From f63cfcc71c2f3490444207c17e1912e06f0f885d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: FakeFizty <> Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2023 14:49:51 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Add files via upload --- GemMiner2.bat | 2460 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2460 insertions(+) create mode 100644 GemMiner2.bat diff --git a/GemMiner2.bat b/GemMiner2.bat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3b0c6a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/GemMiner2.bat @@ -0,0 +1,2460 @@ +::=====================================================================================================================================:: +:: Created by FakeFizty Studios (C) :: +:: Read the "copyright.txt" file for more info. (Do not distribute) :: +:: (Use "Visual Studio Code" or anything other than "Notepad" to view better this file) :: +:: Languages used: 100% Batch :: +:: :: +:: !!!! WARNING !!!! :: +:: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :: +:: :: +:: (!) DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING - EDITING ANYTHING IN HERE MAY CAUSE MISS BEHAVIOR AND CAUSE PROBLEMS :: +:: TO YOUR COMPUTER (!) :: +:: (!) IF ANYONE TOLD YOU TO COPY AND PASTE CODE IN HERE OR DOWNLOAD ADDITIONAL FILES, THEY ARE MOST LIKELY TRYING TO SCAM YOU! (!) :: +:: :: +:: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :: +:: :: +:: Made by FakeFizty also known as "Fisterkoo" :: +:: Development of Gem Miner 2 started 10.3.2023 at 10:56:00 / 10:56 AM :: +::=====================================================================================================================================:: + +:Launcher +@CHCP 65001 >NUL +@PROMPT CONSOLE^> +@TITLE Gem Miner 2 v0.9.8 +@ECHO OFF +setlocal enabledelayedexpansion +:setup +set localfiles=%appdata%\GemMiner2 +if exist "%cd%\updater.bat" (del /Q "%cd%\updater.bat") +if exist "%SystemDrive%\Gem Miner 2" (move /Y "%SystemDrive%\Gem Miner 2" "%appdata%\GemMiner2") +if not exist "!localfiles!" (md "!localfiles!") +if not exist "!SystemDrive!\GemMiner2" (md "!SystemDrive!\GemMiner2") +if not exist "!localfiles!\settings" (md "!localfiles!\settings") +if not exist "!localfiles!\accounts" (md "!localfiles!\accounts") +if not exist "!localfiles!\mods" (md "!localfiles!\mods") +if not exist "!localfiles!\data" (md "!localfiles!\data") +( +echo set gamelocation=%cd%\%~n0.bat +)>"!localfiles!\settings\gamelocation.bat" +call "!localfiles!\settings\gamelocation.bat" +if exist "!localfiles!\data\DeveloperMode.txt" (goto :maximize) +:copyright_warning +if exist "!localfiles!\settings\copyrightread.txt" (goto :checkupdate) +if exist "%cd%\copyright.txt" ( + START "" /WAIT "%cd%\copyright.txt" + ( + echo Copyright Read + )>"!localfiles!\settings\copyrightread.txt" +) +goto :checkupdate + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:checkupdate +if exist "!localfiles!\data\Restart.bat" ( + goto :maximize +) +if exist "!localfiles!\data\updatefinished.bat" ( + goto :maximize +) +echo Checking internet connection +timeout /t 1 >nul +ping -n 1 -w 1000 >nul +if %errorlevel% equ 1 (goto :maximize) +( +echo @echo off +echo del /Q "%cd%\GemMiner2.bat" +echo del /Q "%cd%\FakeFiztyStudios.bat" +echo del /Q "%cd%\copyright.txt" +echo del /Q "%cd%\license.txt" +echo cls +echo echo Downloading latest Gem Miner Update... +echo echo Dont disconnect from your network^^! +echo powershell -Command "Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile %SystemDrive%\GemMiner2\GemMiner2.bat" +echo powershell -Command "Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile %SystemDrive%\GemMiner2\FakeFiztyStudios.bat" +echo powershell -Command "Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile %SystemDrive%\GemMiner2\copyright.txt" +echo powershell -Command "Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile %SystemDrive%\GemMiner2\license.txt" +echo move /Y "%SystemDrive%\GemMiner2\GemMiner2.bat" "%cd%\GemMiner2.bat" +echo move /Y "%SystemDrive%\GemMiner2\FakeFiztyStudios.bat" "%cd%\FakeFiztyStudios.bat" +echo move /Y "%SystemDrive%\GemMiner2\copyright.txt" "%cd%\copyright.txt" +echo move /Y "%SystemDrive%\GemMiner2\license.txt" "%cd%\license.txt" +echo cls +echo timeout /t 2 /NOBREAK ^>nul +echo start "" "%cd%\GemMiner2.bat" +echo echo Update Finished ^>"!localfiles!\data\updatefinished.bat" +echo exit +)>"%cd%\updater.bat" +cls +echo Checking for Updates... +timeout /t 2 >nul +if not exist "%cd%\updater.bat" (goto :maximize) +start "" "%cd%\updater.bat" +exit + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:maximize +if exist "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp\maximizewindow.bat" (goto :maximizefinal) +( +echo @echo off +echo timout /t 2 /nobreak >nul +echo START "" /MAX "%gamelocation%" +echo exit +)>"%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp\maximizewindow.bat" +START "" /MIN "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp\maximizewindow.bat" +exit + +:maximizefinal +cls +del /Q "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp\maximizewindow.bat" +goto :windowsversion + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + + +:: FOR VIEWERS: This is the part that searches through your version of Windows. If your version if Windows 7 it will +:: kick you automatically due to it not being able to recognize colors using ANSI. +:windowsversion +if exist "!localfiles!\data\Restart.bat" (del /Q "!localfiles!\data\Restart.bat") +if exist "!localfiles!\data\updatefinished.bat" (del /Q "!localfiles!\data\updatefinished.bat") +if exist "!localfiles!\settings\windowsversioncheck.bat" (goto :variables) +cls +echo Recieving your version of Windows... +echo. +systeminfo | findstr /B /C:"OS Name" > "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp\windowsversion.txt" +set /p windowsversion= < "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp\windowsversion.txt" +del /Q "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp\windowsversion.txt" +set windowsversion=!windowsversion:~27,19! +if "%windowsversion%" equ "Microsoft Windows 7" ( + call :error_cannotrunprogram + exit +) +goto :variables + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:variables +::Variables +cls +echo Setting up default Variables +set gameversion=0.9.8 +set currentgameversion=0.9.8 +set startingday=!DATE:~3! = !TIME:~0,-3! +set /a profit=0 +set /a basictotalprofit=0 +set /a silvertotalprofit=0 +set /a irontotalprofit=0 +set /a goldtotalprofit=0 +set /a diamondtotalprofit=0 +set /a emeraldtotalprofit=0 +set /a darkmattertotalprofit=0 +set /a Rebirth=0 +set /a RebirthBoost=1 +set /a Sacrifice=0 +set /a SacrificeBoost=1 +set /a minertotalprofit=0 +set /a Networth=10 +set /a Gems=10 +set /a Miners=0 +set /a BasicMinerAmmount=0 +set /a BasicMinerProfit=1 +set /a BasicMinerPrice=10 +set /a BasicMinerPriceAdder=15 +set /a SilverMinerAmmount=0 +set /a SilverMinerProfit=5 +set /a SilverMinerPrice=100 +set /a SilverMinerPriceAdder=150 +set /a IronMinerAmmount=0 +set /a IronMinerProfit=10 +set /a IronMinerPrice=5000 +set /a IronMinerPriceAdder=7500 +set /a GoldMinerAmmount=0 +set /a GoldMinerProfit=50 +set /a GoldMinerPrice=10000 +set /a GoldMinerPriceAdder=15000 +set /a DiamondMinerAmmount=0 +set /a DiamondMinerProfit=100 +set /a DiamondMinerPrice=50000 +set /a DiamondMinerPriceAdder=75000 +set /a EmeraldMinerAmmount=0 +set /a EmeraldMinerProfit=500 +set /a EmeraldMinerPrice=100000 +set /a EmeraldMinerPriceAdder=150000 +set /a DarkMatterMinerAmmount=0 +set /a DarkMatterMinerProfit=1000 +set /a DarkMatterMinerPrice=500000 +set /a DarkMatterMinerPriceAdder=750000 +set /a TrophyAmmount=0 +set /a TrophyPrice=1000000000 +set /a PlaySeconds=0 +set /a PlayMinutes=0 +set /a PlayHours=0 +set /a Rebirth=0 +set /a RebirthBoost=1 +set /a Sacrifice=0 +set /a SacrificeBoost=1 +set RebirthRoomKey=Not Owned +set SacrificeRoomKey=Not Owned +::Colors Modules +cls +echo Setting up color Modules +set color=[ +set color_reset=%color%0m +::Colors +cls +echo Setting up colors +set color_gems=%color%38;2;209;69;255m +set color_green=%color%38;2;72;255;0m +set color_red=%color%38;2;255;35;35m +set color_aqua=%color%38;2;13;182;255m +set color_blue=%color%38;2;0;76;255m +set color_dark_gray=%color%38;2;100;100;100m +set color_gray=%color%38;2;125;125;125m +set color_light_gray=%color%38;2;150;150;150m +set color_yellow=%color%38;2;229;232;81m +set color_dark_green=%color%38;2;0;201;71m +set color_default=%color%38;2;200;200;200m +set color_orange=%color%38;2;252;186;3m +::Logo Colors +set color_logo=%color%38;2;0;227;57m +::Miner Colors +set color_basicminer=%color%38;2;255;255;255m +set color_silverminer=%color%38;2;175;175;175m +set color_ironminer=%color%38;2;125;125;125m +set color_goldminer=%color%38;2;255;215;0m +set color_diamondminer=%color%38;2;63;208;224m +set color_emeraldminer=%color%38;2;0;201;71m +set color_darkmatterminer=%color%38;2;118;64;255m +::Colors Disabled +if not exist "!localfiles!\settings\colorsdisabled.bat" (goto :FakeFiztyStudios) else (goto :colorsdisabled) + +:colorsdisabled +::Colors +set color_gems=%color%38;2;200;200;200m +set color_green=%color%38;2;200;200;200m +set color_red=%color%38;2;200;200;200m +set color_aqua=%color%38;2;200;200;200m +set color_blue=%color%38;2;200;200;200m +set color_dark_gray=%color%38;2;200;200;200m +set color_gray=%color%38;2;200;200;200m +set color_light_gray=%color%38;2;200;200;200m +set color_yellow=%color%38;2;200;200;200m +set color_dark_green=%color%38;2;200;200;200m +set color_default=%color%38;2;200;200;200m +set color_orange=%color%38;2;200;200;200m +::Logo Colors +set color_logo=%color%38;2;200;200;200m +::Miner Colors +set color_basicminer=%color%38;2;200;200;200m +set color_silverminer=%color%38;2;200;200;200m +set color_ironminer=%color%38;2;200;200;200m +set color_goldminer=%color%38;2;200;200;200m +set color_diamondminer=%color%38;2;200;200;200m +set color_emeraldminer=%color%38;2;200;200;200m +set color_darkmatterminer=%color%38;2;200;200;200m +goto :FakeFiztyStudios + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:: ========================================== F A K E F I Z T Y S T U D I O S ========================================= + +:FakeFiztyStudios +cls +if exist "!localfiles!\data\FakeFiztyStudios.bat" if exist "%cd%\FakeFiztyStudios.bat" ( + del /Q "!localfiles!\data\FakeFiztyStudios.bat" + move /Y "%cd%\FakeFiztyStudios.bat" "!localfiles!