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1563 lines (1330 loc) · 47.2 KB

File metadata and controls

1563 lines (1330 loc) · 47.2 KB

25.0 Kyoto (京都)


From the versions 20 and 25, the current and next version will be named after Japan cities, in romaji and kanji, due to the fact of Suru being a Japanese word.

  • Increased from 1201 to 2200 applications icons!

  • Several icons have been reimagined with a new GNOME 3.32 look:

    agenda calculator calendar camera cryptography dictionary effects fonts book Geary icon preview image viewer image viewer log history mines system monitor MPV notepad smartcard terminal tilix torrent vault video
  • Reduced from 170MB to 30MB!

  • You will have more freedom to choose one favourite of alternatives icons – GNOME 3.32, Suru, Yaru or unofficial styles, or then, one of your favourite official and unofficial colours! If you want to know how to change the alternative icon, please visit the tutorial here. For example:

    • Alternative pictograms

      backup official backup alt 1 backup alt 2 backup alt 3 backup alt 4
    • Alternative colours

      backup aquamarine backup orange backup sky blue backup yellow backup grey backup pink backup red backup green
      backup alt 2 aquamarine backup alt 2 orange backup alt 2 sky blue backup alt 2 yellow backup alt 2 grey backup alt 2 pink backup alt 2 red backup alt 2 green
    • Alternative pictograms

      calendar official calendar alt 1
    • Alternative colours

      calendar aquamarine calendar orange calendar bordeaux calendar yellow calendar grey calendar purple calendar pink calendar red calendar green
    • Alternative colours

      calculator official calculator aquamarine calculator sky blue calculator bordeaux calculator yellow calculator grey calculator purple calculator pink calculator red calculator green
    Cards Game cards official cards alt
    Colours colours official colours alt
    • Alternative colours

      fonts official fonts aquamarine fonts sky blue fonts orange fonts bordeaux fonts yellow fonts grey fonts purple fonts pink fonts red fonts green
    Image Viewer image viewer official image viewer alt
    Partitions partitions official partitions alt
    Radio radio official radio alt
  • New folders colours – colours of Canonical and Ubuntu, and some colours of GNOME 3.32, Suru and Yaru! The available colours in Suru++ Ubuntu:

    folder aubergine folder blue folder bordeaux folder canonical folder cyan folder darkblue folder green folder orange folder purple folder red folder vermillion folder yellow

Dalle versioni 20 e 25, la versione attuale e le prossime versioni prenderanno il nome delle città del Giappone, in romaji e in kanji, a causa del fatto che Suru è una parola giapponese.

  • Aumentato da 1201 a 2200 icone di applicazioni!

  • Diverse icone sono state reimmaginate con una nova apparenza di GNOME 3.32:

    anteprima di icone bloc-notes calendario caveau crittografia cronologia dizionario effeti Geary libro di font macchina calcotarice mine monitor di sistema MPV rubrica smartcard telecamera terminale tilix torrent visualizzatore di immagine visualizzatore di immagine video
  • Ridotto da 170 MB a 30 MB!

  • Avrai più libertà di scegliere una delle icone alternative preferite - stilei ufficiali del GNOME 3.32, Suru, Yaru o stili non ufficiali, o poi, uno dei tuoi colori ufficiali e non ufficiali preferiti! Se vuoi sapere come cambiare l'icona alternativa, per favore, visita il tutorial qui. Per esempio:

    • Pittogrammi alternativi

      backup uffiziale backup alt 1 backup alt 2 backup alt 3 backup alt 4
    • Colori alternativi

      backup acquamarina backup arancione backup azzuro backup giallo backup grigio backup rosa backup rosso backup verde
      backup alt 2 acquamarina backup alt 2 arancione backup alt 2 azzuro backup alt 2 giallo backup alt 2 grigio backup alt 2 rosa backup alt 2 rosso backup alt 2 verde
    • Pittogrammi alternativi

      calendario uffiziale calendario alt 1
    • Colori alternativi

      calendario acquamarina calendario arancione calendario bordeaux calendario giallo calendario grigio calendario porpora calendario rosa calendario rosso calendario verde
    Macchina calcolatrice
    • Colori alternativi

