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File metadata and controls

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What is Config

Project configuration mechanism.

Why use Config

The Config class provides a standard mechanism java applications can use to access configuration data via the Apache Commons Configuration interface.

The features of the Default Configuration combine and enhance the functionality of the classic PropertiesConfiguration and SystemConfiguration with predefined property file resources.

Projects can easily override this default implementation via the configuration settings.

Getting started

Add dependency:


Config.getInstance() is the central access point to the configuration mechanism. Configuration properties can be read from the current configuration as follows:

  // Retrieve a property `my.example` with a default value
  String value = Config.getInstance().getString("my.example", "a-default-value");

To override the my.example property, create a file in the resources directory and add the following:



Predefined property resources

The default implementation looks for the following resources either as a classpath resource or a URL:

  • - framework defaults
  • - application properties
  • - local developer properties

URL resources can be loaded from the user home directory or the current working directory

Projects will usually use resource files.

The priority of the properties is in reverse order to the list of resources (i.e. local overrides app which overrides defaults).

The resources loaded into the Configuration can be overridden via configuration settings.

Include resources

Other property files can be included from other predefined property files. If the "include" property is defined, it is treated as a (comma-separated) list of additional resources (classpath resource or a URL) to load that are processed immediately within the current resource being loaded[,]

IncludeAfter resources

Other property files can be included from the predefined property file after the current set has loaded. If this property is defined, it is treated as a (comma-separated) list of additional resources (classpath resource or a URL) to load that are processed after the current (set of) resources have loaded.[,]

+= Append values to predefined properties

Config also allows for the ability to append values to properties already defined. This is done using '+=' instead of '=' on a key-value pair. Suggested use case is you have a global default set and then you want to append application specific values to the default values for access within an application.

# Defined in

#Defined in

Config.getInstance().get("already.defined.key") returns value1,value2,value3


Profiles allow you to map properties to different profiles - for example, dev, test, prod or mock. We can activate these profiles in different environments to set(override) the properties we need. The profile property is generally to be defined as either an OS environment variable or a JVM system property. However, it can be set in a properties file which is useful in unit testing or testing on a local environment.

When a property with the key bordertech.config.profile is set, it is used as the suffix for each property lookup:

## MOCK Environment set as an Environment or JVM System property only

The Environment Suffix bordertech.config.environment feature has been deprecated and will be removed in the next major release but is still honoured within the profile feature.

The order of precedence:

  • bordertech.config.profile defined as a property anywhere
  • bordertech.config.environment defined as a property anywhere(Deprecated - to be removed next major release)


The reload of the configuration can be triggered via a touchfile. The touchfile can be set via the property:

To avoid excessive IO an interval (in milli seconds) between checks can be set and defaults to 10000:


Merge System Properties into Configuration

Sometimes you may need to include System Properties in the Configuration:

Property key Description Default value
bordertech.config.parameters.useSystemProperties This flag allows system properties to be merged into the Configuration at the end of the loading process. false
bordertech.config.parameters.useSystemOverWriteOnly This flag controls if a system property will only overwrite an existing property false
bordertech.config.parameters.useSystemPrefixes Define a list of system property prefixes that are allowed to be merged. Default is allow all. n/a

System properties will override properties in resource files.

Merge Environment Properties into Configuration

Sometimes you may need to include Environment Properties in the Configuration:

Property key Description Default value
bordertech.config.parameters.useEnvProperties This flag allows environment properties to be merged into the Configuration at the end of the loading process. false
bordertech.config.parameters.useEnvPrefixes Define a list of environment property prefixes that are allowed to be merged. Default is allow all. n/a

Environemnt properties will override system properties and properties in resource files.

Merge Configuration into System Properties

Sometimes you may need to merge Configuration properties into the System Properties:

Property key Description Default value
bordertech.config.parameters.system.* Parameters with this prefix will be dumped into the System parameters. Not for general use n/a


The default implementation uses SimpleLog. This Simple implementation of Log sends all enabled log messages, for all defined loggers, to System.err.

Other logging options:

Property key Description Default value
bordertech.config.parameters.dump.console This flag allows properties to be dumped to the console after being loaded. false
bordertech.config.parameters.dump.file The file name to dump the properties to after being loaded. n/a

Property listeners

Property listeners can be set on the Config to be notified whenever the Config is set or reloaded.

  Config.addPropertyChangeListener(new MyListener());


The following methods in the Config class are useful for unit testing:

  • reset() - will restore the configuration.
  • copyConfiguration(Configuration) - will perform a deep-copy of the given configuration. This is useful when you need to create a backup copy of the current configuration before modifying it for a particular test.


The initial configuration of Config can be overridden by setting properties in a file The default file name can also be overriden via a System or Environment property BT_CONFIG_FILE.

The following options can be set:-

Property key Description Default value
bordertech.config.default.impl Default Configuration implementation class name com.github.bordertech.config.DefaultConfiguration
bordertech.config.spi.enabled The flag to enable SPI lookup true
bordertech.config.spi.append.default The flag to append the default configuration true
bordertech.config.resource.order The list of property resources to load into the configuration. Priority of properties is in reverse order of the list.,,
bordertech.config.resource.append An optional list of extra property resources to append to the resources. Useful to add extra resources to the default resources. n/a

Default Implementation

Example of overriding the default implementation:


Custom Resources to Load

Example of loading the default resources and a project specific resource:


ConfigurationLoader is the SPI interface for classes that can load a custom configuration.

By default, the SPI lookup is enabled and if found, it will create the custom configuration

If the bordertech.config.spi.append.default is true the Default Configuration will also be appended to the configuration.

Best Practice

When using java-config in a container and setting specific properties for that container instance, this can be achieved by property file(s) placed in the container that can be referred to and included within the application at runtime.


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