- [ASNet] Attention Scaling for Crowd Counting (CVPR) [paper] [code]
- [CWAN] Weakly Supervised Crowd-Wise Attention For Robust Crowd Counting (ICASSP) [paper]
- [AGRD] Attention Guided Region Division for Crowd Counting (ICASSP) [paper]
- [BBA-NET] BBA-NET: A Bi-Branch Attention Network For Crowd Counting (ICASSP) [paper]
- [ASPDNet] Counting dense objects in remote sensing images (ICASSP) [paper]
- [SDANet] Shallow Feature based Dense Attention Network for Crowd Counting (AAAI) [paper]
- [HA-CCN] HA-CCN: Hierarchical Attention-based Crowd Counting Network (TIP) [paper]
- [CAT-CNN] Crowd counting with crowd attention convolutional neural network (Neurocomputing) [paper]
- [RANet] Relational Attention Network for Crowd Counting (ICCV)[paper]
- [ANF] Attentional Neural Fields for Crowd Counting (ICCV)[paper]
- [CFF] Counting with Focus for Free (ICCV) [paper][code]
- [DADNet] DADNet: Dilated-Attention-Deformable ConvNet for Crowd Counting (ACM MM) [paper]
- [RAZ-Net] Recurrent Attentive Zooming for Joint Crowd Counting and Precise Localization (CVPR) [paper]
- [ADCrowdNet] ADCrowdNet: An Attention-injective Deformable Convolutional Network for Crowd Understanding (CVPR) [paper]
- [IA-DNN] Inverse Attention Guided Deep Crowd Counting Network (AVSS Best Paper) [paper]
- [SAAN] Crowd Counting Using Scale-Aware Attention Networks (WACV) [paper]
- [MRA-CNN] Multi-resolution attention convolutional neural network for crowd counting (Neurocomputing) [paper]
- [ACM-CNN] Attend To Count: Crowd Counting with Adaptive Capacity Multi-scale CNNs (Neurocomputing) [paper]
- [SCAR] SCAR: Spatial-/Channel-wise Attention Regression Networks for Crowd Counting (Neurocomputing) [paper][code]
- [DecideNet] DecideNet: Counting Varying Density Crowds Through Attention Guided Detection and Density (CVPR) [paper]