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365 lines (315 loc) · 14.5 KB

File metadata and controls

365 lines (315 loc) · 14.5 KB




  • Description: Takes in text and a class name as inputs and dumps the text into the target Weaviate class. It is used for ingesting data into a Weaviate database.
  • Inputs:
    • in: Text to be ingested.
    • class name: Name of the target Weaviate class.
  • Outputs: None.


  • Description: Takes in a query and a class name as inputs and queries the target Weaviate class. It retrieves data from a Weaviate database based on the provided query.
  • Inputs:
    • query: Query to be executed.
    • class key: Name of the target Weaviate class.
  • Outputs:
    • out: Retrieved data from the Weaviate class.


  • Description: Outputs a random selection from a predefined list of options. It can be used to introduce randomness or variety in the generated output.
  • Inputs: None.
  • Outputs:
    • out: Random selection from the predefined options.


  • Description: A simple node that outputs a fixed text value. It can be used to provide static text input to other nodes.
  • Inputs:
    • in: Optional input text to override the fixed value.
  • Outputs:
    • out: Fixed text value or the input text if provided.


  • Description: Takes in text as input and generates audio output. It can be used for text-to-speech functionality.
  • Inputs:
    • text: Text to be converted to audio.
  • Outputs: None.


  • Description: Adds a prefix to the input text and outputs the modified text. It can be used for adding context or modifying the input text.
  • Inputs:
    • in: Input text.
  • Outputs:
    • out: Modified text with the prefix added.


  • Description: Appends a suffix to the input text and outputs the modified text. It can be used for adding additional information or modifying the input text.
  • Inputs:
    • in: Input text.
  • Outputs:
    • out: Modified text with the suffix appended.


  • Description: Takes in two text inputs and concatenates them together. It can be used for combining multiple text inputs into a single output.
  • Inputs:
    • first: First text input.
    • last: Second text input.
  • Outputs:
    • out: Concatenated text.


  • Description: A special node that triggers the execution of the graph. It is typically used as the starting point of the graph.
  • Inputs:
    • trigger: Optional trigger input to start the execution.
  • Outputs: None.


  • Description: Keeps track of a counter value and increments or decrements it based on the input. It can be used for counting or keeping track of the number of executions.
  • Inputs:
    • up: Increment the counter.
    • down: Decrement the counter.
  • Outputs:
    • out: Current value of the counter.


  • Description: Generates a random number within a specified range. It can be used for introducing randomness or generating numerical values.
  • Inputs: None.
  • Outputs:
    • out: Generated random number.


  • Description: Allows the user to provide text input during the execution of the graph. It can be used for interactive input or dynamically providing text values.
  • Inputs: None.
  • Outputs:
    • out: User-provided text input.


  • Description: Displays the input text as output. It can be used for displaying the final result or intermediate values.
  • Inputs:
    • in: Text to be displayed.
    • clear event: Optional event to clear the displayed text.
  • Outputs: None.


  • Description: Performs logical operations (AND, OR, NOT, XOR) on two input values and outputs the result based on the selected operation. It can be used for conditional processing or filtering.
  • Inputs:
    • in_0: First input value.
    • in_1: Second input value.
  • Outputs:
    • out: Result of the logical operation.


  • Description: Makes an API call to a specified URL and retrieves the JSON response. It can be used for integrating with external APIs or retrieving data from web services.
  • Inputs:
    • url: URL of the API endpoint.
    • in dict: Optional dictionary of request parameters.
  • Outputs:
    • out dict: JSON response from the API.


  • Description: A language model node that generates text based on the input prompt. It can be used for generating human-like responses or creative writing.
  • Inputs:
    • system: System prompt to provide context.
    • user: User prompt for generating text.
    • server url: URL of the language model server.
    • api key: API key for authentication.
    • model: Model to be used for text generation.
    • clear: Optional input to clear the chat history.
    • grammars: Optional grammar rules for text generation.
  • Outputs:
    • out: Generated text.
    • buffer: Chat history buffer.


