Consists of 2 services:
- Simulation
- Consumer
This is a service that simulates API for getting energy data. Based on device configuration it returns mock data for solar devices, based on real data for whole year in 15-mins intervals. Simulation service exposes it's API for HTTP requests that Consumer service is using.
yarn start-simulation
or from the root of monorepo:
yarn run:simulator:server
Queries Simulation service for energy data for configured devices, and if it sees that there are new energy entries, it writes them to Origin blockchain smart-contracts as smart meter reads.
yarn start-consuming-api
or from the root of monorepo:
yarn run:simulator:consumer
To run simulator and consumer services you need to deploy Origin first.
Edit .env
in the root of the monorepo and configure:
- by default configured to local Ganache instance (http://localhost:8545
), if you've deployed Origin to Volta, use:
- the address on which simulation server is running, by default locally it'shttp://localhost:3032
, in Docker it'shttp://simulation:3032
Edit device configuration in config/config.json
. Properties:
- maximum device capacity in WhsmartMeterPrivateKey
- private key of a smart meter device to save reads on-chain
Place example energy generation data in config/data.csv
in the following format:
Time,E/Cap ratio (kWh/kW),5 MW example (kWh)
01.01.2015 00:00,0,0.00
01.01.2015 00:15,0,0.00
01.01.2015 07:45,0.000664,3.32
I-REC lists all public registered devices in where you can filter and download public devices as CSV file.
We have created 2 scripts to allow easy import of those devices.
Usage: yarn import-irec-devices -- [options]
-i, --input <path> input I-REC csv file
-o, --owner <address> address of the device owner
-h, --help output usage information
As an outcome of running this script we will receive 2 products:
- new
with updateddevices
field based on input CSV file - json console output with commands necessary to setup demo environment
Usage: yarn fund-devices-smart-meters -- [options]
-f, --fundingAccount <string> funding account private key
-v, --value <ewt> value of the funding tx (default: 1EWT) (default: "1")
-h, --help output usage information
Before we can setup the demo environement, newly generated smart meters wallets have to be funded with the EWF token. Script is using monorepo root's .env
variable to connect to given web3 endpoint.