- 35c887c: set the position props default value to responsive instead of fixed
- d384e21: revert picker indicator cursor position extrapolation to bound to the wrapper picker element (issue #76)
- c275511: migrate codebase to svelte 5
- de2725f: fix alpha slider background in case of a portal wrapper (fix issue #93)
- 0fd681f: up deps
- 1c8f4d1: support rtl alignment (issue #90)
- d005b46: fix auto-positionning when the popup is outside of the viewport (fix issue #82)
- 1efb3d5: add svelte 5 peer dependency (fix issue #84)
- a17d991: bump dependencies
- d8ebead: bump svelte-awesome-slider to 1.1.1 (fix issue #81)
- e36c45d: add contributing guide
- b46d0ae: compute color change if only one of hsv, rgb, hex is set (fix issue #80)
- 086c20a: add
props to adjust its position to always be visible on screen (issue #82 - thanks to LeonHeidelbach)
- ffd3e01: set CI node version to 20 and update actions version
- 190e932: fix doc title 'translate the color picker'
- 2938a06: use translations on the keyboard controlled sliders aria-label
- 89fc763: Create a css variable --cp-text-color instead of using --cp-border-color (fix issue #72)
- prevent button to trigger form (fix issue #70)
- Fix bug occurring when limiting the amount of textModeInputs or changing the order of textModeInputs (thanks to al-soup)
- Fix how the changeTo label is overriden (related to #65)
- Fix color picker being stuck when the color is initialized to undefined (fix issue #64)
- Prvent native iOS color picker to open (fix issue #62)
- Remove info of v3 in beta
- remove accessibility issues (issue #43)
- add nullable props to make the color picker nullable (issue #56)
- add dark theme support (issue #59)
- simplify lots of small things (removed some useless props) (see the migration guide)
- Display info of v3 in beta
- Fix doc: remove the CircleVariant which is the default display since v.2.0.0 (issue #39)
- 6dba255: Fix chrome variant hue max value (issue #40)
- Fix always open version disapear when tabbing (issue #36 - thanks to frostbytedata)
- Add --picker-z-index to customize z-index (issue #29)
- Remove the stopPropagation directive that blocks the events from bubbling (issue #32)
- Fix css variables --picker-height, --picker-width and --slider-width (issue #25)
- Remove console.log
- Fix tabbing into the input (thanks again to Manstie)
- Fix a11y notice display
- Fix focus style when pressing tab (issue #25)
- Fix default color input opening on Safari on label click (issue #18)
- Fix color picker initialization (issue #27)
- use SvelteKit 1.0.0 😁
- 3670d7c: fix a11y summary & svelte-check
- Fix indicator positioning and add the border on the default display too
- add border in slider indicator to be always visible (thanks to JinIgarashi)
- Display transparency in the closed picker (thanks to Manstie)
- fix issue #18: prevent default color input picker to open on safari
- Fix event type
- Add input event fired at every color change (thanks to Valandur)
- Add option to show the mode button (thanks to dnlml)
- add license
- fix dependency
- Add aria attributes
- 6d6e45e: use circle variant as the default one
- 029c474: Use an input color to fallback when javascript is disabled
- 2631865: Add accessibility contrast notice
- 382c7dc: use colord internally & remove the Color type
- 382c7dc: bump all libraries