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--- a/docs/computing/running/throughput.md
+++ b/docs/computing/running/throughput.md
@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ graph TD
E -->|Serial| F(GNU Parallel
Array jobs
E -->|Parallel| G(Single- or multinode subtasks?)
G -->|Single| H(Dependencies between subtasks?)
- G -->|Multi| I(FireWorks)
- H -->|Yes| J(Snakemake
+ G -->|Multi| I(FireWorks
+ H -->|Yes| J(Snakemake
H -->|No| K(HyperQueue)
@@ -157,6 +157,8 @@ graph TD
with `xargs`, see [xargsjob.sh] for example.
* [FireWorks] is a flexible tool for defining, managing and
executing workflows with multiple steps and complex dependencies
+* [Toil-CWL-Runner] is an open source workflow manager using the Common
+ Workflow Language open standards
* [HyperQueue] is a tool for efficient sub-node task scheduling
* [Nextflow workflows using HyperQueue as an executor] can be leveraged to run
large workflows involving thousands of processes efficiently
@@ -199,6 +201,7 @@ workflows.
[HyperQueue]: ../../apps/hyperqueue.md
[GNU Parallel]: ../../support/tutorials/many.md
[FireWorks]: fireworks.md
+[Toil-CWL-Runner]: toil-cwl-runner.md
[contact CSC Service Desk]: ../../support/contact.md
[Nextflow]: ../../support/tutorials/nextflow-puhti.md
[Snakemake]: https://snakemake.readthedocs.io/en/stable/
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new file mode 100644
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+# Running CWL workflows on Puhti with `toil-cwl-runner`
+![CWL Logo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/common-workflow-language/cwl-website/main/content/assets/img/CWL-Logo-HD-cropped2.png){ width=50% }
+The [Common Workflow Language](https://www.commonwl.org/) is a popular set of open standards implemented by several workflow runners and platforms.
+The CWL standards are targeted at creating portable workflows made of command line programs. The steps can be written in any compiled or interpreted language.
+Sub-workflows, optional steps, scatter-gather, and implicit parallelism are just some of the features.
+The [Toil workflow system](https://toil.ucsc-cgl.org/) supports running CWL on a variety of schedulers and systems.
+This page describes how run CWL worklflows on Puhti using `toil-cwl-runner`, including the usage of `apptainer` to execute any provided Docker-format containers.
+## Strengths of the Common Workflow Language standards
+- Open standard (free to read, free to contribute to) governed by a [not-for-profit charity which is legally obligated to work in the public interest](https://sfconservancy.org/news/2018/apr/11/cwl-new-member-project/).
+- [Multiple implementations](https://www.commonwl.org/implementations/) of the CWL standards
+- Used in many [different fields of research](https://www.commonwl.org/gallery/)
+- YAML based syntax with [special support in many IDEs](https://www.commonwl.org/tools/#editors)
+- Support, but does not require, software containers. Can also work with conda packages, `module load` environments, and locally available software.
+- CWL's model works hard to keep site-specific deatuls out of the workflow definition. Enabling portability between laptops, clusters, and cloud systems.
+## Strengths of `toil-cwl-runner`
+- Supports sending jobs to Slurm, translating CWL resource requirements to Slurm resources specifications.
+- Even when using Slurm, (sub-)tasks do not have to have identical resource requirements.
+- Can also run on other batch systems: Grid Engine, Torque, LSF, HTCondor.
+- Launches and monitors Slurm jobs for you. Also constructs the `apptainer` commands (or some other software container engine as appropriate: `docker`, `podman`, `singularity`, `udocker`).
+- No database needs to be setup.
+## Disadvantages for using `toil-cwl-runner`
+- Just a workflow runner. Won't manage your data, or keep track of previous workflow runs.
+## Installing `toil-cwl-runner`
+Install `toil` with `CWL` plugin.
+module load python-data
+cd /projappl/
+python -m venv venv
+source venv/bin/activate
+pip install -U setuptools wheel
+pip install toil[cwl]
+toil-cwl-runner --version
+Install `nodejs` which provides helpful tools for debugging `toil` internals.
+cd /projappl/project_nnnnnnn
+wget https://nodejs.org/dist/v18.16.1/node-v18.16.1-linux-x64.tar.xz
+tar -xf node-v18.16.1-linux-x64.tar.xz
+export PATH=$PATH:/projappl/project_nnnnnnn/node-v18.16.1-linux-x64/bin
+## Defining CWL workflows
+Learning resources
+- [Novice CWL tutorial](https://carpentries-incubator.github.io/cwl-novice-tutorial/), includes detailed setup instructions for local editing and running on Microsoft Windows, macOS, and Linux
+## Running CWL workflows with `toil-cwl-runner`
+!!! Note
+ Singularity containers can't be run in the **login node** or in an **interactive session** due to network constraints.
+When you have defined a workflow with `CWL`, you can send it to the cluster using `sbatch`, and then `toil` will start new jobs for each item in the workflow description.
+### Preliminary Steps
+Create working directories for `toil`.
+mkdir /projappl/project_nnnnnnn/
+mkdir /projappl/project_nnnnnnn/
+mkdir /projappl/project_nnnnnnn/
+### Creating the sbatch file
+The `sbatch` file `workflow.sh` will reference the `CWL` file `workflow.cwl` where you have described your workflow steps.
+!!! Note
+ See [batch documentation](./creating-job-scripts-puhti.md) on how to fill out the `#SBATCH` values.
+#SBATCH --job-name=
+#SBATCH --account=
+#SBATCH --time=01:00:00
+#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=1G
+#SBATCH --nodes=1
+#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=2
+#SBATCH --partition=small
+source /projappl//venv/bin/activate
+export TMPDIR=$WORKDIR/tmp
+export TOIL_SLURM_ARGS="--account=project_nnnnnnn --partition=small"
+TOIL_SLURM_ARGS="--account= --partition=small" toil-cwl-runner \
+ --jobStore $WORKDIR/ \
+ --workDir $SCRATCH/ \
+ --tmpdir-prefix $TMPDIR/ \
+ --batchSystem slurm \
+ $WORKDIR/workflow.cwl \
+ --message "message for job"
+Send your workflow to the cluster.
+sbatch workflow.sh
+## Monitoring a running workflow
+Check the output logs from the main Toil job or
+run `toil status $WORKDIR/`.
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* [General high-throughput guidelines](../../computing/running/throughput.md)
* [Running Nextflow workflows using HyperQueue](nextflow-hq.md)
* [FireWorks workflow manager](../../computing/running/fireworks.md)
+* [Toil CWL workflow manager](../../computing/running/toil-cwl-runner.md)
* [How to run many short jobs with GNU Parallel](many.md)
* [HyperQueue meta-scheduler](../../apps/hyperqueue.md)