- Translation Framework
The translation framework allows translation units to:
- Add YANG model into the system
- Register Handlers for all or a subset of nodes defined in the YANG model
- Register the entire unit into the system, which is then able to perform
Prefered YANG models for device config and operational data are OpenConfig models.
These models usually represents configuration part in container config and operational part in container state. Operational data is config data + operational data.
This site http://ops.openconfig.net/branches/master/ may be used for better browsing in OpenConfig YANG models. Another option is to generate YANG tree representation by using generate_html.sh in https://github.com/FRINXio/openconfig.
YANG models used in UniConfig framework need to be located in https://github.com/FRINXio/openconfig. In case the desired functionality is not modeled yet, you can create new YANG with its own structure or it can augment existing OpenConfig models. Guideline, how to write OpenConfig models can be found at http://www.openconfig.net/docs/style-guide/.
There is translation-units-docs page as a single point of truth for mapping. Use {{ip}} notation for variables in the templates. This notation is postman compatible.
Translation unit is a self contained project which implements a mapping between OpenConfig based YANG models and device specific configuration. It is used by the FRINX ODL to perform translation between device specific configuration model and standard (OpenConfig) models. A unit usually consists of:
- Handlers
- Readers
- Writers
- TranslateUnit implementation
- RPCs
- Each complex node in YANG (container, list, augment...) should have a dedicated handler (Reader, Writer)
- This enables extensibility, readability and the framework can easily filter and process the data this way
- Unless there is a need to also handle child nodes, in which case register the handler using subtreeAdd method from the registries
- There are 2 types of handlers: Readers (Read operation) and Writers (Create, Update, Delete operation)
- One can implement just the readers or both readers and writers for YANG models. Writers must have counterpart readers because of reconciliation.
- Readers and Writers should use the InstanceIdentifier parameter they receive in readCurrentAttributes or writeCurrentAttributes methods to find information about keys for their parent nodes. E.g. Reader registered under ID: /interfaces/interface/config will always receive keyed version of that ID: /interface/interface[Loopback0]/config. So it can use method firstKeyOf on InstanceIdentifier to get the keys.
- RWUtils class contains methods for InstanceIdentifier manipulation.
- Readers and writers can be easily tested and it is necessary to provide unit tests for all of them. It's important to cover readCurrentAttributes and writeCurrentAttributes with all possible scenarios (all data there, no data there, partial data there...)
- Writers may use Preconditions.checkArgument() before accessing the device. Fail of the precondition check does not invoke default rollback (opposite operation) on the writer where precondition is located.
When a handler for the same YANG node is implemented to conform various devices, it tends to lead to a lot of boilerplate and duplicate code. Therefore, we should implement a base handler for such handlers. How does it work:
- create a base-project (if there isn't any) to group base handlers (eg. for an interface handler, choose interface-base project)
- each base handler needs to be abstract and implement same interfaces as the original handler
- extract common functionality in the base handler. Common functionality means that it will conform the majority of the original handlers. If a handler does not share the extracted functionality, it needs to override original interface methods, to hide the extracted functionality.
- let original handlers extend base abstract handler
CLI Translation units are located in https://github.com/FRINXio/cli-units repository. JAVA is used in CLI translation units.
- Readers are handlers responsible for reading and parsing the data coming from a device
- There are 2 types of readers: Reader and ListReader. Reader can be used to handle container or augmentation nodes and ListReader should handle list nodes from YANG.
- Both types need to implement readCurrentAttributes to fill the builder with appropriate values
- ListReader needs to also implement getAllIds() where it retrieves a key for each item to be present in current list. After the list is received, framework will invoke readCurrentAttributes for each item from getAllIds
- Readers should always use overloaded blockingRead method which takes in the ReadContext since that method performs caching internally
- Use full version of commands e.g. show running-config interface instead of sh run int
Each reader needs to implement one of these interfaces based on type of target node in YANG. These interfaces also contain util methods which may be used for better manipulation with data. For more information about methods please read javadocs.
CliConfigListReader - implement this interface if target composite node in YANG is list and represents config data.
CliConfigReader - implement this interface if target composite node in YANG is container or augmentation and represents config data.
CliOperListReader - implement this interface if target composite node in YANG is list and represents operational data.
CliOperReader - implement this interface if target composite node in YANG is container or augmentation and represents operational data.
In cases where you want to invoke multiple readers on reading one YANG node, extend following abstract classes:
CompositeListReader - extend this abstract class if multiple list readers need to be invoked when reading specific list in YANG.