\data\FakeFiztyStudios.bat" +) +if exist "%cd%\FakeFiztyStudios.bat" ( + move /Y "%cd%\FakeFiztyStudios.bat" "!localfiles!\data\FakeFiztyStudios.bat" +) +if exist "!localfiles!\data\FakeFiztyStudios.bat" (call "!localfiles!\data\FakeFiztyStudios.bat") +goto :warning + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:: ============================================ W A R N I N G S ============================================= + +:warning +if exist "!localfiles!\settings\warningscreen.bat" (goto :errorcheck) +cls +echo %color_red%╔═══════════╣ W A R N I N G ╠═══════════╗%color_reset% +echo. +echo Do NOT click any letters that aren't keybinds^^! +echo Doing that will do %color_red%LOUD *BEEP*%color_reset% sound^^!^^! +echo. +echo Lower the volume for your safety^^! +echo. +echo %color_red%╚═══════════════════════════════════════════╝%color_reset% +pause +:changekeyboard +cls +echo %color_aqua%╔══════════╣ K E Y B O A R D ╠══════════╗%color_reset% +echo. +echo If you %color_aqua%Don't%color_reset% use English keyboard, please switch +echo to English keyboard in your PC Settings^^! +echo Most non-english keyboards %color_aqua%REQUIRE HOLDING SHIFT%color_reset% +echo in order to type numbers. English keyboards %color_aqua%Allow%color_reset% +echo you to type numbers without holding SHIFT^^! +echo. +echo (Or just use %color_aqua%Numpad%color_reset% if you have one) +echo. +echo %color_aqua%╚═══════════════════════════════════════════╝%color_reset% +pause +:warning2 +cls +echo %color_red%╔═══════════╣ W A R N I N G ╠═══════════╗%color_reset% +echo. +echo When Buying MAX miners with %color_red%MASSIVE Ammount of Gems%color_reset%, +echo its Possible for the game to %color_red%break^^!%color_reset% There is no fix for +echo this so i suggest using the "Buy All" feature^^! +echo. +echo If the game broke, simply %color_red%restart it.%color_reset% +echo It %color_red%will be fixed%color_reset% after restart^^! +echo. +echo If you find %color_red%any bugs,%color_reset% let me know on my %color_red%GitHub page^^!%color_reset% +echo Link in game settings +echo. +echo %color_red%╚═══════════════════════════════════════════╝%color_reset% +pause +goto :errorcheck + +:errorcheck +if exist "!localfiles!\settings\autologin.bat" ( + call "!localfiles!\settings\autologin.bat" + if not exist "!localfiles!\accounts\!loguse!\!loguse!-account-save.bat" (del /Q "!localfiles!\settings\autologin.bat") +) +goto :account + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:: ============================================== A C C O U N T =============================================== + +:account +if exist "!localfiles!\settings\autologin.bat" ( + call "!localfiles!\settings\autologin.bat" + goto :gamecheck +) +cls +echo %color_dark_green%Welcome to Gem Miner 2^^! (v0.9.8) Please log in^^!%color_reset% +echo %color_dark_green%[1]^>%color_reset% Login +echo %color_dark_green%[2]^>%color_reset% Register +echo %color_dark_green%[3]^>%color_reset% Exit +set /p input=" >> " +if !input! equ 1 (goto :login) +if !input! equ 2 (goto :register) +if !input! equ 3 (exit) +goto :account + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:login +:loginusername +cls +set /p loguse="Enter your Username%color_dark_green% >> %color_reset%" +if not exist "!localfiles!\accounts\!loguse!\!loguse!-account-info.bat" ( + call :error_thisaccountdoesntexist + goto :account +) +:loginpassword +cls +call "!localfiles!\accounts\!loguse!\!loguse!-account-info.bat" +echo Enter your Username%color_dark_green% ^>^> %color_reset%!reguse! +set /p logpas="Enter your Password%color_dark_green% >> %color_reset%" +if not !logpas! equ !regpas! ( + call :error_incorrectpassword + goto :account +) +goto :gamecheck + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:register +cls +echo Do %color_red%NOT%color_reset% use any special characters in either Username Or Password. +echo Your savefile %color_red%will%color_reset% be corrupted or you even %color_red%wont be able to log in^^!%color_reset% +echo. +echo Allowed special characters: %color_green%_ - #%color_reset% +echo. +echo. +echo Press any key to confirm... +pause >nul +:registerusername +set /a num=0 +cls +set /p reguse="Enter your new Username%color_dark_green% >> %color_reset%" +if exist "!localfiles!\accounts\!reguse!\!reguse!-account-info.bat" ( + call :error_thisaccountalreadyexists + goto :account +) +if "!reguse!" equ "" ( + call :error_usernamemustcontaincharacters + goto :account +) +set reguse=!reguse:^^!=_! +set reguse=!reguse:%%=_! +set reguse=!reguse:^&=_! +set reguse=!reguse:"=_! +set reguse=!reguse:^<=_! +set reguse=!reguse:^>=_! +set reguse=!reguse:^|=_! +set reguse=!reguse:?=_! +set reguse=!reguse:^(=_! +set reguse=!reguse:^)=_! +set reguse=!reguse:^,=_! +:registerusernameloop +set temporaryreguse=!reguse:~%num%,1! +if "!temporaryreguse!" equ "" (goto :registerpassword) +if "!temporaryreguse!" equ " " ( + call :error_usernamecannotcontainspaces + goto :account +) +set /a num=!num! + 1 +goto :registerusernameloop + +:registerpassword +set /a num=0 +cls +echo Enter your new Username%color_dark_green% ^>^> %color_reset%!reguse! +set /p regpas="Enter your new Password%color_dark_green% >> %color_reset%" +if "!regpas!" equ "" ( + call :error_passwordmustcontaincharacters + goto :account +) +set regpas=!regpas:^^!=_! +set regpas=!regpas:%%=_! +set regpas=!regpas:^&=_! +set regpas=!regpas:"=_! +set regpas=!regpas:^<=_! +set regpas=!regpas:^>=_! +set regpas=!regpas:^|=_! +set regpas=!regpas:?=_! +set regpas=!regpas:^(=_! +set regpas=!regpas:^)=_! +set regpas=!regpas:^,=_! +:registerpasswordloop +set temporaryregpas=!regpas:~%num%,1! +if "!temporaryregpas!" equ "" (goto :registeraccount) +if "!temporaryregpas!" equ " " ( + call :error_passwordcannotcontainspaces + goto :account +) +set /a num=!num! + 1 +goto :registerpasswordloop + +:registeraccount +cls +echo Enter your new Username%color_dark_green% ^>^> %color_reset%!reguse! +echo Enter your new Password%color_dark_green% ^>^> %color_reset%!regpas! +set /p confirm="Are you sure you want to create this account? [y/n]" +if !confirm! equ N (goto :account) +if !confirm! equ n (goto :account) +if !confirm! equ Y (goto :finishregister) +if !confirm! equ y (goto :finishregister) +goto :registeraccount + +:finishregister +md "!localfiles!\accounts\!reguse!\" +( +echo set reguse=!reguse! +echo set regpas=!regpas! +)>"!localfiles!\accounts\!reguse!\!reguse!-account-info.bat" +cls +echo Account created^^! +pause +goto :account + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:: ======================================== G A M E C H E C K ========================================== + +:gamecheck +if exist "!localfiles!\accounts\!loguse!\!loguse!-account-save.bat" (call "!localfiles!\accounts\!loguse!\!loguse!-account-save.bat") else (goto :newgame) +if not !gameversion! equ !currentgameversion! (goto :update) +goto :gamemenu + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:: ================ S A V E F I L E C R E A T I O N A N D U P D A T I N G ================ + +:newgame +cls +( +echo set gameversion=0.9.8 +echo set startingday=!DATE:~3! = !TIME:~0,-3! +echo set /a Networth=10 +echo set /a Gems=10 +echo set /a Miners=0 +echo set /a BasicMinerAmmount=0 +echo set /a BasicMinerProfit=1 +echo set /a BasicMinerPrice=10 +echo set /a BasicMinerPriceAdder=15 +echo set /a SilverMinerAmmount=0 +echo set /a SilverMinerProfit=5 +echo set /a SilverMinerPrice=100 +echo set /a SilverMinerPriceAdder=150 +echo set /a IronMinerAmmount=0 +echo set /a IronMinerProfit=10 +echo set /a IronMinerPrice=5000 +echo set /a IronMinerPriceAdder=7500 +echo set /a GoldMinerAmmount=0 +echo set /a GoldMinerProfit=50 +echo set /a GoldMinerPrice=10000 +echo set /a GoldMinerPriceAdder=15000 +echo set /a DiamondMinerAmmount=0 +echo set /a DiamondMinerProfit=100 +echo set /a DiamondMinerPrice=50000 +echo set /a DiamondMinerPriceAdder=75000 +echo set /a EmeraldMinerAmmount=0 +echo set /a EmeraldMinerProfit=500 +echo set /a EmeraldMinerPrice=100000 +echo set /a EmeraldMinerPriceAdder=150000 +echo set /a DarkMatterMinerAmmount=0 +echo set /a DarkMatterMinerProfit=1000 +echo set /a DarkMatterMinerPrice=500000 +echo set /a DarkMatterMinerPriceAdder=750000 +echo set /a TrophyAmmount=0 +echo set /a TrophyPrice=1000000000 +echo set /a PlaySeconds=0 +echo set /a PlayMinutes=0 +echo set /a PlayHours=0 +echo set /a Rebirth=0 +echo set /a RebirthBoost=1 +echo set /a Sacrifice=0 +echo set /a SacrificeBoost=1 +echo set RebirthRoomKey=Not Owned +echo set SacrificeRoomKey=Not Owned +)>"!localfiles!\accounts\!loguse!\!loguse!-account-save.bat" +call "!localfiles!\accounts\!loguse!\!loguse!-account-save.bat" +goto :gamemenu + +:update +cls +( +echo set gameversion=0.9.8 +echo set startingday=!startingday! +echo set /a Networth=!Networth! +echo set /a Gems=!Gems! +echo set /a Miners=!Miners! +echo set /a BasicMinerAmmount=!BasicMinerAmmount! +echo set /a BasicMinerProfit=!BasicMinerProfit! +echo set /a BasicMinerPrice=!BasicMinerPrice! +echo set /a BasicMinerPriceAdder=!BasicMinerPriceAdder! +echo set /a SilverMinerAmmount=!SilverMinerAmmount! +echo set /a SilverMinerProfit=!SilverMinerProfit! +echo set /a SilverMinerPrice=!SilverMinerPrice! +echo set /a SilverMinerPriceAdder=!SilverMinerPriceAdder! +echo set /a IronMinerAmmount=!IronMinerAmmount! +echo set /a IronMinerProfit=!IronMinerProfit! +echo set /a IronMinerPrice=!IronMinerPrice! +echo set /a IronMinerPriceAdder=!IronMinerPriceAdder! +echo set /a GoldMinerAmmount=!GoldMinerAmmount! +echo set /a GoldMinerProfit=!GoldMinerProfit! +echo set /a GoldMinerPrice=!GoldMinerPrice! +echo set /a GoldMinerPriceAdder=!GoldMinerPriceAdder! +echo set /a DiamondMinerAmmount=!DiamondMinerAmmount! +echo set /a DiamondMinerProfit=!DiamondMinerProfit! +echo set /a DiamondMinerPrice=!DiamondMinerPrice! +echo set /a DiamondMinerPriceAdder=!DiamondMinerPriceAdder! +echo set /a EmeraldMinerAmmount=!EmeraldMinerAmmount! +echo set /a EmeraldMinerProfit=!EmeraldMinerProfit! +echo set /a EmeraldMinerPrice=!EmeraldMinerPrice! +echo set /a EmeraldMinerPriceAdder=!EmeraldMinerPriceAdder! +echo set /a DarkMatterMinerAmmount=!DarkMatterMinerAmmount! +echo set /a DarkMatterMinerProfit=!DarkMatterMinerProfit! +echo set /a DarkMatterMinerPrice=!DarkMatterMinerPrice! +echo set /a DarkMatterMinerPriceAdder=!DarkMatterMinerPriceAdder! +echo set /a TrophyAmmount=!TrophyAmmount! +echo set /a TrophyPrice=!TrophyPrice! +echo set /a PlaySeconds=!PlaySeconds! +echo set /a PlayMinutes=!PlayMinutes! +echo set /a PlayHours=!PlayHours! +echo set /a Rebirth=!Rebirth! +echo set /a RebirthBoost=!RebirthBoost! +echo set /a Sacrifice=!Sacrifice! +echo set /a SacrificeBoost=!SacrificeBoost! +echo set RebirthRoomKey=!RebirthRoomKey! +echo set SacrificeRoomKey=!SacrificeRoomKey! +)>"!localfiles!