      macchina calcolatrice uffiziale macchina calcolatrice acquamarina macchina calcolatrice azzuro macchina calcolatrice bordeaux macchina calcolatrice giallo macchina calcolatrice grigio macchina calcolatrice porpora macchina calcolatrice rosa macchina calcolatrice rosso macchina calcolatrice verde
    Gioco di carde gioco di carde uffiziale gioco di carde alt
    Colori colori uffiziale colori alt
    LIbro di Font
    • Colori alternativi

      libro di font uffiziale libro di font acquamarina libro di font arancione libro di font azzuro libro di font bordeaux libro di font giallo libro di font grigio libro di font porpora libro di font rosa libro di font rosso libro di font verde
    Visualizzatore di Immagine visualizzatore di immagine uffiziale visualizzatore di immagine alt
    Partizioni partizioni uffiziale partizioni alt
    Radio radio uffiziale radio alt
  • Nuovi colori delle cartelle – colori di Canonical e Ubuntu e alcuni colori di GNOME 3.32, Suru e Yaru! I colori disponibili in Suru ++ Ubuntu:

    cartella melanzia cartella azzura cartella bordeaux cartella canonical cartella ciana cartella azzura scura cartella verde cartella arancione cartella porpora cartella rossa cartella vermiglione cartella gialla

20.0 Osaka (大阪)

  • Added new GNOME 3.32 icons;
  • Added support for GNOME 3.32;
  • Biggest upgrade of Suru++ Ubuntu:
    • Improved hundred icons;
    • Improved several 16px icons and fixed 16px icons which were bigger;
    • Added several missed icons.

18.0 Roma

  • The 3rd alternative of Firefox, added and redesigned by @ChrisP4. You can see how are three icons of Firefox and choose one of them:


  • New missed icons designed and added by [@ChrisP4:
    • Qown Notes
    • Skrooge
    • Xournal




With the help of @gusbemacbe,

  • Adding ones hundred new icons of Ubuntu apps
  • Correcting the erroneous names of icons
  • Optimising the package for Ubuntu
  • Removing all icons of dead, depreciated and discontinued apps —AIM, Copy, Emesene, UBuntu One Installer, etc.
  • Removing all icons of KDE, MATE and XFCE
  • Removing the symbolic icons from the non-symbolic icons

With all them, I ended the bugs and optimised the size for Ubuntu.

14 Venice

  • The icon theme package became increasingly minimal and is optimised for Ubuntu distributions.


Icons designed by @gusbemacbe:

  • Added icon:
    • LyX


Icons designed by @gusbemacbe:

  • Added GNUstep apps icons:

    • ACLock
    • GNUstep Address Manager
    • GNUstep Calculator
    • GNUstep Camera
    • GNUstep Charmap
    • GNUstep DictionaryReader
    • GNUstep GNUMail
    • GNUstep Grr
  • Added icons:

    • Application Finder
    • EdenMath
    • Evince Previewer
    • Midnight Commander
    • Mutt
    • Policy Kit Authentication Agent
    • Sigil
    • xfig
    • xpdf
    • Zipper
  • Added places icons:

    • Folder Applications (similar to macOS)

Icons designed by @Magog64:

  • Added icons
    • Google Music Player
    • MAME


  • Improved some icons in apps/16, apps/24, apps/scalable, devices and places.

  • Added icons:

    • Fcitx
    • GNOME Shell Extensions
    • OpenShot
    • Software Boutique
    • To-do App
  • Added MATE icns:

    • MATE Eiciel
    • MATE Panel
    • MATE Session Properties
    • MATE System Log
    • MATE
    • Ubuntu MATE


  • Due to @paullinuxthemer's suggestions, I and @magog64 decided to separate the GTK, icons themes and wallpapers for the new repositories for facilitating the users who wish to download only the icons themes. Besides, the desktop and cursor theme will be maintained in the Suru++.