CompositeReader - extend this abstract class if multiple readers need to be invoked when reading specific node in YANG.
A practical example of their usage is reading network instance based on it's type. All child readers need to implement a check when the particular reader should be invoked or the parent reader should move on to the next reader.
For example child reader for bgp (located under protocol) needs to check if identifier in protocol has value BGP. Otherwise reader for bgp will be invoked even if protocol identifier is OSPF.
ParsingUtils - use methods of this util class if you want to parse plaintext to java object builder
- Use as specific regular expressions when parsing CLI output as possible
- For Cisco CLI devices avoid using section and other advanced formatting parameters. Only | include | exclude and | begin are allowed.
- Use CONFIG data as the source of truth when parsing information from device. Except when parsing state containers (or containers explicitly marked as config false).
- I.e. use sh run | include router ospf instead of sh ospf when retrieving ospf routers list.
- In some cases, it is not possible to just use config data e.g. sh run interface does not show any data for interfaces that have no configuration. In this case it is necessary to use operational information from e.g. sh ip int brief
- Use following pattern when parsing multiline output from CLI, where it is difficult to extract lines and their relationships
- I.e. when parsing configured BGP neighbors per address family following command can be used: **sh run | include ^router bgp|^ address-family|^ neighbor which results in:
router bgp 65000 address-family ipv4 vrf vrf1 neighbor remote-as 65000> neighbor activate address-family ipv4 vrf vrf2 neighbor remote-as 65000 neighbor activate
- This output can then be parsed by:
- Remove newlines to get a single line of string
- Replace "router" with "\nrouter" to separate bgp routers per line
- Find the line that matches required router bgp {{ID}}
- Take that line and replace "address-family" with "\naddress-family" to get address-family neighbors per line
Each base reader should contain abstract methods:
- String getReadCommand(<args>) - each child reader should fill in the read command used to get information needed for this reader. Arguments may vary and they are used to be more specific in the read command (eg. when creating a command to gather information about a specific interface, you may want to pass interface name as argument).
- Pattern get<command>Line(\args>) - there may be more such methods and they are used to get the regular expression needed to parse output of the command (eg. in case of interface reader, you will create methods getDescriptionLine, getShutdownLine etc.)
Note: naming of the methods should be unified in order to be easily parsed by auto-generated documentation.
- A writer needs to implement all 3 methods: Write, Update, Delete in order to fully support default rollback mechanism of the framework
- Time showed that update like 1. delete, 2. write is anti-pattern and should not be used. There is just one case where it is necessary: when re-writing list entry, you must first delete the previous entry, then write the new one, otherwise the previous entry would still be present and the new entry will be added to the list.
- A writer can properly work only if there is a reader for the same composite node
- A writer should check whether the command it executed was handled by the device properly (by checking the output) and if not throw one of the Write/Update/Delete FailedException
- Chunk templating framework is preferred to use in writers it gives us:
- Null safety
- if/loop etc. inside templates
- Default values and many more
- Use full version of commands e.g. configure terminal instead of conf t
Each writer needs to implement one of these interfaces based on type of target node in YANG. Unlike mandatory interfaces for reading, only interfaces for writing config data are available (because it is not possible to write operational data). These interfaces also contain util methods which may be used for better manipulation with data. For more information about methods please read javadocs.
All writers override updateCurrentAttributes method and avoid delete/write combination, unless specified in a comment.
CliListWriter - implement this interface if target composite node in YANG is list. An implementation needs to be registered as GenericListWriter.
CliWriter - implement this interface if target composite node in YANG is container or augmentation. An implementation needs to be registered as GenericWriter.
CompositeWriter - extend this abstract class when multiple writers need to be invoked on one YANG node. The writers need to implement a check whether or not should they be invoked.
Each base writer should contain abstract methods:
- String updateTemplate(Config before, Config after) - this method returns Chunk template used for writing and updating data on the device.
- String deleteTemplate(Config data) - this method returns Chunk template used for deleting data from device.
Note: if updating data is done differently than writing new data, method String writeTemplate(Config data) might be used as well.
Each original writer transformed to use a base writer should have all it's templates written in Chunk. We extended Chunk to achieve easier manipulation with data. There is now a new filter called update. It's usage is following:
"{$data|update(mtu,mtu `$data.mtu`\n,no mtu\n)}"
- $data represents the data structure on which we check if it was updated from the previous state.
