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Discord Text To Speech Bot:


I wrote this Discord bot so my friends and I could mess around with the text to speech voice character named Brian in Discord. Using odd symbols and words you can make Brian say goofy things like make him beatbox or say things extremely fast. In this project I wanted to get experience using JavaScript and also using Discord.js

Supported commands:

  • $help - Displays the help menu
  • $manual - Displays a TTS Manual Google Doc for using Brian. Made by gshredder
  • $stop - Stops Brian while he is speaking
  • $tts [sentence to be read] - Get Brian to read a sentence
  • $beatbox - Sick beatz
  • $invite - A bot invite link to share with your friends
  • $support - Support the bot by upvoting it on

Built with:

  • Node.js=14.15.3
  • Discord.js=12.5.1
  • @discord.js/opus=0.3.3
  • aws-sdk=2.819.0
  • ffmpeg-static=4.2.7
  • pm2=4.5.6


  • main.js - The main source code file that processes all of the commands
  • package.json / package-lock.json - Json files that describe the Node.js package dependencies


To invite the bot to your discord server:

  • Use this discord bot invite link
  • Here is the page
  • Here is the discord bot page

To run the source code on your machine:

  • First download Node.js
  • Then change to the directory where this project is installed and type npm install
  • Follow this tutorial to setup a bot in the Discord development application portal
  • Create an AWS account and follow this tutorial to create an AWS polly security key
  • After creating a token for the bot in the Discord dev portal and after setuping your AWS account, create an auth.json file in the project directory that looks like this:

{"token" : "discord-bot-token-goes-here", "accessKey" : "aws-accesskey-goes-here", "secret" : "secret-access-key-goes-here"}

  • Lastly, type node main.js in command line to run the code and your bot should appear online in your discord server
  • If you are running this bot in a production environment use pm2 start main.js. Pm2 will run the node application as a service and automatically restart the app if it crashes. I found that sometimes certain discord.js libraries will throw an error that is unexpected and tough to catch. PM2 makes sure the bot always stays online even if a weird error arises.