This project has been developed by Eyevinn Technology.
DASH-IF has sponsored Eyevinn Technology to develop livesim2 and migrate livesim to livesim2 during Aug-Oct 2023. There is currently (March 2024-March 2025) a maintenance contract from DASH-IF, but it only covers around 10h/month, so it is not enough for new features development.
During the DASH-IF face2face meeting in Berlin in June 2024, it was discussed that the development of quite a few features should be supported, with a common priority of issues between dash.js and livesim2.
However, it is also possible to directly sponsor the project if you have a specific interest. For that, you can contact Eyevinn directly.
Other standardization/industry fora are also welcome to sponsor this project via DASH-IF or by direct contract with [Eyeinn].