Jacob Duenke
January 22, 2019
Growing up in the 1990s and 2000s, I have been a firsthand participant in an explosion of consumer computer technology. The technology and the industry has always been a source of wonder and excitement for me. As a video gamer, I have had my eye on the cutting edge of technological power for years, even if I have not had the means to use it myself. That is why after long consideration, I have decided to pursue building a simple video game of checkers for my term project. With this, I know that I will have to work hard developing my knowledge, understanding, and technical skill with programming.
It is now common sense to me that every application of programming requires some form of database. For my game, I am going to need to store location data of the pieces on the board. I will also need to store the data indicating which player owns the pieces and if a piece has been "kinged" or "crowned" or not. I would also like to store player data such as player name and a win/lose ratio.
At this point, it is very difficult, and honestly, fairly daunting to consider how I might go about programming this game. Presently, I have no clue. I do know that I will have to design the interface and a database to hold the various values stated above, as well as program a real time or step by step transition for the interface. This project will require my absolute dedication to learning the code syntax needed to accomplish my goal.
The interface may turn out to be the easiest part of this project. A checker board is simply an arrangement of 8 x 8 squares. Each move will require the user to select a piece to move and then a qualifying space to move it to. An invalid movement will not be allowed, and only "kings" will be allowed to move backward. I may include a move submit button if I feel it's necessary. The interface will also include the player data such as player name, win/lose ratio, and the number of pieces taken from the opposing player.
I will continue with my studies in class, do my own more focused research after school, and collaborate with colleges if need be. Thanks to the worlds greatest revolution, the internet, I have only to look to find an unimaginable trove of resources and crowd-sourcing to help me along the way. Building this project is going to be like an epic quest for me. I'm starting with just the bare minimum skills and resources available, but by the end, I will have amassed a considerable amount of technical know-how; a metaphorical "level-up" from my starting position.