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Guidelines for Building Microsoft.Data.SqlClient

This document provides all the necessary details to build the driver and run tests present in the repository.

Visual Studio Pre-Requisites

This project should be ideally built with Visual Studio 2017+ for the best compatibility. Use either of the two environments with their required set of compoenents as mentioned below:

Once the environment is setup properly, execute the desired set of commands below from the root folder to perform the respective operations:

Building the driver

# Default Build Configuration:

> msbuild
# Builds the driver for the Client OS in 'Debug' Configuration for 'AnyCPU' platform.
# Both .NET Framework  (NetFx) and .NET Core drivers are built by default (as supported by Client OS).
> msbuild /p:Configuration=Release
# Builds the driver in 'Release' Configuration.
> msbuild /p:Platform=x86
# Builds the .NET Framework  (NetFx) driver for Win32 (x86) platform on Windows.
> msbuild /t:clean
# Cleans all build directories.
> msbuild /t:restore
# Restores Nuget Packages.
> msbuild /t:BuildAllConfigurations
# Builds the driver for all target OSes and supported platforms.
> msbuild /p:BuildNetFx=false
# Skips building the .NET Framework (NetFx) Driver on Windows.
# On Unix the netfx driver build is automatically skipped.
> msbuild /p:OSGroup=Unix
# Builds the driver for the Unix platform.
> msbuild /t:BuildAllOSes
# Builds the driver for all Operating Systems.

Building Tests

> msbuild /t:BuildTestsNetCore
# Build the tests for the .NET Core driver. Default .NET Core version is 2.1.
> msbuild /t:BuildTestsNetFx
# Build the tests for the .NET Framework (NetFx) driver. Default .NET Framework version is 4.6.

Run Functional Tests

Windows (netfx x86):

> dotnet test "src\Microsoft.Data.SqlClient\tests\FunctionalTests\Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.Tests.csproj" /p:Platform="Win32" /p:Configuration="Release" /p:TestTargetOS="Windowsnetfx" --no-build -v n --filter "category!=nonnetfxtests&category!=failing&category!=nonwindowstests"

Windows (netfx x64):

> dotnet test "src\Microsoft.Data.SqlClient\tests\FunctionalTests\Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.Tests.csproj" /p:Platform="x64" /p:Configuration="Release" /p:TestTargetOS="Windowsnetfx" --no-build -v n --filter "category!=nonnetfxtests&category!=failing&category!=nonwindowstests"

Windows (netcoreapp):

> dotnet test "src\Microsoft.Data.SqlClient\tests\FunctionalTests\Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.Tests.csproj" /p:Platform="AnyCPU" /p:Configuration="Release" /p:TestTargetOS="Windowsnetcoreapp" --no-build -v n --filter "category!=nonnetcoreapptests&category!=failing&category!=nonwindowstests"

Unix (netcoreapp):

> dotnet test "src/Microsoft.Data.SqlClient/tests/FunctionalTests/Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.Tests.csproj" /p:Platform="AnyCPU" /p:Configuration="Release" /p:TestTargetOS="Unixnetcoreapp" --no-build -v n --filter "category!=nonnetcoreapptests&category!=failing&category!=nonlinuxtests&category!=nonuaptests"

Run Manual Tests

Pre-Requisites for running Manual tests:

Manual Tests require the below setup to run:

