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690 lines (663 loc) · 20.3 KB

File metadata and controls

690 lines (663 loc) · 20.3 KB


This is my python climb learning road, I followed neuralnine's youtube vedio and write the following code down below...

And there are also some c++ beginer tutorial by neuralnine...

So much thanks to neuralnine and his contribution:


Source Code List

  • 1-hello-world
  • 2-Variables-Data-Types
  • 3-Operators
  • 4-User-Input
  • 5-Typecasting
  • 6-Storage-Classes
  • 7-Conditions
  • 8-Switch-Case
  • 9-Loops
  • 10-Functions
  • 11-Call-By-Reference
  • 12-Header-Files
  • 13-Global-Variables
  • 14-Arrays
  • 15-Strings
  • 16-Exception-Handling
  • 17-Pointers
  • 18-Constants
  • 19-Preprocessor-Directives
  • 20-Enums
  • 21-Structs
  • 22-Typedef


Source Code List

    1. Motivation First Program
    1. Data Types Variables
    1. Operators && Typecasting Constants Strings
    1. Conditions If Statements Switch Case
    1. Loops
    1. Functions
    1. Arrays
    1. Pointers
    1. File Handling Errors
    1. Spinning Donut
    1. Spinning cube


Source Code List

  • 3D-plotting-with-matplotlib
  • bar-charts-with-matplotlib
  • matplotlib-styling
  • numpy-arrays
  • numpy-functions
  • pandas-data-frames
  • pandas-merging-data-frames
  • pandas-queries
  • pandas-series
  • pandas-sorting-and-functions
  • pandas-statistics
  • pie-charts-with-matplotlib
  • plotting-functions-with-matplotlib
  • plotting-histograms-with-matplotlib
  • scatter-plots-with-matplotlib
  • subplots-and-multiple-windows


Source Code List

  • classed-and-objects
  • data-programing
  • events-and-daemon-threads
  • inheritance
  • logging
  • multithreading
  • queues
  • recursion
  • sockets-and-network-programing
  • synchronizing-threads
  • xml-processing


Source Code List

  • Decision-Trees-and-Random-Forest-Classification
  • digits.model
  • Handwritten-Digit-Recognition-with-Tensorflow
  • K-Means-Clustering
  • K-Nearest-Neighbors-Classification
  • Linear-Regression
  • Support-Vector-Machines


