Simple Perl implementation of blockchain
use Blockchain; my $blockchain = new Blockchain;
Get the existing chain
@chain = $blockchain->{chain};
Create a new transaction
$index = $blockchain->new_transaction($sender, $recipient,$amount);
Create a new block by remaining
Run the proof of work algorithm to get the next proof...
$last_block = $blockchain->last_block();
$last_proof = $last_block->{proof};
$proof = $blockchain->proof_of_work($last_proof);
We must receive a reward for finding the proof.
The sender is "0" to signify that this node has mined a new coin.
Store hash and create the block
$previous_hash = $blockchain->hash($last_block);
$block = $blockchain->new_block($proof,$previous_hash);
This is a very simply blockchain implementation based on Daniel van Flymen, Learn Blockchains by Building One, in HackerNoon
Some notes:
- there is no mechanism for defining the current node (asside from whatever URL you run it at)
- instead of the typical api formulation I'm currently using GET requests
- mining test is very simple based on matching four digits
- I persist the bockchain by writing to and reading from file (it's a JSON file but the usual mechods to save objects as JSON aren't working)
Yes, I should use Catalyst. But it feels a lot of overhead.
In other words, don't use this pro production. It is a 0.01 module
Here are examples of the script being used:
... /app.cgi?cmd=chain
... app.cgi?cmd=mine
... app.cgi?cmd=transaction&sender=fred&recipient=johnny&amount=444