  • SQL Server with enabled Shared Memory, TCP and Named Pipes Protocols and access to the Client OS.
  • Databases "NORTHWIND" and "UdtTestDb" present in SQL Server, created using SQL scripts createNorthwindDb.sql and createUdtTestDb.sql.
  • Make a copy of the configuration file config.default.json and rename it to config.json. Update the values in config.json:
Property Description Value
TCPConnectionString Connection String for a TCP enabled SQL Server instance. Server={servername};Database={Database_Name};Trusted_Connection=True;
OR Data Source={servername};Initial Catalog={Database_Name};Integrated Security=True;
NPConnectionString Connection String for a Named Pipes enabled SQL Server instance. Server=\\{servername}\pipe\sql\query;Database={Database_Name};Trusted_Connection=True;
Data Source=np:{servername};Initial Catalog={Database_Name};Integrated Security=True;
AADAuthorityURL (Optional) Identifies the OAuth2 authority resource for Server specified in AADPasswordConnectionString<tenant>, where <tenant> is the tenant ID of the Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) tenant
AADPasswordConnectionString (Optional) Connection String for testing Azure Active Directory Password Authentication. Data Source={}; Initial Catalog={Azure_DB_Name};Authentication=Active Directory Password; User ID={AAD_User}; Password={AAD_User_Password};
AzureKeyVaultURL (Optional) Azure Key Vault Identifier URL https://{keyvaultname}
AzureKeyVaultClientId (Optional) "Application (client) ID" of an Active Directory registered application, granted access to the Azure Key Vault specified in AZURE_KEY_VAULT_URL. Requires the key permissions Get, List, Import, Decrypt, Encrypt, Unwrap, Wrap, Verify, and Sign. {Client Application ID}
AzureKeyVaultClientSecret (Optional) "Client Secret" of the Active Directory registered application, granted access to the Azure Key Vault specified in AZURE_KEY_VAULT_URL {Client Application Secret}
SupportsLocalDb (Optional) Whether or not a LocalDb instance of SQL Server is installed on the machine running the tests. true OR false
SupportsIntegratedSecurity (Optional) Whether or not the USER running tests has integrated security access to the target SQL Server. true OR false
SupportsFileStream (Optional) Whether or not FileStream is enabled on SQL Server true OR false

Commands to run tests:

Windows (netfx x86):

> dotnet test "src\Microsoft.Data.SqlClient\tests\ManualTests\Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.ManualTesting.Tests.csproj" /p:Platform="Win32" /p:Configuration="Release" /p:TestTargetOS="Windowsnetfx" --no-build -v n --filter "category!=nonnetfxtests&category!=failing&category!=nonwindowstests"

Windows (netfx x64):

> dotnet test "src\Microsoft.Data.SqlClient\tests\ManualTests\Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.ManualTesting.Tests.csproj" /p:Platform="x64" /p:Configuration="Release" /p:TestTargetOS="Windowsnetfx" --no-build -v n --filter "category!=nonnetfxtests&category!=failing&category!=nonwindowstests"

Windows (netcoreapp):

> dotnet test "src\Microsoft.Data.SqlClient\tests\ManualTests\Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.ManualTesting.Tests.csproj" /p:Platform="AnyCPU" /p:Configuration="Release" /p:TestTargetOS="Windowsnetcoreapp" --no-build -v n --filter "category!=nonnetcoreapptests&category!=failing&category!=nonwindowstests"

Unix (netcoreapp):

> dotnet test "src/Microsoft.Data.SqlClient/tests/ManualTests/Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.ManualTesting.Tests.csproj" /p:Platform="AnyCPU" /p:Configuration="Release" /p:TestTargetOS="Unixnetcoreapp" --no-build -v n --filter "category!=nonnetcoreapptests&category!=failing&category!=nonlinuxtests&category!=nonuaptests"

Run A Single Test

> dotnet test "src\Microsoft.Data.SqlClient\tests\ManualTests\Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.ManualTesting.Tests.csproj" /p:Platform="AnyCPU" /p:Configuration="Debug" /p:TestTargetOS="Windowsnetcoreapp" --no-build -v n --filter "FullyQualifiedName=Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.ManualTesting.Tests.AlwaysEncrypted.CspProviderExt.TestKeysFromCertificatesCreatedWithMultipleCryptoProviders"

Testing with Custom TargetFramework

Tests can be built and run with custom Target Frameworks. See the below examples.

Building Tests:

> msbuild /t:BuildTestsNetFx /p:TargetNetFxVersion=net461
# Build the tests for custom TargetFramework (.NET Framework)
# Applicable values: net46 (Default) | net461 | net462 | net47 | net471  net472 | net48
> msbuild /t:BuildTestsNetCore /p:TargetNetCoreVersion=netcoreapp3.0
# Build the tests for custom TargetFramework (.NET Core)
# Applicable values: netcoreapp2.1 | netcoreapp2.2 | netcoreapp3.0

Running Tests:

> dotnet test /p:TargetNetFxVersion=net461 ...
# Use above property to run Functional Tests with custom TargetFramework (.NET Framework)
# Applicable values: net46 (Default) | net461 | net462 | net47 | net471  net472 | net48

> dotnet test /p:TargetNetCoreVersion=netcoreapp3.0 ...
# Use above property to run Functional Tests with custom TargetFramework (.NET Core)
# Applicable values: netcoreapp2.1 | netcoreapp2.2 | netcoreapp3.0