- BUGFIX REFL031: conditional expression.
- BUGFIX REFL031: if statement.
- REFL046 check default member.
- Codefix REFL014 don't add flags by default.
- Suggest GetMember().GetAccessor() when not visible.
- REFL025 Nag when passing null.
- REFL025 Missing.Value requires a default value even if the type matches.
- REFL009 don't warn if null checked
- Erroneous REFL037 'The type does not exist' warnings.
- REFL044 Expected attribute type.
- REFL043 First argument must match type.
- Warn if GetMethod or SetMethod does not exist.
- REFL041 check delegate type when calling Delegate.CreateDelegate.
- REFL040 Prefer type.IsInstanceOfType.
- BUGFIX: NRE in GetTypeAnalyzer when elvis operator.
- REFL014 report when filtered by types.
- REFL039 prefer typeof().
- REFL003 warn on getting named tuple field.
- REFL016 handle ValueTuple.
- REFL038 prefer RuntimeHelpers.RunClassConstructor.
- REFL004 handle static ctor.
- REFL037 handle assembly.GetType
- Fix for REFL004
- BUGFIX REFL004 with indexers.
- BUGFIX: overload resolution.
- REFL016 & REFL017 require nameof when potentially overloading invisible.
- REFL035 Don't call Invoke on a generic definition.
- REFL015 nag when private member is found in base class.
- REFL033 types can be more specific.
- Understand MethodInfo.ReturnType, FieldInfo.FieldType, PropertyInfo.PropertyType
- BUGFIX REFL003 handles overload resolution.
- REFL003 when typeof
- REFL016 should not suggest nameof(Finalize).
- REFL016 should not suggest nameof(op_Equality).
- REFL018 should warn when public not in source.
- Walk some to find out ctor & method info
- REFL032 check DependencyAttribute
- REFL001 in more places.
- REFL025 in more places.
- REFL031 check MakeGenericX
- Analyzers for Activator.CreateInstance
- BUGFIX REFL018 when not visible member.
- Check arguments when calling MethodInfo.Invoke
- REFL019 Check filter types.
- REFL020 More than one interface is matching the name.
- REFL022 Use fully qualified name.
- REFL023 The type does not implement the interface.
- REFL024 Prefer null over empty array.
- REFL016 remove all checks except GetX arguments.
- BUGFIX: REFL016 code action title.
- BUGFIX: use correct member for nameof.
- BUGFIX REFL017 code action message.
- BUGFIX REFL017 and anonymous objects.
- BUGFIX: REFL008 don't warn for types not in sln.
- BUGFIX: Handle anonymous types.
- BUGFIX: nameof when calling GetNestedType.
- BUGFIX nameof when calling inaccessible.
- FEATURE: REFL014 handle events.
- FEATURE: new analyzer don't use nameof.