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Repository Structure

timothydereuse edited this page Apr 7, 2022 · 5 revisions

Repository Folder Structure

  • The hooks folder is specific to docker, and it holds settings for the automatic docker builds in the cloud.
  • the scripts folder (rodan-docker/scripts) holds miscellaneous files and scripts, like the default environment variables file for Rodan and cronjobs scripts
  • Each folder houses their own container needed to run the Rodan service (except: hooks, redis, scripts)

Docker Container/Services

  • Each service we've built has it's own folder, and they all hold the same folder structure.

Docker Container/Services Folder Structure

  • The code folders (eg: rodan/code, rodan-client/code) are submodules for their respective repositories.
  • The config folders (eg: nginx/config, rodan-client/config) houses configuration files for the container.
  • The scripts folder (eg: rodan/scripts rodan-client/scripts) point to start scripts and docker entry points for their respective containers. These scripts exist to help you for that specific container. There can also be scripts to help build the service outside of the dockerfile.
  • The vendor folder (eg: rodan/vendor) is code we did not write and do not maintain (eg: kakadu). This folder must never be made public.
  • The maintenance folder (eg: postgres/maintenance) is a collection of database maintenance scripts. These are vital to backups, do not change them unless you know what you are doing.

The Makefile

The Makefile is meant to make your life easier. Prepend each of the following commands with make to run them from the root of the project directory (e.g. make run).

Most useful commands

  • all_local_jobs This command will git clone and build all Rodan jobs inside of your rodan-docker/rodan/code/rodan/jobs folder for local development.
  • run This command will bring up all docker containers for local development.
  • run_client This command will bring up the Rodan-Client container to work on the frontend.
  • deploy_staging This command will deploy Rodan Staging using the scalable docker swarm. The domain is already declared in the configuration for you.
  • deploy_production This command will deploy Rodan Production using the scalable docker swarm. The domain is already declared in the configuration for you.
  • update This command will update the running docker swarm services with the latest image with the nightly tag. You can pull new images while the services are running. If you want to know how to update to another specific tag, look at where this command is written in the Makefile to understand the docker commands to do this on your own. All you need to do is replace nightly.
  • stop This command will stop all docker containers and services without exception. (It will also stop non-Rodan docker services or containers running on your machine, if you are running any.)
  • build This command will build all of Rodan in parallel (Rodan, Celery, Python2-Celery, Python3-Celery, Postgres with PL-Python, etc.) Rebuilding Rodan takes a very long time (on the order of several hours), and you should not need to use this often, if ever, unless you are debugging on the build process itself.
  • push This will push all the locally built images of Rodan to replace the one on Docker Hub with the nightly tag.
  • pull This will pull the latest nightly images from Docker Hub.
  • pull_docker_tag This will pull a specific set of images from Docker Hub, by tag. Define the variable tag before running this command, e.g. tag=v1.5.0rc0 make pull_docker_tag.
  • push_docker_tag This will push the locally built images of Rodan-docker to Docker Hub, and tag them with the given tag. Define the variable tag before running this command, e.g. tag=v1.5.0rc0 make push_docker_tag.
  • clean This will delete all stopped services, images, and volumes (dangerous!).
  • clean_git This will git reset the current rodan-docker repository and pull the latest rodan-docker git changes
  • clean_swarm This command will stop Rodan services, leave the swarm, and reinitialize a new empty docker swarm. It combines other commands.
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