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Digital Marketplace front-end toolkit changelog

Records breaking changes from major version bumps


PR: 489

  • Changes the layout of the footer

We want our footer to look more like the footer from GOV.UK and GOV.UK Deisgn System, so we can swap the components on an app by app basis in the future. We also wanted to simplify the content in the footer, and reduce the number of columns.

This release changes the footer to a two column-layout; the "Contact" and "About" columns have been merged. Additionally Digital Outcomes and Specialists is now abbreviated as DOS in the footer links.


PR: 480

  • Adds a linked tracker domain ID for
  • Adds support for multiple domains
  • Adds support for stripping PII data from URLs

To implement the above, three new analytics files have been copied in from the deprecated govuk_frontend_toolkit. Make sure the analytics files and test manifests for any frontend apps are updated when pulling in this version.

Old paths to remove:


New paths to include:



Remove the short-lived GOVUK.xhr_semaphore as makes it unnecessary.


Remove the "report a problem" form from the base page template.


PR: 466

Bumps the engine to node == 8.12.0 and gulp to 4.0.0. Recommend thoroughly testing before pulling into a frontend app.


PR: 442

What changed

This removes toolkit/templates/custom-dimensions.html from the toolkit and replaces it with toolkit/templates/layouts/_custom_dimensions.html. It also removes the custom_meta block as it is not longer used.

This change will break any place where custom_meta block or custom-dimensions.html is used.


PR: 441

What changed

User research consent banner will now show on every page that uses the new shared layouts (toolkit/templates/layouts/_base_page.html). This will also require each app to include the following files:

  • toolkit/javascripts/user-research-consent-banner.js
  • toolkit/scss/_user-research-consent-banner.scss


PR: 439

What changed

The validation masthead in toolkit.forms.validation is now an h2 rather than an h1. This may break associated unit and functional tests. Manual review will be needed here.

The pattern now expects to reference a variable called errors, so you will need to pass all form errors into the templating engine as errors=errors or errors=get_errors_from_wtform(form) when calling render_template().

A new utility function has been added to dmutils.forms called get_errors_from_wtform. Wherever we use WTForms to do form validation, we should use this method to collect errors from the form and pass them into the Jinja templating engine with render_template(..., errors=errors, ...).

Old code sample 1 (template):

  {% if errors %}
    {% with errors = errors.values() %}
      {% include 'toolkit/forms/validation.html' %}
    {% endwith %}
  {% endif %}

New code sample 1 (template):

{% include 'toolkit/forms/validation.html' %}

Old code sample 2 (python):

form_errors = [
    {'question': form[field].label.text, 'input_name': form[field].name} for field in form.errors.keys()
return render_template('blah.html', form_errors=form_errors)

New code sample 2 (python):

from dmutils.forms import get_errors_from_wtform
return render_template('blah.html', errors=get_errors_from_wtform(form))


PR: #397

What changed

  • Changes existing header to product page style header.
  • Product page Github:
  • To get this working on a frontend application, do the following:
    • in _base_page.html:
      • Remove:
          {% include "toolkit/phase-banner.html" %}
      • Add:
          {% block inside_header %}
            {% include "toolkit/inside-header.html" %}
          {% endblock %}
    • Update the frontend toolkit to version 28.0.0
    • Update the dmutils module to version 33.0.1 and above


PR: #395

What changed

  • Updates some of our javascript dependencies and node to the same version we have in production.


PR: #391

What changed

  • 'link-button' removed and so apps will no longer be able to import those files that have been deleted


PR: #388

What changed

  • 'notification-banner' template macro now takes banner-content instead of content to avoid clashing with a commonly used context variable of the same name.


PR: #367

What changed

  • 'media-down' IE helper mixin has been moved to a '_conditionals2.scss' stylesheet, which is consistent with its location in the equivalent repository;
  • this means we can use it even if we aren't using the next/previous navigation stylesheet.
  • non-breaking change: "report-a-problem" JS/CSS/HTML for feedback forms feature.

Example app change:


+@import "toolkit/shared_scss/_conditionals2.scss";


PR: #353

What changed

  • GOV.UK Elements is now a dependency and will need to be added to package.json for frontend apps.
  • The markup is different so custom javascript relying on the old markup such as the checkbox tree in the supplier app will have to be changed.


PR: #313

What changed

  • The fake-full-width Sass mixin is now required to compile the _pricing.scss file. This means a new shared placeholder in the apps that use the frontend toolkit

Breaking changes


/* Blocks shared between multiple selectors */
@import "toolkit/shared_placeholders/_temporary-messages.scss";
@import "toolkit/shared_placeholders/_placeholders.scss";
@import "toolkit/shared_placeholders/_dm-typography.scss";

// Digital Marketplace Front-end toolkit styles
@import "toolkit/forms/_pricing.scss";


/* Blocks shared between multiple selectors */
@import "toolkit/shared_placeholders/_temporary-messages.scss";
@import "toolkit/shared_placeholders/_placeholders.scss";
@import "toolkit/shared_placeholders/_dm-typography.scss";
@import "toolkit/shared_placeholders/_mixins.scss";

