This is in response to a coding challenge for Shopify's 2019 Summer Internship
Hello :) My name is Daniel, thanks for checking out my store. It is definitely in its rough stages but it was fun to make so it wont be that way for long!
-GraphQL API
-carts with total dollar amounts and purchase option
-carts are destroyed after being purchased
... To be added to
Unit tests.
Current and Potential Issues.
-When no carts currently exist in the database and an item is added to a cart
-Empty carts can be abandoned and left in the database
-Some queries are not set up and will result in an error.
Example Queries
{ allProducts(inStock: true) { title id } cart(id: 47) { cart_items { id } product(id: 25) { id } } product(id: 20) { title } }
{ allProducts(inStock: true) { title description price inventory_count } product(id: 20) { title description price inventory_count } cart(id: 47) { cart_items { id } product(id: 25) { id } }
Example Mutationsmutation { purchaseProduct(id: 25 ) { id inventory_count } }
mutation{ purchaseCart(id: 48){ id } }