\accounts\!loguse!\!loguse!-account-save.bat" +call "!localfiles!\accounts\!loguse!\!loguse!-account-save.bat" +goto :gamemenu + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:: ==================================================== G A M E ===================================================== + +:gamemenu +call :RoundMaxMiners +call :ActiveModule +call :TimeCalculation +if !Gems! geq 2000000000 (set /a Gems=2000000000) +if !PlaySeconds! equ 0 ( + call :AutoSaveModule +) +cls +echo %color_gems%╔════════════╣ M I N I N G ╠════════════╗%color_reset% +echo. +echo %color_green%^>%color_reset% You're %color_green%Logged in%color_reset% as %color_green%[!loguse!]%color_reset%^^! +echo. +echo %color_gems%^>%color_reset% Your %color_gems%Gems%color_reset%: !Gems!%color_gems%$%color_reset% +echo. +echo. +echo ┌ Basic Gem Miners . . . . !BasicMinerStatus! +echo ├ Silver Gem Miners. . . . !SilverMinerStatus! +echo ├ Iron Gem Miners. . . . . !IronMinerStatus! +echo ├ Gold Gem Miners. . . . . !GoldMinerStatus! +echo ├ Diamond Gem Miners . . . !DiamondMinerStatus! +echo ├ Emerald Gem Miners . . . !EmeraldMinerStatus! +echo └ Dark Matter Gem Miners . !DarkMatterMinerStatus! +echo. +echo %color_gems%^>%color_reset% Total %color_gems%Profit%color_reset%: !profit!%color_gems%$%color_reset%/s +echo. +echo ┌──────────────────────────────────┐ +echo │ -Options- │ +echo │ [S] Shop │ +echo │ %color_gray%[R] Rebirth (Comming Soon)%color_reset% │ +echo │ %color_gray%[V] Sacrifice (Comming Soon)%color_reset% │ +echo │ [W] Settings │ +echo │ %color_gray%[E] Stats (Comming Soon)%color_reset% │ +echo │ %color_gray%[T] Achievements (Comming Soon)%color_reset% │ +echo │ %color_gray%[U] Updates Note (Comming Soon)%color_reset% │ +echo │ [A] Save │ +echo │ [Q] Save and Exit │ +echo └──────────────────────────────────┘ +echo. +echo %color_dark_gray%╔═ ═╗%color_reset% +echo %color_dark_gray%╠═ Gem Miner 2 v0.9.8 ═╣%color_reset% +echo %color_dark_gray%╚═ 2023 FakeFizty Studios ═╝%color_reset% +echo. +echo %color_gems%╚═══════════════════════════════════════════╝%color_reset% +CHOICE /C XSRVWETUAQ /N /T 1 /D X >nul +if %errorlevel% equ 1 ( + set /a PlaySeconds=!PlaySeconds! + 1 + set /a basictotalprofit=!BasicMinerAmmount! * !BasicMinerProfit! + set /a silvertotalprofit=!SilverMinerAmmount! * !SilverMinerProfit! + set /a irontotalprofit=!IronMinerAmmount! * !IronMinerProfit! + set /a goldtotalprofit=!GoldMinerAmmount! * !GoldMinerProfit! + set /a diamondtotalprofit=!DiamondMinerAmmount! * !DiamondMinerProfit! + set /a emeraldtotalprofit=!EmeraldMinerAmmount! * !EmeraldMinerProfit! + set /a darkmattertotalprofit=!DarkMatterMinerAmmount! * !DarkMatterMinerProfit! + set /a minertotalprofit=!basictotalprofit! + !silvertotalprofit! + !irontotalprofit! + !goldtotalprofit! + !diamondtotalprofit! + !emeraldtotalprofit! + !darkmattertotalprofit! + set /a profit=!minertotalprofit! * !RebirthBoost! * !SacrificeBoost! + set /a Gems=!Gems! + !profit! + set /a Networth=!Networth! + !profit! + goto :gamemenu +) else if %errorlevel% equ 2 ( + goto :shop +) else if %errorlevel% equ 3 ( + goto :gamemenu +) else if %errorlevel% equ 4 ( + goto :gamemenu +) else if %errorlevel% equ 5 ( + goto :settings +) else if %errorlevel% equ 6 ( + goto :gamemenu +) else if %errorlevel% equ 7 ( + goto :gamemenu +) else if %errorlevel% equ 8 ( + goto :gamemenu +) else if %errorlevel% equ 9 ( + goto :save +) else if %errorlevel% equ 10 ( + goto :saveandexit +) + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:: =================================================== S H O P ====================================================== + +:shop +cls +echo %color_aqua%╔══════════════╣ S H O P ╠══════════════╗%color_reset% +echo. +echo [1] %color_orange%Miner%color_reset% Shop +echo [2] %color_orange%Item%color_reset% Shop +echo. +echo [0] Back +set /p input=">> " +if %input% equ 1 (goto :minershop) +if %input% equ 2 (goto :itemshop) +if %input% equ 0 (goto :gamemenu) +goto :shop + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:itemshop +cls +echo %color_gems%╔══════════╣ I T E M S H O P ╠══════════╗%color_reset% +echo. +echo %color_gems%^>%color_reset% Your %color_gems%Gems%color_reset%: !Gems!%color_gems%$%color_reset% +echo. +echo %color_yellow%[1]%color_reset% Buy %color_yellow%Trophy%color_reset% - %color_gems%Price%color_reset%: !TrophyPrice!%color_gems%$%color_reset% +echo You have !TrophyAmmount! %color_yellow%Trophies%color_reset%. +echo. +echo [0] Leave the Shop... +set /p shopmenu=">> " +if !shopmenu! EQU 1 (goto :TrophyBuy) +if !shopmenu! EQU 0 (goto :gamemenu) +goto :itemshop + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:minershop +call :MinerShopMaxDisplay +cls +echo %color_gems%╔═════════╣ M I N E R S H O P ╠═════════╗%color_reset% +echo. +echo %color_gems%^>%color_reset% Your %color_gems%Gems%color_reset%: !Gems!%color_gems%$%color_reset% +echo. +echo %color_basicminer%[1]%color_reset% Buy %color_basicminer%Basic Gem Miner%color_reset% - %color_gems%Price%color_reset%: !BasicMinerPrice!%color_gems%$%color_reset% +echo You have !BasicMax! %color_basicminer%Basic Gem Miners%color_reset%. %color_gems%Earns%color_reset%: 1%color_gems%$%color_reset%/s Each! +echo. +echo %color_silverminer%[2]%color_reset% Buy %color_silverminer%Silver Gem Miner%color_reset% - %color_gems%Price%color_reset%: !SilverMinerPrice!%color_gems%$%color_reset% +echo You have !SilverMax! %color_silverminer%Silver Gem Miners%color_reset%. %color_gems%Earns%color_reset%: 5%color_gems%$%color_reset%/s Each! +echo. +echo %color_ironminer%[3]%color_reset% Buy %color_ironminer%Iron Gem Miner%color_reset% - %color_gems%Price%color_reset%: !IronMinerPrice!%color_gems%$%color_reset% +echo You have !IronMax! %color_ironminer%Iron Gem Miners%color_reset%. %color_gems%Earns%color_reset%: 10%color_gems%$%color_reset%/s Each! +echo. +echo %color_goldminer%[4]%color_reset% Buy %color_goldminer%Gold Gem Miner%color_reset% - %color_gems%Price%color_reset%: !GoldMinerPrice!%color_gems%$%color_reset% +echo You have !GoldMax! %color_goldminer%Gold Gem Miners%color_reset%. %color_gems%Earns%color_reset%: 50%color_gems%$%color_reset%/s Each! +echo. +echo %color_diamondminer%[5]%color_reset% Buy %color_diamondminer%Diamond Gem Miner%color_reset% - %color_gems%Price%color_reset%: !DiamondMinerPrice!%color_gems%$%color_reset% +echo You have !DiamondMax! %color_diamondminer%Diamond Gem Miners%color_reset%. %color_gems%Earns%color_reset%: 100%color_gems%$%color_reset%/s Each! +echo. +echo %color_emeraldminer%[6]%color_reset% Buy %color_emeraldminer%Emerald Gem Miner%color_reset% - %color_gems%Price%color_reset%: !EmeraldMinerPrice!%color_gems%$%color_reset% +echo You have !EmeraldMax! %color_emeraldminer%Emerald Gem Miners%color_reset%. %color_gems%Earns%color_reset%: 500%color_gems%$%color_reset%/s Each! +echo. +echo %color_darkmatterminer%[7]%color_reset% Buy %color_darkmatterminer%Dark Matter Gem Miner%color_reset% - %color_gems%Price%color_reset%: !DarkMatterMinerPrice!%color_gems%$%color_reset% +echo You have !DarkMatterMax! %color_darkmatterminer%Dark Matter Gem Miners%color_reset%. %color_gems%Earns%color_reset%: 1000%color_gems%$%color_reset%/s Each! +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo %color_green%[9]%color_reset% Buy %color_green%ALL%color_reset% %color_gray%(Buys All Miners Possible from the Best to Worst)%color_reset% +echo. +echo [0] Leave the Shop... +set /p shopmenu=">> " +if !shopmenu! EQU 1 (goto :BasicMinerBuyConditions) +if !shopmenu! EQU 2 (goto :SilverMinerBuyConditions) +if !shopmenu! EQU 3 (goto :IronMinerBuyConditions) +if !shopmenu! EQU 4 (goto :GoldMinerBuyConditions) +if !shopmenu! EQU 5 (goto :DiamondMinerBuyConditions) +if !shopmenu! EQU 6 (goto :EmeraldMinerBuyConditions) +if !shopmenu! EQU 7 (goto :DarkMatterMinerBuyConditions) +if !shopmenu! EQU 9 ( + if not exist "!localfiles!\settings\automax.bat" ( + call :error_requireautomax + goto :minershop + ) + goto :BuyAll +) +if !shopmenu! EQU 0 (goto :gamemenu) +goto :minershop + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:: =============================================== B U Y A L L =============================================== + +:BuyAll +set /a DarkMatterMinersBought=0 +set /a EmeraldMinersBought=0 +set /a DiamondMinersBought=0 +set /a GoldMinersBought=0 +set /a IronMinersBought=0 +set /a SilverMinersBought=0 +set /a BasicMinersBought=0 +set temporarytype=DarkMatter +call :temporarybuysetup +:BuyAll_darkmatterminerbuymax +if !DarkMatterMax! equ MAX (goto :BuyAll_maxdarkmatter) +call :BuyAll_DarkMatter +:: ============================================================================================================================ +:BuyAll_maxdarkmatter +set temporarytype=Emerald +call :temporarybuysetup +:BuyAll_emeraldminerbuymax +if !EmeraldMax! equ MAX (goto :BuyAll_maxemerald) +call :BuyAll_Emerald +:: ============================================================================================================================ +:BuyAll_maxemerald +set temporarytype=Diamond +call :temporarybuysetup +:BuyAll_diamondminerbuymax +if !DiamondMax! equ MAX (goto :BuyAll_maxdiamond) +call :BuyAll_Diamond +:: ============================================================================================================================ +:BuyAll_maxdiamond +set temporarytype=Gold +call :temporarybuysetup +:BuyAll_goldminerbuymax +if !GoldMax! equ MAX (goto :BuyAll_maxgold) +call :BuyAll_Gold +:: ============================================================================================================================ +:BuyAll_maxgold +set temporarytype=Iron +call :temporarybuysetup +:BuyAll_ironminerbuymax +if !IronMax! equ MAX (goto :BuyAll_maxiron) +call :BuyAll_Iron +:: ============================================================================================================================ +:BuyAll_maxiron +set temporarytype=Silver +call :temporarybuysetup +:BuyAll_silverminerbuymax +if !SilverMax! equ MAX (goto :BuyAll_maxsilver) +call :BuyAll_Silver +:: ============================================================================================================================ +:BuyAll_maxsilver +set temporarytype=Basic +call :temporarybuysetup +:BuyAll_basicminerbuymax +if !BasicMax! equ MAX (goto :BuyAll_maxbasic) +call :BuyAll_Basic +:: ============================================================================================================================ +:BuyAll_maxbasic +cls +echo Dark Matter Miner - %color_green%Purchased^^!