Styled Components Snippets Simple styled component snippets for VScode. Supported languages (file extensions) JavaScript (.js) TypeScript (.ts) JavaScript React (.jsx) TypeScript React (.tsx) Snippets Below is a list of all available snippets and the triggers of each one. The ⇥ means the TAB key. Imports Trigger Content imst→ Import styled from styled-components Component Boilerplate Trigger Content stc→ Styled component boilerplate stcr→ Styled component boilerplate for styling a react component stcc→ Create a styled component from html element and a react component wrapper stccr→ Create a styled component from react component and a react component wrapper Props Trigger Content stp→ Use a prop in a styled component stpt→ Use a prop in a ternary stpo→ Use a prop in an OR stpd→ Use a prop in a styled component via destructuring assignment stpdt→ Use a prop in a ternary via destructuring assignment stpdo→ Use a prop in an OR via destructuring assignment