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Learn More about the Artist! |
To learn more about what Lillian works on you can get connected with her, or fill out one of our forms! To get connected, please click the button below! |
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Commission Form! |
To request a specific artistic peice, please fill the form at the bottom of the page! |
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projects |
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Project 1 |
This project is made out of different kinds of paper and was all crafted by hand and glued to a canvas. The different flowers are not oragami but are seperate shapes cut and glued back together. The art gives a beautiful 3-D pop out effect. |
paperflowers.JPG |
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Project 2 |
This project was done by Lillian in her freshman year of high school. The leaves of the tree are actually clay peices shaped into small coils of different sizes. All of the clay peices were made by hand. |
ClayTree.png |
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Project 3 |
This project is funny because it was originally meant to be a resin pour, but the artist dropped it on the ground by mistake. The result is an interesting new take on a resin pour. |
droppedresinpour.png |
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Project 4 |
This is another example of a resin pour created by the artist with a more whimsical feel to it. |
unicornresinpour.png |
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Project 5 |
This peice was inspired by the sunrise and was made with mosaic stones and paint to give it a more shiny appearance and to filter light in a interesting way. |
sunrise.png |
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Project 6 |
This is a very interesting peice that takes the use of acrylic paint and several pieces of paper that were coiled in a very abstract and fun way.There is a lot of intricate work with the paper that catches the eye very easily. |
Geometricpeice.jpg |
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More about the artist! |
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Lillian E. Griffith |
Lillian is currently in her Junior Year of high school in a small town called Williamsport. She is heavily involved with her art classes and maintains a wonderful GPA. She is involved in not only her art program but also the music program. She is in a select chamber group for choir, she is in the color guard of the marching band, she participates in the musical every year, and she holds leadership positions throughout all of those for example being secretary of the choir. She is dedicated to her artistic pursuits with outside lessons to allow her to learn new techniques, but she also does a lot on her own. The peices that you will see throughout this website are her own unique works and they are founded through her own stylistic choices and ideas. Not only does she have a lot of unique perspectives to share with the world and all the talent to go with it, but she is also constantly experimenting with new skills and tools to learn and grow as an artist! |
Unicornmemberphoto.jpg |
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View Portfolio! |
#portfolio |
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Major Achievements! |
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2017-2018 **Humble Beginnings**
Lillian started high school in 2017 and that was when she really started to explore her artistic creativity with the high school art department.She soon excelled while taking Drawing and Painting classes along with 3D sculpture classes. Soon her artwork was proudly displayed in the school art gallery. |
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assets/img/portfolio/thumbnails/circularwatercolorbeads.jpg |
November 2019 Private Artistic Lessons
In the later years of Lillian's high school career, she was able to begin private art lessons with a local teacher named Judy ... who helped her to develop her portfolio. |
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Let's Get In Touch! |
Fill out this form to get in touch with Lillian! |