%color_reset% Miners Bought: !DarkMatterMinersBought! +echo Emerald Miner - %color_green%Purchased^^!%color_reset% Miners Bought: !EmeraldMinersBought! +echo Diamond Miner - %color_green%Purchased^^!%color_reset% Miners Bought: !DiamondMinersBought! +echo Gold Miner - %color_green%Purchased^^!%color_reset% Miners Bought: !GoldMinersBought! +echo Iron Miner - %color_green%Purchased^^!%color_reset% Miners Bought: !IronMinersBought! +echo Silver Miner - %color_green%Purchased^^!%color_reset% Miners Bought: !SilverMinersBought! +echo Basic Miner - %color_green%Purchased^^!%color_reset% Miners Bought: !BasicMinersBought! +echo. +pause +goto :minershop + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:: ================================================== B A S I C =================================================== + +:BasicMinerBuyConditions +cls +if !Gems! lss !BasicMinerPrice! ( + call :error_notenoughmoney + goto :minershop +) +if !BasicMax! equ MAX ( + call :error_alreadyhavemaxminers + goto :minershop +) +goto :basicminerbuy + +:basicminerbuy +set temporarytype=Basic +call :temporarybuysetup +if exist "!localfiles!\settings\automax.bat" ( + goto :basicminerbuymax +) +cls +echo How much Basic Miners would you like to purchase? +echo. +echo Buy [1] +echo Buy [10] +echo Buy [100] +echo Buy [MAX] +set /p input=">> " +set input=!input:M=m! +set input=!input:A=a! +set input=!input:X=x! +if !input! equ 1 (goto :basicminerbuy1) +if !input! equ 10 (goto :basicminerbuy10) +if !input! equ 100 (goto :basicminerbuy100) +if !input! equ max (goto :basicminerbuymax) +goto :basicminerbuy + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:basicminerbuy1 +cls +echo Purchasing... %color_green%(Calculating)%color_reset% +set /a BasicMinerAmmount=%BasicMinerAmmount% + 1 +set /a Gems=%Gems% - %BasicMinerPrice% +set /a BasicMinerPrice=%BasicMinerPrice% + %BasicMinerPriceAdder% +cls +echo %color_green%Purchased!%color_reset% +echo. +pause +goto :minershop + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:basicminerbuy10 +cls +echo Purchasing... %color_green%(Calculating)%color_reset% +:basicminerbuy10loop +if !temporaryminerammount! equ 10 ( + goto :basicminerbuy10final +) +if !temporarygems! geq !temporaryminerprice! ( + set /a temporarygems=!temporarygems! - !temporaryminerprice! + set /a temporaryminerprice=!temporaryminerprice! + !temporaryminerpriceadder! + set /a temporaryminerammount=!temporaryminerammount! + 1 +) else ( + call :error_notenoughmoney + goto :minershop +) +goto :basicminerbuy10loop + +:basicminerbuy10final +set /a Gems=!temporarygems! +set /a BasicMinerAmmount=!BasicMinerAmmount! + !temporaryminerammount! +set /a BasicMinerPrice=!temporaryminerprice! +cls +echo %color_green%Purchased!%color_reset% +echo. +pause +goto :minershop + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:basicminerbuy100 +cls +echo Purchasing... %color_green%(Calculating)%color_reset% +:basicminerbuy100loop +if !temporaryminerammount! equ 100 ( + goto :basicminerbuy100final +) +if !temporarygems! geq !temporaryminerprice! ( + set /a temporarygems=!temporarygems! - !temporaryminerprice! + set /a temporaryminerprice=!temporaryminerprice! + !temporaryminerpriceadder! + set /a temporaryminerammount=!temporaryminerammount! + 1 +) else ( + call :error_notenoughmoney + goto :minershop +) +goto :basicminerbuy100loop + +:basicminerbuy100final +set /a Gems=!temporarygems! +set /a BasicMinerAmmount=!BasicMinerAmmount! + !temporaryminerammount! +set /a BasicMinerPrice=!temporaryminerprice! +cls +echo %color_green%Purchased!%color_reset% +echo. +pause +goto :minershop + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:basicminerbuymax +cls +echo Purchasing... %color_green%(Calculating)%color_reset% +:basicminerbuymaxloop +if !temporarygems! geq !temporaryminerprice! ( + set /a temporarygems=!temporarygems! - !temporaryminerprice! + set /a temporaryminerprice=!temporaryminerprice! + !temporaryminerpriceadder! + set /a temporaryminerammount=!temporaryminerammount! + 1 +) else ( + goto :basicminerbuymaxfinal +) +goto :basicminerbuymaxloop + +:basicminerbuymaxfinal +set /a Gems=!temporarygems! +set /a BasicMinerAmmount=!BasicMinerAmmount! + !temporaryminerammount! +set /a BasicMinerPrice=!temporaryminerprice! +cls +echo %color_green%Purchased!%color_reset% +echo. +pause +goto :minershop + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:: ============================================== S I L V E R =================================================== + +:SilverMinerBuyConditions +cls +if !Gems! lss !SilverMinerPrice! ( + call :error_notenoughmoney + goto :minershop +) +if !SilverMax! equ MAX ( + call :error_alreadyhavemaxminers + goto :minershop +) +goto :silverminerbuy + +:silverminerbuy +set temporarytype=Silver +call :temporarybuysetup +if exist "!localfiles!\settings\automax.bat" ( + goto :silverminerbuymax +) +cls +echo How much Silver Miners would you like to purchase? +echo. +echo Buy [1] +echo Buy [10] +echo Buy [100] +echo Buy [MAX] +set /p input=">> " +set input=!input:M=m! +set input=!input:A=a! +set input=!input:X=x! +if !input! equ 1 (goto :silverminerbuy1) +if !input! equ 10 (goto :silverminerbuy10) +if !input! equ 100 (goto :silverminerbuy100) +if !input! equ max (goto :silverminerbuymax) +goto :silverminerbuy + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:silverminerbuy1 +cls +echo Purchasing... %color_green%(Calculating)%color_reset% +set /a SilverMinerAmmount=%SilverMinerAmmount% + 1 +set /a Gems=%Gems% - %SilverMinerPrice% +set /a SilverMinerPrice=%SilverMinerPrice% + %SilverMinerPriceAdder% +cls +echo %color_green%Purchased!%color_reset% +echo. +pause +goto :minershop + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:silverminerbuy10 +cls +echo Purchasing... %color_green%(Calculating)%color_reset% +:silverminerbuy10loop +if !temporaryminerammount! equ 10 ( + goto :silverminerbuy10final +) +if !temporarygems! geq !temporaryminerprice! ( + set /a temporarygems=!temporarygems! - !temporaryminerprice! + set /a temporaryminerprice=!temporaryminerprice! + !temporaryminerpriceadder! + set /a temporaryminerammount=!temporaryminerammount! + 1 +) else ( + call :error_notenoughmoney + goto :minershop +) +goto :silverminerbuy10loop + +:silverminerbuy10final +set /a Gems=!temporarygems! +set /a SilverMinerAmmount=!SilverMinerAmmount! + !temporaryminerammount! +set /a SilverMinerPrice=!temporaryminerprice! +cls +echo %color_green%Purchased!%color_reset% +echo. +pause +goto :minershop + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:silverminerbuy100 +cls +echo Purchasing... %color_green%(Calculating)%color_reset% +:silverminerbuy100loop +if !temporaryminerammount! equ 100 ( + goto :silverminerbuy100final +) +if !temporarygems! geq !temporaryminerprice! ( + set /a temporarygems=!temporarygems! - !temporaryminerprice! + set /a temporaryminerprice=!temporaryminerprice! + !temporaryminerpriceadder! + set /a temporaryminerammount=!temporaryminerammount! + 1 +) else ( + call :error_notenoughmoney + goto :minershop +) +goto :silverminerbuy100loop + +:silverminerbuy100final +set /a Gems=!temporarygems! +set /a SilverMinerAmmount=!SilverMinerAmmount! + !temporaryminerammount! +set /a SilverMinerPrice=!temporaryminerprice! +cls +echo %color_green%Purchased!%color_reset% +echo. +pause +goto :minershop + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:silverminerbuymax +cls +echo Purchasing... %color_green%(Calculating)%color_reset% +:silverminerbuymaxloop +if !temporarygems! geq !temporaryminerprice! ( + set /a temporarygems=!temporarygems! - !temporaryminerprice! + set /a temporaryminerprice=!temporaryminerprice! + !temporaryminerpriceadder! + set /a temporaryminerammount=!temporaryminerammount! + 1 +) else ( + goto :silverminerbuymaxfinal +) +goto :silverminerbuymaxloop + +:silverminerbuymaxfinal +set /a Gems=!temporarygems! +set /a SilverMinerAmmount=!SilverMinerAmmount! + !temporaryminerammount! +set /a SilverMinerPrice=!temporaryminerprice! +cls +echo %color_green%Purchased!%color_reset% +echo. +pause +goto :minershop + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:: ==================================================== I R O N ===================================================== + +:IronMinerBuyConditions +cls +if !Gems! lss !IronMinerPrice! ( + call :error_notenoughmoney + goto :minershop +) +if !IronMax! equ MAX ( + call :error_alreadyhavemaxminers + goto :minershop +) +goto :ironminerbuy + +:ironminerbuy +set temporarytype=Iron +call :temporarybuysetup +if exist "!localfiles!\settings\automax.bat" ( + goto :ironminerbuymax +) +cls +echo How much Iron Miners would you like to purchase? +echo. +echo Buy [1] +echo Buy [10] +echo Buy [100] +echo Buy [MAX] +set /p input=">> " +set input=!input:M=m! +set input=!input:A=a! +set input=!input:X=x! +if !input! equ 1 (goto :ironminerbuy1) +if !input! equ 10 (goto :ironminerbuy10) +if !input! equ 100 (goto :ironminerbuy100) +if !input! equ max (goto :ironminerbuymax) +goto :ironminerbuy + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:ironminerbuy1 +cls +echo Purchasing... %color_green%(Calculating)%color_reset% +set /a IronMinerAmmount=%IronMinerAmmount% + 1 +set /a Gems=%Gems% - %IronMinerPrice% +set /a IronMinerPrice=%IronMinerPrice% + %IronMinerPriceAdder% +cls +echo %color_green%Purchased!%color_reset% +echo. +pause +goto :minershop + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:ironminerbuy10 +cls +echo Purchasing... %color_green%(Calculating)%color_reset% +:ironminerbuy10loop +if !temporaryminerammount! equ 10 ( + goto :ironminerbuy10final +) +if !temporarygems! geq !temporaryminerprice! ( + set /a temporarygems=!temporarygems! - !temporaryminerprice! + set /a temporaryminerprice=!temporaryminerprice! + !temporaryminerpriceadder! + set /a temporaryminerammount=!temporaryminerammount! + 1 +) else ( + call :error_notenoughmoney + goto :minershop +) +goto :ironminerbuy10loop + +:ironminerbuy10final +set /a Gems=!temporarygems! +set /a IronMinerAmmount=!IronMinerAmmount! + !temporaryminerammount! +set /a IronMinerPrice=!temporaryminerprice! +cls +echo %color_green%Purchased!