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0. LEDDriver_NXP_Arduino

LED driver device operation sample code for Arduino

Note This library works with I2C_device library together. Please be sure the I2C_device library is imported in your environment before trying to build.

Default setting of LED brightness may be too strong!
Basic sample code have setting of mamximum current output. It may be too bright for normal use.
If you want to turn down the output, adjust first parameter of ledd.begin(1.0, PCA9955B::ARDUINO_SHIELD); method call.
The first 1.0 means the ratio of all output current. The 1.0 is for 100% (maximum output). So it could be 0.1 or so for softer brightness.

// Changing output current setting
void setup() {
  //ledd.begin( 1.0, PCA9955B::ARDUINO_SHIELD ); // <-- This was original 
  ledd.begin( 0.1, PCA9955B::ARDUINO_SHIELD );   // <-- Current setting is changed to 0.1 (means 10% of max)

PCA9955BTW-ARD (left), PCA9957HN-ARD (right) and OM13321 LED driver evaluation boards

0.1 What is this?

An Arduino library for I²C LED drivers with sample code.
APIs to control PWM ratio on each output channel.
Include device name header file (PCA9955B.h, PCA9956B.h, and/or PCA9957.h) to use those class libraries.

0.2 Supported devices

Type# Header file Features # of channels additional feature Interface Evaluation board
PCA9955B PCA9955B.h Constant current LED driver 16ch with gradation control I²C Fast-mode plus (1MHz) PCA9955BTW-ARD LED Driver Arduino® Shield Evaluation Board
PCA9956B PCA9956B.h Constant current LED driver 24ch --- I²C Fast-mode plus (1MHz) OM13321
PCA9957 PCA9957.h Constant current LED driver 24ch with gradation control SPI PCA9957HN-ARD LED Driver Arduino® Shield Evaluation Board

To put PCA9957HN-ARD Arduino-shield evaluation board, use socket-pin extenders to avoid down side connector interfare.

0.3 Code sample

With LEDDriver_NXP_Arduino library, the LEDs can be managed simple API.
For PCA9955B and PCA9956B, those operations are quite similar. When the device is changed, just overwrite class name from PCA9955B to PCA9956B.

// Very simple sample to use the 'PCA9955BTW-ARD LED Driver Arduino® Shield Evaluation Board'

#include <PCA9955B.h>

PCA9955B ledd;

void setup() {
  Serial.println("\n***** Hello, PCA9955B! *****");

  ledd.begin(1.0, PCA9955B::ARDUINO_SHIELD);

void loop() {
  ledd.pwm(0, 1.0);
  Serial.println("ON ");

  ledd.pwm(0, 0.0);

For PCA9957, it uses an SPI as serial interface. To use the SPI, need to have SPI.begin() in setup() function.

// Very simple sample to use the 'PCA9957HN-ARD LED Driver Arduino® Shield Evaluation Board'

#include <PCA9957.h>

PCA9957 ledd;

void setup() {
  Serial.println("\n***** Hello, PCA9957! *****");

  ledd.begin(1.0, PCA9957::ARDUINO_SHIELD);

void loop() {
  ledd.pwm(0, 1.0);
  Serial.println("ON ");

  ledd.pwm(0, 0.0);

1. Getting started

Use Library manager in Arduino IDE for easy install

  • Find this library: Open the Library Manager pane, Search this library (type "PCA99" in the search field then this library will be shown) and click INSTALL button.
    Find the lib

  • Click "INSTALL ALL"
    Install all

  • Install will be completed quickly
    Install completed

  • Choose a sample code and try!
    Choosing a sample code

2. What's inside?

2.1 Examples

Examples are provided as scketch files.

2.1.1 How to use?

For a quick access to those sketch, refer to last step of "Getting started" section of this page.

