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Hello! First, I'd like to thank you for this program. Second, for some reason, whenever I create help images for my custom keyboard, they do not generate properly. This is what I mean:
It creates a file called "state0.png" at the root directory of the layout, which contains what seem to be extended symbols (such as alpha with acute and capital C-with-cedilla with acute). This is used as the default display image.
It creates a file called "state0.svg.png" with the proper layout for state 0 for my keyboard.
It does not create the "state1.png", "state1.svg.png", or any of the other state or dead key images. The layouts themselves seem to be working perfectly—it's just the images that aren't generated and thus don't update as I use the different states.
There is likely something wrong with the way I have configured things, but I've read the documentation, compared with other layouts, and messed around, and I just can't get it to work. I'd appreciate your help, or anyone's who knows how to solve this.
Details about my setup:
OS: Windows 11 build 22621.2428
Inkscape v. 1.3 downloaded fresh from the website
This is my layout file (with some commented sections ommitted for brevity:
;; ================================================================================================================================
;; Layout Definition file
;; for EPiKaL Portable Keyboard Layout (EPKL) by Øystein "DreymaR" Bech-Aase (2015-), based on PKL by Máté Farkas (2008-2010).
;; - The Layout.ini file may point to a base layout as well as Extend and DeadKey table files.
;; - It can override BaseLayout and EPKL_Layouts mappings, add key remaps and other layout info.
;; - To use a layout, try the Layout/Settings dialog from the EPKL tray menu (or Ctrl+Shift+6).
;; - Another way is to edit the EPKL_Layouts .ini 'layout = ' line and/or Type/Mod/ID/etc entries.
;; - Alternatively, run EPKL in compactMode with the layout's files in the main program folder.
;; ================================================================================================================================
;; Base Layout file info: for Beakl-27
;; - This file defines a useable layout in the EPKL format.
layoutName = Beakl-27 (KLM/ISO/ANSI unified Virtual Key codes)
layoutCode = Beakl-27
localeID = 00000525
copyright = ...
company = ...
homepage = ...
version = 0.1
;; A layout may augment its base one. The Remap file contains ergo and other layout remaps.
KbdType = ANS
;;baseLayout = BEAKL-27\Layout.ini
;; The Extend/dkList/string files hold Extend, dead key and literal/PowerString definitions.
;baseLayout = Colemak\BaseLayout_Cmk-eD
remapsFile = Files\_eD_Remap.ini
extendFile = Files\_eD_Extend.ini
dkListFile = Files\_eD_DeadKeys.ini
stringFile = Files\_eD_PwrStrings.ini
cmposrFile = Files\_eD_Compose.ini
;; The "layout/soft" ScanCode map is for typing, the "extend/hard" one for Extend mappings.
;; The "mechanical layout" VirtualKey map is mainly for ANS(I)/ISO/JIS conversion.
mapSC_layout = ANS
;mapSC_extend = Ext-CAW-_@K ; Only "hard" (non-letter) mods. Extend Curl-DH moves Ext+V with V.
;; DreymaR's Cmk-IBM help images (5*14 keys @96dpi)
img_sizeWH = 812,282 ; (541,188 @64dpi)
;; DreymaR's compact help images (3*10 keys @48dpi)
;;img_sizeWH = 292,85 ; ISO-Angle 298. Ortho 276. Others 292.
;; Scaling factor for help images, in %. (96->64)dpi = 66.66%; (96->48)dpi = 50%
img_scale = 100
Background image (key caps etc) and a background color for the image panel
;; img_bgImage = Files\ImgBackground\[email protected]
;; img_bgImage = Files\ImgBackground\[email protected]
img_bgImage = Files\ImgBackground\[email protected]
img_bgColor = 999999
;; On/Off, Extend, Dead key and Shift state marker (e.g., MagBlob, GrnBlob) images
icons_OnOff = Files\ImgIcons\Q_
img_Extend1 = Files\ImgExtend\@K_Ext1.png
img_Extend2 = Files\ImgExtend\@K_Ext2.png
img_Extend3 = Files\ImgExtend\@K_Ext3.png
img_Extend4 = Files\ImgExtend\_Empty_Ext.png
img_DKeyDir = .\Cmk-eD\Cmk-eD_@K\DeadkeyImg
img_ModsDir = Files\ImgModStates\GrnBlob
;; - These mappings override any key mappings in the _Layouts_ files.
;; - They may in turn be overridden by mappings in the current Layout.ini file.