%color_reset% +echo. +pause +goto :minershop + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:ironminerbuy100 +cls +echo Purchasing... %color_green%(Calculating)%color_reset% +:ironminerbuy100loop +if !temporaryminerammount! equ 100 ( + goto :ironminerbuy100final +) +if !temporarygems! geq !temporaryminerprice! ( + set /a temporarygems=!temporarygems! - !temporaryminerprice! + set /a temporaryminerprice=!temporaryminerprice! + !temporaryminerpriceadder! + set /a temporaryminerammount=!temporaryminerammount! + 1 +) else ( + call :error_notenoughmoney + goto :minershop +) +goto :ironminerbuy100loop + +:ironminerbuy100final +set /a Gems=!temporarygems! +set /a IronMinerAmmount=!IronMinerAmmount! + !temporaryminerammount! +set /a IronMinerPrice=!temporaryminerprice! +cls +echo %color_green%Purchased!%color_reset% +echo. +pause +goto :minershop + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:ironminerbuymax +cls +echo Purchasing... %color_green%(Calculating)%color_reset% +:ironminerbuymaxloop +if !temporarygems! geq !temporaryminerprice! ( + set /a temporarygems=!temporarygems! - !temporaryminerprice! + set /a temporaryminerprice=!temporaryminerprice! + !temporaryminerpriceadder! + set /a temporaryminerammount=!temporaryminerammount! + 1 +) else ( + goto :ironminerbuymaxfinal +) +goto :ironminerbuymaxloop + +:ironminerbuymaxfinal +set /a Gems=!temporarygems! +set /a IronMinerAmmount=!IronMinerAmmount! + !temporaryminerammount! +set /a IronMinerPrice=!temporaryminerprice! +cls +echo %color_green%Purchased!%color_reset% +echo. +pause +goto :minershop + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:: ==================================================== G O L D ===================================================== + +:GoldMinerBuyConditions +cls +if !Gems! lss !GoldMinerPrice! ( + call :error_notenoughmoney + goto :minershop +) +if !GoldMax! equ MAX ( + call :error_alreadyhavemaxminers + goto :minershop +) +goto :goldminerbuy + +:goldminerbuy +set temporarytype=Gold +call :temporarybuysetup +if exist "!localfiles!\settings\automax.bat" ( + goto :goldminerbuymax +) +cls +echo How much Gold Miners would you like to purchase? +echo. +echo Buy [1] +echo Buy [10] +echo Buy [100] +echo Buy [MAX] +set /p input=">> " +set input=!input:M=m! +set input=!input:A=a! +set input=!input:X=x! +if !input! equ 1 (goto :goldminerbuy1) +if !input! equ 10 (goto :goldminerbuy10) +if !input! equ 100 (goto :goldminerbuy100) +if !input! equ max (goto :goldminerbuymax) +goto :goldminerbuy + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:goldminerbuy1 +cls +echo Purchasing... %color_green%(Calculating)%color_reset% +set /a GoldMinerAmmount=%GoldMinerAmmount% + 1 +set /a Gems=%Gems% - %GoldMinerPrice% +set /a GoldMinerPrice=%GoldMinerPrice% + %GoldMinerPriceAdder% +cls +echo %color_green%Purchased!%color_reset% +echo. +pause +goto :minershop + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:goldminerbuy10 +cls +echo Purchasing... %color_green%(Calculating)%color_reset% +:goldminerbuy10loop +if !temporaryminerammount! equ 10 ( + goto :goldminerbuy10final +) +if !temporarygems! geq !temporaryminerprice! ( + set /a temporarygems=!temporarygems! - !temporaryminerprice! + set /a temporaryminerprice=!temporaryminerprice! + !temporaryminerpriceadder! + set /a temporaryminerammount=!temporaryminerammount! + 1 +) else ( + call :error_notenoughmoney + goto :minershop +) +goto :goldminerbuy10loop + +:goldminerbuy10final +set /a Gems=!temporarygems! +set /a GoldMinerAmmount=!GoldMinerAmmount! + !temporaryminerammount! +set /a GoldMinerPrice=!temporaryminerprice! +cls +echo %color_green%Purchased!%color_reset% +echo. +pause +goto :minershop + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:goldminerbuy100 +cls +echo Purchasing... %color_green%(Calculating)%color_reset% +:goldminerbuy100loop +if !temporaryminerammount! equ 100 ( + goto :goldminerbuy100final +) +if !temporarygems! geq !temporaryminerprice! ( + set /a temporarygems=!temporarygems! - !temporaryminerprice! + set /a temporaryminerprice=!temporaryminerprice! + !temporaryminerpriceadder! + set /a temporaryminerammount=!temporaryminerammount! + 1 +) else ( + call :error_notenoughmoney + goto :minershop +) +goto :goldminerbuy100loop + +:goldminerbuy100final +set /a Gems=!temporarygems! +set /a GoldMinerAmmount=!GoldMinerAmmount! + !temporaryminerammount! +set /a GoldMinerPrice=!temporaryminerprice! +cls +echo %color_green%Purchased!%color_reset% +echo. +pause +goto :minershop + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:goldminerbuymax +cls +echo Purchasing... %color_green%(Calculating)%color_reset% +:goldminerbuymaxloop +if !temporarygems! geq !temporaryminerprice! ( + set /a temporarygems=!temporarygems! - !temporaryminerprice! + set /a temporaryminerprice=!temporaryminerprice! + !temporaryminerpriceadder! + set /a temporaryminerammount=!temporaryminerammount! + 1 +) else ( + goto :goldminerbuymaxfinal +) +goto :goldminerbuymaxloop + +:goldminerbuymaxfinal +set /a Gems=!temporarygems! +set /a GoldMinerAmmount=!GoldMinerAmmount! + !temporaryminerammount! +set /a GoldMinerPrice=!temporaryminerprice! +cls +echo %color_green%Purchased!%color_reset% +echo. +pause +goto :minershop + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:: ============================================== D I A M O N D =============================================== + +:DiamondMinerBuyConditions +cls +if !Gems! lss !DiamondMinerPrice! ( + call :error_notenoughmoney + goto :minershop +) +if !DiamondMax! equ MAX ( + call :error_alreadyhavemaxminers + goto :minershop +) +goto :diamondminerbuy + +:diamondminerbuy +set temporarytype=Diamond +call :temporarybuysetup +if exist "!localfiles!\settings\automax.bat" ( + goto :diamondminerbuymax +) +cls +echo How much Diamond Miners would you like to purchase? +echo. +echo Buy [1] +echo Buy [10] +echo Buy [100] +echo Buy [MAX] +set /p input=">> " +set input=!input:M=m! +set input=!input:A=a! +set input=!input:X=x! +if !input! equ 1 (goto :diamondminerbuy1) +if !input! equ 10 (goto :diamondminerbuy10) +if !input! equ 100 (goto :diamondminerbuy100) +if !input! equ max (goto :diamondminerbuymax) +goto :diamondminerbuy + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:diamondminerbuy1 +cls +echo Purchasing... %color_green%(Calculating)%color_reset% +set /a DiamondMinerAmmount=%DiamondMinerAmmount% + 1 +set /a Gems=%Gems% - %DiamondMinerPrice% +set /a DiamondMinerPrice=%DiamondMinerPrice% + %DiamondMinerPriceAdder% +cls +echo %color_green%Purchased!%color_reset% +echo. +pause +goto :minershop + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:diamondminerbuy10 +cls +echo Purchasing... %color_green%(Calculating)%color_reset% +:diamondminerbuy10loop +if !temporaryminerammount! equ 10 ( + goto :diamondminerbuy10final +) +if !temporarygems! geq !temporaryminerprice! ( + set /a temporarygems=!temporarygems! - !temporaryminerprice! + set /a temporaryminerprice=!temporaryminerprice! + !temporaryminerpriceadder! + set /a temporaryminerammount=!temporaryminerammount! + 1 +) else ( + call :error_notenoughmoney + goto :minershop +) +goto :diamondminerbuy10loop + +:diamondminerbuy10final +set /a Gems=!temporarygems! +set /a DiamondMinerAmmount=!DiamondMinerAmmount! + !temporaryminerammount! +set /a DiamondMinerPrice=!temporaryminerprice! +cls +echo %color_green%Purchased!%color_reset% +echo. +pause +goto :minershop + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:diamondminerbuy100 +cls +echo Purchasing... %color_green%(Calculating)%color_reset% +:diamondminerbuy100loop +if !temporaryminerammount! equ 100 ( + goto :diamondminerbuy100final +) +if !temporarygems! geq !temporaryminerprice! ( + set /a temporarygems=!temporarygems! - !temporaryminerprice! + set /a temporaryminerprice=!temporaryminerprice! + !temporaryminerpriceadder! + set /a temporaryminerammount=!temporaryminerammount! + 1 +) else ( + call :error_notenoughmoney + goto :minershop +) +goto :diamondminerbuy100loop + +:diamondminerbuy100final +set /a Gems=!temporarygems! +set /a DiamondMinerAmmount=!DiamondMinerAmmount! + !temporaryminerammount! +set /a DiamondMinerPrice=!temporaryminerprice! +cls +echo %color_green%Purchased!%color_reset% +echo. +pause +goto :minershop + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:diamondminerbuymax +cls +echo Purchasing... %color_green%(Calculating)%color_reset% +:diamondminerbuymaxloop +if !temporarygems! geq !temporaryminerprice! ( + set /a temporarygems=!temporarygems! - !temporaryminerprice! + set /a temporaryminerprice=!temporaryminerprice! + !temporaryminerpriceadder! + set /a temporaryminerammount=!temporaryminerammount! + 1 +) else ( + goto :diamondminerbuymaxfinal +) +goto :diamondminerbuymaxloop + +:diamondminerbuymaxfinal +set /a Gems=!temporarygems! +set /a DiamondMinerAmmount=!DiamondMinerAmmount! + !temporaryminerammount! +set /a DiamondMinerPrice=!temporaryminerprice! +cls +echo %color_green%Purchased!%color_reset% +echo. +pause +goto :minershop + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:: ============================================== E M E R A L D =============================================== + +:EmeraldMinerBuyConditions +cls +if !Gems! lss !EmeraldMinerPrice! ( + call :error_notenoughmoney + goto :minershop +) +if !EmeraldMax! equ MAX ( + call :error_alreadyhavemaxminers + goto :minershop +) +goto :emeraldminerbuy + +:emeraldminerbuy +set temporarytype=Emerald +call :temporarybuysetup +if exist "!localfiles!\settings\automax.bat" ( + goto :emeraldminerbuymax +) +cls +echo How much Emerald Miners would you like to purchase? +echo. +echo Buy [1] +echo Buy [10] +echo Buy [100] +echo Buy [MAX] +set /p input=">> " +set input=!input:M=m! +set input=!input:A=a! +set input=!input:X=x! +if !input! equ 1 (goto :emeraldminerbuy1) +if !input! equ 10 (goto :emeraldminerbuy10) +if !input! equ 100 (goto :emeraldminerbuy100) +if !input! equ max (goto :emeraldminerbuymax) +goto :emeraldminerbuy + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:emeraldminerbuy1 +cls +echo Purchasing... %color_green%(Calculating)%color_reset% +set /a EmeraldMinerAmmount=%EmeraldMinerAmmount% + 1 +set /a Gems=%Gems% - %EmeraldMinerPrice% +set /a EmeraldMinerPrice=%EmeraldMinerPrice% + %EmeraldMinerPriceAdder% +cls +echo %color_green%Purchased!