- mtu first argument represents the name of the field that should be checked within the $data
- mtu `$data.mtu`\n second argument represents the actual string that will be sent to the device if the value of the field named in first argument was changed or didn't exist before
- no mtu\n third argument represents the actual string that will be sent to the device if the value of the field named in first argument was deleted
- optional true fourth argument, if present, lets the filter know it should send both outputs to the device, first the delete string (third argument) then the update string (second argument)
Update filter does not send any of the strings to the device, if the value did not change.
When using this filter in updateTemplate method, you must use fT() method (format template) with one pair of the arguments being "before", before to let the template know what data represents the previous state.
Note: unfortunately, Opendaylight generates boolean fields instead of Boolean and Chunk does not work with boolean fields in the same way as any other object fields. Therefore for boolean values (eg. shutdown), you cannot use update filter and checking for changes needs to be done in a traditional way.
Translate unit class must implement interface TranslateUnit. Naming convention for translate unit class is device-type+openconfig-domain+Unit (e.g. IosXrInterfaceUnit). Translate unit class is usually instantiated, initialized and closed from Blueprint.
Implementation of TranslateUnit must be registered into TranslationUnitCollector and must specify device type and device version during registration. Snippet below shows registration of IosXRInterfaceUnit for device type "ios xr" all versions starting with "5".
private final TranslationUnitCollector registry;
private TranslationUnitCollector.Registration reg;
public static final Device IOS_5 = new DeviceIdBuilder()
.setDeviceType("ios xr")
public IosXRInterfaceUnit(@Nonnull final TranslationUnitCollector registry) {
this.registry = registry;
public void init() {
reg = registry.registerTranslateUnit(IOS_5, this);
public void close() {
if (reg != null) {
Blueprint example of injecting TranslationUnitCollector to IosXRInterfaceUnit:
<blueprint xmlns="http://www.osgi.org/xmlns/blueprint/v1.0.0"
<reference id="translationRegistry"
<bean id="iosXRInterfaceUnit"
init-method="init" destroy-method="close">
<argument ref="translationRegistry" />
Implementation of TranslateUnit must implement these methods:
String toString()
- Return unique string among all translation units which will be used as ID for the translation unit (e.g. "IOS XR Interface (Openconfig) translate unit")
Set getYangSchemas()
- Return YANG models containing composite nodes handled by handlers(readers/writers). Default implementation returns empty Set if no handlers are implemented.
Set<RpcService> getRpcs(@Nonnull Context context)
- Return RPC services implemented in the translation unit. Parameter context.getTransport() returns Cli object containing methods for communication with a device via CLI - may need to be passed to RPC implementations.
void provideHandlers(@Nonnull ModifiableReaderRegistryBuilder rRegistry, @Nonnull ModifiableWriterRegistryBuilder wRegistry, @Nonnull Context context)
- Handlers(readers/writers) need to be registered in this method. Parameter context.getTransport() returns Cli object containing methods for communication with a device via CLI - should be passed to readers/writers.
- This method should also register for general Openconfig checks:
CheckRegistry checkRegistry = ChecksMap.getOpenconfigCheckRegistry();
- Instance-identifier in generic reader/writer must be without keys pointing to the target composite node used in implemented reader/writer.
- Instance-identifiers for YANG container and list (not for augmentations and nodes behind augmentations) are automatically generated to IIDs class (used in examples bellow) during build of openconfig project.
- rRegistry.add
- Use when common GenericConfigListReader, GenericConfigReader, GenericOperListReader or GenericOperReader need to be registered.
- rRegistry.addNoop
- Use to register noop writers
rRegistry.add(IIDs.IN_INTERFACE, new InterfaceReader(cli));
- rRegistry.subtreeAdd
- Use when a reader implementation also fills composite child nodes of target composite node. Method subtreeAdd requires a set of IIDs for all handled children, the IIDs must start from the reader itself, not from root.
rRegistry.subtreeAdd(IIDs.IN_IN_AUG_INTERFACE1_ET_CONFIG, new EthernetConfigReader(cli),
- wRegistry.add
- Use when common GenericListWriter or GenericWriter are registered.
wRegistry.add(IIDs.IN_IN_CONFIG, new InterfaceConfigWriter(cli));
- wRegistry.subtreeAdd
- Use for writers handling data of whole composite node subtrees. This ensures that if only a child node is updated, the writer gets triggered. Method subtreeAdd requires a set of IIDs for all handled children, the IIDs must start from the reader itself, not from root.
wRegistry.subtreeAddAfter(IIDs.IN_IN_AUG_INTERFACE1_ET_CONFIG, new EthernetConfigWriter(cli),
Note: This example uses method subtreeAddAfter instead of subtreeAdd.