// Digital Marketplace Front-end toolkit styles
@import "toolkit/forms/_pricing.scss";


PR: #304

What changed

  • The format of the followup questions has changed, so toolkit form macros need to pass in the content_question.values_followup instead of the content_question.followup
  • Since radio and checkbox questions can have followups too the related macros need to set followup=content_question.values_followup
  • Radio, boolean and list-entry questions can be follow-up questions, so related macros need to set hidden=question_content.hidden
  • We need to vendor a version of show-hide-content.js with added support for multiple follow-up inputs, so it has to be used instead of the GOV.UK toolkit one
  • The IDs for input elements (e.g. booleans) now has a numeric suffix rather than a string (e.g. yes/no -> 1/2)

Example app change

Loading the show-hide-content.js with support for multiple follow-up questions


//= include ../../../node_modules/govuk_frontend_toolkit/javascripts/govuk/show-hide-content.js


//= include ../../../bower_components/digitalmarketplace-frontend-toolkit/toolkit/javascripts/show-hide-content.js

Updating application form_toolkit macros


{% macro boolean(question_content, service_data, errors, question_number=None, get_question=None) -%}
    {% include "toolkit/forms/selection-buttons.html" %}
  {% endwith %}
{%- endmacro %}


{% macro boolean(question_content, service_data, errors, question_number=None, get_question=None) -%}
    {% include "toolkit/forms/selection-buttons.html" %}
  {% endwith %}
{%- endmacro %}

Updating tests

Old: assert len(doc.xpath("//*[@id='input-yesNo-" + str(i) + "-yes']")) == 1

New: assert len(doc.xpath("//*[@id='input-yesNo-" + str(i) + "-1']")) == 1


PR: #302

What changed

We've updated the govuk_frontend_toolkit, so most of these changes are driven from that. The good news is that the changes are very minor and mostly don't affect our frontend apps.

  • The selected and focused classes for our selection buttons are now just .selected and .focused instead of what they were before (.selection-button-focused and .selection-button-selected, respectively).

Breaking change


    "//*[contains(text(), 'Service status')]/following-sibling::*[@class='selection-button selection-button-selected'][text()]"
  ).text().should have_content("#{service_status}")


    "//*[contains(text(), 'Service status')]/following-sibling::*[@contains(@class, 'selection-button selected')][text()]"
  ).text().should have_content("#{service_status}")

  • The .question-heading-with-hint class has been deprecated because our vertical spacing for question meta elements doesn't care about this distinction anymore.

Breaking change


{{ form.email_address.label(class="question-heading-with-hint") }}


{{ form.email_address.label(class="question-heading") }}

The following are also changes to classnames but they don't appear to be in the frontend apps. Means we don't have to worry about them, happily.

  • The .selection-button-boolean class has been removed in favour of .selection-button-radio, which is consistent with those in govuk_elements.

  • The phase-banner stuff no longer has phase-dependent colours. Means we no longer have .phase-banner-alpha and .phase-banner-beta classes, but simply .phase-banner.


PR: #285

What changed

  • The beta-banner pattern has been renamed to phase-banner. This will affect exactly nothing because nobody has ever used the beta-banner pattern, but I guess technically this is a breaking change.

Breaking changes


{% import toolkit/beta-banner.html %}


{% import toolkit/phase-banner.html %}


PR: #286

What changed

  • Removed the |markdown and |safe filters from being used by templates. Going forward, none of the templates will allow literal HTML or markdown in passed-in strings; instead, our apps will be responsible for processing values before they get to the templates.
  • Removed two outdated patterns that we've stopped using.

Templates where |safe has been removed

  • beta-banner
  • browse-list
  • notification-banner
  • search-summary
  • temporary-message

Templates where |markdown has been removed

  • list-entry
  • pricing
  • selection-buttons
  • textbox
  • upload

Templates which have been removed altogether

  • framework-notice
  • search-results


PR: #270

What changed

  • Added the option for first field of summary tables to be two-thirds width.

Breaking changes

Changed .summary-item-field-first-wider style to .summary-item-field-first-half for summary tables.

Any fontend apps that explicitly call .summary-item-field-first-wider will need to change to use .summary-item-field-first-half instead.


PR: #268

What changed

  • Removed extra key from instruction list; using top and bottom keys instead in #268

Breaking changes

In order to have more flexibility when building our instruction list items, we removed the extra key in favour of top and bottom keys.

Adding a top will create an unstyled paragraph as the first thing in an instruction list section. Adding a bottom will create a paragraph with top-margin of 10px as the almost last thing in an instruction list section (if you include an important key, that one will be the final thing in a section).


PR: #213

What changed

  • new notification banner format #211 (breaking change)
  • changes to temporary messages example page #212
  • separation of temporary message style into placeholder [in
  • ability to add pattern-level grids in #212

Breaking changes

The base temporary message styles were split out into a placeholder block to allow use across multiple patterns (by extending it):

This means the existing temporary message pattern will break unless the new placeholder block is included in the main stylesheet of apps that use it.