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You can skip setting up the prerequisites if you plan on using the provided VSCode .devcontainer.json.

Install a LaTeX distribution

This template was only tested using TeX Live. You should however be able to use MiKTeX as well.

Install Tex Gyre Heros (font)

Windows: If you're using TeX Live the font was already installed. If that's not the case you have to install it manually.

Ubuntu: sudo apt install tex-gyre

Arch: pacman -S tex-gyre-fonts

Optional: Install PlantUML

If you want to render PlantUML-diagrams embedded in your LaTeX code you have to install PlantUML and Graphviz and setup the environment variables PLANTUML_JAR and GRAPHVIZ_DOT according to the setup instructions of the plantuml LuaLaTeX package.

Install a text editor

Recommended tooling:

  1. Install Visual Studio Code.
  2. Install LaTeX Workshop (VS Code extension).
  3. Install a spelling checker for your language (VS Code extension).
  4. (Optional) Install git.

Some ideas on how to use LaTeX with git.


Recommended installation

It is recommended to install the template as a proper LaTeX class which has the advantage that the template files aren't polluting your working directory.

TeX Live

Run the install_udhbwvst_tl.* script supported by your operating system. The script copies the files inside the src folder to the correct position and runs texhash.

You can also do this manually:

  1. Get the location of the texmf folder: kpsewhich -var-value TEXMFHOME
  2. Create the folder structure tex/latex/udhbwvst inside the texmf folder.
  3. Copy all files inside the src folder to $texmf/tex/latex/udhbwvst.
  4. Run texhash on the texmf folder.

Further details on installing LaTeX classes and packages.


Untested. Click here for detailed instructions.

Quick and dirty installation

Copy all files inside the src folder to your working directory. As long as your root .tex file and the class are in the same directory LaTeX will recognize the udhbwvst class.

This way you can track the version of the template in the same source control as your text.

Optional setup

  • If you're using VS Code you can take advantage of the already configured .vscode/settings.json which compiles using latexmk (part of TeX Live and MiKTeX) and if you don't want to use latexmk there is a another recipe using just lualatex and biber.
  • If you're using VS Code you can take advantage of many predefined snippets (.vscode/udhbwvst.code-snippets).
  • If you are using git you can use the provided .gitignore file.

Compiling to PDF

Run ./ yourmain.tex or build.ps1 -file yourmain.tex depending on your operating system. The build scripts try to use latexmk and fall back to lualatex and biber if latexmk is not available.

latexmk com­pletely au­to­mates the pro­cess of gen­er­at­ing a LaTeX document.

Using Docker

You can also use the provided docker image to build your text:

docker run --rm -it -v /path/to/your/workdir:/work skyfrk/udhbwvst:latest latexmk \
  -synctex=1 \
  -interaction=nonstopmode \
  -file-line-error \
  -pdf \
  -pdflatex=lualatex \
  -shell-escape \