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tripleee edited this page Jun 12, 2019 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the PulseMonitor wiki!

This is just a quick dump of how the thing is currently deployed.

tripleee runs Docker in an EC2 instance at which currently also ashish and doublebeep have login rights to.

Within this instance, pulsemonitor and halflife are running as Docker images.

Here is the prestart script for pulsemonitor:

docker ps -q -f name=pulse | xargs docker rm -f
docker run -d --restart=always --name pulse tripleee/pulsemonitor:latest

A similar approach is used for halflife. The key here is to use --name to give the running job a well-defined name so that it is easy later to manipulate (by default, Docker assigns a random string like flatulent_porpoise as the name for each new image you start). Use docker ps to see what's currently running and with what options (halflife needs to expose port 8888 so add -p 8888:8888 to the startup options).

You need to be in the docker group in order to run Docker commands. Reminder to self, add user to group on AWS:

sudo gpasswd -a newuser docker
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