Source Code List

  • Advanced-TCP-Chat-Room-in-Python
  • Amount-of-Digits-in-A-Number
  • Analyzing-Coronavirus-with-Python-COVID-19
  • Any-All-Functions
  • Analyzing-Cryptocurrencies
  • bypassing-password-managers
  • camera-chat-in-python
  • camera-classifier-in-python
  • candlestick-charts-in-python
  • convert-python-to-exe
  • convert-vedio-to-gif
  • crack-zip-with-brute
  • ddos-script
  • dictionary-attack-on-zip
  • docsrtings
  • edge-detection-with-opencv
  • enumeration
  • extracting-wifi-passwords-from-windows
  • fast-multithreading-port-scanner
  • find-ip-address
  • ftp-client
  • Generating-Poetic-Texts-with-Recurrent-Neural-Networks
  • image-classification-with-neural-networks
  • intelligent-ai-chatbot
  • join-fuctions
  • lambda-expressions
  • Law-of-Large-Numbers-in-Python
  • list-comprehensions
  • making-text-images-readable-with-opencv
  • map-function
  • Merging-Dictionaries
  • Most-Frequent-Value-of-A-List
  • Motion-Filtering-with-OpenCV
  • Predicting-Stock-Prices
  • QR-Code-Generator
  • Reversing-Lists
  • S&P-500-Web-Scraping
  • Screen-Recorder-in-Python
  • Screen-Sharing
  • Self-Driving-AI-Car-Simulation
  • Simple Voice Recorder
  • Simple-Bitcoin-Miner
  • simple-blockchain
  • Simple-Caesar-Encryption
  • Simple-GUI-Chat
  • simple-hangman-game
  • simple-keylogger
  • Simple-Mail-Client
  • Simple-Password-Generator
  • Simple-Sentiment-Text-Analysis
  • Simple-Spam-Bot
  • Simple-TCP-Chat-Room-in-Python
  • Simple-Virtual-Assistant
  • simple-virus-in-python
  • Slice-Function
  • Speech-Recognition
  • Speeding Up Python Code With Caching
  • Stock-Portfolio-Visualization-with-Matplotlib
  • String-Formatting-with-F-Strings
  • Subdomain-Finder
  • Summarize-News-Articles-with-Machine-Learning
  • Swapping-Variables
  • Technical-Stock-Analysis-RSI
  • Ternary-Operator
  • trojan-horse
  • Twitter-Sentiment-Analysis
  • Visualizing-Bitcoin
  • Visualizing-Stock-Data-With-Candlestick-Charts
  • YouTube-Downloader
  • Zip-Function
  • Coding A Snake Game
  • Simple Voice Chat
  • Dogecoin Twitter Sentiment Analysis
  • Creating Your Own Audiobooks
  • Intelligent Voice Assistant
  • Pokedex GUI
  • Predicting Crypto Prices
  • Zoom Clone
  • AsyncIO & Asynchronous Programming
  • Coding A Pong Game
  • Colored Console Output
  • Financial AI Assistant
  • Matplotlib Animations
  • Merge Sort
  • Coding A Twitter Bot
  • Speed Up Your Code With Cython
  • Simple Discord Bot
  • Build Your Own Browser Using Python
  • Plagiarism detector using python
  • Internet Speed Test
  • Multiple Clipboards
  • Web Scraping Basics
  • Three Python Games
  • Revealing Coin Flip Scam using Statistics
  • Balance Sheet Analysis
  • Multiprocessing
  • SpeedUp With Numba Compilation
  • Algorithmic Trading Strategy
  • Crypto Trading Bot
  • MySQL Bascis
  • Stock Screener
  • Voice Assistant with Wake Word
  • IPv6 Sockets
  • Turns Python Objects Into Database Entries
  • Predicting Stock Prices with FBProphet
  • Convert Text To Binary
  • Process HUGE Data Sets in Pandas
  • Simple Automated SSH Python Bot
  • Advanced Stopwatch
  • Detection Alarm System
  • Backtesting Stock Trading Strategies
  • Coding Encrypted Chat
  • Coding Web Crawler in Python with Scrapy
  • Context Managers
  • House Price Prediction
  • Interactive Web Visualizations with Bokeh
  • Load Database Tables Into Pandas
  • Modern Graphical User Interfaces
  • Processing & Handling Signals
  • Professional Dependency Management with Pipfiles
  • Automated Options Trading Bot
  • Encrypted File Transfer via Sockets
  • Using Python Context Managers and the with Statement
  • Pointers in Python Are A Real Thing
  • Real-Time Spelling Checker
  • WHOIS Domain Lookup Tool
  • Requests Library
  • Rotating Proxies For Web Requests
  • Run Python Code From Excel with VBA
  • Containerize Python Applications with Docker
  • Secure Login System
  • Two-Factor Authentication 2FA
  • Working with YAML Files
  • Scheduling Tasks Professionally
  • For-Else
  • Plotnine_ A Different Approach To Data Visualization
  • Python Operator_ Key in Matrix Operations
  • Disassembling Python Code
  • Optimize Python Code Profiling with cProfile
  • Telegram Birthday Bot
  • get position and auto click
  • Massively Speed Up Requests with HTTPX
  • Professional Command-Line Tools with Click-Shell
  • Professional Expense Tracker
  • Python Threading Explained in 8 Minutes
  • Python pathlib Module and Dictionaries
  • Python Speed Comparison
  • Advanced Dictionaries defaultdict
  • Convert Videos To MP3 with FFmpeg
  • Google Calendar Automation
  • Render Math Formulas From LaTeX
  • Transcribe Audio Files with OpenAI Whisper
  • Base64 Encoding Binary Files
  • Dropbox Automation For Backups
  • MongoDB in Python
  • Dynamic Attribute Handling in Python getattr(), setattr(), hasattr(), delattr()
  • Generating ACTUALLY Random Numbers
  • HTTP Status Codes Simply Explained in Flask
  • Image Segmentation with K-Means Clustering
  • Pseudo-Random Number Generator From Scratch
  • K-Means Clustering From Scratch (Mathematical)
  • Professional Python Testing with Mocks
  • Matplotlib Full Python Course
  • Modern Machine Learning Apps with Streamlit
  • Data Compression Algorithms
  • How Do Random Forests Work & What is Ensemble Learning
  • Parallel Computing with Nvidia CUDA
  • Automate Google Search API
  • Financial Stock Assistant Chatbot
  • Finding The Optimal Number of Clusters in Machine Learning
  • Real-Time Stock Price Tracker
  • Pretty Error Messages
  • Synchronize Multiple Applications with File Locks
  • Understanding stdin, stdout, stderr
  • HTTPBin - Experimenting, Debugging & Testing of Network Applications
  • Python F-String Feature
  • Advanced Serialization with dill
  • Synchronizing Multiple Processes
  • Inheritance Within Python Object-Oriented Programming
  • Integration Testing For Flask Applications
  • Graph Search Visualization in Python (BFS and DFS)
  • Analytics Tracking in Web Apps with Beacons
  • F-Strings Have A Lot of Format Modifiers
  • Migrate SQLite Database to MySQL


