Thank you for considering and taking the time to contribute! Product focuses on 100% education as well as upskilling developing countries and rural areas.
The following are guidelines for contributing to this project.
Please open a new issue in the appropriate GitHub repository and mention the community/ job/ oss project you want to add with all the required links. Once approved by the maintainers you can go ahead and create a Pull request regarding the same.
Make sure you move to correct roadmap and respective folder of your addition. Add your approved community/ job/ oss project in alphabetical order only
First, please refer to the applicable GitHub repository and search the repository's GitHub issues to make sure your idea has not been (or is not still) considered.
Then, please create a new issue in the GitHub repository describing your enhancement.
Be sure to include as much detail as possible including step-by-step descriptions, specific examples, screenshots or mockups, and reasoning for why the enhancement might be worthwhile.
We are using super-linter to check your code quality so make sure that you do not use unnecessary spaces or extra blank lines in your code or readme, if you are still failing the test please consider this Markdown style guide.