%color_reset% +echo. +pause +goto :minershop + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:emeraldminerbuy10 +cls +echo Purchasing... %color_green%(Calculating)%color_reset% +:emeraldminerbuy10loop +if !temporaryminerammount! equ 10 ( + goto :emeraldminerbuy10final +) +if !temporarygems! geq !temporaryminerprice! ( + set /a temporarygems=!temporarygems! - !temporaryminerprice! + set /a temporaryminerprice=!temporaryminerprice! + !temporaryminerpriceadder! + set /a temporaryminerammount=!temporaryminerammount! + 1 +) else ( + call :error_notenoughmoney + goto :minershop +) +goto :emeraldminerbuy10loop + +:emeraldminerbuy10final +set /a Gems=!temporarygems! +set /a EmeraldMinerAmmount=!EmeraldMinerAmmount! + !temporaryminerammount! +set /a EmeraldMinerPrice=!temporaryminerprice! +cls +echo %color_green%Purchased!%color_reset% +echo. +pause +goto :minershop + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:emeraldminerbuy100 +cls +echo Purchasing... %color_green%(Calculating)%color_reset% +:emeraldminerbuy100loop +if !temporaryminerammount! equ 100 ( + goto :emeraldminerbuy100final +) +if !temporarygems! geq !temporaryminerprice! ( + set /a temporarygems=!temporarygems! - !temporaryminerprice! + set /a temporaryminerprice=!temporaryminerprice! + !temporaryminerpriceadder! + set /a temporaryminerammount=!temporaryminerammount! + 1 +) else ( + call :error_notenoughmoney + goto :minershop +) +goto :emeraldminerbuy100loop + +:emeraldminerbuy100final +set /a Gems=!temporarygems! +set /a EmeraldMinerAmmount=!EmeraldMinerAmmount! + !temporaryminerammount! +set /a EmeraldMinerPrice=!temporaryminerprice! +cls +echo %color_green%Purchased!%color_reset% +echo. +pause +goto :minershop + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:emeraldminerbuymax +cls +echo Purchasing... %color_green%(Calculating)%color_reset% +:emeraldminerbuymaxloop +if !temporarygems! geq !temporaryminerprice! ( + set /a temporarygems=!temporarygems! - !temporaryminerprice! + set /a temporaryminerprice=!temporaryminerprice! + !temporaryminerpriceadder! + set /a temporaryminerammount=!temporaryminerammount! + 1 +) else ( + goto :emeraldminerbuymaxfinal +) +goto :emeraldminerbuymaxloop + +:emeraldminerbuymaxfinal +set /a Gems=!temporarygems! +set /a EmeraldMinerAmmount=!EmeraldMinerAmmount! + !temporaryminerammount! +set /a EmeraldMinerPrice=!temporaryminerprice! +cls +echo %color_green%Purchased!%color_reset% +echo. +pause +goto :minershop + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:: ======================================= D A R K M A T T E R ======================================= + +:DarkMatterMinerBuyConditions +cls +if !Gems! lss !DarkMatterMinerPrice! ( + call :error_notenoughmoney + goto :minershop +) +if !DarkMatterMax! equ MAX ( + call :error_alreadyhavemaxminers + goto :minershop +) +goto :darkmatterminerbuy + +:darkmatterminerbuy +set temporarytype=DarkMatter +call :temporarybuysetup +if exist "!localfiles!\settings\automax.bat" ( + goto :darkmatterminerbuymax +) +cls +echo How much Dark Matter Miners would you like to purchase? +echo. +echo Buy [1] +echo Buy [10] +echo Buy [100] +echo Buy [MAX] +set /p input=">> " +set input=!input:M=m! +set input=!input:A=a! +set input=!input:X=x! +if !input! equ 1 (goto :darkmatterminerbuy1) +if !input! equ 10 (goto :darkmatterminerbuy10) +if !input! equ 100 (goto :darkmatterminerbuy100) +if !input! equ max (goto :darkmatterminerbuymax) +goto :darkmatterminerbuy + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:darkmatterminerbuy1 +cls +echo Purchasing... %color_green%(Calculating)%color_reset% +set /a DarkMatterMinerAmmount=%DarkMatterMinerAmmount% + 1 +set /a Gems=%Gems% - %DarkMatterMinerPrice% +set /a DarkMatterMinerPrice=%DarkMatterMinerPrice% + %DarkMatterMinerPriceAdder% +cls +echo %color_green%Purchased!%color_reset% +echo. +pause +goto :minershop + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:darkmatterminerbuy10 +cls +echo Purchasing... %color_green%(Calculating)%color_reset% +:darkmatterminerbuy10loop +if !temporaryminerammount! equ 10 ( + goto :darkmatterminerbuy10final +) +if !temporarygems! geq !temporaryminerprice! ( + set /a temporarygems=!temporarygems! - !temporaryminerprice! + set /a temporaryminerprice=!temporaryminerprice! + !temporaryminerpriceadder! + set /a temporaryminerammount=!temporaryminerammount! + 1 +) else ( + call :error_notenoughmoney + goto :minershop +) +goto :darkmatterminerbuy10loop + +:darkmatterminerbuy10final +set /a Gems=!temporarygems! +set /a DarkMatterMinerAmmount=!DarkMatterMinerAmmount! + !temporaryminerammount! +set /a DarkMatterMinerPrice=!temporaryminerprice! +cls +echo %color_green%Purchased!%color_reset% +echo. +pause +goto :minershop + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:darkmatterminerbuy100 +cls +echo Purchasing... %color_green%(Calculating)%color_reset% +:darkmatterminerbuy100loop +if !temporaryminerammount! equ 100 ( + goto :darkmatterminerbuy100final +) +if !temporarygems! geq !temporaryminerprice! ( + set /a temporarygems=!temporarygems! - !temporaryminerprice! + set /a temporaryminerprice=!temporaryminerprice! + !temporaryminerpriceadder! + set /a temporaryminerammount=!temporaryminerammount! + 1 +) else ( + call :error_notenoughmoney + goto :minershop +) +goto :darkmatterminerbuy100loop + +:darkmatterminerbuy100final +set /a Gems=!temporarygems! +set /a DarkMatterMinerAmmount=!DarkMatterMinerAmmount! + !temporaryminerammount! +set /a DarkMatterMinerPrice=!temporaryminerprice! +cls +echo %color_green%Purchased!%color_reset% +echo. +pause +goto :minershop + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:darkmatterminerbuymax +cls +echo Purchasing... %color_green%(Calculating)%color_reset% +:darkmatterminerbuymaxloop +if !temporarygems! geq !temporaryminerprice! ( + set /a temporarygems=!temporarygems! - !temporaryminerprice! + set /a temporaryminerprice=!temporaryminerprice! + !temporaryminerpriceadder! + set /a temporaryminerammount=!temporaryminerammount! + 1 +) else ( + goto :darkmatterminerbuymaxfinal +) +goto :darkmatterminerbuymaxloop + +:darkmatterminerbuymaxfinal +set /a Gems=!temporarygems! +set /a DarkMatterMinerAmmount=!DarkMatterMinerAmmount! + !temporaryminerammount! +set /a DarkMatterMinerPrice=!temporaryminerprice! +cls +echo %color_green%Purchased!%color_reset% +echo. +pause +goto :minershop + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:: ============================================ S E T T I N G S ============================================= + +:settings +call :SettingsDisplay +cls +echo %color_green%╔══════════╣ S E T T I N G S ╠══════════╗%color_reset% +echo. +echo -Features- +echo [1] !AutoLoginDisplay! = Auto Login %color_gray%(Automatically logs you in your account.)%color_reset% +echo [2] !AutoSaveDisplay! = Auto Save %color_gray%(Saves every minute.)%color_reset% +echo [3] !AutoMaxDisplay! = Auto MAX %color_gray%(Automatically Selects "MAX" option when buying stuff.)%color_reset% +echo. +echo -Defaults- +echo [5] !WarningScreenDisplay! = Warning Screen %color_gray%(Toggles the warning screen)%color_reset% +echo [6] !WindowsVersionCheckDisplay! = Windows Version Check %color_gray%(Toggles the Windows Version Check screen)%color_reset% +echo [7] !ColorsDisplay! = Colors %color_gray%(Toggles Colors)%color_reset% +echo. +echo. +echo [C] Credits + About +echo [A] Admin Console +echo [0] Return to The Game +set /p settingsmenu=">> " +set settingsmenu=!settingsmenu:L=l! +set settingsmenu=!settingsmenu:C=c! +set settingsmenu=!settingsmenu:A=a! +if %settingsmenu% equ 1 (goto :settings_autologin) +if %settingsmenu% equ 2 (goto :settings_autosave) +if %settingsmenu% equ 3 (goto :settings_automax) +if %settingsmenu% equ 5 (goto :settings_warningscreen) +if %settingsmenu% equ 6 (goto :settings_windowsversioncheck) +if %settingsmenu% equ 7 (goto :settings_colors) +if %settingsmenu% equ c (goto :settings_credits) +if %settingsmenu% equ a (goto :settings_adminconsole) +if %settingsmenu% equ 0 (goto :gamemenu) +goto :settings + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:settings_warningscreen +cls +if exist "!localfiles!\settings\warningscreen.bat" ( + del /Q "!localfiles!\settings\warningscreen.bat" + echo Restart Required + ( + echo Restart + )>"!localfiles!\data\Restart.bat" + pause + goto :Launcher +) else ( + ( + echo Warning Screen + )>"!localfiles!\settings\warningscreen.bat" + echo Restart Required + ( + echo Restart + )>"!localfiles!\data\Restart.bat" + pause + goto :Launcher +) + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:settings_autologin +cls +if exist "!localfiles!\settings\autologin.bat" ( + del /Q "!localfiles!\settings\autologin.bat" + echo Restart Required + ( + echo Restart + )>"!localfiles!\data\Restart.bat" + pause + goto :Launcher +) else ( + ( + echo set loguse=!loguse! + echo set logpas=!logpas! + echo set reguse=!loguse! + echo set regpas=!logpas! + )>"!localfiles!\settings\autologin.bat" + echo Restart Required + ( + echo Restart + )>"!localfiles!\data\Restart.bat" + pause + goto :Launcher +) + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:settings_autosave +cls +if exist "!localfiles!\settings\autosave.bat" ( + del /Q "!localfiles!\settings\autosave.bat" + goto :settings +) +( +echo Auto Save +)>"!localfiles!\settings\autosave.bat" +goto :settings + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:settings_automax +cls +if exist "!localfiles!\settings\automax.bat" ( + del /Q "!localfiles!\settings\automax.bat" + goto :settings +) +( +echo Auto MAX +)>"!localfiles!