  • Description: A text input node that hides the entered text, making it suitable for inputting sensitive information like passwords.
  • Inputs: None.
  • Outputs:
    • out: Entered password.


  • Description: Takes in a prompt and a context, and generates a response based on the language model. It can be used for generating context-aware responses.
  • Inputs:
    • in: Input prompt.
    • context: Context for the prompt.
    • system: System prompt to provide additional context.
    • prompt: Pre-defined prompt template.
    • server url: URL of the language model server.
    • api key: API key for authentication.
    • model: Model to be used for response generation.
    • grammar: Optional grammar rules for response generation.
  • Outputs:
    • yes: Output for affirmative responses.
    • no: Output for negative responses.
    • yes: Affirmative response text.
    • no: Negative response text.
    • reasoning: Reasoning behind the generated response.


  • Description: Reads data from a simple vector database based on a similarity search query. It can be used for retrieving similar or relevant data from a vector database.
  • Inputs:
    • query: Similarity search query.
    • collection: Name of the vector database collection.
    • svdb_url: URL of the simple vector database.
    • top_n: Number of top results to retrieve.
  • Outputs:
    • array out: Array of retrieved data from the vector database.


  • Description: Writes data to a simple vector database. It can be used for storing and indexing data in a vector format.
  • Inputs:
    • in: Data to be written to the vector database.
    • collection: Name of the vector database collection.
    • svdb_url: URL of the simple vector database.
  • Outputs: None.


  • Description: A higher-level node that encapsulates a pre-trained model or a complex algorithm. It takes in input variables and returns output variables based on the underlying logic.
  • Inputs:
    • input dict: Dictionary of input variables.
    • url: URL of the brain model server.
    • brain_name: Name of the brain model.
  • Outputs:
    • output dict: Dictionary of output variables.


  • Description: Forwards the value of a specified variable from the input dictionary to the output. It can be used for extracting and passing specific variables between nodes.
  • Inputs:
    • in dict: Input dictionary containing variables.
    • var name: Name of the variable to forward.
  • Outputs:
    • var value: Value of the specified variable.


  • Description: Assembles a dictionary by combining input variables and their corresponding values. It can be used for creating or modifying dictionaries.
  • Inputs:
    • in dict: Input dictionary to be modified.
    • var name: Name of the variable to add or update.
    • var value: Value of the variable to add or update.
  • Outputs:
    • out dict: Assembled dictionary.


  • Description: Retrieves the value of a global variable and outputs it. It can be used for accessing and using global variables within the graph.
  • Inputs:
    • var name: Name of the global variable to retrieve.
  • Outputs:
    • var value: Value of the global variable.


  • Description: Sets the value of a global variable based on the input. It can be used for modifying or updating global variables.
  • Inputs:
    • var name: Name of the global variable to set.
    • var value: Value to be assigned to the global variable.
  • Outputs: None.


  • Description: Assembles an array by appending input values to it. It can be used for creating or modifying arrays.
  • Inputs:
    • in array: Input array to be modified.
    • var value: Value to be appended to the array.
    • buffer length: Maximum length of the array buffer.
  • Outputs:
    • out array: Assembled array.


  • Description: Forwards a specific item from an input array based on the specified index. It can be used for extracting and passing individual array elements.
  • Inputs:
    • in array: Input array.
    • index: Index of the item to forward.
  • Outputs:
    • out item: Item at the specified index.


  • Description: Steps through an array sequentially, outputting one item at a time. It can be used for iterating over an array and processing its elements.
  • Inputs:
    • in array: Input array to step through.
    • step text: Optional text to trigger the stepping.
    • reset text: Optional text to reset the stepper.
  • Outputs:
    • out item: Current item being stepped.


  • Description: Outputs a number when triggered by an input event. It can be used for generating numeric output based on specific triggers.
  • Inputs:
    • number: Number to be outputted.
    • trigger: Trigger event to activate the output.
  • Outputs:
    • out: Triggered number output.


  • Description: Outputs text when triggered by an input event. It can be used for generating text output based on specific triggers.
  • Inputs:
    • text: Text to be outputted.
    • trigger: Trigger event to activate the output.
  • Outputs:
    • out: Triggered text output.