  • We have announced that @gusbemacbe officialised and released the PPA od Suru++ which comes with a full pack:

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gusbemacbe/ppa
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt install suru-plus-pack

The full pack comes with all gifts - Suru++ cursor, GTK and icons themes and wallpapers. Be happy to receive daily updates.

  • The good news is that, you are not any more required to depend on Sam Hewitt's icons and other Suru++ packs, because we have purged the dead symlinks.
  • WE have switched to GPL3.

v13 Milano

We have made a biggest update, biggest than v11. :-D We have good news...

  • Added and fixed missed icons in the folders actions:

    • Blueman
    • DBLatex
    • KStarts Planet
  • Fixed dead symlink icons in actions, categories, devices, emblems, mimetypes, places and status

  • Added cursor theme for Suru++ icons theme.

  • Added provided desktop files.

  • Added SGT Puzzles icons.

  • Added categoric folders:

    • folder-macos
    • folder-windows
    • gnome-fs-home
  • Added categoric applications (places) and folders (categories):

    • 3D
    • Activity Journal
    • Applications
    • Archive ZIP
    • Arcade
    • Chat
    • Community
    • Drawing
    • File Sharing
    • Geology
    • IDE
    • Libraries
    • LISP
    • OCaml
    • Perl
    • PHP
    • Preferences - Autocompletion
    • Preferences - Calendar and Task
    • Preferences - Certificates
    • Preferences - Composer
    • Preferences - Desktop Peripherals
    • Preferences - Desktop Peronsal
    • Preferences - Mail Accounts
    • Preferences - Power
    • Preferences - System Bluetooth
    • Preferences - System Directory
    • Preferences - System Network Proxy
    • Preferences - System Network
    • Preferences - System Privacy
    • Preferences - System Windows
    • Profiling
    • Publishing
    • Puzzles
    • Python
    • Role Playing
    • Ruby
    • Sports
    • System Orange
    • Version Control
  • Added devices:

    • Drive Hard Disk
    • Drive Removable Media
  • Added applications icons:

    • 7zip
    • AirCrack
    • App Grid
    • Armory
    • Atril
    • Audicius
    • Avant Window Navigator
    • Avoadro
    • AWN Plugins
    • AWN Settings
    • Beryl
    • Blue Radio
    • Blueman
    • Cantor
    • Compiz
    • Color Grab
    • Deepin Screenshot
    • Desktop Environment GNOME
    • Desktop Environment KDE
    • Desktop Environment LXDE
    • Desktop Environment MATE
    • Desktop Environment XFCE
    • Devianart
    • Display Preferences
    • DVD Player
    • Emeral
    • Engrampa
    • Fedora Settings
    • Firefox Aurora
    • Gallery
    • GNOME Power Statistics
    • GNU Emacs Client
    • Google Chrome Unstable
    • Grave
    • GTK Network
    • GTK3 Icon Browser
    • GTranslator
    • Gufw Firwall
    • GV
    • Haguichi
    • HP Toolbox
    • Input Keyboard
    • Input Mouse
    • Input Tablet
    • KDE Accunt Wizard
    • KDeconncent
    • KeePassxc
    • KOrganizer
    • KPhoto
    • KSysGuard
    • Labplot
    • LeafPad
    • Lightwork
    • MATE Power Satistics
    • Menu Libre
    • MugSHot
    • Octave Backend
    • Pick (Kryogenix)
    • Pinegrow Web [Pro]
    • POlari
    • Preferences - Desktop Keyboard Shortcuts
    • Preferences - Desktop Screensaver
    • Preferences - Ubuntu Panel
    • QV4
    • Screensaver (KDE)
    • Signon UI
    • Slide Wall
    • Snappea
    • Stremio
    • Syntevo Smart Git
    • TeX Doctk
    • Time Admin
    • Todo
    • Tracker
    • Unity Display Panel
    • Unity Online Accounts
    • Unity Sound Panel
    • VBox
    • vdochat
    • Video Chat
    • Vuze
    • Winetricks
    • XMind
    • XFCE Sensors
    • XN Sketch
    • XSCreensaver (XFCE)
    • XVKBD
    • Yad
  • Fixed missed icons already created:

