Packaging for PyPI was done following the official instructions as well as this guide on minimal package requirements.
The conda-forge recipe was created following the offical instructions.
The documentation was created using Sphinx and ReadTheDocs, following these instructions.
To re-build and submit a new version to PyPI and conda-forge:
- Create a test environment to work in:
$ conda create -n test pip twine
$ conda activate test
- Increment the version number in
- Install the package and each the everything works correctly:
$ pip install -e .
- Create the source distribution and wheels:
$ python sdist bdist_wheel
- Remove the old versions from
- Upload to TestPyPI to check that everything looks fine
$ twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*`
- Upload to PyPI
$ twine upload dist/*`
- Fork the conda feedstock repo, make necessary changes to
and then submit a PR.