Source Code List

  • Argument-Parsing
  • Composite-Design-Pattern
  • Decorators
  • Encapsulation
  • Factory-Design-Pattern
  • Generators
  • Magic-Methods-Dunder
  • Proxy-Design-Pattern
  • Singleton-Design-Pattern
  • Type-Hinting
  • Python Socket Programming
  • Stock Market Clustering
  • Intelligent Discord AI Chatbot
  • Sudoku Solver
  • Unit Testing
  • Excel Automation
  • Make Python Code More Professional
  • Simple GUI Calculator
  • Android App Development
  • Colorize Black White Images
  • JSON Tutorial
  • Live Object Detection
  • Stock Option Screener
  • Serialization With Pickle
  • Telegram Bot
  • Portfolio Diversification Analysis
  • Handwritten Digit Recognition Using Neural Networks
  • Security Levels Log Files Formatting
  • Data Classes
  • Processing-XML-Files
  • Linear-Regression-From-Scratch
  • Telegram AI Uses Neural Network To Classify Images
  • Matplotlib Style Sheets
  • Simple Web Browser
  • Python Main Function Useful For
  • Why is 0.1 + 0.2 Not 0.3 in Python
  • Android Chat App
  • GUI Development Using PyQt5
  • Hide Information in JPEG Files
  • Paint Clone
  • Simple GUI Text Editor
  • Minimal Flask REST API
  • Bitwise Operators
  • Simple Android Calculator App
  • Python GUI Development
  • Professional 3D Plotting in Matplotlib
  • Extract Text From Images in Python OCR
  • Make Images Readable Again
  • Mail Client with GUI
  • Walrus Operator
  • Recursion
  • TCP vs UDP Sockets
  • Proxy Servers
  • x86 Assembly Hello World Explained
  • Visualizing Sorting Algorithms
  • Simple Todo GUI App
  • Building A Simple REST API with FastAPI
  • Countdown Timer
  • Instagram Hashtag Generator
  • Multiplayer TicTacToe Game
  • Speed Typing Test
  • Financial Statements
  • AI Biceps Curls Counter Fitness
  • Simple HTTP Server
  • Simplest Python Chat
  • Simple Mail Checker
  • AES Encryption
  • Simple Python flask Web Application
  • 3D Game Development
  • Bulk File Renaming Tool Project
  • Pomodoro Timer GUI
  • Password Strength Checker
  • AI project Body Posture detection
  • Fuzzy String Matching
  • Hide Secret Messages in PNG
  • 3d First person game
  • Image Filters Effects
  • Analyzing Stock Price Correlations
  • Arduino Capacitive Touch Sensor
  • Fingerprint Matching
  • put face lock on an application
  • Binary Search Tree
  • Simulating RealWorld Processes
  • Hyperparameter Tuning with GridSearchCV
  • Professional Tables
  • Simulating RealLife Processes
  • Heaps & Priority Queues
  • Immutable Data Structures
  • filter() Function
  • map() Function
  • reduce() Function
  • enumerate() With for Loops
  • append() to Build Lists
  • any() & Working With Multiple Booleans
  • Using pickle Modul
  • Speed Up Python With Concurrency
  • NumPy Data Science Fundamentals
  • Titanic Survival Prediction Machine Learning Project
  • Coding a Snake Game
  • Simple Linear Regression
  • Simple Face Detection
  • Bandwidth Monitor
  • Password Manager
  • Calorie Tracker
  • Counters
  • Polynomial Regression
  • Pushpa dance Holistic figure
  • python Algorithms
  • Automated Google Drive Backups
  • Kraken Trading Bot
  • Breast Cancer Detection
  • Locking & Synchronizing Threads
  • Itertools For Advanced Iteration
  • Weather API
  • Push-up counter using Mediapipe
  • Analysing and downloading YouTube videos
  • Pythons datetime Module and How Dates and Times are Messy
  • Automated Video Editing
