- Don't normally cover updates
- ctrl+shift+space to enter vi mode
- Vim key movement
- v visual mode
- V visual line
- ctrl+v visual block
- alt+v word visual
- y copies
- Just a vi selection
- / to search
- n next
- N previous
- return open links
- w move by word
- e and E move to end of word
- H high
- Ctrl+y line up
- ctrl+e line down
- g scroll to top
- G scroll to bottom
- ctrl+b page up
- ctrl+f page down
- ctrl+u half page up
- ctrl+d half page down
- Any symbol on number line doesn't work
- To enable just take keybindings from github
- Change cursor
- Cursor Color
- Window also scrolls during text highlight
- Modify selection with right click
- Other changes less notable