find_structura_bits(input: &[u8]) -> std::result::Result<Vec<u32>, ErrorType>
- take a ref to the u8 input
Iterate on the input: iterate idx < lenminus64
instantiate the SimdInput
let input = SimdInput::new(input.get_unchecked(idx as usize..))
Create memory for the structural input
let mut structural_indexes = Vec::with_capacity(len / 6);
SimdInput::flatten_bits(&mut structural_indexes, idx as u32, structurals);
increment idx SIMDINPUT_LENGTH;
1. if idx < len perform the computation using a smaller buffer?
pub fn from_slice_with_buffers(
input: &'de mut [u8],
input_buffer: &mut AlignedBuf,
string_buffer: &mut [u8],
) -> Result<Self> {
let len = input.len();
pub fn from_slice_with_buffers(
input: &'de mut [u8],
input_buffer: &mut AlignedBuf,
string_buffer: &mut [u8],
) -> Result<Self> {
let len = input.len();
if len > std::u32::MAX as usize {
return Err(Deserializer::error(ErrorType::InputTooLarge));
if input_buffer.capacity() < len + SIMDJSON_PADDING * 2 {
*input_buffer = AlignedBuf::with_capacity(len + SIMDJSON_PADDING * 2);
unsafe {
*(input_buffer.get_unchecked_mut(len)) = 0;
let s1_result: std::result::Result<Vec<u32>, ErrorType> =
unsafe { Deserializer::find_structural_bits(&input_buffer) };
let structural_indexes = match s1_result {
Ok(i) => i,
Err(t) => {
return Err(Error::generic(t));
let tape =
Deserializer::build_tape(input, &input_buffer, string_buffer, &structural_indexes)?;
Ok(Deserializer { tape, idx: 0 })