2.1.2 List of sample code Basic examples

Folder Sketch Target Feature
PCA9955B/ 0_simple_ch0_PCA9955B PCA9955B Simple sample for just blinking channel 0
PCA9955B/ 1_all_channels_PCA9955B PCA9955B Simple operation to blink all channels in order
PCA9955B/ 2_color_phases_PCA9955B PCA9955B Phase independent dimming on color LEDs: color mixing
PCA9955B/ 3_direct_register_access_PCA9955B PCA9955B Direct register access sample. Write/read a register in every 100 mili-second
PCA9955B/ 4_gradation_control_simple_PCA9955B PCA9955B Gradation control sample. Red and blue LEDs blinks alternately, softly
PCA9955B/ 5_gradation_control_max_groups_PCA9955B PCA9955B Gradation control sample. All LEDs operated with 4 groups of gradation control
PCA9956B/ 0_simple_ch0_PCA9956B PCA9956B Simple sample for just blinking channel 0
PCA9956B/ 1_all_channels_PCA9956B PCA9956B Simple operation to blink all channels in order
PCA9956B/ 2_color_phases_PCA9956B PCA9956B Phase independent dimming on color LEDs: color mixing
PCA9956B/ 3_direct_register_access_PCA9956B PCA9956B Direct register access sample. Write/read a register in every 100 mili-second
PCA9957/ 0_simple_ch0_PCA9957 PCA9957 Simple sample for just blinking channel 0
PCA9957/ 1_all_channels_PCA9957 PCA9957 Simple operation to blink all channels in order
PCA9957/ 2_color_phases_PCA9957 PCA9957 Phase independent dimming on color LEDs: color mixing
PCA9957/ 3_direct_register_access_PCA9957 PCA9957 Direct register access sample. Write/read a register in every 100 mili-second
PCA9957/ 4_gradation_control_simple_PCA9957 PCA9957 Gradation control sample. Red and blue LEDs blinks alternately, softly
PCA9957/ 5_gradation_control_max_groups_PCA9957 PCA9957 Gradation control sample. All LEDs operated with 6 groups of gradation control Advanced examples (showing additional features)

Folder Sketch Target Feature
concept_examples/ abstracting_LEDs PCA9955B For further easy operations for multiple LEDs
concept_examples/ buffered_mode PCA9955B Demo: how to use "buffered" mode
concept_examples/ buffered_mode_with_timer PCA9955B Demo: LED refresh rate managed by timer interrupt. This code is using MsTimer2 library
concept_examples/ Demo_dual_OM13321 PCA9956B Demo: Two PCA9956B operation demo. Using MsTimer2 library
concept_examples/ no_library_operation_sample PCA9955B Showing a sample of no-library using operation

2.2 LED driver library

PCA9955B, PCA9956B and PCA9957 class libraries are included. Those libraries can be used by just making an instance from those class.
Those libraries have common methods to get/set device information.

2.2.1 Constructors

PCA9955B, PCA9956B and PCA9957 are classes to make instances. To make those instance, one option can be specified.

// defining 3 LED driver instances ('ledd_1' is having option to set non-default I²C target address)
#include <PCA9955B.h>
#include <PCA9956B.h>
#include <PCA9957.h>
PCA9955B ledd_0;         // making instance of  PCA9955B as 'ledd_0' with default I2C addess (0xBE)
PCA9956B ledd_1( 0xB0 ); // making instance of  PCA9956B as 'ledd_1' with I2C addess (0xB0)
PCA9957  ledd_2;         // making instance of  PCA9957  as 'ledd_2'. No I2C address given because its a SPI device

With those instance declaration above, for I²C devices, the Wire instance is used as default for I²C bus access.
If user need to access other TwoWire instance like Wire1 on Arduino Due, it can be done as below.
When using non-Wire instance, don't forget to change the Wire.begin() call. For instance, if you are using Wire1 it need to be Wire1.begin().

PCA9955B ledd_0( Wire1 );       // making instance of  PCA9955B as 'ledd_0' with default I2C addess (0xBE) on Wire1
PCA9956B ledd_1( Wire1, 0xB0 ); // making instance of  PCA9956B as 'ledd_1' with I2C addess (0xB0) on Wire1

2.2.2 Basic methods

begin() and pwm() are basic methods of LEDDriver.

