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🌈 pywal.nix

Extremely straightforward evaluation-time Pywal integration for Home Manager

pywal.nix is focused on providing the simplest way of integrating custom Pywal colour schemes into any Home Manager configuration at evaluation-time.

I needed a pure (not --impure) Nix solution. I made a pure Nix solution. It works well.


Standalone Home-Manager

{ pkgs, ... }:
  imports = [
    (import (
      pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
        owner = "Fuwn";
        repo = "pywal.nix";
        rev = "...";  # Use the current commit revision hash
        hash = "..."; # Use the current commit sha256 hash

You can use projects like nurl and nix-prefetch to simplify the usage of fetchFromGitHub.

Flakes & Home-Manager

Add pywal.nix to your flake inputs.

  inputs.pywal-nix = {
    url = "github:Fuwn/pywal.nix";
    inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs"; # Recommended

After adding pywal.nix to your flake inputs, consume it as a Home Manager module.

# ...

inputs.home-manager.lib.homeManagerConfiguration {
  modules = [

# ...

Configuration & Usage

Configure and access pywal.nix in your Home Manager configuration through the pywal-nix attribute.

{ pkgs, config, ... }:
  # Configuration
  pywal-nix = {
    wallpaper = /path/to/wallpaper.png; # Required
    light = false;                      # Defaults to false
    backend = "wal";                    # One of "colorthief", "colorz",
                                        # "fast_colorthief", "haishoku",
                                        # "schemer2", "wal"; Default to "wal"
    enableKittyIntegration = true;      # Defaults to true

  # Example usage to print out few colours
  home.packages = [
    (pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "colour-scheme-sample" ''
      echo '${config.pywal-nix.colourScheme.wallpaper}'
      echo '${config.pywal-nix.colourScheme.special.background}'
      echo '${config.pywal-nix.colourScheme.colours.colour9}'

Colour Scheme

pywal.nix's generated colour scheme is accessible through either the colourScheme or colorScheme set. Likewise, colours are accessible through either the colours or colors sets.

The colour scheme interface generated by pywal.nix comes in the following shape:

  wallpaper: string

  special: {
    background: string
    foreground: string
    cursor: string

  colours: { // or colors
    colour0: string // or color0
    // colour1 ... colour14 or color1 ... color15
    colour15: string // or color15


This project includes multiple files from dylanaraps/pywal, a project which is licensed under the MIT License.


This project is licensed with the GNU General Public License v3.0.