  • Create Fancy Word Clouds
  • Handling Multiple Timezones
  • Voice Activated Switch using Arduino
  • 2 Level Security System
  • Config Files & Parsing
  • Does Pydantic Replace Dataclasses in Python
  • Generating Professional Sample Data with Faker
  • Partial Functions
  • Snake in Excel with Python
  • Snake in the powershell terminal
  • Auto Clicker Bot
  • Statistics Fundamentals
  • Understanding framerate independence and deltatime
  • Web Scraping with Professional Proxy Servers
  • Emojis in Python
  • Animating Statistical Data
  • Connect Python Scripts To Internet With Ngrok
  • Conway's Game of Life
  • Custom Color Maps in Matplotlib
  • Interactive Python Plots With IPyWidgets
  • Windows Notifications
  • Visualizing Decision Trees
  • Visualize Stock Market Maps
  • System Tray Icon
  • SymPy is REVOLUTIONARY For Mathematical Tasks
  • Stock Price Alarm Bot
  • Progress Bars
  • Plotting in Command Line
  • Online Web Chat
  • Naming Colors
  • Morse Code
  • image Compression Using PCA
  • Extracting Dominant Colors From Images
  • Word File Processing
  • Split Screen Videos with MoviePy
  • Simple UDP Chat Room
  • Hardware Information Tool
  • CPU & RAM Usage Monitor
  • Simple Image Viewer
  • Professional CLI Applications with Click
  • Fuzzy File Searching Tool
  • GPS Location From Image Metadata
  • Thread Pools
  • Shutdown Logout and Restart Computer with Python GUI
  • Professional Progress Bars
  • SQL Queries For Pandas DataFrames
  • Replace Excel With Pandas
  • Parallelize Python Tasks with Joblib
  • Generate Unique IDs in Python (UUIDs)
  • Auto-Translating Chat
  • Simple Instagram Bot
  • Hidden Password Input
  • Visualizing Excel Files Easily
  • Unlocking your CPU cores
  • RSA Private & Public Key Encryption
  • Regular Expressions
  • Selenium Browser Automation
  • Windows Registry
  • Extract PDF Content
  • Merge PDF Files
  • How To Use Joysticks & Controllers in PyGame
  • Camera Recording Tool
  • Splitting PDF Files
  • File Transfer via Sockets
  • XPath Crash Course For Python Web Scraping
  • Deploy Your Discord Python Bot For Free
  • Simple Voice Recorder with GUI
  • Make SQL Queries Secure
  • Automatic OCR Receipt & Invoice Parsing
  • Decimal Module in Python For Accurate Floats
  • Packaging Data Using Structs
  • Controlling Your PC's Volume
  • QR Code Scanner & Generator with GUI
  • String Fundamentals Concatenation Indexing and Slicing Python Basics
  • Graphical Python Programming For Beginners with Turtle
  • Automated Excel Bot in Python
  • Advanced Exception Handling
  • Build Your Own Financial Dashboard
  • Graph Embedding For Machine Learning
  • Matchmaking System For Games
  • NetworkX Crash Course - Graph Theory
  • Professional Webhooks with Flask
  • Pynecone
  • Simple FTP Server
  • Age & Gender Prediction with DeepFace
  • Anomaly Detection For Time Series Data
  • zipfile to Work With Existing Zip files
  • Text Generation AI
  • PostgreSQL in Python
  • Simple Todo List App in Flask
  • AI Custom Drawings Classifier
  • Fake News Detection
  • K-Nearest Neighbors Classification From Scratch
  • Polling Application with Flask
  • Live Face Recognition
  • Use OpenAI ChatGPT in Python
  • Google Sheets API Automation
  • Encrypt SQLite Databases with SQLCipher
  • Hashing in Python Using Hashlib Library for Secure Hashing
  • Deep Reinforcement Learning with OpenAI Gym
  • Generate AI Images with OpenAI DALL-E