Last parameter in this method shows dependency on writer registered under IIDs.IN_IN_CONFIG.
- Ordering of writers - writers are stored in a linear structure and are invoked in order of registration. When registering a writer a relationship with another writer or set of writers can be expressed using addBefore, addAfter, subtreeAddBefore, subtreeAddAfter methods. E.g. InterfaceWriter and VRFInterfaceWriter should have a relationship: InterfaceWriter -> VRFInterfaceWriter so that first an interface is created and only then assigned to VRF. Note: VRF writer should be between them. If the order is not expressed during registration, commands might be executed on device in an unpredictable/invalid order.
Init translation unit does not contain readers and writers but it only contains implementation of TranslateUnit. There should be only one init translation unit per device type. Purpose of the init TU is to setup CLI prompt and define rollback strategy.
The implementation of TranslateUnit needs to override methods:
SessionInitializationStrategy getInitializer(@Nonnull final RemoteDeviceId id, @Nonnull final CliNode cliNodeConfiguration)
- Implement and return device specific SessionInitializationStrategy where:
- Setup device CLI terminal with attributes like width and length allowing to display infinite output.
- Enter desired CLI mode which will be used as default - every reader and writer gets CLI prompt in this state (e.g. EXEC mode for IOS, config mode for IOS-XR, cli mode for Junos)
String toString()
- Return unique string among all translation units which will be used as ID for the registration of the translation unit (e.g. "Junos cli init (FRINX) translate unit").
These methods may be overridden if necessary:
getPreCommitHook() - method that is invoked before actual commit is written into device. For example this method can enter configuration mode.
getCommitHook() - method that invokes actual commit and should catch any error on commit. Also it should handle any post-commit actions when the commit was successful.
getPostFailedHook() - method that is invoked when commit fails. Should implement aborts or revert strategies.
Methods like getYangSchemas, getRpcs should return empty sets and method provideHandlers should return nothing, just use the read registry and write registry to register handlers..
Unified translation units are located in https://github.com/FRINXio/unitopo-units repository.
Kotlin is used as prefered programming language in NETCONF translation units because it provides type aliases and better null-safety.
- Readers are handlers responsible for reading and parsing the data coming from a device
- There are 2 types of readers: Reader and ListReader. Reader can be used to handle container or argument nodes and ListReader should handle list nodes from YANG.
- Both types need to implement readCurrentAttributes to fill the builder with appropriate values
- ListReader needs to also implement getAllIds() where it retrieves a key for each item to be present in current list. After the list is received, framework will invoke readCurrentAttributes for each item from getAllIds
Each reader needs to implement one of these interfaces based on type of target node in YANG.For more information about methods please read javadocs.
ConfigListReaderCustomizer - implement this interface if target composite node in YANG is list and represents config data.
ConfigReaderCustomizer - implement this interface if target composite node in YANG is container or augmentation and represents config data.
OperListReaderCustomizer - implement this interface if target composite node in YANG is list and represents operational data.
OperReaderCustomizer - implement this interface if target composite node in YANG is container or augmentation and represents operational data.
Each base reader for netconf readers should be generic. The generic marks the data element within device YANG that is being parsed into. The base reader should contain abstract methods:
- fun readIid(<args>): InstanceIdentifier<T> - each child reader should fill in the device specific InstanceIdentifier that points to the information needed for this reader. Arguments may vary and they are used to be more specific IID (eg. when creating an IID to gather information about a specific interface, you may want to pass interface name as argument).
- fun readData(data: T?, configBuilder: ConfigBuilder, <args>) - this method is used to transform Openconfig data (contained in ConfigBuilder) into device data (T) using .
Note: naming of the methods should be unified in order to be easily parsed by auto-generated documentation.
- A writer needs to implement all 3 methods: Write, Update, Delete in order to fully support default rollback mechanism of the framework
- Time showed that update like 1. delete, 2. write is anti-pattern and should not be used. There is just one case where it is necessary: when re-writing list entry, you must first delete the previous entry, then write the new one, otherwise the previous entry would still be present and the new entry will be added to the list.
- A writer can properly work only if there is a reader for the same composite node
- The framework provides safe methods to use when handling data on device:
- safePut deletes or adds managed data. Does not touch data that was previously on the device and is not handled by the writer.
- safeMerge stores just the changed data into device. Does not touch data that was previously on the device and is not handled by the writer.
- safeDelete removes data from the device only if the managed node does not contain any other information (even one not handled by the writer).
This test demonstrates the usage of safe methods.
