use case has the objective to receive about a recently created client and must create the client into the Database(of the User Access Module)
This use case has the objective to return all ids from the Administrators of the system stored in the Database
TODO: Create Request and Response
This use case has the objective to receive a collaborator Id and return a Evaluation Result that Wrap a boolean value representing if the Collaborator is or not a Admin
TODO: Create Request and Response
This use case has the objective to receive a collaborator Id and return a Evaluation Result that wraps a boolean value that represents if the collaborator is Deleted or not
TODO: Request and Response
This use case has the objective to receive a Sector and it must return a Evaluation Result containing a HashSet with all Collaborators Ids from the Sector received as a Parameter
TODO: Request and Response
This use case has the objective to return a Evaluation Result containing a HashSet with all Collaborators Ids that are Deleted
TODO: Request and Response