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Releases: FredKSchott/snowpack


14 Jan 06:25
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  • update docs
  • Fixed 'missing package.json' error message #143 (@AyoAlfonso)
  • Updated deprecated rollup imports



11 Jan 22:48
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Patch fixes:

  • Fix support for dat.gui package
  • add support for --include scanning bare module specifiers #138
  • Update deps
  • Update docs (with new Guides!)
  • New examples

V1 RELEASE! @pika/web is now Snowpack

07 Jan 04:24
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Major Change: Rename!

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Major Change: Tree-shaking!


A HUGE thanks to @DangoDev for this feature. When Snowpack is run with the --optimize flag it is able to analyze your application source code to detect exactly which dependency exports are used in your application. Anything unused is removed from the optimized dependency installation.

Major Change: --include (Automatic import detection)

Another great contribution from @DangoDev. Tree-shaking wouldn't have been possible without the ability to detect your application imports automatically. Even without the tree-shaking component, being able to automatically detect which dependencies are needed gets rid of a ton of configuration in old versions.

Major Change: A new docs site!

Screen Shot 2020-01-06 at 8 17 40 PM

Minor Changes

  • Added UC Browser to default "browserlist" ignore string. UC Browser doesn't support ESM (yet) so this may result in a better-optimized default env target for --optimize.

I'll be promoting this more tomorrow (on Twitter, etc) and cleaning up the docs site tonight, but I wanted to get the actual release out there asap for anyone who wanted to try it out. Thanks for all your hard work everyone!


09 Sep 19:46
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v0.6.0 was accidentally broken on publish, v0.6.1 is the next release after v0.5.3

New Features

  • (Experimental) Non-JS static asset support! This support actually went out with v0.5.2, but with v0.6.0 we'll start to talk about it more. Please leave feedback on both config and developer experience!
  • Monorepo support! Use @pika/web in a monorepo where dependencies may live a level or two above the current working directory.
  • Babel as a production optimize step: In v0.5.0 we introduced running your deps through Babel. In v0.6.0 we've scaled that back to only run with the --optimize flag or the new explicit --babel flag. We recommend using pika install normally, and then running pika install --optimize before pushing to production.



20 Aug 16:08
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Small Fixes

  • Make sure that we're filtering directories out of glob patterns 0561f7a
  • Skip sourcemap generation if optimize is set to false 9adf3f0



20 Aug 15:45
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Big shoutout to @calebdwilliams for landing our two new features in this release: Glob support & experimental non-JS static asset support!

Breaking Changes

  • None

Notable Changes

  • Add Glob Support #87
  • Add Static Asset Support (experimental) #85
  • Update babel-plugin.js to support remote URLs 05dded4
  • When using CJS, use index.js when the main field is falsy. #75



05 Aug 06:33
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  • Small fix to incorrect browserlist default 1d9ffab
  • Babel Plugin: Add missing docs for the dir option 0edfdd4 fa374ab



05 Aug 06:33
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Breaking Changes


Big New Features & Changes

New Interface! pika install

  • A new pika @pika/cli is included with every @pika/pack install.
  • You can still call this package directly as before via npx @pika/web or pika-web (if already installed)

Import map support!

Dependency transpilation support!

From the README:

@pika/web installs ES Module (ESM) dependencies from npm, which run wherever ESM syntax is supported. This includes 86%+ of all browsers in use today: All modern browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Safari) going back at least a year, but notably not IE11 or UC Browser for Android.

Additionally, @pika/web runs all dependencies through Babel via @preset/env to transpile any language features not yet supported in most modern browsers. This is important since many recommend that you publish modern ES2019 JavaScript to npm, which not all browsers support. You can customize how dependencies are transpiled by setting your own "browserslist" key in your package.json manifest:

  /* package.json - Recommended target for ESM-supporting browsers (@pika/web default) */
  "browserslist": ">0.75%, not ie 11, not op_mini all"

Common.js support!

Common.js web modules are now supported, via Rollup's CJS plugin. Common.js dependencies that are included in the "webDependencies" whitelist are now converted to ESM during the web_modules/ directory install. Common.js packages are still skipped by default if no whitelist is provided.

See #62 for more info.

Other Changes



25 Jul 22:40
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  • Small fix to incorrect repository URL 7ea605a



24 Mar 22:34
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Patches & Fixes:

  • Fix an issue where any non-ESM package could fail your entire installation.
  • Made output more clear about which dependencies were converted and which were not.

NEW: When used with an install whitelist:

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NEW: When used without an install whitelist:

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