  • Description: Performs addition on two numeric inputs and outputs the result. It can be used for mathematical operations.
  • Inputs:
    • in_0: First numeric input.
    • in_1: Second numeric input.
  • Outputs:
    • out: Result of the addition.


  • Description: Outputs a random item from an input array. It can be used for selecting a random element from an array.
  • Inputs:
    • in array: Input array.
  • Outputs:
    • out item: Random item from the array.


  • Description: Outputs a random item from an input dictionary. It can be used for selecting a random key-value pair from a dictionary.
  • Inputs:
    • in dict: Input dictionary.
  • Outputs:
    • out item: Random item from the dictionary.


  • Description: Allows adding notes or annotations to the graph. It can be used for documentation or providing additional information.
  • Inputs: None.
  • Outputs: None.


  • Description: Outputs the current timestamp. It can be used for tracking time or generating time-based data.
  • Inputs: None.
  • Outputs:
    • out: Current timestamp.


  • Description: Converts an image URL to its base64 representation. It can be used for encoding images as base64 strings.
  • Inputs:
    • url: URL of the image.
  • Outputs:
    • out: Base64 representation of the image.


  • Description: Performs computer vision tasks on input images, such as object detection or image classification. It can be used for analyzing and extracting information from images.
  • Inputs:
    • img base64: Base64 representation of the input image.
    • system prompt: System prompt for the vision task.
    • user prompt: User prompt for the vision task.
    • server url: URL of the vision server.
    • clip path: Path to the CLIP model.
    • model path: Path to the vision model.
    • grammar: Optional grammar rules for the vision task.
  • Outputs:
    • out: Result of the vision task.


  • Description: Extracts keywords or key phrases from the input text. It can be used for identifying important terms or topics in the text.
  • Inputs:
    • text: Input text for keyword extraction.
    • server url: URL of the keyword extraction server.
  • Outputs:
    • array out: Array of extracted keywords.


  • Description: Assembles a dictionary by combining input variables and their corresponding values. It can be used for creating or modifying dictionaries.
  • Inputs:
    • in dict: Input dictionary to be modified.
    • var name: Name of the variable to add or update.
    • var value: Value of the variable to add or update.
  • Outputs:
    • out dict: Assembled dictionary.


  • Description: Reads data from a dictionary bus, which is a shared data structure accessible by multiple nodes. It can be used for retrieving data from the dictionary bus.
  • Inputs:
    • bus id: ID of the dictionary bus.
  • Outputs:
    • out dict: Data retrieved from the dictionary bus.


  • Description: Writes data to a dictionary bus, which is a shared data structure accessible by multiple nodes. It can be used for storing data in the dictionary bus.
  • Inputs:
    • in dict: Data to be written to the dictionary bus.
    • bus id: ID of the dictionary bus.
  • Outputs: None.


  • Description: Retrieves the value of a specific key from the dictionary bus. It can be used for accessing individual values from the dictionary bus.
  • Inputs:
    • bus id: ID of the dictionary bus.
    • var name: Name of the key to retrieve.
  • Outputs:
    • text out: Value of the specified key.


  • Description: Sets the value of a specific key in the dictionary bus. It can be used for modifying or updating values in the dictionary bus.
  • Inputs:
    • bus id: ID of the dictionary bus.
    • var name: Name of the key to set.
    • var value: Value to be assigned to the key.
  • Outputs: None.


  • Description: Similar to the Text_Node but allows inputting and outputting multiline text. It can be used for handling longer text passages or paragraphs.
  • Inputs:
    • in: Optional input text to override the fixed value.
  • Outputs:
    • out: Fixed multiline text value or the input text if provided.


  • Description: Performs optical character recognition (OCR) on input images and extracts the text content. It can be used for extracting text from images or scanned documents.
  • Inputs:
    • img base64: Base64 representation of the input image.
    • server url: URL of the OCR server.
  • Outputs:
    • out: Extracted text from the image.