If you are on this page it means you are almost ready to contribute proposing changes, fixing issues or anything else about Decathlon Design System. So, thanks a lot for this!
Table of Contents
Vitamin-design is composed of a multitude of open source libraries, available on figma community
- Vitamin Base Color Palette
- Vitamin Core Theme Light Mode
- Vitamin Core Theme Dark Mode
- Vitamix Icon
- Vitamin Android UI Kit
- Vitamin iOS UI Kit
- Vitamin Web Ui Kit
- Vitamin Assets
- Vitamin Extra Kit
This project and everyone participating in it is governed by the following code of conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code.
if you are not familiar with Git and Github terms you can check a complete glossary on the Github website.
There is a lot of way to contribute on Vitamin-design.
The first way to contribute to a project is simply proposing an issue. If you find anything which is not working well or as expected you can open an issue.
NOTE: if looking for existing issues you will find the same problem, or similar, in closed state, please refer to this issue (with its number) when you are opening your one. It is maybe a regression we didn't see. In this way you will help to go faster and to find a definitive solution to the recurrent problem.
When you are opening an issue, please be sure to report as much information as you can to allow us to replicate the problem and faster find the solution.
The second way to contribute is to propose a feature. Feel free to suggest a new idea or an improvement for Vitamin Design thanks to feature request process
We work to enable design contribution. As soon as it's ready, you will be informed.
If you don't find the answer you are looking for, feel free to contact our team at [email protected] or ask your request to the community on the Decathlon Design System slack