  • Gradient Descent From Scratch
  • Massively Speed-Up SQL Queries with Indexes
  • Professional Authentication System with Descope in Python Flask
  • Professional Weather App with Django
  • Python Interface Definitions & Stub Files For Professional Development
  • Sign Emails with Certificates & SMIME
  • Flask Blueprints Make Your Apps Modular & Professional
  • Properly Load & Manage API Keys
  • Load Environment Variables From .env Files
  • URL Shortener in Flask
  • RSA Encryption From Scratch Math
  • Analyze Text Readability & Complexity
  • MapReduce Jobs For Distributed Hadoop Clusters
  • Custom MoviePy Animations
  • Create & Manage Cookies in Flask
  • Dark Mode in Tkinter Applications Made Simple
  • Finding Optimal Number of Features For Training AI Models
  • Handle Cookies in Python Requests
  • leave Nested Loops
  • The One Invisible Byte That Can Mess Up All of Your Code
  • Custom Format Specifiers
  • Replace print() with icecream ic()
  • Build Machine Learning Applications Easily with Gradio
  • Selenium Headless Scraping For Servers & Docker
  • Building With Classes Practice
  • Custom HTML Filters in Flask Applications
  • Automatically Fill Word Files
  • Matplotlib Widgets Make Your Graphs Interactive
  • Cached Properties Can Massively Speed Up Your Python Code
  • JSON Schema Validation in Python_ Bring Structure Into JSON
  • Advanced Python Dictionaries with Benedict
  • Argument Parsing with argparse
  • Auto-Stop Algorithms with Multiprocessing
  • Coding A Simple Mastermind Game
  • Color Schemes For Tkinter Python Applications
  • Construction Heuristic For Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP)
  • Finding the Current Time
  • Graph Coloring Algorithm
  • Mandelbrot Set Visualization
  • Transfer Complex Python Objects via Sockets
  • Pagination in Flask Split Your Data Into Pages
  • Speed Up Data Processing with Apache Parquet
  • Test-Driven Development
  • Garbage Collection
  • GUI Applications For All Platforms with Flet
  • Massive Python Speed-Up Caching Across Sessions
  • Run R Code in Python with rpy2
  • shutil The Ultimate Python File Management Toolkit
  • Simple OCR in Python with easyocr
  • Structural Pattern Matching
  • Virtual Displays
  • Calculator App For All Platforms
  • Generate LLM
  • HTTPS & Certificates in Flask Web Applications
  • Matplotlib Visualizations in Tkinter GUI Apps
  • Memory Profiling
  • Rock Paper Scissors Game
  • What are slots in Python
  • Blueprints Flask
  • Simple Search Engine
  • Automatically Fill PDF Forms
  • Collatz Sequence
  • Cookie Handling For Selenium Web Scraping
  • Databases & SQLAlchemy
  • Export SQL Tables To Excel
  • First Flask Project
  • Genetic Algorithms
  • Limit Calculator App
  • Machine Learning Model Explainability with LIME
  • Natural Sorting with natsort
  • Polar Plots
  • Probability Calibration For Machine Learning
  • Regular Expression Checker
  • Responsive Tkinter GUIs
  • Cellular Automata
  • Creating APIs For Machine Learning Models with FastAPI
  • Creating QR Codes
  • Flask Project_ Site Connectivity Checker
  • Routes & URLs
  • Schedule Automatic Tasks in Flask with APScheduler
  • Sessions & Cookies
  • Download Kaggle Datasets via API
  • GIF Maker
  • Parameters in Python Functions
  • Watermarking Images Automation
  • Tkinter Layout managers
  • User Authentication flask
  • Tic-Tac-Toe Game Unbeatable Minimax AI