shiftStates = 0 : 1 : 2 : 6 : 7 ; 8 : 9 : e : f
;; SC = VKEY CStat Base Shift Ctrl AltGr AGrSh ; SwiSh SwShS SwAGr SwAGS
QW_GR = vc_GR 0 @07e -- -- –- -- ; SC029: US `~ - dk_Tilde (ANS/ISO OEM_3/OEM_5)
QW_1 = 3 0 ## ! -- –- ¡ ; SC002: US 1! - dk_DotBelow
QW_2 = 2 0 ## @ -- -- ² ; SC003: US 2@ - dk_HookAbove/PalatalHook
QW_3 = 1 0 ## # -- -- ³ ; SC004: US 3# - dk_Horn/Tail/RetroflexHook
QW_4 = 0 0 ## $ -- -- £ ; SC005: US 4$ - dk_Currency
QW_5 = 4 0 ## % -- -- ‰ ; SC006: US 5% - dk_Greek(Mu)
QW_6 = 7 0 ## ^ -- -- ∂ ; SC007: US 6^ - dk_Circumflex
QW_7 = 6 0 ## & -- -- ¬ ; SC008: US 7& - dk_Caron
QW_8 = 5 0 ## * -- -- ∞ ; SC009: US 8* - dk_Ogonek/CommaBelow
QW_9 = 9 0 ## ( -- -- · ; SC00a: US 9( - dk_Breve
QW_0 = 8 0 ## ) -- -- ° ; SC00b: US 0) - dk_RingAbove/Lig
QW_MN = vc_MN 0 - _ -- -- ± ; SC00c: US -_ - dk_Macron (ANS/ISO _MINUS/_PLUS)
QW_PL = vc_PL 0 = + -- -- ≠ ; SC00d: US =+ - dk_DblAcute/Sci (ANS/ISO _PLUS/_4)
QW_Q = Q 1 q Q -- –- „ ; SC010: QW qQ
QW_W = H 1 h H -- –- “ ; SC011: QW wW
QW_E = O 1 o O -- –- ” ; SC012: QW eE
QW_R = U 1 u U -- –- ¶ ; SC013: QW rR
QW_T = X 1 x X -- –- Ŋ ; SC014: QW tT
QW_Y = G 1 g G –- Ʃ ; SC015: QW yY
QW_U = C 1 c C -- –- Ł ; SC016: QW uU
QW_I = M 1 m M -- –- « ; SC017: QW iI
QW_O = R 1 r R -- –- » ; SC018: QW oO
QW_P = Z 1 z Z -- –- … ; SC019: QW pP - dk_Umlaut (ANS/ISO _1/_3)
QW_LB = vc_MN 0 - _ -- -- –- Å ; SC01a: US [{ - eD ## (ANS/ISO _4/_6)
QW_RB = vc_RB 0 @07e -- -- -- –- Æ ; SC01b: US ]} - eD ## (ANS/ISO _6/_1)
QW_A = Y 1 y Y -- –- α ; SC01e: QW aA
QW_S = I 1 i I -- –- ™ ; SC01f: QW sS
QW_D = E 1 e E -- –- § ; SC020: QW dD
QW_F = A 5 a A -- –- Þ ; SC021: QW fF
QW_G = . 0 . -- -- –- Ð ; SC022: QW gG
QW_H = D 5 d D -- –- Ħ ; SC023: QW hH
QW_J = S 1 s S -- –- ↑ ; SC024: QW jJ
QW_K = T 1 t T -- -- ← ; SC025: QW kK
QW_L = N 1 n N -- —- → ; SC026: QW lL
QW_SC = B 1 b B -- -- ª ; SC027: QW ;:
QW_QU = vc_SC 0 : ; -- -- ′ ; SC028: US '" - dk_Acute/Superscript (ANS/ISO _7)
QW_BS = vc_BS 0 -- -- -- -- ¦ ; SC02b: US \| - dk_Grave/Subscript (ANS/ISO _5/_2)
;QW_LG = vc_LG 5 œ Œ -- -- Ø ; SC056: US <> - eD ## (ISO OEM_102)
QW_Z = J 1 j J -- -- Ʒ ; SC02c: QW zZ
QW_X = vc_SL 0 / ? -- -- ‡ ; SC02d: QW xX
QW_C = vc_CM 0 , ! -- -- ¢ ; SC02e: QW cC
QW_V = K 1 k K -- -- γ ; SC02f: QW vV
QW_B = sc_QU 0 @0b4 " -- -- β ; SC030: QW bB
QW_N = W 1 w W -- -- Ç ; SC031: QW nN
QW_M = F 1 f F -- -- ↓ ; SC032: QW mM
QW_CM = L 1 l L -- -- ≤ ; SC033: US ,< - dk_Cedilla (ANS/ISO OEM_COMMA)
QW_PD = P 1 p P -- -- ≥ ; SC034: US .> - dk_DotAbove (ANS/ISO OEM_PERIOD)
QW_SL = V 1 v V -- -- ¿ ; SC035: US /? - dk_Stroke/Bar (ANS/ISO _2/_MINUS)
QWSPC = SPACE 0 Spc Spc -- Spc ; SC039: Space (NBSP may cause trouble?)
What an odd layout. You have mappings on AltGr+Shift, but not on plain AltGr?
You should probably check out the HIG setting for which states to generate images for. Also, have you tried defining the base states explicitly (instead of VK ## mappings) for the purpose of image creation?
It seems to me that you've done something that I didn't think about, somehow. Not entirely sure what that is, yet.
Oh, hang on: In your settings file you have this oddity:
imgStates = 0:+1:+6:+7 ;:8:9:e:f
Whatever is that thing? If you want to generate states 0,1,6 and 7 use the normal 0:1:6:7 syntax. No plus signs to ruin everything, please! If you do indeed have nothing defined on state 6 then omit that.
Oh, I get it. You misread the help text above the setting. That explains how a state is calculated, as a sum of modifier bit logic. You don't specify each state with plus signs, and every example I've shown should demonstrate that clearly I hope?
As for the imgStates line, I did indeed misinterpret it, but I only put the plus signs after the defaults (without the plus signs) gave me the same result.
As for the layout, hahaha, yes. Every layer past shift is just a copy and paste of the default Colemak layout, as I haven't gotten around to finishing the others. It's a staggered-keyboard version of BEAKL-27, an evolution of the slightly more well-known BEAKL-15 layout.
Hello! First, I'd like to thank you for this program. Second, for some reason, whenever I create help images for my custom keyboard, they do not generate properly. This is what I mean:
There is likely something wrong with the way I have configured things, but I've read the documentation, compared with other layouts, and messed around, and I just can't get it to work. I'd appreciate your help, or anyone's who knows how to solve this.
Details about my setup:
OS: Windows 11 build 22621.2428
Inkscape v. 1.3 downloaded fresh from the website
This is my layout file (with some commented sections ommitted for brevity:
And this is my settings file:
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: