Zoo-DRU is deployed as an ArgoCD Application
using the zoo-project-dru
helm chart from the ZOO-Project helm chart repository.
Of particular interest is the approach to the specification of the helm values - which are provided through multiple dedicated values files.
The values files are referenced using the approach described in the ArgoCD documentation section 'Helm value files from external Git repository'...
- The git repo is defined as a
for the values...- repoURL: https://github.com/EOEPCA/eoepca-plus targetRevision: deploy-develop ref: values
- The values files are then referenced from this source...
valueFiles: - $values/argocd/eoepca/zoo-dru/values-zoo.yaml - $values/argocd/eoepca/zoo-dru/values-stageout.yaml