10 apps in Python with PySimpleGUI

Source Code List

  • python libs to install: pip install PySimpleGUI pytube matplotlib pillow beautifulsoup4 opencv-python
  • 1-converter
  • 2-one-line-app
  • 3-calculator
  • 4-stopwatch
  • 5-text-editor
  • 6-snake
  • 7-graph-app
  • 8-image-editor
  • 9-youtube-downloader
  • 10-weather-app
  • 11-face-detector


Source Code List

  • codewars 1
  • codewars 2
  • codewars 3
  • codewars 4
  • codewars 5
  • codewars 6
  • codewars 7


Source Code List

  • Google Chrome Browser Database Cracking Code
  • Advanced Keylogger
  • Selenium Install Automate Chrome Tasks WebDriver
  • Dictionaries Hash Table Hashmap
  • zone transfer Exploiting DNS Servers
  • EMAIL Bomb_Bomber
  • SIMPLE port scanner
  • Hunt Down Social Media Accounts by Usernames for Open-Source Intelligence
  • Python-TCP-Reverse-Shell (with persistense feature)
  • Python-Ransomware
  • Memoization LRU Cache
  • Rock Paper Scissors-Text Based Game
  • SSH-Bot-Brute-force
  • Python-Motion-Detection-system
  • CSub Subdomain Scanner
  • Locate-users-address-from-IP
  • Zip-Cracker-Bruteforce
  • Binary Search
  • linux LKM Rootkit

I know python

Source Code List

  • Distance Between Two Geographical Location
  • Send Multiple Emails from CSV
  • OTP Verification system
  • game development (dumb ass car game)
  • python pattern
  • python misc
  • Realtime chat application
  • Best 5 tkinter projects
  • how to ...... with python
  1. Attach Image to pdf
  2. automate search of trending hashtag and number of tweets from those hashtags
  3. automate whatsapp message
  4. Automatically Search Top 100 Tweets From a Hashtag
  5. Dogecoin Profit Calculator
  6. smart attendance system
  7. Convert Text into Hand Written Text
  8. Create Home surveillance system
  9. calculate Number of faces in a real time video using OpenCV
  10. Create Instagram filter
  11. Automating Chrome Dino game
  12. Monopoly Bank in python
  13. Memory Test Game using Python
  14. create Facemesh using mediapipe
  15. Computer vision game
  16. virtual mouse
  17. News Update Android app
  18. python + Arduino + ultrasonic sensor to open application by detecting motion
  19. Spam classifier from the scratch for chat application on machine learning part 3
  20. Create Bluetooth Port Scanner
  21. 3D Objectron using python and mediapipe
  22. Controlling Servo motor with Arduino and python
  23. red light green light game
  24. Real time emotion detection
  25. Draw Squid Games card

;) More Code Coming Soon... ;)