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312 lines (251 loc) · 11.7 KB

File metadata and controls

312 lines (251 loc) · 11.7 KB

Python Book Scraper

  • Project Summary

The purpose of this project is to collect books from a bookstore (, based on user criteria.

  • Requirements

This script is written for Python 2.7 This script uses virtualenv with python 2.7

  • Install Dependencies - Linux

sudo apt update
sudo apt install curl python2 python2-setuptools-whl python-tk
curl --output
pip install virtualenv
  • Setup virtualenv

virtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python2.7 venv

To run the script successfully you must have first installed the following packages:

  • bs4 BeautifulSoup - version 4.9.3
  • lxml - version 4.9.2
  • requests - version 2.27.1
  • pathlib - version 1.0.1
  • grequests - version 0.6.0
  • unicode - version 2.9
  • unidecode - version 1.2.0
  • tk - version 0.1.0
  • Pillow - version 6.2.2
  • coverage -version 5.5

You also can check all the requirements in requirements.txt

argparse, requests, beautifulsoup, grequests, pathlib, unicode, unidecode,
Tkinter, Pillow, coverage
  • Usage

The script is used to gather data from You can write the following command in your terminal:

python -b 50 -g Science -s rating ascending
python [-h] [-b <number of books>]
                [-g <list of genres to search through>] [-s <list of sortings>]
                [-f <list of filters>] [-d <list of keywords>]
                [-t <search for a book by title>] [-F <list of book titles>]

All arguments are optional. Note: if you don't pass [-b ], default value for -b is 10.

* -h, --help                             show this help message and exit
* -b <number of books>                   give number of books as an input
* -g <list of genres to search through>  give list of genres to search through as an input
* -s <list of sortings>                  give list of sorting {ascending , descending}
* -f <list of filters>                   give list of filters
* -d <list of keywords>                  give list of keywords for searching in the description
* -t <search for a book by title>        give a title to search for
* -F <list of book titles>               give list of book titles to search for (from given json)
* -X                                     opens GUI

The same options its coming to see on GUI

  • Tests

This project have unit tests You can use this command to run the tests:

* python tests/

If you want to check the coverage:

* coverage run tests/

 To ignor venv folder use:
*coverage run --omit 'venv/*' tests/

* coverage report

We have 83% coverage

  • Technical Details

UML diagram:


RunWebScraper --|> RunScraping

RunWebScraper : +start()

RunScraping : +return_data
RunScraping : +run()

ComboBox --> GUI
RepresentMenu --> GUI


DropDownMenu --> GUI
DropDownMenu: save_selected_option()
DropDownMenu: _create_widget()
RunWebScraper --> GUI
MenuGenres --> GUI
MenuGenres: create_widgets()
MenuGenres: get_input_data()
MenuFilters --> GUI
GUI --> RunScraping
GUI : +root
GUI : +menu_filters
GUI : +menu_genres
GUI : +button_start
GUI : +button_open_json
GUI : +data
GUI : +data_for_represent
GUI : +represent_menu
GUI : #create_widgets()
GUI : #open_file()
GUI : #run_scraping()
GUI : +gather_input_arguments()
GUI : +run_gui()

ArgParser --> RunWebScraper

ArgParser : -parser
ArgParser : +parsed_args
ArgParser : -create_argparser()
ArgParser : -get_arguments()
ArgParser : -check_positive_number()
ArgParser : -check_valid_sorting()
ArgParser : -check_is_valid_filters()
ArgParser : -check_is_valid_file_path()

RunScraping --> ScraperUI

RunScraping --> BookCollection

BookCollection --> Book

RunScraping --> JsonFile

ScraperUI : +arguments
ScraperUI : +scraper_db
ScraperUI : +book_filter
ScraperUI : +start_scraping()
ScraperUI : +dump_data()
ScraperUI : -concat_url()
ScraperUI : -unpack_data()
ScraperUI : +dump_data()
ScraperUI : -gather_data()

ScraperUI --> ScraperDatabase
ScraperUI --> ScraperArguments
ScraperUI --> BookFilters

ScraperArguments : +genres
ScraperArguments : +number_of_books
ScraperArguments : +title
ScraperArguments : +filters
ScraperArguments : +keywords
ScraperArguments : +sorting
ScraperArguments : +titles
ScraperArguments : -get_genres()
ScraperArguments : -get_titles_from_json()

ScraperDatabase : +urls_to_be_scraped
ScraperDatabase : +pages_to_be_parsed
ScraperDatabase : +roll_data
ScraperDatabase : +fetch_all()

BookFilters : +filters
BookFilters : +words
BookFilters : +title
BookFilters : +titles
BookFilters : -check_filter()
BookFilters : +unpack_filters()
BookFilters : -check_is_match(()
BookFilters : -check_book()
BookFilters : -check_title()
BookFilters : -check_titles()
BookFilters : -get_list_of_words_from_str()
BookFilters : -check_description()
BookFilters : +filtering()

