The core library for the browser/client side of Pixel Streaming experiences. This library contains no UI.
See lib-pixelstreamingfrontend-ui for an example of how to build UI on top of this library.
- Create a websocket connection to communicate with the signalling server.
- Create a WebRTC peer connection that displays the Unreal Engine video and audio.
- Handling of input from the user and transmitting it back to Unreal Engine.
- Opens a data channel connection sending and receiving custom data (in addition to input).
- Programmable and url specified settings.
npm install @epicgames-ps/lib-pixelstreamingfrontend-ue5.5
The NPM packages supports:
- ES6 module usage
- CommonJS usage
- Type definitions
- Source maps
Note: The NPM package does not contain a minified/bundled output, this is up to the user to do this in their application.