Method Role
begin( float current = 0.1, board env = NONE ) Initializing device. 1st argument current is ratio of output current. 0.0~1.0. 2nd argument env is an option: use LEDDriver::ARDUINO_SHIELD if the target board is Arduino-shield board
pwm( uint8_t ch, float value ) Set single channel LED brightness. value must be in float: 0.0~1.0
pwm( float* values ) Set LED brightness for all channels. values must be an array of float with length of number of device output channels. Each float values in the array should be 0.0~1.0.
write_r8( uint8_t reg, uint8_t val ) Direct register write
read_r8( uint8_t reg ); Direct register read
reg_w( uint8_t reg, uint8_t *vp, int len ) Direct register sequencial write
reg_r( uint8_t reg, uint8_t *vp, int len ) Direct register sequencial read begin()

begin() mathod can take two parameters: current and env. These parameters are option. If those are not give, default values are applied (0.1 and NONE). As described in warning of beggining of this document, the first parameter sets current output. It can be as range of 0.0 ~ 1.0 which means 0% ~ 100%.

The second parameter is to set board setting for LED Driver Arduino® Shield Evaluation Boards. Those boards need to have specific pin setting on D8 and D9 pins. When the Shield board using constant of ARDUINO_SHIELD.

// Calling 'begin()' method with/without options
ledd_0.begin( 1.0 ); //	'ledd_0' is set to 100% current output. Target is non-Arduino-Shield board
ledd_1.begin();      //	Use default setting. Output current is 10% and target is non-Arduino-Shield board
ledd_2.begin( 0.5, PCA9955B::ARDUINO_SHIELD ); // Output is 50% and target is non-Arduino-Shield board pwm()

pwm() is a method for setting PWM output ratio.

If the pwm() is called with two parameters of ch and value, it will set the PWM ratio given as value. The value is a float, which needs to be in range of 0.0 ~ 1.0.

If the pwm() is called with a pointer to float array, it will set all PWM channels with values in the array.
The array size need to be same as the number of LED driver output channels.

// Callong 'pwm()' method with channel number and PWM ratio
ledd_0.pwm( 5, 0.5 );	//	The ledd_0's channel 5 PWM ratio is set to 50%. 
// Callong 'pwm()' method with an array of float
float v[ ledd_0.n_chanel ] = { 0.2 }; // Prepare an array of float, initialized to all 0.2. 'n_chanel' is available to get the LED driver output chanels
v[ 7 ] = 0.5;    // Set 0.5 into 7 item in the array
ledd_0.pwm( v );  // All channels are set to 20% ouptput except channel 7 (50%) Direct register access

LED driver registers can be accessed by methods of write_r8, read_r8, reg_w and reg_r.
write_r8 and read_r8 are single 8bit register write/read access methods.
write_r8 takes register index and 8 bit value. read_r8 takes register index and returns 8bit value.

reg_w and reg_r provides sequencial access of registers. For PCA9955B and PCA9956B, set auto-increment bit in register index.

2.2.3 Methods for buffer mode

Method Role
buffer_enable( bool flag ) Buffer mode enabling by giving parameter of true. Give false to disable
flush( void ) Flushing data. The buffer contents will be sent to the LED driver

The buffer mode can be used for all LEDDriver instances. The buffer mode is to save I²C/SPI bus bandwidth. Without the buffering, the MCU and LED driver interaction happens each time of pwm() method call.
To avoid waste of bandwidth, the buffer mode can be used.

After the buffer mode enabled, the pwm() method call updates PWM value in buffer memory. The brightness of LED is not changed at this moment.
After all necessary channel values update is done, flush() method can be called to update LED driver output.