    • Games
    • Geary
    • Gedit
    • Inkscape
    • KIPI Expo Blending
    • LightGDM Greeter Settings
    • Software Update Available
    • Super Tux Kart
    • VLC
  • Added distributions icons:

    • Antergos
    • CentOS
    • Deepin OS
    • Elementary
    • Endless
    • FreeBSD
    • KDE neon
    • Kubuntu
    • Lubuntu
    • Linux Mint
    • LXLE
    • macOS
    • Mageia
    • Manjaro
    • Nitrux
    • openBSD
    • Parrot Security OS
    • Porteus
    • Solus
    • Steam OS
    • True OS
    • Ubuntu Budgie
    • Ubuntu Mate
    • Ubuntu Studio
    • Windows
    • Xubuntu
    • Zorin

v12 Palermo

1 Some AppImage apps do use the relative icons, therefore, we provide desktop files.

  • Added categoric applications (places) and folders (categories):

    • Accessories
    • Aerospace Engineering
    • Architecture
    • Astronomy
    • Biology
    • Board Games
    • Card Games
    • Chemistry
    • Development
    • Education
    • Education - Language
    • Education - Mathematics
    • Education - Science
    • Electronics Engineering
    • Engineering
    • Fonts
    • Games
    • Geography
    • Graphics
    • History
    • Interface Design
    • Internet
    • Java
    • Languages
    • Linguistics
    • Laws
    • Mail
    • Management
    • Mathematics
    • Maths
    • MonoDevelopment
    • Multimedia
    • Office
    • Painting
    • Photography
    • Physics
    • Programming
    • Robotic Engineering
    • Science
    • System
    • Utilities
    • Viewers
    • Web Browsers
    • event-birthday
    • GNOME Control Centre
    • GNOME Development
    • GNOME Globe
    • GNOME Graphics
    • GNOME Joystick
    • GNOME Multimedia
    • GNOME Panel
    • GNOME Settings
    • GNOME System
    • GNOME Translate
    • GNOME Utilities
    • GTK Preferences
    • KDE Control
    • preferences-desktop-accessibility
    • preferences-desktop-display
    • preferences-desktop-font
    • preferences-desktop-icons
    • preferences-desktop-keyboard
    • preferences-desktop-locale
    • preferences-desktop-peripherals
    • preferences-desktop-personal
    • preferences-desktop-theme
    • preferences-desktop-wallpaper
    • preferences-system-network
    • preferences-system-parental-control
    • preferences-system-power
    • preferences-system-time
    • RedHat Accessories
    • RedHat Games
    • RedHat Graphics
    • RedHat Internet
    • RedHat Office
    • RedHat Preferences
    • RedHat Programming
    • RedHat Sound and Video
    • RedHat System Tools
    • XFCE Development
    • XFCE Games
    • XFCE Graphics
    • XFCE Internet
    • XFCE Multimedia
    • XFCE Office
    • XFCE System
    • XFCE Utilities
  • Added some emojis.

  • Added KDE icons:

    • Calligra Flow
    • Calligra Kexi
    • Cantor (scientific statistics and analysis)
    • Echo Nest
    • KAlarm
    • KDE Connect
    • KEuroCalc
    • KFloppy
    • Kipi DNG Converter
    • KIpi EXPO Blending
    • KMix
    • KRunner
    • KSysGuard
    • KWallet Manager
    • KwikDisk
    • Lokalize
    • Nootka
    • Plasma Search
    • Ramme
  • Added icons:

    • Backups
    • BitTorrent Sync (btsync)
    • Caprine1
    • Citrix Receiver
    • CPU Frequency
    • Diffuse
    • Foxit Reader
    • Gemini
    • Genymotion
    • Goa Panel
    • Groovy
    • Messenger for Desktop
    • NPM Applet
    • QMPlay2
  • Added MATE icons:

    • Invest Applet
  • Improved missed icons already created:

    • Déjà Dup
    • Disk Usage Analyser
    • Document Viewer
    • Eye of GNOME (eog)
    • Evince
    • Facebook Messenger
    • File Archiver
    • Google Chrome
    • GNOME Logs
    • GNOME Usage
    • Image Viewer
    • Inkscape
    • Insync (folders)
    • Kexi
    • Log Viewer
    • Network Manager
    • Octave Backend
    • Power Stats
    • Preferences Desktop Icons
    • Session Properties
    • Statistics
    • Virtual Box
    • XTerm


  • I have removed and moved the Suru++ Lubuntu to a new repository, designed for Lubuntu users.

v11 Napoli

  • We have made a bigger update - big addition of Ubuntu GNOME, KDE and XFCE and Maths icons, distributions logos icons, improvements of icons and we have fixed the icons bugs in KDE, purging the PNG images and rewriting the icon in pure SVG.

  • We have created an alias of folders for Suru++ Lubuntu folder.

  • We also have added egg easters, we just won't tell which icons. We let you discover yourself and guess. ;-)

  • Added Ubuntu GNOME icons with improvements:

    • Apt URL
    • Artikulate
    • Dr. Konqi
    • Files (Nautilus)
    • Franz
    • GNOME Shell
    • HP LaserJet 1018/1020
    • MIME Type Editor
    • Mouse & Touchpad
    • Mutter
    • Peek
    • Run Software
    • Portal
    • Search
    • Tweaks
    • View file
    • Wacom Tablet
    • Where am I?
  • Added KDE icons with few improvements:

    • Apper
    • Blogilo
    • Breeze Settings
    • Calamares
    • Calligra Sheets
    • Calligra Stage
    • Calligra Words
    • Cuttlefish
    • FLUID
    • Git Cola
    • Homerun
    • Image Writer
    • Kaffeine
    • KAlgebra
    • KAlgebra Backend
    • Kamoso
    • KAnagram
    • KAtomic
    • KBlocks
    • KBlogger
    • KChart
    • KDiamond
    • KDE App
    • KDE Calc
    • KDE Clock
    • KDE Develop
    • KDE Frameworks
    • KDE GTK Configuration
    • KDE Log Viewer
    • KFind
    • KGet
    • Kile
    • Kipi Panorama
    • Kiriki
    • KJumpingCube
    • Kleopatra
    • KLines
    • KMag
    • KMenu Editor
    • KMouse Tool
    • KMouth
    • KNetAttach
    • Konversion
    • KNotes
    • Kolf
    • Kolour Paint
    • KOrganizer
    • KPat
    • KPresenter
    • KRename
    • Kronometer
    • KRDC
    • Krfb (Desktop Sharing)
    • KRuler
    • KSpread
    • KTimer
    • KTip
    • KTnef
    • KTorrent
    • Kube Mail
    • Kuser
    • Kwrite
    • KWord
    • Mail Client
    • Muon
    • Photo Layouts Editor
    • Picmi
    • Planet KDE
    • Plasma Desktop Workspace
    • Plasma Media Center
    • Plasma Mobile Phone
    • Plasma Windowed
    • Preferences Desktop Font Installer
    • QElectroTech
    • Quassel IRC
    • rekonq
    • Ring KDE
    • Ruby
    • Sheets
    • Skanlite
    • Subtitle Composer
    • Sweeper
    • System Setting
    • Utilities Energy Monitor
    • Telepathy KDE
    • Telephony
    • Ubiquity KDE
    • Umbrello UML Modeller
    • USB Creator KDE
    • Vector Magic
    • Word
    • Yakuake
  • Added XFCE icons:

    • Kvantum Manager
  • Added icons generally:

    • Bitorrent
    • Calibre eBook Editor
    • Calibre Viewer
    • Claways Mail
    • Converseen
    • FreeMind
    • Hotspot
    • KeePass
    • LastPass
    • MatLab
    • Master PDF Editor
    • Mendeley Desktop
    • q4wine
    • QupZilla
    • Rosegarden
    • Sage Notebook
    • SMTube
    • Stage
    • Yandex Browser
  • Added categoric apps icons:

    • Astronomy
    • Biology
    • Chemistry
    • Geography
    • History
    • Laws
    • Linguistics
    • Maths
    • Multimedia
    • Physics
    • Programming
  • Added distributions icons:

    • Arch Linux
    • Debian
    • Fedora
    • Frugalware
    • Gentoo
    • Linux Mint
    • Mandriva
    • OpenSUSE
    • Slackware
  • Added Maths icons:

    • CoqIDE Proof Assistant
    • FreeMat1
    • Geomview1
    • GfsView
    • Generatore Gmsh Mesh
    • GNU PSPP
    • Jmol
    • Mathomatic
    • Maxima Algebra System
    • OCaml
    • ParaView
    • Proof General1
    • R Language
    • R Commander1
    • Regina
    • RKWard
    • wxMaxima
    • Xcas

1 These maths apps use the relative paths and the image format of their icons instead. We recommend you to rename Icon=... with just a name without format.

  • Fixed icons in KDE, purging PNG and rewriting in pure SVG:
    • All calculator icons
    • All colour pickers icons
    • All geolocalisation icons
    • All global icons
    • All gallery icons
    • All mail icons


  • The index.themes errors have been fixed for not being recognised.

  • Improved icons:

    • cs-printer
  • Added icons:

    • Aptana
    • Beta Flight
    • Easy Life
    • GNOME Nettool


  • Big updates:

    • The index.theme files became increasingly complete and multilingual;
    • We added the fonts, themes and wallpapers for linking to index.theme.
  • Improved icons:

    • Empty icons in the folders 16 and 24 have been fixed.


  • Added icons:

    • Applications Accessories
    • Applications Development
    • Applications Engineering
    • Applications Games
    • Applications Graphics
    • Applications Internet
    • Applications Multimedia
    • Applications Office
    • Applications Science
    • Applications System
    • Applications Utilities
    • Compiz Config Settings Manager
    • Flegita
    • GNOME Joystick
    • GNOME System
    • Package System
    • Preferences Others
    • QT Assistant
    • QT Creator
    • QT Designer
    • QT Linguist
  • Added Linux Mint icons:

    • cs-applets
    • cs-extensions
    • cs-overview
  • Improved icons:

    • Instagram

v10.0 Genova

  • Added icons:

    • Aqualung
    • aptik-gtk
    • Ask Ubuntu
    • AVI-MetaEdit
    • Gnash
    • GNOME Subtitles
    • GNOME XChat
    • Goa Panel
    • Goobox
    • GPRename
    • Partition Manager
    • Photo Wall
    • PPA
    • SubDownloader
    • Subtitle Editor
    • Tag Tool
    • TextMate
    • Tixati
    • Unity Tweak Tool
    • XChat Mini
    • XChat
    • YaRock
  • Added KDE icons:

    • Akregator
  • Added openSUSE icons:

    • Yast
  • Improved icons:

    • Desktop
    • Document Print Viewer
    • Input Mouse
    • Input Tablet
    • Media Removable
    • Network Group Work
    • Preference Desktop Display
    • Preferences System Privacy
    • Preferences System Search
    • Preferences System Sharing
    • Preferences Ubuntu Panel
    • Printer
    • Starred
    • System Users
  • Renamed icons:

    • categories/16/preferences-desktop-display.svg → apps/16/preferences-desktop-display.svg
    • categories/16/preferences-system-privacy.svg → apps/16/preferences-system-privacy.svg
    • categories/16/preferences-system-search.svg → apps/16/preferences-system-search.svg
    • categories/16/preferences-system-sharing.svg → apps/16/preferences-system-sharing.svg
    • categories/16/preferences-ubuntu-panel.svg → apps/16/preferences-ubuntu-panel.svg


  • Added icons:

  • Improved icons:

    • Play Store


  • I fixed the bug of icon size on Lubuntu. I provided a new index.theme of Suru++ Lubuntu for Lubuntu users who want to turn small icons colourful.


  • Improved icons:

    • Kali Nmap
    • Notification Daemon
    • System Notifications Preferences (preferences-system-notifications)
    • Tali (GNOME Tali)
    • XFCE Notify
    • WireShark
  • Added Kali Linux icons:

    • Kali WPSCan
    • Kali Volability (kali-vola)
    • WPSCan
  • Added KDE icons:

    • KDiskFree
    • KGeography
  • Added Linux Mint icons:

    • Almanah Diary
    • Ardour
    • Thwart
    • Bugzilla
    • Clonezilla
    • cs-notifications
    • FrostWire
    • Linux Multimedia Studio (lmms)
  • Added MATE icons:

    • Disk Usage Analyzer (mate-disk-usage-analyzer)
    • MATE Notification Properties
  • Added Steam and Chrome games icons:

    • Angry Birds
    • Incredipede
  • Added icons in general:

    • App Launcher
    • disk-check
    • eBay
    • filelight
    • fjt (Format Junkie)
    • Flow
    • HWMonitor
    • ImageShack
    • Pithos
    • Root XTerm
    • Ubuntu Dash
    • VPN
    • Wikipedia
    • Wordpress
    • XBMC

v9.0 Bologna

  • Added Kali Linux icons:

    • Distribution Kali Linux Logo
    • IPutils Arping (Kali Arping)
    • Kali John the Ripper
    • Kali Metasploit Framework
    • Kali NASM Shell
    • Kali Ncat
    • Kali Nmap
  • Added Ubuntu and XFCE icons:

    • About XFCE (help-about)
    • Access Prompt
    • Activity Log Manager
    • Appearance (preferences-desktop-theme)
    • defcon
    • Desktop Icons
    • Display (video-display)
    • Double Commander
    • Emblem Mail
    • Fusion
    • GTK Find
    • Keyboard (preferences-desktop-keyboard)
    • Kopete
    • LibreOffice XSLT
    • Log out
    • Mouse and Keyboard (preferences-desktop-peripherals)
    • Notification Daemon
    • OpenJDK 9 Policy Tool
    • Preferred Applications
    • Pulse Volume Control
    • Ubuntu One
    • Ubuntu One Installer
    • Window Manager
    • Window Manager Tweaks
    • XFCE Calendar
    • XFCE Notify
    • XFCE Panel
    • XFCE Session
    • XFCE Workspace
    • XFCE Window Manager
    • otoscope
  • Added Adobe icons:

    • Adobe Acrobat
    • Adobe Reader
    • Adobe Reader 8
    • Adobe Reader 9
    • Adobe Reader 10

v8.0 Firenze

  • Added icons:
    • Archive Mounter
    • BirdFont
    • Disk Image Mounter and Writer
    • FontForge
    • IGdm
    • KColorChooser
    • SuperTux Kart
    • Vectr
    • Yakyak
    • Zenkit


  • We have added explications and issues about the problems of desktop file badly displayed icons;
  • We have provided desktop files located in the folder desktop for you who have problems with badly displayed icon;
  • We reorganised README to facilitate expert and novice users.

v7.0 Padua

  • Added icons:

    • Address Book
    • Android Studio
    • Camera Photo
    • Character Map
    • Document Viewer
    • Emule
    • File Manager
    • Firefox Developer Edition
    • Firefox ESR
    • Firewall
    • Fonts
    • GColor
    • GConf Editor
    • Gmail Offline
    • GNOME Gmail
    • GNOME Recipes
    • GNOME Tweak
    • GNOME Tweaks Desktop
    • Google Chrome Beta
    • Google Chrome Stable
    • gpast
    • Infoco
    • Mahzhong
    • Network Preferences
    • Nicotine Plus
    • Orage Global Time
    • QRCode
    • Remote Desktop
    • Snapshot
    • Sticky
    • System Power Management
    • Teravex
    • Thunar
    • uTorrent
    • VCard
    • VLC
    • VSCode Backup
    • XBoard
  • Added actions icons:

    • abort
    • edit-past
  • Added Kali Linux icons:

    • Kali WireShark
  • Added KDE icons:

    • KDE Address Book
    • KDE Font Viewer
    • KDE Lettres
    • KDE Snapshot
    • KDE Sudoku
    • Klipper
    • Konqueror
    • Kontact
    • Telepathy KDE
  • Added Linux Mint icons:

    • cs-applets
    • cs-backgrounds
    • cs-color
    • cs-date-time
    • cs-default-applications
    • cs-desklets
    • cs-desktop-effects
    • cs-desktop
    • cs-details
    • cs-display
    • cs-extensions
    • cs-fonts
    • cs-general
    • cs-keyboard
    • cs-language
    • cs-mouse
    • cs-network
    • cs-notifications
    • cs-panel
    • cs-power
    • cs-privacy
    • cs-screensaver
    • cs-sound
    • cs-startup-programs
    • cs-tablet
    • cs-themes
    • cs-tiling
    • cs-universal-access
    • cs-windows
    • MATE Network Proprieties
    • MATE Power Manager
    • Mint Drivers
    • Mint Install
    • Mint Update
    • Software Properties Mint
  • Added LXDE icons:

    • LXTerminal
  • Added Unity icons:

    • Lens Photos
    • Twitter
  • Added XFCE icons:

    • Clipman Plugin
    • Dictionary
    • Note Plugin
  • Added Chinese and Korean apps icons:

    • IBus Chewing Preferences
    • IBus Hangar Preferences
    • IBus LibBopomofo Preferences
    • IBus LibPinyin Setup
    • IBus Preferences
    • IBus Table Setup
  • Improved icons:

    • Archive
    • Jocky

v6.0 Modena

  • Added missed icons:

    • Arduino
    • Bum
    • Grub Customizer
    • GVim
    • IBus
    • Jockey
    • Minuet
    • OpenTTD
    • PianoTEQ
    • QBrowser
    • Rocs
    • Vim
    • Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard
    • Whatsie
    • XNetro
  • Improved missed icon:

    • GNU Emacs (duplicate of the icon emacs and renamed to emcas25)


  • Added missed icons:

    • YouTube DLG GUI
  • Added and improved symbolic icons:

    • Google Chrome
    • VSCode
    • VSCode Insiders


  • Improved symbolic icons:

    • System Monitor
    • Terminal
    • Windows Restore
  • Missed icon:

    • VSCode Insiders


  • Improved icons:
    • Opera

v5.0 Verona

  • Added icons:

    • Git Cola
    • Git Dag
    • Gitg
    • GNOME Radio
    • GNOME Recipes
    • GNUPG
    • Gramps
    • Grisbi
    • Hamster Applet
    • Hamster Indicator
    • Hamster
    • HexChat
    • HomeBank
    • Internet Radio
    • Kingsoft Presentation
    • Luminance HDR
    • Mathematica
    • pd
    • pure_data
    • puredata
    • radio
    • Steam
    • UMPlayer
    • Wolfram Mathematica
    • WPS Office
    • wxBanker
    • ZSNES
  • Improved icons:

    • Gravit Designer

v4.0 Trastevere

  • Apps:

    • GNOME-Do
    • GNU IceCat
    • GNU Privacy Assistant
    • Hangout
    • Linphone
    • Lutris
    • Minecraft
    • MonoDevelop
    • NVIDIA Visual Profiler
    • Hitori
    • Resolve
    • TigerVNC
    • Tor Browser
    • VK Audio Saver
    • Zim
  • Mimetypes:

    • application-x-zim-notebook
    • GNOME-mime-application-x-zim-notebook
  • Status:

    • zim-panel


  • Fixed index.theme for users of 16.04


  • Added and fixed status icons
  • Improved Insync status icons

v3.0 Arezzo

  • Added Wine icons
  • Improved the icons of GNOME Screenshot, Hyper and Mailspring

v2.0 Pisa

  • Added icons:
    • Atom Beta
    • Citra
    • CrossFTP
    • Deepin Picker
    • Firestorm
    • GitHub
    • Gravit Designer
    • GNU Emacs
    • GNU Octave
    • Hyper
    • Insync
    • Mailspring
    • Mozc Setup
    • Scilab
    • VSCode Insiders
    • Wire

v1.0 Pontassieve

  • Starting the icons pack