DragonBurn is one of the best CS2 kernel mode read only external cheats. It has ton of features, full customization and offsets auto update. Undetected by all anti-cheats except faceit.
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Press END key to open/close menu.
- Box ESP
- Box Type
- Box Rounding
- Filled Box ESP
- Gradient Filled Box ESP
- Skeleton
- Snap Line
- Visual Color
- Eye Ray
- Health Bar
- Armor Bar
- Weapon
- Ammo
- Distance
- Name
- Scoped
- AWP Crosshair
- Visual Preview
- etc
Radar Hack
- Point Size
- Proportion
- Range
- Alpha
- Start Bullet
- Aim Lock
- Draw Fov
- Visible Check
- Auto Only
- Flash Check
- Scope Check
- Smooth
- Multi Hitboxes Selection
- Yaw
- Pitch
- Preview
Trigger Bot
- Scope Check
- Flash Check
- Shot Delay
- Shot Duration
- Bomb Timer
- Bunny Hop
- Head Line
- Hit Sound
- Hit Markers
- Spectator list
- Watermark
- Anti Record
At the beginning, download latest release or compile project by yourself. You need only 2 files DragonBurn.exe
and DragonBurn-kernel.sys
Kernel driver is close source for safety reasons, download it from release
Now you should map a driver, you can use any method of driver mapping, but I recommend to use kdmapper. You can find it here, anyway I'll attach compiled one to latest release.
After that to map driver you should use command kdmapper.exe DragonBurn-kernel.sys
to map the driver. If u see [+] success
all fine, just run DragonBurn.exe
and gl hf.
[-] \Device\Nal is already in use.
Solution: Use NalFix
[-] Your vulnerable driver list is enabled and have blocked the driver loading
Solution: Disable vulnerable driver list, official solution
Still getting:
[-] Failed to register and start service for the vulnerable driver
Solution: Turn off all Anti-Viruses and all Anti-Cheats client, usually it caused by faceit ac