// Buffer mode usage
ledd_0.buffer_enable( true );              // Buffer mode enabled for ledd_0
for ( int i; i < ledd_0.n_channel; i++) {
	ledd_0.pwm( i, 0.5 );                  // 50% setting for each channels. Settings are stored in buffer memory

ledd_0.flush();  // Update LED driver with new values

Example code is available for how the buffer mode can be used. Please refer to code in examples/concept_examples/buffered_mode

2.3 LED class

The LED is a tiny class but helps much to manage multiple LEDs.
Providing a further abstraction layer for each single LED.

An LED can be an instance, PWM setting can be done by assignment.
If it is defined in array, those LEDs can be indexed independent from LED drivers.

To see basic idea for the LED class, see examples/concept_examples/abstracting_LEDs.

// examples/concept_examples/abstracting_LEDs.ino
#include <PCA9955B.h>
#include <LED.h>

PCA9955B ledd;

LED led[] = {
  LED(&ledd, 0), LED(&ledd, 1), LED(&ledd, 2), LED(&ledd, 3),
  LED(&ledd, 4), LED(&ledd, 5), LED(&ledd, 6), LED(&ledd, 7),
  LED(&ledd, 8), LED(&ledd, 9), LED(&ledd, 10), LED(&ledd, 11),
  LED(&ledd, 12), LED(&ledd, 13), LED(&ledd, 14), LED(&ledd, 15)

void setup() {
  Serial.println("\n***** Hello, PCA9955B! *****");

  ledd.begin(0.1, PCA9955B::ARDUINO_SHIELD);

void loop() {
  led[0] = led[3] = led[6] = 1.0;
  led[1] = led[4] = led[7] = 0.0;
  led[2] = led[5] = led[8] = 0.0;

  led[0] = led[3] = led[6] = 0.0;
  led[1] = led[4] = led[7] = 1.0;
  led[2] = led[5] = led[8] = 0.0;

  led[0] = led[3] = led[6] = 0.0;
  led[1] = led[4] = led[7] = 0.0;
  led[2] = led[5] = led[8] = 1.0;

2.4 GradationControl class

The GradationControl can be used for PCA9955B and PCA9957. Those LED devices support the gradation control feature. The PCA9955B can control 4 groups of gradation control and the PCA9957 can control 6 groups.

The GradationControl class makes a group of the gradation control.
Once the instance is made, assign channels and set its blink behavior. Don't forget set PWM output for the channels before start. Because the gradation control operates the LED by current. So if the PWM output is 0%, LED will not truned ON.

#include <PCA9955B.h>
#include <GradationControl.h>

PCA9955B ledd;

void setup() {
  ledd.begin(1.0, PCA9955B::ARDUINO_SHIELD);

  GradationControl group = GradationControl(&ledd, 0); //  Gradation group 0
  group.add_channel(7);   //  Assign channel 7 to group 0
  ledd.pwm(7, 1.0);       //  Set PWM output

  group.set_gradation(1.0, 1.0);  //  Set peak current to 100% and ramp-time to 1.0 second
  group.start();                  //  Start group 0

void loop() {
  //  do nothing from MCU

3. Document

For details of the library, please find descriptions in this document.

4. References

LED Drivers

4.1 Related libraries

Library Feature Target devices Required library
GPIO_NXP_Arduino GPIO libraries PCAL6408A, PCAL6416A, PCAL6524, PCAL6534, PCA9555, PCA9554 I2C_device_Arduino
LCDDriver_NXP_Arduino LCD driver libraries PCA8561 I2C_device_Arduino
LEDDriver_NXP_Arduino LED driver libraries PCA9955B, PCA9956B, PCA9957 I2C_device_Arduino
MUX_SW_NXP_Arduino I²C mux/switch libraries PCA9846 I2C_device_Arduino
RTC_NXP_Arduino RTC libraries PCF2131, PCF85063A I2C_device_Arduino
TempSensor_NXP_Arduino Temperature sensor libraries LM75B, PCT2075, P3T1085 I2C_device_Arduino
I2C_device_Arduino Base library for I²C operations none (can be applied as base class for all I²C targets) ---