ScraperUI --|> ScraperCollectiveBooksPage
ScraperCollectiveBooksPage : +urls_of_books
ScraperCollectiveBooksPage : -get_next_page_url()
ScraperCollectiveBooksPage : -get_books_link()
ScraperCollectiveBooksPage : +get_books_categories()
ScraperCollectiveBooksPage : +request_pages_optimised()
ScraperCollectiveBooksPage : +get_books_url_and_next_page_url

ScraperCollectiveBooksPage --|> ScraperSingleBookPageMixin

ScraperSingleBookPageMixin : -request_custom()
ScraperSingleBookPageMixin : +get_soup_of_page()
ScraperSingleBookPageMixin : -get_description()
ScraperSingleBookPageMixin : -get_title()
ScraperSingleBookPageMixin : -get_price()
ScraperSingleBookPageMixin : -get_availability()
ScraperSingleBookPageMixin : -convert_rating()
ScraperSingleBookPageMixin : -get_rating()
ScraperSingleBookPageMixin : +scrape_init()
ScraperSingleBookPageMixin : +clean_collected_data_one_url()
ScraperSingleBookPageMixin : -get_img()
ScraperSingleBookPageMixin : -get_upc()        

JsonFile : +output_file
JsonFile : +set_output_file_path()
JsonFile : +create()
JsonFile : +read()
JsonFile : +check_date()
JsonFile : +current_date()

BookCollection : +books
BookCollection : +sorted_books
BookCollection : +books_imgs_urls
BookCollection : +book_images
BookCollection : +sorted_books_dict
BookCollection : -fill_books_collection()
BookCollection : -fill_books_url()
BookCollection : +dump_data_to_json()
BookCollection : -convert_data_dict()
BookCollection : +sort_books()
BookCollection : -books_collection_mainloop()
BookCollection : +request_pages_optimised_urls()
BookCollection : +dump_list_of_images()
BookCollection : -print_books()

Book : #title
Book : #rating
Book : #price
Book : #description
Book : #available
Book : #id_book
Book : #img_url

  • Workflow:

  1. You can start the script with passing the following arguments:
python [-h] [-b <number of books>]
                  [-g <list of genres to search through>] [-s <list of sortings>]
                  [-f <list of filters>] [-d <list of keywords>]
                  [-t <search for a book by title>] [-F <list of book titles>]

All the arguments are optional.

Default value:

By default, -b "number of books" has value of 10. If you do not pass any arguments, the script will scrape the first 10 books from site:


Description of flags:

Flag Description
-b Refers to the number of books you want to see in results.
Valid input for -b is every positive int.
NOTE Default value is 10.
Example:-b 21
-g Accepts a list of at least one value.
Values here are genres to search for in site.
If some of the genres you passed is not met in the site, it is just ignored.
Example:-g Classics Romance
-f Waits for list of filters.
Distinct filters shall be separated by comma.
Every filter can be comparison between one of the values [rating, available, price] and int number.
Note: rating can be number in range [1, 5]
Example:-f "available>10, rating=5"
-d Accepts list of keywords to search for in books descriptions.
Put all keywords between "", separated by comma
Example:-d "heart, love"
-t Accepts a title to search for it in site
Example:-t "Shakespeare\'s Sonnets"
-F Accepts json file.
Program will read that file and searches for titles int it.
Then scrapes site to search for books with these titles
Give the path to file.
Example:-F output/output.json
-s Here you have to pass two values:
- First is value, by which you want the results to be sorted. It can be one of the following: [price, rating, available].
- Second string is desired sorting direction: [ascending, descending].
Example:-s price ascending
-X Opens GUI (graphic user interface).
*If you use this flag, other flags (except -h) are ignored. And then you can enter wanted values for flags in gui.
Displays help.
  1. Based on the input:
  • if -X flag is passed -> GUI opens
  • else -> scraping the site starts from class RunScraper and its method (inherited from RunScraping) run(). Then go to point 5 in this workflow.
  1. In GUI there are text boxes, drop-downs, radio buttons, where you can select and enter values as these in flags. Then start scraping by pressing button "Scrape".

  2. Scraping starts from class RunScraping and its method run()

  3. An instance of ScraperUI is created, called scraper.
    Arguments (passed from terminal or GUI) are given to the constructor of scraper as Namespace instance.

  4. Scraper iterates through site until there are enough books scraped.

  5. Then data is passed to class BookCollection. There books are sorted (if desired from input args)

  6. Finally, after scraping has finished:

  • results are displayed in terminal
  • results are also saved in file output_<date_time>.json (which you can see in folder json_operations/output/)
  • if you started scraping from GUI, books are also displayed in a frame in that gui. Here you can see all information about every book, plus picture of its cover.