Each writer needs to implement one of these interfaces based on type of target node in YANG. Unlike mandatory interfaces for reading, only interfaces for writing config data are available (because it is not possible to write operational data). For more information about methods please read javadocs.
ListWriterCustomizer - implement this interface if target composite node in YANG is list. An implementation needs to be registered as GenericListWriter.
WriterCustomizer - implement this interface if target composite node in YANG is container or augmentation. An implementation needs to be registered as GenericWriter.
Each base writer should be generic and contain abstract methods:
- fun getIid(id: InstanceIdentifier<Config>): InstanceIdentifier<T> - this method returns InstanceIdentifier that points to a node where data should be written
- fun getData(data: Config): T - this method transforms Openconfig data into device specific data (T)
Translate unit class must implement interface TranslateUnit. Naming convention for translate unit class is just name Unit. Translate unit class is usually instantiated, initialized and closed from Blueprint.
Implementation of TranslateUnit must be registered into TranslationUnitCollector and must provide set of supported underlay YANG models. Snippet below shows registration of Unit for junos device version 17.3.
class Unit(private val registry: TranslationUnitCollector) : TranslateUnit {
private var reg: TranslationUnitCollector.Registration? = null
fun init() {
reg = registry.registerTranslateUnit(this)
fun close() {
reg?.let { reg!!.close() }
override fun getUnderlayYangSchemas() = setOf(
Blueprint example of injecting TranslationUnitCollector to Juniper173InterfaceUnit:
<blueprint xmlns="http://www.osgi.org/xmlns/blueprint/v1.0.0"
<reference id="unifiedTranslationRegistry"
<bean id="juniper173InterfaceUnit"
init-method="init" destroy-method="close">
<argument ref="unifiedTranslationRegistry" />
Implementation of TranslateUnit must implement these methods:
toString(): String
- Return unique string among all translation units which will be used as ID for the translation unit (e.g. "IOS XR Interface (Openconfig) translate unit")
getYangSchemas(): Set<YangModuleInfo!>
- Return YANG models containing composite nodes handled by handlers(readers/writers). It must return empty Set if no handlers are implemented.
getUnderlayYangSchemas(): Set<YangModuleInfo!>
- Return YANG module informations about underlay models used in the translation unit. These YANG modules describes configuration of NETCONF capable device.
getRpcs(underlayAccess: UnderlayAccess): Set<RpcService<, >>
- Return RPC services implemented in the translation unit. Default implementation returns an emptySet. Parameter underlayAccess represents object containing methods for communication with a device via NETCONF and should be passed to readers/writers.
provideHandlers(rRegistry: ModifiableReaderRegistryBuilder, wRegistry: ModifiableWriterRegistryBuilder, underlayAccess: UnderlayAccess): Unit
- Handlers(readers/writers) need to be registered in this method. underlayAccess represents object containing methods for communication with a device via NETCONF and should be passed to readers/writers.
- How to register readers/writers is described in CLI TranslateUnit
In case of needing to implement a new CLI Translation Unit for specific version of device we create a new TranslateUnit (e.g. located in iosxr/mpls).
In this case we use IOSXR4.* implementation as an example.
In TranslateUnit we had just created, e.g. MplsUnitXR4.java, we have to register device as a constant located ../iosxr/utils/IosXrDevices.java containing device type and version as described in TranslateUnit documentation.
public void init() {
reg = registry.registerTranslateUnit(IOS_4, this);
This unit can reuse all writers/readers from existing ones, except the writer (or other handler) we want to alter or create (in our example writer for tunnel configuration). We have to create a new writer with desired behaviour and add it into provideWriters method.
private void provideWriters(ModifiableWriterRegistryBuilder wRegistry, Cli cli) {
wRegistry.add(IIDs.NE_NE_MP_LS_CO_TU_TU_CONFIG, new TunnelConfigWriterXR4(cli));
In our example, the newly created writer have to implement CliWriter interface as well as all the methods mentioned in Writers. With other handlers we proceed with same logic.
Similar process apply on every new implementation of different device version.
Do not push code that contains following:
- Static imports
- Commented out code
- Reflection
- Trailing whitespaces or tabs
- Double blank lines
Before pushing the code make sure:
- New classes/interfaces have the correct license header
- New classes/interfaces/yang model have correct date
- All new dependencies and imports are actually used
- All variables/methods are actually used
- All defined exceptions can be thrown from the code
- Comments are appropriate to the code behavior
- Code has correct spacing
- All comments are in English
- Constants
- Chunk
- Show commands
- java regexes