Specifications extracted from Mrs. Heinrich's script (2017 edition).
- Format: DIN A4, single-sided
- Margins:
- Top: 2,5cm
- Bottom: 2,0cm
- Left: 4,0cm
- Right: 1,5cm
- Pagination:
- location: Top right
- Do not count the non-disclosure notice
- Pages before the text: roman
- Other pages: arabic, starting from 1
- No pagination: Title page, non-disclosure notice, table of contents
- Line spacing:
- Text: 1,5
- Footnotes or below figures: 1
- Font: Either Arial or Times New Roman
- Size: 12 or 10 for footnotes or below figures
- Max 3-4 different font sizes
- Layout: Full justification and hyphenation
- Emphases:
- Font size
- Bold
- italic
- Headings:
- Left-aligned
- Uniform size
- Spacings: uniform; text-heading: bigger spacing
- Numbering:
- numeric
- no dot between last number
- a new level requires at least two numbers
- Only original sources
- Only public sources
Direct cite pattern:
Bla bla bla bla "bla bla bla"^42 bla bla
^42: Lastname, Firstname, Shorttitle, Year, Page.
Indirect cite pattern:
Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla^42
^42: Vgl. Lastname, Firstname, Shorttitle, Year, Page.
- You have to reference every figure in the text
- Number and title above the figure
- Line spacing: 1
- Source below the figure
- Full source has to be listed in the literature
- Numbered in order of appearance
On first use:
blablabla... hypertext transfer protocol (http) blablabla...
- Acronyms are only printed into the table of acronyms if they are not listed in the Duden.
- Title page
- Non-disclosure notice
- Table of contents
- (Table of acronyms)
- (Table of figures)
- (Table of tables)
- (Table of symbols)
- (Table of formulars)
- Text
- Appendix
- Literature
- Independence notice / used utilities
Type of text
Year of study (only PA)
Course (only PA)
Course of studies
Name and location of the DHBW
Name of the author
Mentoring lecturer
No pagination
- Non-disclosure notice
- no pagination
- Table of contents is not in the table of contents
- First page number: I (roman; not displayed)
- All pages which are not part of the text don't get a number in the table of contents
- Split text:
- introduction
- main part
- conclusion
- Short phrases
- Correct grammar
- Directly after the text
- Every appendix gets a roman number, starting from I
- The appendix is listed in the table of contents (Appendix I, Appendix II...)
- Only print source to literature if used
- Order entries by lastname of the author
- Firstnames: Either all written out, or all as initials
- No Dr. titles etc. in the literature
- More than three authors: List only the first one +
- More than one title per author: Order entries by year starting with the oldest
- Do not print "first edition"
Entry structure for books:
Lastname, Firstname: (Shorttitle) Title, Subtitle, Volume, Edition, Location: Publisher, Year
Entry structure for journal articles:
Lastname, Firstname: (Shorttitle) Title in: Name of the journal, Year, first-last page
Entry structure for electronic sources:
Lastname, Firstname: (Shorttitle) Title, Subtitle, Date, URL (Version number, Last accessed)
Entry structure for laws:
Name of the law, Full name of the law, Date of release, Place where the law was found, Year, Volume, first page
- Text is given by the DHBW
- Max bullet point levels:
- in a PA: 3
- in a bachelor thesis: 4
- Max top level bullet points: 3-7
- Every listing starts on a new page