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Sherry edited this page Aug 16, 2017 · 7 revisions

Getting HydroServer, Presentations and Publications, Training Materials

Project Summary

HydroServer is a set of software applications for publishing hydrologic datasets for an experimental watershed or site on the Internet.  We are working toward creating software components that leverage commercial software such as Microsoft SQL Server and ESRI's ArcGIS Server as well as versions that run on more open platforms using Linux and open relational database management systems like MySQL.

Building the HydroServer Team

This is an open project that is actively seeking partners to help with coding and testing. If you are interested in working with us on the project, please introduce yourself using the Discussions page. Also, you may want to take a quick look at the Presentations and Publications that introduce and describe the project. We look forward to meeting you and working with you on this project!

CUAHSI HIS Project Overview


The U.S. National Science Foundation supported Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Sciences (CUAHSI - Hydrologic Information System (HIS) is comprised of databases and servers, connected through web services, to client applications, allowing for for the publication, discovery and access of data. The CUASHI HIS tools have been under development and deployment for several years and together present a relatively complete software “stack” that supports the consistent storage and publication of hydrologic and other environmental observation data.

HydroServers are one of the 3 main types of computers that are part of the HIS system. They are used by the system to store and serve hydrologic data to other computers. There are numerous ways to set-up servers that meet some or all of the requirements necessary to function as a HydroServer.  Currently some, but not all of the HydroServer software components have versions for both Windows and Linux servers.  We are working toward better supporting both platforms. 

The list of HydroServer software components includes:

  • Observations Data Model (ODM)
  • ODM Tools
  • ODM Data Loader
  • ODM Web Data Loader
  • ODM Streaming Data Loader
  • WaterML Web Services
  • Capabilities Database, Capabilities Database Configuration Tool, and Capabilities Web Services
  • HydroServer Web Site
  • HydroServer Time Series Anlayst
  • HydroServer Map Web Application
  • HydroServer Interactive Web Client

Development Approach

This community portal has been set up to host the source code for all of the HydroServer components and to facilitate community participation in the development, testing and deployment of the project. Indeed, we recognize the value of community based code development as a means of ensuring end-user adoption.  Please contact us if you would like to become part of the development team.


This project is receiving or has received support from a number of agencies and complementary efforts including:

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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation Grant EAR 0622374. Any opinions, fndings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.