- Functions: peek(), pop(), push()
- Stack stack = new Stack<>();
- Functions: peek(), poll(), add()/offer()
- queue = new LinkedList<...>()
- PriorityQueue: new Comparator 很重要
- 看到Min/Max就要想到heap. 如果给出的数组没有排序, 先排序, 然后用heap. PrioirtyQueue是用Binary Heap做出来的
- No concept of size(), it's all pointers: node.next.next
- how to set head/dummy, and return dummy.next as result.
- iterate over linked list
- Don't get mixed up with Java LinkedList. Here we are talking about linked list concept, not the Java data structure LinkedList
- If BST not given, can use TreeSet
- All left nodes are less than current node.val; all right nodes are greater than curr node.val
- Use DFS to traverse: divide and conquer. Similarly, usually can convert the DFS solution to interative solution.
- Use stack to traverse iteratively
Binary Indexed Tree
Segment Tree
- Find and Union functions
- Time Complexity: log(n)
- 在UnionFind function里维护不同的状态, expose with public helper functions
- 查询两个元素是否在同一个集合内
- 合并两个元素所在的集合
- 查询某个元素所在集合的元素个数
- 查询当前集合的个数
Topological Sort
- Arrays.asList([1,2,3]);
Two Pointers
Binary Search
Integer[] array = {1, 2, 3}; new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(array))
Hash Table
- contains: O(1)
- set.add(...) returns false if there is duplicate. This operation won't change the existing set.
- Build HashSet set, and the set will automatically compare the equivalence of the lists within at each list element level.
- 转换成string
- % mod, 除法
- Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE; if overflow, use long
- s.toCharArray()
- String.valueOf(charArrary)
- sb = new StringBuffer()
- sb.reverse(), sb.append(), sb.deleteCharAt(), sb.length(), sb.setCharAt(index, char)
- Bit OR |, AND &, XOR ^
- Bit shift: <<, >>
- A << 1: binary of A shifted left for 1 bit, which result in value x 2
- A >> 1: divide by integer 2. Note: decimals are ignored in the result.
- bit shift is a lot faster than reqular 'times' operation.
- 32 bit number: leading bit = 1, negative numbjer; leading bit = 0, positive number.
add leading '1' if the 32 bit number originally has leading '1'.
- Java/python: logical shift >>>, always add leading '0' regardless of the sign of the 32-bit number. That is, it may turn a negative number to positive, if the leading bit is originally '1'
- Because with '( )', make sure to surround the desired operation
- & 0000 = clean up; | ABC = assign ABC
- A^B=C, then A = B^C
Optimization problems:
- memoization && subproblems
- Fibonacci
- Shortest paths
- guessing && DAG View
- Sequence problem, have dp[] length of n + 1.
- Look at last index for clues
- Usually can start for loop at index = 0, and we handle the init conditions within the for loop (ex: assign particular value or skip i=0 rows)
- Rolling array (curr, prev pointer) to optimize space; note the rolling dimension should be apply at the top-for loop.
Track queue size, use the queue as in rotation
- Finding all (or some) solutions to some computational problems, notebaly constraint satisfaction problems
- It attemps to build/find all candidates and abandon partial candidate when the candidates appears not to be suitable(backtracking, backing off from wrong candidates)
Reservoir Sampling
Divide and Conquer
- ex: dfs
- always find the entry point or terminating point
- watch out for the return or result of recursed function
- 见到需要维护一个集合的最小值/最大值的时候要想到用堆
- 第k小的元素,Heap用来维护当前候选集合
- 见到数组要想到先排序