\settings\automax.bat" +goto :settings + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:settings_credits +cls +echo %color_gems%╔════╣ C R E D I T S A N D A B O U T ╠════╗%color_reset% +echo. +echo -About- +echo Hey^^! This is my first %color_light_gray%"Proper"%color_reset% game from Batch. I wanted to +echo make a game similar to Mining Bitcoins, but i didnt want to do +echo EXACTLY that so i created Gem Miner 2. The game where you mine +echo Gems instead of Crypto Currencies. This game is solo project, +echo and there also exists Gem Miner 1, which is the very first +echo version of this game however, due to the code being so messy, +echo after a half a year break, i wanted to update the game but +echo got stuck and ended up breaking the game. So i threw Gem Miner 1 +echo to the Trash and started working on Gem Miner 2. The %color_light_gray%'ULTIMATE%color_reset% +echo %color_light_gray%Update'%color_reset% as i like to call it. This version has a lot more going +echo on then Gem Miner 1, so i hope you like it^^! +echo. +echo Follow me on: +echo. +echo. +echo -Links- +echo %color_gems%Gem Miner 1:%color_reset% +echo. +echo. +echo -Credits- +echo %color_red%Game Programmed by:%color_reset% @FakeFizty / @Fisterkoo +echo %color_green%Colored by:%color_reset% @FakeFizty / @Fisterkoo +echo %color_aqua%Original Idea by:%color_reset% @FakeFizty / @Fisterkoo +echo %color_yellow%Logo inspired by:%color_reset% @136MasterNR +echo. +echo %color_gems%╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════╝%color_reset% +pause +goto :settings + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:settings_adminconsole +cls +echo %color_red%╔═══════════╣ C O N S O L E ╠═══════════╗%color_reset% +echo. +set /p input="Enter valid console password: " +if not %input% equ 1938290 ( + call :error_incorrectpassword + goto :settings +) +cls +echo %color_red%╔═══════════╣ C O N S O L E ╠═══════════╗%color_reset% +echo Welcome to the Admin Console^^! +echo Type %color_red%"back"%color_reset% to return +echo. +:settings_console +set /p console="CONSOLE> " +if "%console%" equ "back" (goto :settings) +%console% +goto :settings_console + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:settings_windowsversioncheck +cls +if exist "!localfiles!\settings\windowsversioncheck.bat" ( + del /Q "!localfiles!\settings\windowsversioncheck.bat" + echo Restart Required + ( + echo Restart + )>"!localfiles!\data\Restart.bat" + pause + goto :Launcher +) +echo %color_red%╔═══════════╣ W A R N I N G ╠═══════════╗%color_reset% +echo. +echo Disabling the Windows Version Check may +echo %color_red%Cause Problems%color_reset%. The windows version check +echo exists to detect Windows 7 or lower, due +echo to those versions %color_red%NOT being able to%color_reset% +echo %color_red%recognize ANSI coloring.%color_reset% +echo. +echo Before turning this setting off, %color_red%make%color_reset% +echo %color_red%sure%color_reset% you are running %color_red%Windows 10 or later.%color_reset% +echo. +echo Please wait 30 seconds before Confirming... +echo. +echo %color_red%╚═══════════════════════════════════════════╝%color_reset% +timeout /t 30 /nobreak >nul +cls +set /p input="Confirm? [y/n]>> " +set input=!input:Y=y! +set input=!input:N=n! +if !input! equ n (goto :settings) +if !input! equ y (goto :settings_windowsversioncheck2) +goto :settings_windowsversioncheck + +:settings_windowsversioncheck2 +( +echo Windows Check +)>"!localfiles!\settings\windowsversioncheck.bat" +cls +echo Restart Required +( +echo Restart +)>"!localfiles!\data\Restart.bat" +pause +goto :Launcher + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:settings_colors +cls +if exist "!localfiles!\settings\colorsdisabled.bat" ( + del /Q "!localfiles!\settings\colorsdisabled.bat" + echo Restart Required + ( + echo Restart + )>"!localfiles!\data\Restart.bat" + pause + goto :Launcher +) +( +echo Colors +)>"!localfiles!\settings\colorsdisabled.bat" +echo Restart Required +( +echo Restart +)>"!localfiles!\data\Restart.bat" +pause +goto :Launcher + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:: ============================================== M O D U L E S =============================================== + +:ActiveModule +if !BasicMinerAmmount! gtr 0 (set BasicMinerStatus=%color_green%!BasicMinerAmmount! Active%color_reset%) else (set BasicMinerStatus=%color_light_gray%Inactive%color_reset%) +if !SilverMinerAmmount! gtr 0 (set SilverMinerStatus=%color_green%!SilverMinerAmmount! Active%color_reset%) else (set SilverMinerStatus=%color_light_gray%Inactive%color_reset%) +if !IronMinerAmmount! gtr 0 (set IronMinerStatus=%color_green%!IronMinerAmmount! Active%color_reset%) else (set IronMinerStatus=%color_light_gray%Inactive%color_reset%) +if !GoldMinerAmmount! gtr 0 (set GoldMinerStatus=%color_green%!GoldMinerAmmount! Active%color_reset%) else (set GoldMinerStatus=%color_light_gray%Inactive%color_reset%) +if !DiamondMinerAmmount! gtr 0 (set DiamondMinerStatus=%color_green%!DiamondMinerAmmount! Active%color_reset%) else (set DiamondMinerStatus=%color_light_gray%Inactive%color_reset%) +if !EmeraldMinerAmmount! gtr 0 (set EmeraldMinerStatus=%color_green%!EmeraldMinerAmmount! Active%color_reset%) else (set EmeraldMinerStatus=%color_light_gray%Inactive%color_reset%) +if !DarkMatterMinerAmmount! gtr 0 (set DarkMatterMinerStatus=%color_green%!DarkMatterMinerAmmount! Active%color_reset%) else (set DarkMatterMinerStatus=%color_light_gray%Inactive%color_reset%) +goto :eof + + + +:SettingsDisplay +if exist "!localfiles!\settings\autologin.bat" (set AutoLoginDisplay=%color_green%√ ENABLED %color_reset%) else (set AutoLoginDisplay=%color_red%X DISABLED%color_reset%) +if exist "!localfiles!\settings\autosave.bat" (set AutoSaveDisplay=%color_green%√ ENABLED %color_reset%) else (set AutoSaveDisplay=%color_red%X DISABLED%color_reset%) +if exist "!localfiles!\settings\automax.bat" (set AutoMaxDisplay=%color_green%√ ENABLED %color_reset%) else (set AutoMaxDisplay=%color_red%X DISABLED%color_reset%) +if exist "!localfiles!\settings\updategamewarning.bat" (set UpdateGameWarningDisplay=%color_red%X DISABLED%color_reset%) else (set UpdateGameWarningDisplay=%color_green%√ ENABLED %color_reset%) +if exist "!localfiles!\settings\warningscreen.bat" (set WarningScreenDisplay=%color_red%X DISABLED%color_reset%) else (set WarningScreenDisplay=%color_green%√ ENABLED %color_reset%) +if exist "!localfiles!\settings\windowsversioncheck.bat" (set WindowsVersionCheckDisplay=%color_red%X DISABLED%color_reset%) else (set WindowsVersionCheckDisplay=%color_green%√ ENABLED %color_reset%) +if exist "!localfiles!\settings\colorsdisabled.bat" (set ColorsDisplay=%color_red%X DISABLED%color_reset%) else (set ColorsDisplay=%color_green%√ ENABLED %color_reset%) +goto :eof + + + +:MinerShopMaxDisplay +if !BasicMinerAmmount! GEQ 1000000 (set BasicMax=MAX) else (set BasicMax=!BasicMinerAmmount!) +if !SilverMinerAmmount! GEQ 100000 (set SilverMax=MAX) else (set SilverMax=!SilverMinerAmmount!) +if !IronMinerAmmount! GEQ 100000 (set IronMax=MAX) else (set IronMax=!IronMinerAmmount!) +if !GoldMinerAmmount! GEQ 10000 (set GoldMax=MAX) else (set GoldMax=!GoldMinerAmmount!) +if !DiamondMinerAmmount! GEQ 10000 (set DiamondMax=MAX) else (set DiamondMax=!DiamondMinerAmmount!) +if !EmeraldMinerAmmount! GEQ 1000 (set EmeraldMax=MAX) else (set EmeraldMax=!EmeraldMinerAmmount!) +if !DarkMatterMinerAmmount! GEQ 100 (set DarkMatterMax=MAX) else (set DarkMatterMax=!DarkMatterMinerAmmount!) +goto :eof + + + +:temporarybuysetup +set /a temporarygems=!Gems! +set /a temporaryminerammount=0 +set temporaryminerprice_1=%temporarytype%MinerPrice +set temporaryminerpriceadder_1=%temporarytype%MinerPriceAdder +set /a temporaryminerprice=!temporaryminerprice_1! +set /a temporaryminerpriceadder=!temporaryminerpriceadder_1! +goto :eof + + + +:RoundMaxMiners +if !BasicMinerAmmount! GTR 1000000 (set /a BasicMinerAmmount=1000000) +if !SilverMinerAmmount! GTR 100000 (set /a SilverMinerAmmount=100000) +if !IronMinerAmmount! GTR 100000 (set /a IronMinerAmmount=100000) +if !GoldMinerAmmount! GTR 10000 (set /a GoldMinerAmmount=10000) +if !DiamondMinerAmmount! GTR 10000 (set /a DiamondMinerAmmount=10000) +if !EmeraldMinerAmmount! GTR 1000 (set /a EmeraldMinerAmmount=1000) +if !DarkMatterMinerAmmount! GTR 100 (set /a DarkMatterMinerAmmount=100) +goto :eof + + + +:BuyAll_DarkMatter +cls +echo Dark Matter Miner - %color_aqua%Purchasing... (Calculating)%color_reset% +echo Emerald Miner - %color_red%Queue...%color_reset% +echo Diamond Miner - %color_red%Queue...%color_reset% +echo Gold Miner - %color_red%Queue...%color_reset% +echo Iron Miner - %color_red%Queue...%color_reset% +echo Silver Miner - %color_red%Queue...%color_reset% +echo Basic Miner - %color_red%Queue...%color_reset% +:BuyAll_darkmatterminerbuymaxloop +if !temporarygems! geq !temporaryminerprice! ( + set /a temporarygems=!temporarygems! - !temporaryminerprice! + set /a temporaryminerprice=!temporaryminerprice! + !temporaryminerpriceadder! + set /a temporaryminerammount=!temporaryminerammount! + 1 +) else ( + goto :BuyAll_darkmatterminerbuymaxfinal +) +goto :BuyAll_darkmatterminerbuymaxloop + +:BuyAll_darkmatterminerbuymaxfinal +set /a Gems=!temporarygems! +set /a DarkMatterMinerAmmount=!DarkMatterMinerAmmount! + !temporaryminerammount! +set /a DarkMatterMinerPrice=!temporaryminerprice! +set /a DarkMatterMinersBought=!temporaryminerammount! +goto :eof + + + +:BuyAll_Emerald +cls +echo Dark Matter Miner - %color_green%Purchased^^!%color_reset% Miners Bought: !DarkMatterMinersBought! +echo Emerald Miner - %color_aqua%Purchasing... (Calculating)%color_reset% +echo Diamond Miner - %color_red%Queue...%color_reset% +echo Gold Miner - %color_red%Queue...%color_reset% +echo Iron Miner - %color_red%Queue...%color_reset% +echo Silver Miner - %color_red%Queue...%color_reset% +echo Basic Miner - %color_red%Queue...%color_reset% +:BuyAll_emeraldminerbuymaxloop +if !temporarygems! geq !temporaryminerprice! ( + set /a temporarygems=!temporarygems! - !temporaryminerprice! + set /a temporaryminerprice=!temporaryminerprice! + !temporaryminerpriceadder! + set /a temporaryminerammount=!temporaryminerammount! + 1 +) else ( + goto :BuyAll_emeraldminerbuymaxfinal +) +goto :BuyAll_emeraldminerbuymaxloop + +:BuyAll_emeraldminerbuymaxfinal +set /a Gems=!temporarygems! +set /a EmeraldMinerAmmount=!EmeraldMinerAmmount! + !temporaryminerammount! +set /a EmeraldMinerPrice=!temporaryminerprice! +set /a EmeraldMinersBought=!temporaryminerammount! +goto :eof + + + +:BuyAll_Diamond +cls +echo Dark Matter Miner - %color_green%Purchased^^!%color_reset% Miners Bought: !DarkMatterMinersBought! +echo Emerald Miner - %color_green%Purchased^^!%color_reset% Miners Bought: !EmeraldMinersBought! +echo Diamond Miner - %color_aqua%Purchasing... (Calculating)%color_reset% +echo Gold Miner - %color_red%Queue...%color_reset% +echo Iron Miner - %color_red%Queue...%color_reset% +echo Silver Miner - %color_red%Queue...%color_reset% +echo Basic Miner - %color_red%Queue...%color_reset% +:BuyAll_diamondminerbuymaxloop +if !temporarygems! geq !temporaryminerprice! ( + set /a temporarygems=!temporarygems! - !temporaryminerprice! + set /a temporaryminerprice=!temporaryminerprice! + !temporaryminerpriceadder! + set /a temporaryminerammount=!temporaryminerammount! + 1 +) else ( + goto :BuyAll_diamondminerbuymaxfinal +) +goto :BuyAll_diamondminerbuymaxloop + +:BuyAll_diamondminerbuymaxfinal +set /a Gems=!temporarygems! +set /a DiamondMinerAmmount=!DiamondMinerAmmount! + !temporaryminerammount! +set /a DiamondMinerPrice=!temporaryminerprice! +set /a DiamondMinersBought=!temporaryminerammount! +goto :eof + + +:BuyAll_Gold +cls +echo Dark Matter Miner - %color_green%Purchased^^!