All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
5.0.0 (2021-02-11)
- updated to interface 8.0.0 which changed the structure of FhirConfig. FhirConfig now requires the validators attribute. That attribute is then used in routing.
4.0.3 (2021-01-27)
4.0.2 (2021-01-20)
4.0.1 (2021-01-14)
4.0.0 (2021-01-13)
- updated to interface 7.0.0 which changed the structure of
that is used as argument forgenerateServerlessRouter
- Support additional product info used in the Capability Statement (#31) (5a61db3)
- use getSearchFilterBasedOnIdentity to prefilter resources(#38) (b3fd394)
- use search getCapabilities to build capability statement (#41) (5f4340d)
- Add authorizeAndFilterReadResponse for system searches (#36) (104098d)
- authorize requester has permission to view all resources returned in the Bundle (#32) (155e926)
- When parsing Bundles for reference only fields explicitly named 'reference' should be considered a reference (#35) (b931d52)
- chore: Explicity check if Auth strategy is SMART-on-FHIR before adding the well-known route
- fix: metadata and well-known endpoint so that AuthZ is not invoked (expected behavior)
- Support SMART's .well_known endpoint
- Supporting new authorization interface
- Add optional OAuth urls to the capability statement
- Support for DB export by routing export requests to the corresponding BulkDataAccess interfaces as defined in
v3.0.0 - Supporting capability statement configuration for OAuth as defined in
v3.0.0 - Improved error handling to allow matching of same error objects across different
versions - Support for configuring CORs header
- feat: Pass down allowed resource types to search service
- Initial launch! 🚀