Rules which verify the content and formatting of code documentation.
Identifier | Name | Description |
SA1600 | ElementsMustBeDocumented | A C# code element is missing a documentation header. |
SA1601 | PartialElementsMustBeDocumented | A C# partial element is missing a documentation header. |
SA1602 | EnumerationItemsMustBeDocumented | An item within a C# enumeration is missing an Xml documentation header. |
SA1603 | DocumentationMustContainValidXml | The Xml within a C# element's document header is badly formed. |
SA1604 | ElementDocumentationMustHaveSummary | The Xml header documentation for a C# element is missing a <summary> tag. |
SA1605 | PartialElementDocumentationMustHaveSummary | The <summary> or <content> tag within the documentation header for a C# code element is missing or empty. |
SA1606 | ElementDocumentationMustHaveSummaryText | The <summary> tag within the documentation header for a C# code element is empty. |
SA1607 | PartialElementDocumentationMustHaveSummaryText | The <summary> or <content> tag within the documentation header for a C# code element is empty. |
SA1608 | ElementDocumentationMustNotHaveDefaultSummary | The <summary> tag within an element's Xml header documentation contains the default text generated by Visual Studio during the creation of the element. |
SA1609 | PropertyDocumentationMustHaveValue | The Xml header documentation for a C# property does not contain a <value> tag. |
SA1610 | PropertyDocumentationMustHaveValueText | The Xml header documentation for a C# property contains an empty <value> tag. |
SA1611 | ElementParametersMustBeDocumented | A C# method, constructor, delegate or indexer element is missing documentation for one or more of its parameters. |
SA1612 | ElementParameterDocumentationMustMatchElementParameters | The documentation describing the parameters to a C# method, constructor, delegate or indexer element does not match the actual parameters on the element. |
SA1613 | ElementParameterDocumentationMustDeclareParameterName | A <param> tag within a C# element's documentation header is missing a name attribute containing the name of the parameter. |
SA1614 | ElementParameterDocumentationMustHaveText | A <param> tag within a C# element's documentation header is empty. |
SA1615 | ElementReturnValueMustBeDocumented | A C# element is missing documentation for its return value. |
SA1616 | ElementReturnValueDocumentationMustHaveText | The <returns> tag within a C# element's documentation header is empty. |
SA1617 | VoidReturnValueMustNotBeDocumented | A C# code element does not contain a return value, or returns void, but the documentation header for the element contains a <returns> tag. |
SA1618 | GenericTypeParametersMustBeDocumented | A generic C# element is missing documentation for one or more of its generic type parameters. |
SA1619 | GenericTypeParametersMustBeDocumentedPartialClass | A generic, partial C# element is missing documentation for one or more of its generic type parameters, and the documentation for the element contains a <summary> tag. |
SA1620 | GenericTypeParameterDocumentationMustMatchTypeParameters | The <typeparam> tags within the Xml header documentation for a generic C# element do not match the generic type parameters on the element. |
SA1621 | GenericTypeParameterDocumentationMustDeclareParameterName | A <typeparam> tag within the Xml header documentation for a generic C# element is missing a name attribute, or contains an empty name attribute. |
SA1622 | GenericTypeParameterDocumentationMustHaveText | A <typeparam> tag within the Xml header documentation for a generic C# element is empty. |
SA1623 | PropertySummaryDocumentationMustMatchAccessors | The documentation text within a C# property's <summary> tag does not match the accessors within the property. |
SA1624 | PropertySummaryDocumentationMustOmitSetAccessorWithRestrictedAccess | The documentation text within a C# property's <summary> tag takes into account all of the accessors within the property, but one of the accessors has limited access. |
SA1625 | ElementDocumentationMustNotBeCopiedAndPasted | The Xml documentation for a C# element contains two or more identical entries, indicating that the documentation has been copied and pasted. |
SA1626 | SingleLineCommentsMustNotUseDocumentationStyleSlashes | The C# code contains a single-line comment which begins with three forward slashes in a row. |
SA1627 | DocumentationTextMustNotBeEmpty | The Xml header documentation for a C# code element contains an empty tag. |
SA1628 | DocumentationTextMustBeginWithACapitalLetter | A section of the Xml header documentation for a C# element does not begin with a capital letter. |
SA1629 | DocumentationTextMustEndWithAPeriod | A section of the Xml header documentation for a C# element does not end with a period (also known as a full stop). |
SA1630 | DocumentationTextMustContainWhitespace | A section of the Xml header documentation for a C# element does not contain any whitespace between words. |
SA1631 | DocumentationMustMeetCharacterPercentage | A section of the Xml header documentation for a C# element does not contain enough alphabetic characters. |
SA1632 | DocumentationTextMustMeetMinimumCharacterLength | From StyleCop 4.5 this rule is disabled by default. |
SA1633 | FileMustHaveHeader | A C# code file is missing a standard file header. |
SA1634 | FileHeaderMustShowCopyright | The file header at the top of a C# code file is missing a copyright tag. |
SA1635 | FileHeaderMustHaveCopyrightText | The file header at the top of a C# code file is missing copyright text. |
SA1636 | FileHeaderCopyrightTextMustMatch | The file header at the top of a C# code file does not contain the appropriate copyright text. |
SA1637 | FileHeaderMustContainFileName | The file header at the top of a C# code file is missing the file name. |
SA1638 | FileHeaderFileNameDocumentationMustMatchFileName | The file tag within the file header at the top of a C# code file does not contain the name of the file. |
SA1639 | FileHeaderMustHaveSummary | The file header at the top of a C# code file does not contain a filled-in summary tag. |
SA1640 | FileHeaderMustHaveValidCompanyText | The file header at the top of a C# code file does not contain company name text. |
SA1641 | FileHeaderCompanyNameTextMustMatch | The file header at the top of a C# code file does not contain the appropriate company name text. |
SA1642 | ConstructorSummaryDocumentationMustBeginWithStandardText | The XML documentation header for a C# constructor does not contain the appropriate summary text. |
SA1643 | DestructorSummaryDocumentationMustBeginWithStandardText | The Xml documentation header for a C# finalizer does not contain the appropriate summary text. |
SA1644 | DocumentationHeadersMustNotContainBlankLines | A section within the Xml documentation header for a C# element contains blank lines. |
SA1645 | IncludedDocumentationFileDoesNotExist | An included Xml documentation file does not exist. |
SA1646 | IncludedDocumentationXPathDoesNotExist | An included Xml documentation link contains an invalid path. |
SA1647 | IncludeNodeDoesNotContainValidFileAndPath | An include tag within an Xml documentation header does not contain valid file and path attribute. |
SA1648 | InheritDocMustBeUsedWithInheritingClass | <inheritdoc> has been used on an element that doesn't inherit from a base class or implement an interface. |
SA1649 | FileNameMustMatchTypeName | The file name of a C# code file does not match the first type declared in the file. |
SA1650 | ElementDocumentationMustBeSpelledCorrectly | The element documentation for the element contains one or more spelling mistakes or unrecognized words. |
SA1651 | DoNotUsePlaceholderElements | The documentation for the element contains one or more <placeholder> elements. |
SA1652 | EnableXmlDocumentationOutput | This rule was moved to SA0001 |