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Command Line Arguments

Matt Waltz edited this page Jan 12, 2018 · 17 revisions

To run CEmu from the command line, use the name of the CEmu program followed by the various switches. Some switches require an additional argument; see below for the various types of available switches.

CEmu <switches>


-s <file>, --send <file>

Sends the file to the emulator. This may force a calculator reset. To specify multiple files, use multiple switches, i.e:

-s <file 1> -s <file 2> -s <file n>

-a <file>, --send-arch <file>

Behaves just like the -s switch, but forces files to be stored in the archive.

-m <file>, --send-ram <file>

Behaves just like the -s switch, but forces files to be stored in RAM.

-r <rom file>, --rom <rom file>

Forces CEmu to load a new rom rather than the preconfigured ROM image.

-t <autotester file>, --auto-test <autotester file> [--no-test-dialog]

CEmu forces a calculator reset and executes the file with the AutoTester. --no-test-dialog is optional and suppresses the output of the test statistics from the AutoTester.

-g <settings file>, --settings <settings file>

Uses an external file to load the configured settings. This is uses an ini configuration file.

-i <image file>, --image <image file>

CEmu uses the supplied image file to begin emulation.

-d <debug file>, --debug-info <debug file>

Imports the debugging information for the CEmu debugger.

--speed <percentage>

Sets the emulation speed for the emulated calculator.

-u, --unthrottled

Sets CEmu to run at unthrottled speed after boot.

-n, --no-state

Do not load the saved image state from the settings


Force a rom reload


Do not reset when sending files (Might cause emulated crashes if not at homescreen)

--id <string id>

Command line arguments are routed to the specified CEmu id. This allows you to send commands directly to a current CEmu process. The id is specified in the title of the window; i.e. CEmu | Calculator would have id Calculator.