%color_reset% Miners Bought: !DarkMatterMinersBought! +echo Emerald Miner - %color_green%Purchased^^!%color_reset% Miners Bought: !EmeraldMinersBought! +echo Diamond Miner - %color_green%Purchased^^!%color_reset% Miners Bought: !DiamondMinersBought! +echo Gold Miner - %color_aqua%Purchasing... (Calculating)%color_reset% +echo Iron Miner - %color_red%Queue...%color_reset% +echo Silver Miner - %color_red%Queue...%color_reset% +echo Basic Miner - %color_red%Queue...%color_reset% +:BuyAll_goldminerbuymaxloop +if !temporarygems! geq !temporaryminerprice! ( + set /a temporarygems=!temporarygems! - !temporaryminerprice! + set /a temporaryminerprice=!temporaryminerprice! + !temporaryminerpriceadder! + set /a temporaryminerammount=!temporaryminerammount! + 1 +) else ( + goto :BuyAll_goldminerbuymaxfinal +) +goto :BuyAll_goldminerbuymaxloop + +:BuyAll_goldminerbuymaxfinal +set /a Gems=!temporarygems! +set /a GoldMinerAmmount=!GoldMinerAmmount! + !temporaryminerammount! +set /a GoldMinerPrice=!temporaryminerprice! +set /a GoldMinersBought=!temporaryminerammount! +goto :eof + + +:BuyAll_Iron +cls +echo Dark Matter Miner - %color_green%Purchased^^!%color_reset% Miners Bought: !DarkMatterMinersBought! +echo Emerald Miner - %color_green%Purchased^^!%color_reset% Miners Bought: !EmeraldMinersBought! +echo Diamond Miner - %color_green%Purchased^^!%color_reset% Miners Bought: !DiamondMinersBought! +echo Gold Miner - %color_green%Purchased^^!%color_reset% Miners Bought: !GoldMinersBought! +echo Iron Miner - %color_aqua%Purchasing... (Calculating)%color_reset% +echo Silver Miner - %color_red%Queue...%color_reset% +echo Basic Miner - %color_red%Queue...%color_reset% +:BuyAll_ironminerbuymaxloop +if !temporarygems! geq !temporaryminerprice! ( + set /a temporarygems=!temporarygems! - !temporaryminerprice! + set /a temporaryminerprice=!temporaryminerprice! + !temporaryminerpriceadder! + set /a temporaryminerammount=!temporaryminerammount! + 1 +) else ( + goto :BuyAll_ironminerbuymaxfinal +) +goto :BuyAll_ironminerbuymaxloop + +:BuyAll_ironminerbuymaxfinal +set /a Gems=!temporarygems! +set /a IronMinerAmmount=!IronMinerAmmount! + !temporaryminerammount! +set /a IronMinerPrice=!temporaryminerprice! +set /a IronMinersBought=!temporaryminerammount! +goto :eof + + +:BuyAll_Silver +cls +echo Dark Matter Miner - %color_green%Purchased^^!%color_reset% Miners Bought: !DarkMatterMinersBought! +echo Emerald Miner - %color_green%Purchased^^!%color_reset% Miners Bought: !EmeraldMinersBought! +echo Diamond Miner - %color_green%Purchased^^!%color_reset% Miners Bought: !DiamondMinersBought! +echo Gold Miner - %color_green%Purchased^^!%color_reset% Miners Bought: !GoldMinersBought! +echo Iron Miner - %color_green%Purchased^^!%color_reset% Miners Bought: !IronMinersBought! +echo Silver Miner - %color_aqua%Purchasing... (Calculating)%color_reset% +echo Basic Miner - %color_red%Queue...%color_reset% +:BuyAll_silverminerbuymaxloop +if !temporarygems! geq !temporaryminerprice! ( + set /a temporarygems=!temporarygems! - !temporaryminerprice! + set /a temporaryminerprice=!temporaryminerprice! + !temporaryminerpriceadder! + set /a temporaryminerammount=!temporaryminerammount! + 1 +) else ( + goto :BuyAll_silverminerbuymaxfinal +) +goto :BuyAll_silverminerbuymaxloop + +:BuyAll_silverminerbuymaxfinal +set /a Gems=!temporarygems! +set /a SilverMinerAmmount=!SilverMinerAmmount! + !temporaryminerammount! +set /a SilverMinerPrice=!temporaryminerprice! +set /a SilverMinersBought=!temporaryminerammount! +goto :eof + + +:BuyAll_Basic +cls +echo Dark Matter Miner - %color_green%Purchased^^!%color_reset% Miners Bought: !DarkMatterMinersBought! +echo Emerald Miner - %color_green%Purchased^^!%color_reset% Miners Bought: !EmeraldMinersBought! +echo Diamond Miner - %color_green%Purchased^^!%color_reset% Miners Bought: !DiamondMinersBought! +echo Gold Miner - %color_green%Purchased^^!%color_reset% Miners Bought: !GoldMinersBought! +echo Iron Miner - %color_green%Purchased^^!%color_reset% Miners Bought: !IronMinersBought! +echo Silver Miner - %color_green%Purchased^^!%color_reset% Miners Bought: !SilverMinersBought! +echo Basic Miner - %color_aqua%Purchasing... (Calculating)%color_reset% +:BuyAll_basicminerbuymaxloop +if !temporarygems! geq !temporaryminerprice! ( + set /a temporarygems=!temporarygems! - !temporaryminerprice! + set /a temporaryminerprice=!temporaryminerprice! + !temporaryminerpriceadder! + set /a temporaryminerammount=!temporaryminerammount! + 1 +) else ( + goto :BuyAll_basicminerbuymaxfinal +) +goto :BuyAll_basicminerbuymaxloop + +:BuyAll_basicminerbuymaxfinal +set /a Gems=!temporarygems! +set /a BasicMinerAmmount=!BasicMinerAmmount! + !temporaryminerammount! +set /a BasicMinerPrice=!temporaryminerprice! +set /a BasicMinersBought=!temporaryminerammount! +goto :eof + +:TimeCalculation +if !PlaySeconds! equ 60 ( + set /a PlaySeconds=0 + set /a PlayMinutes=!PlayMinutes! + 1 +) +if !PlayMinutes! equ 60 ( + set /a PlayMinutes=0 + set /a PlayHours=!PlayHours! + 1 +) +goto :eof + +:AutoSaveModule +if exist "!localfiles!\settings\autosave.bat" ( + call :SaveModule + goto :eof +) else (goto :eof) + +:SaveModule +cls +( +echo set gameversion=0.9.8 +echo set startingday=!startingday! +echo set /a Networth=!Networth! +echo set /a Gems=!Gems! +echo set /a Miners=!Miners! +echo set /a BasicMinerAmmount=!BasicMinerAmmount! +echo set /a BasicMinerProfit=!BasicMinerProfit! +echo set /a BasicMinerPrice=!BasicMinerPrice! +echo set /a BasicMinerPriceAdder=!BasicMinerPriceAdder! +echo set /a SilverMinerAmmount=!SilverMinerAmmount! +echo set /a SilverMinerProfit=!SilverMinerProfit! +echo set /a SilverMinerPrice=!SilverMinerPrice! +echo set /a SilverMinerPriceAdder=!SilverMinerPriceAdder! +echo set /a IronMinerAmmount=!IronMinerAmmount! +echo set /a IronMinerProfit=!IronMinerProfit! +echo set /a IronMinerPrice=!IronMinerPrice! +echo set /a IronMinerPriceAdder=!IronMinerPriceAdder! +echo set /a GoldMinerAmmount=!GoldMinerAmmount! +echo set /a GoldMinerProfit=!GoldMinerProfit! +echo set /a GoldMinerPrice=!GoldMinerPrice! +echo set /a GoldMinerPriceAdder=!GoldMinerPriceAdder! +echo set /a DiamondMinerAmmount=!DiamondMinerAmmount! +echo set /a DiamondMinerProfit=!DiamondMinerProfit! +echo set /a DiamondMinerPrice=!DiamondMinerPrice! +echo set /a DiamondMinerPriceAdder=!DiamondMinerPriceAdder! +echo set /a EmeraldMinerAmmount=!EmeraldMinerAmmount! +echo set /a EmeraldMinerProfit=!EmeraldMinerProfit! +echo set /a EmeraldMinerPrice=!EmeraldMinerPrice! +echo set /a EmeraldMinerPriceAdder=!EmeraldMinerPriceAdder! +echo set /a DarkMatterMinerAmmount=!DarkMatterMinerAmmount! +echo set /a DarkMatterMinerProfit=!DarkMatterMinerProfit! +echo set /a DarkMatterMinerPrice=!DarkMatterMinerPrice! +echo set /a DarkMatterMinerPriceAdder=!DarkMatterMinerPriceAdder! +echo set /a TrophyAmmount=!TrophyAmmount! +echo set /a TrophyPrice=!TrophyPrice! +echo set /a PlaySeconds=!PlaySeconds! +echo set /a PlayMinutes=!PlayMinutes! +echo set /a PlayHours=!PlayHours! +echo set /a Rebirth=!Rebirth! +echo set /a RebirthBoost=!RebirthBoost! +echo set /a Sacrifice=!Sacrifice! +echo set /a SacrificeBoost=!SacrificeBoost! +echo set RebirthRoomKey=!RebirthRoomKey! +echo set SacrificeRoomKey=!SacrificeRoomKey! +)>"!localfiles!\accounts\!loguse!\!loguse!-account-save.bat" +call "!localfiles!\accounts\!loguse!\!loguse!-account-save.bat" +goto :eof + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:: ========================================= S A V E & S A V E A N D E X I T ====================================== + +:save +call :SaveModule +cls +echo %color_green%Saved!%color_reset% +echo. +pause +goto :gamemenu + +:saveandexit +call :SaveModule +exit + +:: ============================================================================================================================ + +:: ================================================ E R R O R S ================================================= + +:error_thisaccountalreadyexists +cls +echo %color_red%This account already exists^^!%color_reset% +echo. +echo %color_dark_gray%Error (0001)%color_reset% +pause +goto :eof + +:error_usernamemustcontaincharacters +cls +echo %color_red%Username must contain characters^^!%color_reset% +echo. +echo %color_dark_gray%Error (0002)%color_reset% +pause +goto :eof + +:error_usernamecannotcontainspaces +cls +echo %color_red%Username cannot contain spaces^^!%color_reset% +echo. +echo %color_dark_gray%Error (0003)%color_reset% +pause +goto :eof + +:error_passwordmustcontaincharacters +cls +echo %color_red%Password must contain characters^^!%color_reset% +echo. +echo %color_dark_gray%Error (0004)%color_reset% +pause +goto :eof + +:error_passwordcannotcontainspaces +cls +echo %color_red%Password cannot contain spaces^^!%color_reset% +echo. +echo %color_dark_gray%Error (0005)%color_reset% +pause +goto :eof + +:error_notenoughmoney +cls +echo %color_red%Not Enough Money^^!%color_reset% +echo. +echo %color_dark_gray%Error (0006)%color_reset% +pause +goto :eof + +:error_incorrectpassword +cls +echo %color_red%Incorrect Password^^!%color_reset% +echo. +echo %color_dark_gray%Error (0007)%color_reset% +pause +goto :eof + +:error_cannotrunprogram +cls +echo This program cannot run on Microsoft Windows 7, due to +echo it not being able to recognize colors using ANSI.. +echo. +echo Error (0008) +pause +goto :eof + +:error_thisaccountdoesntexist +cls +echo %color_red%This account doesn't exist^^!%color_reset% +echo. +echo %color_dark_gray%Error (0009)%color_reset% +pause +goto :eof + +:error_alreadyhavemaxminers +cls +echo %color_red%You already have maximum miners of this type^^!%color_reset% +echo. +echo %color_dark_gray%Error (0010)%color_reset% +pause +goto :eof + +:error_requireautomax +cls +echo %color_red%Auto MAX Feature is required^^! (Enable in Settings)%color_reset% +echo. +echo %color_dark_gray%Error (0011)%color_reset% +pause +goto :eof + +:error_moddoesntexist +cls +echo %color_red%This mod doesnt exist^^!%color_reset% +echo. +echo %color_dark_gray%Error (0012)%color_reset% +pause +goto :eof + +:: 19th March 2023 +:: Currently 2457 Lines of Code \ No newline at end of file