diff --git a/docs/discord/modules.md b/docs/discord/modules.md index a7e0317..7133963 100644 --- a/docs/discord/modules.md +++ b/docs/discord/modules.md @@ -3,323 +3,5709 @@ order: 1 description: Internal module reference. --- +```js +// Store Examples +const { Webpack } = BdApi; +const UserStore = Webpack.getStore("UserStore"); +const ChannelStore = Webpack.getStore("ChannelStore"); +const GuildStore = Webpack.getStore("GuildStore"); +const GuildChannelStore = Webpack.getStore("GuildChannelStore"); +const GuildMemberStore = Webpack.getStore("GuildMemberStore") + +// Usage Examples +const currentUser = UserStore.getCurrentUser(); +// -> {id: "user_id", username: "UserName", discriminator: "1234", ...} + +const allGuilds = GuildStore.getGuilds(); +// -> {guild_id_1: {name: "Guild Name 1", ...}, guild_id_2: {name: "Guild Name 2", ...}, ...} + +const guildChannels = GuildChannelStore.getChannels("guild_id"); +// -> {id: "guild_id", count: number, VOCAL: {}, SELECTABLE: {}, ...} + +const channel = ChannelStore.getChannel("channel_id"); +// -> {id: "channel_id", name: "Channel Name", type: "GUILD_TEXT", ...} + +const isInGuild = GuildMemberStore.isMember("guild_id", currentUser.id); +// -> true or false + +const guildRoles = GuildStore.getRoles("guild_id"); +// -> {role_id_1: {name: "Role Name 1", ...}, role_id_2: {name: "Role Name 2", ...}, ...} +``` + # Known Modules -## Stores - - - PremiumTutorialSessionStore - - LobbyVoiceStateStore - - GuildChannelStore - - ApplicationStoreLocationStore - - UserGuildSettingsStore - - SubscriptionRoleStore - - AuthorizedAppsStore - - ActiveJoinedThreadsStore - - BlockedDomainStore - - BraintreeStore - - GuildMemberStore - - GuildMemberCountStore - - ThreadMemberListStore - - ConsentStore - - TopEmojiStore - - PremiumPromoStore - - PoggermodeStore - - GuildIncidentsStore - - SpamMessageRequestStore - - LayerStore - - FamilyCenterStore - - ChannelStore - - UserSettingsOverridesStore - - PopoutWindowStore - - ThemeStore - - ApplicationStoreUserSettingsStore - - PrivateChannelReadStateStore - - MemberSafetyStore - - RTCConnectionStore - - StreamRTCConnectionStore - - GiftCodeStore - - SpotifyStore - - CallChatToastsStore - - StickersStore - - StageChannelParticipantStore - - ChannelFollowerStatsStore - - DevToolsSettingsStore - - NewUserStore - - NoticeStore - - UserProfileStore - - EmailSettingsStore - - DropsStore - - WelcomeScreenStore - - GuildRoleSubscriptionTierTemplatesStore - - SortedGuildStore - - UploadStore - - GuildRecommendationsStore - - LayoutStore - - DeveloperOptionsStore - - SelectivelySyncedUserSettingsStore - - GuildSettingsDefaultChannelsStore - - GuildFeedStore - - StageMusicStore - - KeybindsStore - - OverridePremiumTypeStore - - IntegrationPermissionStore - - EntitlementStore - - MediaEngineStore - - GuildTemplateStore - - StickersPersistedStore - - GuildSettingsClydeStore - - WebhooksStore - - ApplicationStreamingStore - - ApplicationStreamPreviewStore - - PromotionsStore - - GuildOnboardingStore - - SpellcheckStore - - UserGuildJoinRequestStore - - MessageRequestPreviewStore - - LocalInteractionComponentStateStore - - FrecencyStore - - StageChannelSelfRichPresenceStore - - GIFPickerViewStore - - GuildSettingsOnboardingHomeSettingsStore - - MaintenanceStore - - UserSettingsModalStore - - ExternalStreamingStore - - DevToolsDesignTogglesStore - - ForumChannelAdminOnboardingGuideStore - - UserAffinitiesStore - - StoreListingStore - - EmojiStore - - GuildPopoutStore - - UploadAttachmentStore - - VideoStreamStore - - EmbeddedActivitiesStore - - ExperimentStore - - ApplicationSubscriptionStore - - GuildScheduledEventStore - - RegionStore - - I18nLoaderStore - - GameLibraryViewStore - - NoteStore - - DraftStore - - NotificationSettingsStore - - OverlayBridgeStore - - RTCRegionStore - - AccessibilityStore - - TestModeStore - - ApplicationStore - - ClipsStore - - GuildDiscoveryStore - - ApplicationStreamingSettingsStore - - MessageStore - - InviteModalStore - - ArchivedThreadsStore - - HookErrorStore - - TutorialIndicatorStore - - DispatchApplicationErrorStore - - ChannelSettingsStore - - NowPlayingStore - - OverlayRunningGameStore - - SpeakingStore - - UnsyncedUserSettingsStore - - ChannelMemberStore - - LocaleStore - - GuildOnboardingHomeSettingsStore - - PremiumTutorialStore - - GuildOnboardingPromptsStore - - VoiceStateStore - - SharedCanvasStore - - GameConsoleStore - - FavoriteStore - - ApplicationCommandStore - - GuildSettingsStore - - ChannelSettingsIntegrationsStore - - ClientStateStore - - ApplicationBuildStore - - UserTrialStore - - SelfPresenceStore - - ChannelHighlightsStore - - DeveloperExperimentStore - - DispatchApplicationLaunchSetupStore - - GuildAffinitiesStore - - PremiumPaymentModalStore - - UserSettingsAccountStore - - ActivityLauncherStore - - DispatchManagerStore - - PaymentAuthenticationStore - - GuildJoinRequestStoreV2 - - SelectedGuildStore - - HypeSquadStore - - UserSettingsProtoStore - - UserStore - - ConnectedAppsStore - - EditMessageStore - - ApplicationCommandFrecencyStore - - JoinedThreadsStore - - MessageRemindersStore - - ReferencedMessageStore - - ApplicationDirectorySimilarApplicationsStore - - PresenceStore - - VideoBackgroundStore - - AppViewStore - - ChannelSettingsPermissionsStore - - NewChannelsStore - - GuildSubscriptionsStore - - RTCConnectionStore - - MyGuildApplicationsStore - - MediaPostEmbedStore - - MediaPostSharePromptStore - - RecentMentionsStore - - ForumSearchStore - - SendMessageOptionsStore - - ApplicationCommandSearchStore - - CloudSyncStore - - DefaultRouteStore - - SubscriptionStore - - ActiveThreadsStore - - SlowmodeStore - - HotspotStore - - SubscriptionPlanStore - - ApplicationStoreSettingsStore - - MessageReactionsStore - - DeveloperActivityShelfStore - - PhoneStore - - ChannelRTCStore - - GuildStore - - ForumPostMessagesStore - - LibraryApplicationStatisticsStore - - CreatorMonetizationStore - - NetworkStore - - LoginRequiredActionStore - - CommandsMigrationStore - - ThreadMessageStore - - ChannelPinsStore - - IdleStore - - BurstReactionEffectsStore - - BitRateStore - - SortedVoiceStateStore - - CallStore - - GuildHomeStore - - BillingInfoStore - - ApplicationCommandRegistryStore - - ChannelListVoiceCategoryStore - - ConnectedAccountsStore - - GuildSettingsRolesStore - - StreamingCapabilitiesStore - - GatewayConnectionStore - - SoundboardStore - - GuildRoleMemberCountStore - - ThreadMembersStore - - SoundpackStore - - RunningGameStore - - ReferralTrialStore - - VideoQualityModeStore - - OverlayStore - - SessionsStore - - PermissionStore - - CreatorMonetizationMarketingStore - - SurveyStore - - GuildOnboardingMemberActionStore - - InventoryStore - - MFAStore - - BrowserHandoffStore - - StickerMessagePreviewStore - - VoiceChannelEffectsPersistedStore - - PaymentSourceStore - - DispatchApplicationStore - - SelectedChannelStore - - ReadStateStore - - DiscoverGuildChecklistStore - - InteractionModalStore - - RTCDebugStore - - SearchStore - - ChangelogStore - - GuildVerificationStore - - SKUStore - - GuildNSFWAgreeStore - - GatedChannelStore - - InviteStore - - LibraryApplicationStore - - StageInstanceStore - - ApplicationViewStore - - Unknown User - - GuildBoostSlotStore - - GamePartyStore - - ExpandedGuildFolderStore - - PoggermodeSettingsStore - - TypingStore - - StreamerModeStore - - PrivateChannelSortStore - - DismissibleContentFrameworkStore - - PendingReplyStore - - ChannelSectionStore - - ApplicationDirectorySearchStore - - ActiveChannelsStore - - TTSStore - - GuildReadStateStore - - GuildDiscoveryCategoryStore - - LegacyExperimentStore - - GuildIdentitySettingsStore - - EventDirectoryStore - - GuildUnreadSettingsStore - - BurstReactionStore - - GuildProductsStore - - GuildAvailabilityStore - - GuildRoleSubscriptionsStore - - RelationshipStore - - InstallationManagerStore - - ApplicationCommandAutocompleteStore - - ActivitiesWhatsNewStore - - NewPaymentSourceStore - - NotificationCenterItemsStore - - ImpersonateStore - - CollectiblesStore - - ForumActivePostStore - - InstantInviteStore - - LobbyStore - - MultiAccountStore - - InteractionStore - - GuildDirectoryStore - - PrivateChannelRecipientsInviteStore - - GuildCategoryStore - - GuildDirectorySearchStore - - ContextMenuStore - - GuildAutomodMessageStore - - UserPremiumLikelihoodStore - - BrowserCheckoutStateStore - - PoggermodeAchievementStore - - WindowStore - - ClientThemesBackgroundStore - - SKUPaymentModalStore - - PurchaseTokenAuthStore - - CertifiedDeviceStore - - GuildExperimentStore - - ForumPostRecentMessageStore - - StageChannelRoleStore - - GuildSettingsIntegrationsStore - - LurkingStore - - LaunchableGameStore - - PrivateChannelIntegrationStore - - ApplicationDirectoryApplicationsStore - - DimensionStore - - ForumPostUnreadCountStore - - GameStore - - CategoryCollapseStore - - SpotifyProtocolStore - - MemberVerificationFormStore - - PermissionSpeakStore - - ChannelListStore - - PopoutWindowStore - - ApplicationDirectoryCategoriesStore - - QuickSwitcherStore - - DevToolsDesignTogglesStore - - BroadcastingStore - - GuildMemberRequesterStore - - UserRequiredActionStore - - AppliedGuildBoostStore - - VoiceChannelEffectsStore - - GuildSettingsOnboardingPromptsStore - - DevToolsDevSettingsStore - - PictureInPictureStore - - CollapsedVoiceChannelStore - - MessageRequestStore - - LocalActivityStore \ No newline at end of file +Documentation of available stores and their methods through [`BdApi.Webpack.getStore()`](/api/webpack#getstore). + +--- + +## ApplicationStoreDirectoryStore + +Available methods: + +- `getFetchStatus()` +- `getStoreLayout()` +- `hasStorefront()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## UserOfferStore + +Available methods: + +- `forceReset()` +- `getAcknowledgedOffers()` +- `getAlmostExpiringTrialOffers()` +- `getAnyOfUserTrialOfferId()` +- `getReferrer()` +- `getState()` +- `getUnacknowledgedDiscountOffers()` +- `getUnacknowledgedOffers()` +- `getUserDiscountOffer()` +- `getUserTrialOffer()` +- `hasAnyUnexpiredDiscountOffer()` +- `hasAnyUnexpiredOffer()` +- `hasFetchedOffer()` +- `initialize()` +- `shouldFetchAnnualOffer()` +- `shouldFetchOffer()` + +--- + +## PromotionsStore + +Available methods: + +- `bogoPromotion()` +- `consumedInboundPromotionId()` +- `getState()` +- `hasFetchedConsumedInboundPromotionId()` +- `initialize()` +- `isFetchingActiveBogoPromotion()` +- `isFetchingActiveOutboundPromotions()` +- `lastDismissedOutboundPromotionStartDate()` +- `lastFetchedActiveBogoPromotion()` +- `lastFetchedActivePromotions()` +- `lastSeenOutboundPromotionStartDate()` +- `outboundPromotions()` + +--- + +## CollectiblesPurchaseStore + +Available methods: + +- `claimError()` +- `fetchError()` +- `getPurchase()` +- `hasPreviouslyFetched()` +- `isClaiming()` +- `isFetching()` +- `purchases()` + +--- + +## FriendSuggestionStore + +Available methods: + +- `getSuggestion()` +- `getSuggestionCount()` +- `getSuggestions()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## InstanceIdStore + +Available methods: + +- `getId()` + +--- + +## UserGuildSettingsStore + +Available methods: + +- `accountNotificationSettings()` +- `allowAllMessages()` +- `allowNoMessages()` +- `getAddedToMessages()` +- `getAllSettings()` +- `getChannelFlags()` +- `getChannelIdFlags()` +- `getChannelMessageNotifications()` +- `getChannelMuteConfig()` +- `getChannelOverrides()` +- `getChannelRecordUnreadSetting()` +- `getChannelUnreadSetting()` +- `getGuildFavorites()` +- `getGuildFlags()` +- `getGuildUnreadSetting()` +- `getMessageNotifications()` +- `getMuteConfig()` +- `getMutedChannels()` +- `getNewForumThreadsCreated()` +- `getNotifyHighlights()` +- `getOptedInChannels()` +- `getOptedInChannelsWithPendingUpdates()` +- `getPendingChannelUpdates()` +- `getState()` +- `initialize()` +- `isAddedToMessages()` +- `isCategoryMuted()` +- `isChannelMuted()` +- `isChannelOptedIn()` +- `isChannelOrParentOptedIn()` +- `isChannelRecordOrParentOptedIn()` +- `isFavorite()` +- `isGuildCollapsed()` +- `isGuildOrCategoryOrChannelMuted()` +- `isMessagesFavorite()` +- `isMobilePushEnabled()` +- `isMuteScheduledEventsEnabled()` +- `isMuted()` +- `isOptInEnabled()` +- `isSuppressEveryoneEnabled()` +- `isSuppressRolesEnabled()` +- `isTemporarilyMuted()` +- `mentionOnAllMessages()` +- `resolveGuildUnreadSetting()` +- `resolveUnreadSetting()` +- `resolvedMessageNotifications()` +- `useNewNotifications()` + +--- + +## TutorialIndicatorStore + +Available methods: + +- `getData()` +- `getDefinition()` +- `getIndicators()` +- `initialize()` +- `shouldShow()` +- `shouldShowAnyIndicators()` + +--- + +## ChannelStatusStore + +Available methods: + +- `getChannelStatus()` + +--- + +## WebAuthnStore + +Available methods: + +- `getCredentials()` +- `hasCredentials()` +- `hasFetchedCredentials()` + +--- + +## FavoritesSuggestionStore + +Available methods: + +- `getState()` +- `getSuggestedChannelId()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## SpotifyProtocolStore + +Available methods: + +- `isProtocolRegistered()` + +--- + +## DevToolsSettingsStore + +Available methods: + +- `devWidgetPosition()` +- `displayTools()` +- `getUserAgnosticState()` +- `initialize()` +- `lastOpenTabId()` +- `showDevWidget()` +- `sidebarWidth()` + +--- + +## RTCConnectionStore + +Available methods: + +- `getAveragePing()` +- `getChannelId()` +- `getDuration()` +- `getGuildId()` +- `getHostname()` +- `getLastPing()` +- `getLastSessionVoiceChannelId()` +- `getMediaSessionId()` +- `getOutboundLossRate()` +- `getPacketStats()` +- `getPings()` +- `getQuality()` +- `getRTCConnection()` +- `getRTCConnectionId()` +- `getRemoteDisconnectVoiceChannelId()` +- `getSecureFramesRosterMapEntry()` +- `getSecureFramesState()` +- `getState()` +- `getUserIds()` +- `getVoiceStateStats()` +- `getWasEverMultiParticipant()` +- `getWasEverRtcConnected()` +- `initialize()` +- `isConnected()` +- `isDisconnected()` +- `isUserConnected()` +- `setLastSessionVoiceChannelId()` + +--- + +## MaskedLinkStore + +Available methods: + +- `initialize()` +- `isTrustedDomain()` +- `isTrustedProtocol()` + +--- + +## NewChannelsStore + +Available methods: + +- `getNewChannelIds()` +- `initialize()` +- `shouldIndicateNewChannel()` + +--- + +## UserRequiredActionStore + +Available methods: + +- `getAction()` +- `hasAction()` + +--- + +## ActivityShelfStore + +Available methods: + +- `getState()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## ProfileEffectStore + +Available methods: + +- `canFetch()` +- `fetchError()` +- `getProfileEffectById()` +- `hasFetched()` +- `isFetching()` +- `profileEffects()` +- `tryItOutId()` + +--- + +## UserSettingsAccountStore + +Available methods: + +- `getAllPending()` +- `getAllTryItOut()` +- `getErrors()` +- `getFormState()` +- `getIsSubmitDisabled()` +- `getPendingAccentColor()` +- `getPendingAvatar()` +- `getPendingAvatarDecoration()` +- `getPendingBanner()` +- `getPendingBio()` +- `getPendingGlobalName()` +- `getPendingProfileEffectId()` +- `getPendingPronouns()` +- `getPendingThemeColors()` +- `getTryItOutAvatar()` +- `getTryItOutAvatarDecoration()` +- `getTryItOutBanner()` +- `getTryItOutProfileEffectId()` +- `getTryItOutThemeColors()` +- `showNotice()` + +--- + +## CheckoutRecoveryStore + +Available methods: + +- `getIsTargeted()` +- `shouldFetchCheckoutRecovery()` + +--- + +## VideoStreamStore + +Available methods: + +- `getStreamId()` +- `getUserStreamData()` + +--- + +## GatewayConnectionStore + +Available methods: + +- `getSocket()` +- `initialize()` +- `isConnected()` +- `isConnectedOrOverlay()` +- `isTryingToConnect()` +- `lastTimeConnectedChanged()` + +--- + +## SaveableChannelsStore + +Available methods: + +- `canEvictOrphans()` +- `getSaveableChannels()` +- `initialize()` +- `loadCache()` +- `saveLimit()` +- `takeSnapshot()` + +--- + +## LurkingStore + +Available methods: + +- `getHistorySnapshot()` +- `getLoadId()` +- `getLurkingSource()` +- `initialize()` +- `isLurking()` +- `lurkingGuildIds()` +- `mostRecentLurkedGuildId()` +- `setHistorySnapshot()` + +--- + +## GuildSettingsVanityURLStore + +Available methods: + +- `errorDetails()` +- `hasError()` +- `originalVanityURLCode()` +- `showNotice()` +- `vanityURLCode()` +- `vanityURLUses()` + +--- + +## GuildOnboardingPromptsStore + +Available methods: + +- `ackIdForGuild()` +- `getDefaultChannelIds()` +- `getEnabled()` +- `getEnabledOnboardingPrompts()` +- `getOnboardingPrompt()` +- `getOnboardingPrompts()` +- `getOnboardingPromptsForOnboarding()` +- `getOnboardingResponses()` +- `getOnboardingResponsesForPrompt()` +- `getPendingResponseOptions()` +- `getSelectedOptions()` +- `initialize()` +- `isAdvancedMode()` +- `isLoading()` +- `lastFetchedAt()` +- `shouldFetchPrompts()` + +--- + +## RecentVoiceChannelStore + +Available methods: + +- `getChannelHistory()` +- `getState()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## MediaPostSharePromptStore + +Available methods: + +- `shouldDisplayPrompt()` + +--- + +## SKUStore + +Available methods: + +- `didFetchingSkuFail()` +- `get()` +- `getForApplication()` +- `getParentSKU()` +- `getSKUs()` +- `initialize()` +- `isFetching()` + +--- + +## PrivateChannelSortStore + +Available methods: + +- `getPrivateChannelIds()` +- `getSortedChannels()` +- `initialize()` +- `serializeForOverlay()` + +--- + +## CollapsedVoiceChannelStore + +Available methods: + +- `getCollapsed()` +- `getState()` +- `initialize()` +- `isCollapsed()` + +--- + +## UploadStore + +Available methods: + +- `getFiles()` +- `getMessageForFile()` +- `getUploadAttachments()` +- `getUploaderFileForMessageId()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## DiscoverGuildsStore + +Available methods: + +- `getGuild()` +- `getGuilds()` +- `initialize()` +- `isFetching()` + +--- + +## DismissibleContentFrameworkStore + +Available methods: + +- `dailyCapOverridden()` +- `getRenderedAtTimestamp()` +- `getState()` +- `hasUserHitDCCap()` +- `initialize()` +- `lastDCDismissed()` + +--- + +## ContentInventoryPersistedStore + +Available methods: + +- `getDebugFastImpressionCappingEnabled()` +- `getImpressionCappedItemIds()` +- `getState()` +- `hidden()` +- `initialize()` +- `reset()` + +--- + +## GameStore + +Available methods: + +- `detectableGamesEtag()` +- `fetching()` +- `games()` +- `getDetectableGame()` +- `getGameByExecutable()` +- `getGameByGameData()` +- `getGameByName()` +- `getState()` +- `initialize()` +- `isGameInDatabase()` +- `lastFetched()` +- `markGameReported()` +- `shouldReport()` + +--- + +## SubscriptionStore + +Available methods: + +- `getActiveApplicationSubscriptions()` +- `getActiveGuildSubscriptions()` +- `getMostRecentPremiumTypeSubscription()` +- `getPremiumSubscription()` +- `getPremiumTypeSubscription()` +- `getPreviousPremiumTypeSubscription()` +- `getSubscriptionById()` +- `getSubscriptionForPlanIds()` +- `getSubscriptions()` +- `hasFetchedMostRecentPremiumTypeSubscription()` +- `hasFetchedPreviousPremiumTypeSubscription()` +- `hasFetchedSubscriptions()` +- `inReverseTrial()` + +--- + +## GiftCodeStore + +Available methods: + +- `get()` +- `getAcceptingCodes()` +- `getError()` +- `getForGifterSKUAndPlan()` +- `getIsAccepting()` +- `getIsResolved()` +- `getIsResolving()` +- `getResolvedCodes()` +- `getResolvingCodes()` +- `getUserGiftCodesFetchingForSKUAndPlan()` +- `getUserGiftCodesLoadedAtForSKUAndPlan()` + +--- + +## StageChannelRoleStore + +Available methods: + +- `getPermissionsForUser()` +- `initialize()` +- `isAudienceMember()` +- `isModerator()` +- `isSpeaker()` + +--- + +## DevToolsDesignTogglesStore + +Available methods: + +- `all()` +- `allWithDescriptions()` +- `get()` +- `getUserAgnosticState()` +- `initialize()` +- `set()` + +--- + +## AutoUpdateStore + +Available methods: + +- `getState()` + +--- + +## SecureFramesVerifiedStore + +Available methods: + +- `initialize()` +- `isCallVerified()` +- `isStreamVerified()` +- `isUserVerified()` + +--- + +## HangStatusStore + +Available methods: + +- `getCurrentDefaultStatus()` +- `getCurrentHangStatus()` +- `getCustomHangStatus()` +- `getHangStatusActivity()` +- `getRecentCustomStatuses()` +- `getState()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## GuildRoleConnectionEligibilityStore + +Available methods: + +- `getGuildRoleConnectionEligibility()` + +--- + +## TypingStore + +Available methods: + +- `getTypingUsers()` +- `isTyping()` + +--- + +## SendMessageOptionsStore + +Available methods: + +- `getOptions()` + +--- + +## PerksDemosStore + +Available methods: + +- `activatedEndTime()` +- `hasActivated()` +- `hasActiveDemo()` +- `isAvailable()` +- `overrides()` +- `shouldActivate()` +- `shouldFetch()` + +--- + +## DeveloperActivityShelfStore + +Available methods: + +- `getActivityUrlOverride()` +- `getDeveloperShelfItems()` +- `getFetchState()` +- `getFilter()` +- `getIsEnabled()` +- `getLastUsedObject()` +- `getState()` +- `getUseActivityUrlOverride()` +- `inDevModeForApplication()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## BrowserHandoffStore + +Available methods: + +- `initialize()` +- `isHandoffAvailable()` +- `key()` +- `user()` + +--- + +## UploadAttachmentStore + +Available methods: + +- `findUpload()` +- `getFirstUpload()` +- `getUpload()` +- `getUploadCount()` +- `getUploads()` +- `hasAdditionalUploads()` + +--- + +## ConsumablesStore + +Available methods: + +- `getEntitlement()` +- `getErrored()` +- `getPlayedAnimation()` +- `getPreviousGoLiveSettings()` +- `getPrice()` +- `isEntitlementFetched()` +- `isEntitlementFetching()` +- `isFetchingPrice()` + +--- + +## GuildTemplateTooltipStore + +Available methods: + +- `shouldShowGuildTemplateDirtyTooltip()` +- `shouldShowGuildTemplatePromotionTooltip()` + +--- + +## MediaEngineStore + +Available methods: + +- `getAecDump()` +- `getAttenuateWhileSpeakingOthers()` +- `getAttenuateWhileSpeakingSelf()` +- `getAttenuation()` +- `getAudioSubsystem()` +- `getAutomaticGainControl()` +- `getCameraComponent()` +- `getDebugLogging()` +- `getEchoCancellation()` +- `getEnableSilenceWarning()` +- `getEverSpeakingWhileMuted()` +- `getExperimentalEncoders()` +- `getExperimentalSoundshare()` +- `getGoLiveContext()` +- `getGoLiveSource()` +- `getH265Enabled()` +- `getHardwareEncoding()` +- `getInputDetected()` +- `getInputDeviceId()` +- `getInputDevices()` +- `getInputVolume()` +- `getLocalPan()` +- `getLocalVolume()` +- `getLoopback()` +- `getMLSSigningKey()` +- `getMediaEngine()` +- `getMode()` +- `getModeOptions()` +- `getNoInputDetectedNotice()` +- `getNoiseCancellation()` +- `getNoiseSuppression()` +- `getOpenH264()` +- `getOutputDeviceId()` +- `getOutputDevices()` +- `getOutputVolume()` +- `getPacketDelay()` +- `getQoS()` +- `getSettings()` +- `getShortcuts()` +- `getSidechainCompression()` +- `getSidechainCompressionStrength()` +- `getSpeakingWhileMuted()` +- `getState()` +- `getSupportedSecureFramesProtocolVersion()` +- `getUseSystemScreensharePicker()` +- `getVideoComponent()` +- `getVideoDeviceId()` +- `getVideoDevices()` +- `getVideoHook()` +- `getVideoStreamParameters()` +- `getVideoToggleState()` +- `hasClipsSource()` +- `hasContext()` +- `initialize()` +- `isAdvancedVoiceActivitySupported()` +- `isAecDumpSupported()` +- `isAnyLocalVideoAutoDisabled()` +- `isAutomaticGainControlSupported()` +- `isDeaf()` +- `isEnableHardwareMuteNotice()` +- `isEnabled()` +- `isExperimentalEncodersSupported()` +- `isHardwareMute()` +- `isInteractionRequired()` +- `isLocalMute()` +- `isLocalVideoAutoDisabled()` +- `isLocalVideoDisabled()` +- `isMediaFilterSettingLoading()` +- `isMute()` +- `isNativeAudioPermissionReady()` +- `isNoiseCancellationError()` +- `isNoiseCancellationSupported()` +- `isNoiseSuppressionSupported()` +- `isScreenSharing()` +- `isSelfDeaf()` +- `isSelfMute()` +- `isSelfMutedTemporarily()` +- `isSimulcastSupported()` +- `isSoundSharing()` +- `isSupported()` +- `isVideoAvailable()` +- `isVideoEnabled()` +- `notifyMuteUnmuteSoundWasSkipped()` +- `setCanHavePriority()` +- `shouldSkipMuteUnmuteSound()` +- `supports()` +- `supportsDisableLocalVideo()` +- `supportsExperimentalSoundshare()` +- `supportsInApp()` +- `supportsScreenSoundshare()` +- `supportsSystemScreensharePicker()` +- `supportsVideoHook()` + +--- + +## BlockedDomainStore + +Available methods: + +- `getBlockedDomainList()` +- `getCurrentRevision()` +- `initialize()` +- `isBlockedDomain()` + +--- + +## NotificationCenterItemsStore + +Available methods: + +- `active()` +- `cursor()` +- `errored()` +- `getState()` +- `hasMore()` +- `initialize()` +- `initialized()` +- `items()` +- `loading()` +- `localItems()` +- `tabFocused()` + +--- + +## ThreadMessageStore + +Available methods: + +- `getChannelThreadsVersion()` +- `getCount()` +- `getInitialOverlayState()` +- `getMostRecentMessage()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## ContentInventoryStore + +Available methods: + +- `getDebugImpressionCappingDisabled()` +- `getFeed()` +- `getFeedRequestId()` +- `getFeedState()` +- `getFeeds()` +- `getFilters()` +- `getLastFeedFetchDate()` +- `getMatchingInboxEntry()` + +--- + +## GuildDiscoveryCategoryStore + +Available methods: + +- `getAllCategories()` +- `getCategoryName()` +- `getClanDiscoveryCategories()` +- `getDiscoveryCategories()` +- `getFetchedLocale()` +- `getPrimaryCategories()` + +--- + +## EmailSettingsStore + +Available methods: + +- `getEmailSettings()` + +--- + +## LiveChannelNoticesStore + +Available methods: + +- `getState()` +- `initialize()` +- `isLiveChannelNoticeHidden()` + +--- + +## PresenceStore + +Available methods: + +- `findActivity()` +- `getActivities()` +- `getActivityMetadata()` +- `getAllApplicationActivities()` +- `getApplicationActivity()` +- `getClientStatus()` +- `getPrimaryActivity()` +- `getState()` +- `getStatus()` +- `getUserIds()` +- `initialize()` +- `isMobileOnline()` +- `setCurrentUserOnConnectionOpen()` + +--- + +## ThreadMemberListStore + +Available methods: + +- `canUserViewChannel()` +- `getMemberListSections()` +- `getMemberListVersion()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## ImpersonateStore + +Available methods: + +- `getBackNavigationSection()` +- `getData()` +- `getImpersonateType()` +- `getMemberOptions()` +- `getOnboardingResponses()` +- `getViewingChannels()` +- `getViewingRoles()` +- `getViewingRolesTimestamp()` +- `hasViewingRoles()` +- `isChannelOptedIn()` +- `isFullServerPreview()` +- `isOnboardingEnabled()` +- `isOptInEnabled()` +- `isViewingRoles()` +- `isViewingServerShop()` + +--- + +## GuildAffinitiesStore + +Available methods: + +- `affinities()` +- `getGuildAffinity()` +- `getState()` +- `hasRequestResolved()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## ApplicationBuildStore + +Available methods: + +- `getBuildSize()` +- `getTargetBuildId()` +- `getTargetManifests()` +- `hasNoBuild()` +- `initialize()` +- `isFetching()` +- `needsToFetchBuildSize()` + +--- + +## EmojiCaptionsStore + +Available methods: + +- `clear()` +- `getCaptionsForEmojiById()` +- `getEmojiCaptionsTTL()` +- `getIsFetching()` +- `getState()` +- `hasPersistedState()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## ApplicationCommandAutocompleteStore + +Available methods: + +- `getAutocompleteChoices()` +- `getAutocompleteLastChoices()` +- `getLastErrored()` +- `getLastResponseNonce()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## SoundboardEventStore + +Available methods: + +- `frecentlyPlayedSounds()` +- `getState()` +- `hasPendingUsage()` +- `initialize()` +- `playedSoundHistory()` +- `recentlyHeardSoundIds()` + +--- + +## NewUserStore + +Available methods: + +- `getState()` +- `getType()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## ActivityLauncherStore + +Available methods: + +- `getState()` +- `getStates()` + +--- + +## ChannelSKUStore + +Available methods: + +- `getSkuIdForChannel()` + +--- + +## GuildMFAWarningStore + +Available methods: + +- `initialize()` +- `isVisible()` + +--- + +## ApplicationStreamingStore + +Available methods: + +- `getActiveStreamForApplicationStream()` +- `getActiveStreamForStreamKey()` +- `getActiveStreamForUser()` +- `getAllActiveStreams()` +- `getAllActiveStreamsForChannel()` +- `getAllApplicationStreams()` +- `getAllApplicationStreamsForChannel()` +- `getAnyDiscoverableStreamForUser()` +- `getAnyStreamForUser()` +- `getCurrentAppIntent()` +- `getCurrentUserActiveStream()` +- `getIsActiveStreamPreviewDisabled()` +- `getLastActiveStream()` +- `getRTCStream()` +- `getState()` +- `getStreamForUser()` +- `getStreamerActiveStreamMetadata()` +- `getStreamerActiveStreamMetadataForStream()` +- `getViewerIds()` +- `initialize()` +- `isSelfStreamHidden()` + +--- + +## ChannelListVoiceCategoryStore + +Available methods: + +- `getState()` +- `initialize()` +- `isVoiceCategoryCollapsed()` +- `isVoiceCategoryExpanded()` + +--- + +## GuildSettingsOnboardingPromptsStore + +Available methods: + +- `advancedMode()` +- `editedOnboardingPrompts()` +- `errors()` +- `guildId()` +- `hasChanges()` +- `initialize()` +- `submitting()` + +--- + +## ForumSearchStore + +Available methods: + +- `getHasSearchResults()` +- `getSearchLoading()` +- `getSearchQuery()` +- `getSearchResults()` + +--- + +## PermissionSpeakStore + +Available methods: + +- `initialize()` +- `isAFKChannel()` +- `shouldShowWarning()` + +--- + +## ThemeStore + +Available methods: + +- `darkSidebar()` +- `getState()` +- `initialize()` +- `isSystemThemeAvailable()` +- `systemPrefersColorScheme()` +- `systemTheme()` +- `theme()` + +--- + +## ChannelFollowingPublishBumpStore + +Available methods: + +- `initialize()` +- `shouldShowBump()` + +--- + +## ApplicationCommandIndexStore + +Available methods: + +- `getApplicationState()` +- `getApplicationStates()` +- `getContextState()` +- `getGuildState()` +- `getUserState()` +- `hasApplicationState()` +- `hasContextStateApplication()` +- `hasUserStateApplication()` +- `initialize()` +- `query()` +- `queryInstallOnDemandApp()` + +--- + +## MaintenanceStore + +Available methods: + +- `getIncident()` +- `getScheduledMaintenance()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## GuildAutomodMessageStore + +Available methods: + +- `getLastIncidentAlertMessage()` +- `getMentionRaidDetected()` +- `getMessage()` +- `getMessagesVersion()` +- `getState()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## RTCDebugStore + +Available methods: + +- `getAllStats()` +- `getInboundStats()` +- `getOutboundStats()` +- `getSection()` +- `getSimulcastDebugOverride()` +- `getStats()` +- `getVideoStreams()` +- `shouldRecordNextConnection()` + +--- + +## ClanDiscoveryStore + +Available methods: + +- `getCurrentRecommendationId()` +- `getGuildProfile()` +- `getSavedGuildIds()` +- `getSavedGuilds()` +- `getSearchResult()` +- `getStaticClans()` +- `hasError()` +- `hasLoadedSavedGuilds()` +- `hasLoadedStaticClanDiscovery()` +- `isLoading()` +- `isSavedGuildId()` +- `shouldFetchGuild()` + +--- + +## LibraryApplicationStatisticsStore + +Available methods: + +- `applicationStatistics()` +- `getCurrentUserStatisticsForApplication()` +- `getGameDuration()` +- `getLastPlayedDateTime()` +- `getQuickSwitcherScoreForApplication()` +- `hasApplicationStatistic()` +- `lastFetched()` + +--- + +## GuildLeaderboardRanksStore + +Available methods: + +- `getCurrentLeaderboardRanks()` +- `getPrevLeaderboardRanks()` +- `getState()` +- `initialize()` +- `reset()` + +--- + +## SafetyHubStore + +Available methods: + +- `getAccountStanding()` +- `getAppealClassificationId()` +- `getAppealSignal()` +- `getClassification()` +- `getClassificationRequestState()` +- `getClassifications()` +- `getFetchError()` +- `getFreeTextAppealReason()` +- `getIsDsaEligible()` +- `getIsSubmitting()` +- `getSubmitError()` +- `getUsername()` +- `isFetching()` +- `isInitialized()` + +--- + +## ChannelFollowerStatsStore + +Available methods: + +- `getFollowerStatsForChannel()` + +--- + +## OverlayStore + +Available methods: + +- `getActiveRegions()` +- `getAvatarSizeMode()` +- `getDisableExternalLinkAlert()` +- `getDisplayNameMode()` +- `getDisplayUserMode()` +- `getFocusedPID()` +- `getNotificationPositionMode()` +- `getSelectedCallId()` +- `getSelectedChannelId()` +- `getSelectedGuildId()` +- `getState()` +- `getTextChatNotificationMode()` +- `getTextWidgetOpacity()` +- `incompatibleApp()` +- `initialize()` +- `initialized()` +- `isFocused()` +- `isInstanceFocused()` +- `isInstanceLocked()` +- `isLocked()` +- `isPinned()` +- `isPreviewingInGame()` +- `showKeybindIndicators()` + +--- + +## ForumActivePostStore + +Available methods: + +- `getAndDeleteMostRecentUserCreatedThreadId()` +- `getCanAckThreads()` +- `getCurrentThreadIds()` +- `getFirstNoReplyThreadId()` +- `getNewThreadCount()` +- `getThreadIds()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## SelectivelySyncedUserSettingsStore + +Available methods: + +- `getAppearanceSettings()` +- `getState()` +- `getTextSettings()` +- `initialize()` +- `shouldSync()` + +--- + +## PerksRelevanceStore + +Available methods: + +- `getState()` +- `hasFetchedRelevance()` +- `initialize()` +- `profileThemesRelevanceExceeded()` + +--- + +## GuildProductsStore + +Available methods: + +- `getGuildProduct()` +- `getGuildProductFetchState()` +- `getGuildProductsForGuild()` +- `getGuildProductsForGuildFetchState()` +- `isGuildProductsCacheExpired()` + +--- + +## EventDirectoryStore + +Available methods: + +- `getCachedGuildByEventId()` +- `getCachedGuildScheduledEventById()` +- `getEventDirectoryEntries()` +- `isFetching()` + +--- + +## GuildRoleMemberCountStore + +Available methods: + +- `getRoleMemberCount()` +- `shouldFetch()` + +--- + +## StreamerModeStore + +Available methods: + +- `autoToggle()` +- `disableNotifications()` +- `disableSounds()` +- `enableContentProtection()` +- `enabled()` +- `getSettings()` +- `getState()` +- `hideInstantInvites()` +- `hidePersonalInformation()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## VideoSpeakerStore + +Available methods: + +- `getSpeaker()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## SearchAutocompleteStore + +Available methods: + +- `getState()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## MaxMemberCountChannelNoticeStore + +Available methods: + +- `initialize()` +- `isVisible()` + +--- + +## GameConsoleStore + +Available methods: + +- `getAwaitingRemoteSessionInfo()` +- `getDevice()` +- `getDevicesForPlatform()` +- `getFetchingDevices()` +- `getLastSelectedDeviceByPlatform()` +- `getPendingDeviceCommands()` +- `getRemoteSessionId()` +- `getUserAgnosticState()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## ThreadMembersStore + +Available methods: + +- `getInitialOverlayState()` +- `getMemberCount()` +- `getMemberIdsPreview()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## UserSettingsOverridesStore + +Available methods: + +- `getAppliedOverrideReasonKey()` +- `getOverride()` +- `getState()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## ApplicationDirectoryApplicationsStore + +Available methods: + +- `getApplication()` +- `getApplicationFetchState()` +- `getApplicationFetchStates()` +- `getApplicationLastFetchTime()` +- `getApplicationRecord()` +- `getApplications()` +- `getInvalidApplicationIds()` +- `isFetching()` +- `isInvalidApplication()` + +--- + +## GravityStore + +Available methods: + +- `getCustomChannelScore()` +- `getCustomGuildScore()` +- `getCustomGuildScores()` +- `getDehydratedItem()` +- `getDehydratedItems()` +- `getDiscoverableGuilds()` +- `getHydratedItem()` +- `getHydratedItems()` +- `getLoadId()` +- `getMessage()` +- `getMissingItems()` +- `getNewDehydratedItems()` +- `getNewUnreadDehydratedItems()` +- `getNextIndexToHydrate()` +- `getReadDisplayItems()` +- `getSelectedSummary()` +- `getState()` +- `getUnreadDisplayItems()` +- `getVersion()` +- `hasNewContent()` +- `hasOpened()` +- `hasOpenedEnoughTimes()` +- `initialize()` +- `isGravitySelectedChannel()` +- `videosMuted()` + +--- + +## PermissionVADStore + +Available methods: + +- `canUseVoiceActivity()` +- `initialize()` +- `shouldShowWarning()` + +--- + +## GuildMemberStore + +Available methods: + +- `getCachedSelfMember()` +- `getCommunicationDisabledUserMap()` +- `getCommunicationDisabledVersion()` +- `getMember()` +- `getMemberIds()` +- `getMemberRoleWithPendingUpdates()` +- `getMemberVersion()` +- `getMembers()` +- `getMutableAllGuildsAndMembers()` +- `getNick()` +- `getNicknameGuildsMapping()` +- `getNicknames()` +- `getPendingRoleUpdates()` +- `getSelfMember()` +- `getTrueMember()` +- `initialize()` +- `isCurrentUserGuest()` +- `isGuestOrLurker()` +- `isMember()` +- `memberOf()` + +--- + +## ExternalStreamingStore + +Available methods: + +- `getStream()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## GuildDirectoryStore + +Available methods: + +- `getAdminGuildEntryIds()` +- `getCurrentCategoryId()` +- `getDirectoryAllEntriesCount()` +- `getDirectoryCategoryCounts()` +- `getDirectoryEntries()` +- `getDirectoryEntry()` +- `isFetching()` + +--- + +## ReferralTrialStore + +Available methods: + +- `checkAndFetchReferralsRemaining()` +- `getEligibleUsers()` +- `getFetchingEligibleUsers()` +- `getIsEligibleToSendReferrals()` +- `getIsFetchingReferralIncentiveEligibility()` +- `getIsSenderEligibleForIncentive()` +- `getIsSenderQualifiedForIncentive()` +- `getNextIndexOfEligibleUsers()` +- `getRecipientEligibility()` +- `getRecipientStatus()` +- `getReferralsRemaining()` +- `getRefreshAt()` +- `getRelevantReferralTrialOffers()` +- `getRelevantUserTrialOffer()` +- `getSenderIncentiveState()` +- `getSentUserIds()` +- `initialize()` +- `isFetchingRecipientEligibility()` +- `isFetchingReferralsRemaining()` +- `isResolving()` + +--- + +## ChannelSettingsPermissionsStore + +Available methods: + +- `advancedMode()` +- `category()` +- `channel()` +- `editedPermissionIds()` +- `formState()` +- `getPermissionOverwrite()` +- `hasChanges()` +- `initialize()` +- `isLockable()` +- `locked()` +- `permissionOverwrites()` +- `selectedOverwriteId()` +- `showNotice()` + +--- + +## CreatorMonetizationStore + +Available methods: + +- `getPriceTiersFetchStateForGuildAndType()` +- `getPriceTiersForGuildAndType()` + +--- + +## InteractionStore + +Available methods: + +- `canQueueInteraction()` +- `getIFrameModalApplicationId()` +- `getIFrameModalKey()` +- `getInteraction()` +- `getMessageInteractionStates()` + +--- + +## LibraryApplicationStore + +Available methods: + +- `entitledBranchIds()` +- `fetched()` +- `getActiveLaunchOptionId()` +- `getActiveLibraryApplication()` +- `getAllLibraryApplications()` +- `getLibraryApplication()` +- `hasApplication()` +- `hasLibraryApplication()` +- `hasRemovedLibraryApplicationThisSession()` +- `initialize()` +- `isUpdatingFlags()` +- `libraryApplications()` +- `whenInitialized()` + +--- + +## GuildRoleSubscriptionsStore + +Available methods: + +- `getApplicationIdForGuild()` +- `getDidFetchListingForSubscriptionPlanId()` +- `getMonetizationRestrictions()` +- `getMonetizationRestrictionsFetchState()` +- `getSubscriptionGroupListing()` +- `getSubscriptionGroupListingForSubscriptionListing()` +- `getSubscriptionGroupListingsForGuild()` +- `getSubscriptionGroupListingsForGuildFetchState()` +- `getSubscriptionListing()` +- `getSubscriptionListingForPlan()` +- `getSubscriptionListingsForGuild()` +- `getSubscriptionSettings()` +- `getSubscriptionTrial()` + +--- + +## NotificationSettingsStore + +Available methods: + +- `getDesktopType()` +- `getDisableAllSounds()` +- `getDisableUnreadBadge()` +- `getDisabledSounds()` +- `getNotifyMessagesInSelectedChannel()` +- `getTTSType()` +- `getUserAgnosticState()` +- `initialize()` +- `isSoundDisabled()` +- `taskbarFlash()` + +--- + +## CloudSyncStore + +Available methods: + +- `getState()` +- `initialize()` +- `isSyncing()` + +--- + +## LocalActivityStore + +Available methods: + +- `findActivity()` +- `getActivities()` +- `getApplicationActivities()` +- `getApplicationActivity()` +- `getCustomStatusActivity()` +- `getPrimaryActivity()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## SlowmodeStore + +Available methods: + +- `getSlowmodeCooldownGuess()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## ApplicationDirectorySimilarApplicationsStore + +Available methods: + +- `getFetchState()` +- `getSimilarApplications()` + +--- + +## ReadStateStore + +Available methods: + +- `ackMessageId()` +- `getAllReadStates()` +- `getForDebugging()` +- `getGuildChannelUnreadState()` +- `getGuildUnreadsSentinel()` +- `getMentionChannelIds()` +- `getMentionCount()` +- `getNonChannelAckId()` +- `getNotifCenterReadState()` +- `getOldestUnreadMessageId()` +- `getOldestUnreadTimestamp()` +- `getReadStatesByChannel()` +- `getSnapshot()` +- `getTrackedAckMessageId()` +- `getUnreadCount()` +- `hasOpenedThread()` +- `hasRecentlyVisitedAndRead()` +- `hasTrackedUnread()` +- `hasUnread()` +- `hasUnreadOrMentions()` +- `hasUnreadPins()` +- `initialize()` +- `isEstimated()` +- `isForumPostUnread()` +- `isNewForumThread()` +- `lastMessageId()` +- `lastMessageTimestamp()` +- `lastPinTimestamp()` + +--- + +## UserLeaderboardStore + +Available methods: + +- `getLastUpdateRequested()` +- `getState()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## GuildBoostSlotStore + +Available methods: + +- `boostSlots()` +- `getGuildBoostSlot()` +- `hasFetched()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## EmbeddedActivitiesStore + +Available methods: + +- `getActivityPanelMode()` +- `getConnectedActivityChannelId()` +- `getCurrentEmbeddedActivity()` +- `getEmbeddedActivitiesByChannel()` +- `getEmbeddedActivitiesForChannel()` +- `getEmbeddedActivitiesForGuild()` +- `getEmbeddedActivityDurationMs()` +- `getEmbeddedActivityForUserId()` +- `getFocusedLayout()` +- `getGridOrientationLockStateForApp()` +- `getLaunchState()` +- `getLaunchStates()` +- `getLayoutModeForApp()` +- `getOrientationLockStateForApp()` +- `getPipOrientationLockStateForApp()` +- `getSelfEmbeddedActivities()` +- `getSelfEmbeddedActivityForChannel()` +- `getShelfActivities()` +- `getShelfFetchStatus()` +- `getState()` +- `hasActivityEverBeenLaunched()` +- `initialize()` +- `isLaunchingActivity()` +- `shouldFetchShelf()` + +--- + +## GameInviteStore + +Available methods: + +- `getInviteStatuses()` +- `getInvites()` +- `getLastUnseenInvite()` +- `getUnseenInviteCount()` +- `isInviteGameInstalled()` +- `isInviteJoinable()` + +--- + +## EditMessageStore + +Available methods: + +- `getEditActionSource()` +- `getEditingMessage()` +- `getEditingMessageId()` +- `getEditingRichValue()` +- `getEditingTextValue()` +- `isEditing()` +- `isEditingAny()` + +--- + +## GuildCategoryStore + +Available methods: + +- `getCategories()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## MFAStore + +Available methods: + +- `emailToken()` +- `getBackupCodes()` +- `getNonces()` +- `getVerificationKey()` +- `hasSeenBackupPrompt()` +- `togglingSMS()` + +--- + +## GuildBoostingNoticeStore + +Available methods: + +- `channelNoticePredicate()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## CollectiblesShopStore + +Available methods: + +- `analyticsLocations()` +- `analyticsSource()` +- `getAnalytics()` +- `initialProductSkuId()` + +--- + +## GlobalDiscoveryServersSearchCountStore + +Available methods: + +- `getCounts()` +- `getIsFetchingCounts()` +- `getIsInitialFetchComplete()` + +--- + +## SpamMessageRequestStore + +Available methods: + +- `getSpamChannelIds()` +- `getSpamChannelsCount()` +- `initialize()` +- `isAcceptedOptimistic()` +- `isReady()` +- `isSpam()` +- `loadCache()` +- `takeSnapshot()` + +--- + +## EmojiStore + +Available methods: + +- `categories()` +- `diversitySurrogate()` +- `emojiFrecencyWithoutFetchingLatest()` +- `emojiReactionFrecencyWithoutFetchingLatest()` +- `expandedSectionsByGuildIds()` +- `getCustomEmojiById()` +- `getDisambiguatedEmojiContext()` +- `getEmojiAutosuggestion()` +- `getGuildEmoji()` +- `getGuilds()` +- `getNewlyAddedEmoji()` +- `getSearchResultsOrder()` +- `getState()` +- `getTopEmoji()` +- `getTopEmojisMetadata()` +- `getUsableCustomEmojiById()` +- `getUsableGuildEmoji()` +- `hasFavoriteEmojis()` +- `hasPendingUsage()` +- `hasUsableEmojiInAnyGuild()` +- `initialize()` +- `loadState()` +- `searchWithoutFetchingLatest()` + +--- + +## IncomingCallStore + +Available methods: + +- `getFirstIncomingCallId()` +- `getIncomingCallChannelIds()` +- `getIncomingCalls()` +- `hasIncomingCalls()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## InstantInviteStore + +Available methods: + +- `canRevokeFriendInvite()` +- `getFriendInvite()` +- `getFriendInvitesFetching()` +- `getInvite()` + +--- + +## ActiveThreadsStore + +Available methods: + +- `forEachGuild()` +- `getThreadsForGuild()` +- `getThreadsForParent()` +- `hasLoaded()` +- `hasThreadsForChannel()` +- `initialize()` +- `isActive()` + +--- + +## LoginRequiredActionStore + +Available methods: + +- `getState()` +- `initialize()` +- `requiredActions()` +- `requiredActionsIncludes()` +- `wasLoginAttemptedInSession()` + +--- + +## BillingInfoStore + +Available methods: + +- `editSourceError()` +- `ipCountryCode()` +- `ipCountryCodeHasError()` +- `ipCountryCodeLoaded()` +- `ipCountryCodeRequest()` +- `ipCountryCodeWithFallback()` +- `isBusy()` +- `isLocalizedPromoEnabled()` +- `isPaymentSourceFetching()` +- `isRemovingPaymentSource()` +- `isSubscriptionFetching()` +- `isSyncing()` +- `isUpdatingPaymentSource()` +- `localizedPricingPromo()` +- `localizedPricingPromoHasError()` +- `paymentSourcesFetchRequest()` +- `removeSourceError()` + +--- + +## PoggermodeSettingsStore + +Available methods: + +- `comboSoundsEnabled()` +- `combosEnabled()` +- `combosRequiredCount()` +- `getUserAgnosticState()` +- `initialize()` +- `isEnabled()` +- `screenshakeEnabled()` +- `screenshakeEnabledLocations()` +- `settingsVisible()` +- `shakeIntensity()` + +--- + +## ContentInventoryOutboxStore + +Available methods: + +- `deleteOutboxEntryError()` +- `getMatchingOutboxEntry()` +- `getUserOutbox()` +- `hasInitialized()` +- `isDeletingEntryHistory()` +- `isFetchingUserOutbox()` + +--- + +## ExperimentStore + +Available methods: + +- `getAllExperimentAssignments()` +- `getAllExperimentOverrideDescriptors()` +- `getAllUserExperimentDescriptors()` +- `getExperimentOverrideDescriptor()` +- `getGuildExperimentBucket()` +- `getGuildExperimentDescriptor()` +- `getGuildExperiments()` +- `getLoadedGuildExperiment()` +- `getLoadedUserExperiment()` +- `getRecentExposures()` +- `getRegisteredExperiments()` +- `getSerializedState()` +- `getUserExperimentBucket()` +- `getUserExperimentDescriptor()` +- `hasExperimentTrackedExposure()` +- `hasLoadedExperiments()` +- `hasRegisteredExperiment()` +- `initialize()` +- `loadCache()` +- `takeSnapshot()` + +--- + +## MessageRequestStore + +Available methods: + +- `getMessageRequestChannelIds()` +- `getMessageRequestsCount()` +- `getUserCountryCode()` +- `initialize()` +- `isAcceptedOptimistic()` +- `isMessageRequest()` +- `isReady()` +- `loadCache()` +- `takeSnapshot()` + +--- + +## LayoutStore + +Available methods: + +- `getAllWidgets()` +- `getDefaultLayout()` +- `getLayout()` +- `getLayouts()` +- `getRegisteredWidgets()` +- `getState()` +- `getWidget()` +- `getWidgetConfig()` +- `getWidgetDefaultSettings()` +- `getWidgetType()` +- `getWidgetsForLayout()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## GlobalDiscoveryServersSearchResultsStore + +Available methods: + +- `getAlgoliaSearchIndex()` +- `getError()` +- `getErrorMessage()` +- `getGuild()` +- `getGuildIds()` +- `getIsAlgoliaInitialized()` +- `getIsBlocked()` +- `getIsFetching()` +- `getIsInitialFetchComplete()` +- `getLastFetchTimestamp()` +- `getOffset()` +- `getTotal()` + +--- + +## BasicGuildStore + +Available methods: + +- `getGuild()` +- `getGuildOrStatus()` +- `getVersion()` + +--- + +## ChannelRTCStore + +Available methods: + +- `getActivityParticipants()` +- `getAllChatOpen()` +- `getChatOpen()` +- `getFilteredParticipants()` +- `getLayout()` +- `getMode()` +- `getParticipant()` +- `getParticipants()` +- `getParticipantsOpen()` +- `getParticipantsVersion()` +- `getSelectedParticipant()` +- `getSelectedParticipantId()` +- `getSelectedParticipantStats()` +- `getSpeakingParticipants()` +- `getStageStreamSize()` +- `getStageVideoLimitBoostUpsellDismissed()` +- `getStreamParticipants()` +- `getUserParticipantCount()` +- `getVideoParticipants()` +- `getVoiceParticipantsHidden()` +- `initialize()` +- `isFullscreenInContext()` + +--- + +## PrivateChannelReadStateStore + +Available methods: + +- `getUnreadPrivateChannelIds()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## GuildSettingsOnboardingStore + +Available methods: + +- `canCloseEarly()` +- `getCurrentPage()` +- `hasChanges()` +- `hasConfiguredAnythingForCurrentStep()` +- `hasErrors()` +- `initialize()` +- `isEducationUpsellDismissed()` +- `showNotice()` + +--- + +## GuildSettingsIntegrationsStore + +Available methods: + +- `editedCommandId()` +- `editedIntegration()` +- `editedWebhook()` +- `formState()` +- `getApplication()` +- `getErrors()` +- `getIntegration()` +- `getSection()` +- `getSectionId()` +- `getWebhook()` +- `guild()` +- `hasChanges()` +- `initialize()` +- `integrations()` +- `isFetching()` +- `showNotice()` +- `webhooks()` + +--- + +## ApplicationStreamingSettingsStore + +Available methods: + +- `getState()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## OverlayRTCConnectionStore + +Available methods: + +- `getAveragePing()` +- `getConnectionState()` +- `getHostname()` +- `getLastPing()` +- `getOutboundLossRate()` +- `getPings()` +- `getQuality()` + +--- + +## BrowserCheckoutStateStore + +Available methods: + +- `browserCheckoutState()` +- `loadId()` + +--- + +## PictureInPictureStore + +Available methods: + +- `getDockedRect()` +- `getState()` +- `initialize()` +- `isEmbeddedActivityHidden()` +- `isOpen()` +- `pipActivityWindow()` +- `pipVideoWindow()` +- `pipWidth()` +- `pipWindow()` +- `pipWindows()` + +--- + +## MessageStore + +Available methods: + +- `focusedMessageId()` +- `getLastChatCommandMessage()` +- `getLastEditableMessage()` +- `getLastMessage()` +- `getLastNonCurrentUserMessage()` +- `getMessage()` +- `getMessages()` +- `hasCurrentUserSentMessage()` +- `hasCurrentUserSentMessageSinceAppStart()` +- `hasPresent()` +- `initialize()` +- `isLoadingMessages()` +- `isReady()` +- `jumpedMessageId()` +- `whenReady()` + +--- + +## ChannelSettingsStore + +Available methods: + +- `getCategory()` +- `getChannel()` +- `getFormState()` +- `getInvites()` +- `getProps()` +- `getSection()` +- `hasChanges()` +- `initialize()` +- `isOpen()` +- `showNotice()` + +--- + +## ClanSettingsStore + +Available methods: + +- `getState()` + +--- + +## InstallationManagerStore + +Available methods: + +- `defaultInstallationPath()` +- `getInstallationPath()` +- `getLabelFromPath()` +- `getState()` +- `hasGamesInstalledInPath()` +- `initialize()` +- `installationPaths()` +- `installationPathsMetadata()` +- `shouldBeInstalled()` + +--- + +## GuildSettingsSafetyStore + +Available methods: + +- `getCurrentPage()` + +--- + +## TopEmojiStore + +Available methods: + +- `getIsFetching()` +- `getState()` +- `getTopEmojiIdsByGuildId()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## SpellcheckStore + +Available methods: + +- `hasLearnedWord()` +- `initialize()` +- `isEnabled()` + +--- + +## EnablePublicGuildUpsellNoticeStore + +Available methods: + +- `initialize()` +- `isVisible()` + +--- + +## FirstPartyRichPresenceStore + +Available methods: + +- `getActivities()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## GuildTemplateStore + +Available methods: + +- `getDisplayedGuildTemplateCode()` +- `getForGuild()` +- `getGuildTemplate()` +- `getGuildTemplates()` + +--- + +## DispatchApplicationStore + +Available methods: + +- `getDefaultLaunchOption()` +- `getHistoricalTotalBytesDownloaded()` +- `getHistoricalTotalBytesRead()` +- `getHistoricalTotalBytesWritten()` +- `getLaunchOptions()` +- `getState()` +- `initialize()` +- `isInstalled()` +- `isLaunchable()` +- `isUpToDate()` +- `shouldPatch()` +- `supportsCloudSync()` +- `whenInitialized()` + +--- + +## ProxyBlockStore + +Available methods: + +- `blockedByProxy()` + +--- + +## GuildPromptsStore + +Available methods: + +- `getState()` +- `hasViewedPrompt()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## GuildBoostingNoticeStore + +Available methods: + +- `channelNoticePredicate()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## DetectedOffPlatformPremiumPerksStore + +Available methods: + +- `getDetectedOffPlatformPremiumPerks()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## StageInstanceStore + +Available methods: + +- `getAllStageInstances()` +- `getStageInstanceByChannel()` +- `getStageInstancesByGuild()` +- `isLive()` +- `isPublic()` + +--- + +## GatedChannelStore + +Available methods: + +- `initialize()` +- `isChannelGated()` +- `isChannelGatedAndVisible()` +- `isChannelOrThreadParentGated()` + +--- + +## ApplicationAssetsStore + +Available methods: + +- `getApplicationAssetFetchState()` +- `getApplicationAssets()` +- `getFetchingIds()` + +--- + +## GuildStore + +Available methods: + +- `getAllGuildsRoles()` +- `getGeoRestrictedGuilds()` +- `getGuild()` +- `getGuildCount()` +- `getGuildIds()` +- `getGuilds()` +- `getRole()` +- `getRoles()` +- `isLoaded()` + +--- + +## DevToolsDevSettingsStore + +Available methods: + +- `all()` +- `allByCategory()` +- `get()` +- `getUserAgnosticState()` +- `initialize()` +- `set()` + +--- + +## ChannelSectionStore + +Available methods: + +- `getCurrentSidebarChannelId()` +- `getCurrentSidebarMessageId()` +- `getGuildSidebarState()` +- `getSection()` +- `getSidebarState()` +- `getState()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## ClipsStore + +Available methods: + +- `getActiveAnimation()` +- `getClips()` +- `getClipsWarningShown()` +- `getHardwareClassification()` +- `getHardwareClassificationForDecoupled()` +- `getHardwareClassificationVersion()` +- `getIsAtMaxSaveClipOperations()` +- `getLastClipsError()` +- `getLastClipsSession()` +- `getNewClipIds()` +- `getPendingClips()` +- `getSettings()` +- `getStreamClipAnimations()` +- `getUserAgnosticState()` +- `hasAnyClipAnimations()` +- `hasClips()` +- `hasTakenDecoupledClip()` +- `initialize()` +- `isClipsEnabledForUser()` +- `isDecoupledGameClippingEnabled()` +- `isViewerClippingAllowedForUser()` +- `isVoiceRecordingAllowedForUser()` + +--- + +## DispatchApplicationLaunchSetupStore + +Available methods: + +- `getLastProgress()` +- `isRunning()` + +--- + +## NewlyAddedEmojiStore + +Available methods: + +- `getLastSeenEmojiByGuild()` +- `getState()` +- `initialize()` +- `isNewerThanLastSeen()` + +--- + +## PurchasedItemsFestivityStore + +Available methods: + +- `canPlayWowMoment()` +- `getState()` +- `initialize()` +- `isFetchingWowMomentMedia()` +- `wowMomentWumpusMedia()` + +--- + +## AdyenStore + +Available methods: + +- `cashAppPayComponent()` +- `client()` + +--- + +## ChannelMemberStore + +Available methods: + +- `getProps()` +- `getRows()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## PremiumGiftingIntentStore + +Available methods: + +- `canShowFriendsTabBadge()` +- `getDevToolTotalFriendAnniversaries()` +- `getFriendAnniversaries()` +- `getFriendAnniversaryYears()` +- `getState()` +- `initialize()` +- `isGiftIntentMessageInCooldown()` +- `isTopAffinityFriendAnniversary()` + +--- + +## TTSStore + +Available methods: + +- `currentMessage()` +- `getUserAgnosticState()` +- `initialize()` +- `isSpeakingMessage()` +- `speechRate()` + +--- + +## OverlayRunningGameStore + +Available methods: + +- `getGame()` +- `getGameForPID()` + +--- + +## WindowStore + +Available methods: + +- `getFocusedWindowId()` +- `getLastFocusedWindowId()` +- `isElementFullScreen()` +- `isFocused()` +- `isVisible()` +- `windowSize()` + +--- + +## RecentMentionsStore + +Available methods: + +- `everyoneFilter()` +- `getMentions()` +- `guildFilter()` +- `hasLoadedEver()` +- `hasMention()` +- `hasMore()` +- `initialize()` +- `isOpen()` +- `lastLoaded()` +- `loading()` +- `mentionsAreStale()` +- `roleFilter()` + +--- + +## HubLinkNoticeStore + +Available methods: + +- `channelNoticePredicate()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## VoiceChannelEffectsStore + +Available methods: + +- `effectCooldownEndTime()` +- `getEffectForUserId()` +- `isOnCooldown()` +- `recentlyUsedEmojis()` + +--- + +## CertifiedDeviceStore + +Available methods: + +- `getCertifiedDevice()` +- `getCertifiedDeviceByType()` +- `getCertifiedDeviceName()` +- `getModel()` +- `getRevision()` +- `getVendor()` +- `hasAutomaticGainControl()` +- `hasEchoCancellation()` +- `hasNoiseSuppression()` +- `initialize()` +- `isCertified()` +- `isHardwareMute()` + +--- + +## HDStreamingViewerStore + +Available methods: + +- `cooldownIsActive()` +- `getState()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## InteractionModalStore + +Available methods: + +- `getModalState()` + +--- + +## GuildSettingsEmojiStore + +Available methods: + +- `getEmojiRevision()` +- `getEmojis()` +- `initialize()` +- `isUploadingEmoji()` + +--- + +## SoundpackStore + +Available methods: + +- `getLastSoundpackExperimentId()` +- `getSoundpack()` +- `getState()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## ConsentStore + +Available methods: + +- `fetchedConsents()` +- `getAuthenticationConsentRequired()` +- `hasConsented()` +- `receivedConsentsInConnectionOpen()` + +--- + +## GuildAvailabilityStore + +Available methods: + +- `initialize()` +- `isUnavailable()` +- `totalGuilds()` +- `totalUnavailableGuilds()` +- `unavailableGuilds()` + +--- + +## GuildIncidentsStore + +Available methods: + +- `getGuildAlertSettings()` +- `getGuildIncident()` +- `getIncidentsByGuild()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## MediaPostEmbedStore + +Available methods: + +- `getEmbedFetchState()` +- `getMediaPostEmbed()` +- `getMediaPostEmbeds()` + +--- + +## ApplicationSubscriptionStore + +Available methods: + +- `getApplicationEntitlementsForGuild()` +- `getEntitlementsForGuild()` +- `getEntitlementsForGuildFetchState()` +- `getSubscriptionGroupListing()` +- `getSubscriptionGroupListingForSubscriptionListing()` +- `getSubscriptionGroupListingsForApplicationFetchState()` +- `getSubscriptionListing()` +- `getSubscriptionListingForPlan()` +- `getSubscriptionListingsForApplication()` + +--- + +## ApplicationViewStore + +Available methods: + +- `applicationFilterQuery()` +- `applicationViewItems()` +- `filteredLibraryApplicationViewItems()` +- `hasFetchedApplications()` +- `hiddenLibraryApplicationViewItems()` +- `initialize()` +- `launchableApplicationViewItems()` +- `libraryApplicationViewItems()` +- `sortedFilteredLibraryApplicationViewItems()` + +--- + +## PermissionStore + +Available methods: + +- `can()` +- `canAccessGuildSettings()` +- `canAccessMemberSafetyPage()` +- `canBasicChannel()` +- `canImpersonateRole()` +- `canManageUser()` +- `canWithPartialContext()` +- `computeBasicPermissions()` +- `computePermissions()` +- `getChannelPermissions()` +- `getChannelsVersion()` +- `getGuildPermissionProps()` +- `getGuildPermissions()` +- `getGuildVersion()` +- `getHighestRole()` +- `initialize()` +- `isRoleHigher()` + +--- + +## OverridePremiumTypeStore + +Available methods: + +- `getCreatedAtOverride()` +- `getPremiumTypeActual()` +- `getPremiumTypeOverride()` +- `getState()` +- `initialize()` +- `premiumType()` + +--- + +## PaymentAuthenticationStore + +Available methods: + +- `awaitingPaymentId()` +- `error()` +- `isAwaitingAuthentication()` + +--- + +## SubscriptionPlanStore + +Available methods: + +- `get()` +- `getFetchedSKUIDs()` +- `getForSKU()` +- `getForSkuAndInterval()` +- `getPaymentSourceIds()` +- `getPaymentSourcesForPlanId()` +- `getPlanIdsForSkus()` +- `hasPaymentSourceForSKUId()` +- `hasPaymentSourceForSKUIds()` +- `ignoreSKUFetch()` +- `isFetchingForPremiumSKUs()` +- `isFetchingForSKU()` +- `isFetchingForSKUs()` +- `isLoadedForPremiumSKUs()` +- `isLoadedForSKU()` +- `isLoadedForSKUs()` + +--- + +## TenureRewardStore + +Available methods: + +- `getFetchState()` +- `getState()` +- `getTenureRewardStatusForRewardId()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## ClientThemesBackgroundStore + +Available methods: + +- `getLinearGradient()` +- `getState()` +- `gradientPreset()` +- `initialize()` +- `isCoachmark()` +- `isEditorOpen()` +- `isPreview()` +- `mobilePendingThemeIndex()` + +--- + +## IdleStore + +Available methods: + +- `getIdleSince()` +- `isAFK()` +- `isIdle()` + +--- + +## PopoutWindowStore + +Available methods: + +- `getIsAlwaysOnTop()` +- `getState()` +- `getWindow()` +- `getWindowFocused()` +- `getWindowKeys()` +- `getWindowOpen()` +- `getWindowState()` +- `getWindowVisible()` +- `initialize()` +- `unmountWindow()` + +--- + +## CallStore + +Available methods: + +- `getCall()` +- `getCalls()` +- `getInternalState()` +- `getMessageId()` +- `initialize()` +- `isCallActive()` +- `isCallUnavailable()` + +--- + +## ApplicationStatisticsStore + +Available methods: + +- `getStatisticsForApplication()` +- `shouldFetchStatisticsForApplication()` + +--- + +## GuildBoostingProgressBarPersistedStore + +Available methods: + +- `getCountForGuild()` +- `getState()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## ChannelSettingsIntegrationsStore + +Available methods: + +- `editedWebhook()` +- `formState()` +- `getProps()` +- `getWebhook()` +- `hasChanges()` +- `initialize()` +- `showNotice()` +- `webhooks()` + +--- + +## GlobalDiscoveryServersSearchLayoutStore + +Available methods: + +- `getVisibleTabs()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## AppLauncherStore + +Available methods: + +- `activeViewType()` +- `appDMChannelsWithFailedLoads()` +- `closeReason()` +- `entrypoint()` +- `initialState()` +- `initialize()` +- `lastShownEntrypoint()` +- `shouldShowModal()` +- `shouldShowPopup()` + +--- + +## GuildBoostingGracePeriodNoticeStore + +Available methods: + +- `getLastDismissedGracePeriodForGuild()` +- `getState()` +- `initialize()` +- `isVisible()` + +--- + +## PhoneStore + +Available methods: + +- `getCountryCode()` +- `getUserAgnosticState()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## MessageReactionsStore + +Available methods: + +- `getReactions()` + +--- + +## ApplicationStreamPreviewStore + +Available methods: + +- `getIsPreviewLoading()` +- `getPreviewURL()` +- `getPreviewURLForStreamKey()` + +--- + +## PrivateChannelRecipientsInviteStore + +Available methods: + +- `getQuery()` +- `getResults()` +- `getSelectedUsers()` +- `getState()` +- `hasFriends()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## StoreListingStore + +Available methods: + +- `get()` +- `getForChannel()` +- `getForSKU()` +- `getStoreListing()` +- `getUnpublishedForSKU()` +- `initialize()` +- `isFetchingForSKU()` + +--- + +## ConnectedAccountsStore + +Available methods: + +- `addPendingAuthorizedState()` +- `deletePendingAuthorizedState()` +- `getAccount()` +- `getAccounts()` +- `getLocalAccount()` +- `getLocalAccounts()` +- `hasPendingAuthorizedState()` +- `isFetching()` +- `isJoining()` +- `isSuggestedAccountType()` +- `joinErrorMessage()` + +--- + +## DomainMigrationStore + +Available methods: + +- `getMigrationStatus()` + +--- + +## KeybindsStore + +Available methods: + +- `getKeybindForAction()` +- `getOverlayChatKeybind()` +- `getOverlayKeybind()` +- `getUserAgnosticState()` +- `hasExactKeybind()` +- `hasKeybind()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## ApplicationStoreSettingsStore + +Available methods: + +- `didMatureAgree()` + +--- + +## SurveyStore + +Available methods: + +- `getCurrentSurvey()` +- `getLastSeenTimestamp()` +- `getState()` +- `getSurveyOverride()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## GuildSettingsAnalyticsStore + +Available methods: + +- `getError()` +- `getMemberInsights()` +- `getOverviewAnalytics()` +- `shouldFetchMemberInsights()` + +--- + +## GuildRoleConnectionsConfigurationStore + +Available methods: + +- `getGuildRoleConnectionsConfiguration()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## GuildOnboardingHomeSettingsStore + +Available methods: + +- `getActionForChannel()` +- `getEnabled()` +- `getIsLoading()` +- `getNewMemberAction()` +- `getNewMemberActions()` +- `getResourceChannels()` +- `getResourceForChannel()` +- `getSettings()` +- `getWelcomeMessage()` +- `hasMemberAction()` +- `hasSettings()` + +--- + +## StageChannelParticipantStore + +Available methods: + +- `getChannels()` +- `getChannelsVersion()` +- `getMutableParticipants()` +- `getMutableRequestToSpeakParticipants()` +- `getParticipant()` +- `getParticipantCount()` +- `getParticipantsVersion()` +- `getRequestToSpeakParticipantsVersion()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## JoinedThreadsStore + +Available methods: + +- `flags()` +- `getInitialOverlayState()` +- `getMuteConfig()` +- `getMutedThreads()` +- `hasJoined()` +- `isMuted()` +- `joinTimestamp()` + +--- + +## QuestsStore + +Available methods: + +- `claimedQuests()` +- `getOptimisticProgress()` +- `getQuest()` +- `getRewardCode()` +- `getRewards()` +- `getStreamHeartbeatFailure()` +- `isClaimingReward()` +- `isDismissingContent()` +- `isEnrolling()` +- `isFetchingClaimedQuests()` +- `isFetchingCurrentQuests()` +- `isFetchingRewardCode()` +- `isProgressingOnDesktop()` +- `lastFetchedCurrentQuests()` +- `questDeliveryOverride()` +- `questToDeliverForPlacement()` +- `quests()` +- `selectedTaskPlatform()` + +--- + +## PremiumPromoStore + +Available methods: + +- `initialize()` +- `isEligible()` + +--- + +## ContextMenuStore + +Available methods: + +- `close()` +- `getContextMenu()` +- `isOpen()` +- `version()` + +--- + +## WelcomeScreenSettingsStore + +Available methods: + +- `get()` +- `getSettingsProps()` +- `initialize()` +- `showNotice()` + +--- + +## DataHarvestStore + +Available methods: + +- `harvestType()` +- `requestingHarvest()` + +--- + +## FrecencyStore + +Available methods: + +- `frecencyWithoutFetchingLatest()` +- `getBonusScore()` +- `getFrequentlyWithoutFetchingLatest()` +- `getMaxScore()` +- `getScoreForDMWithoutFetchingLatest()` +- `getScoreWithoutFetchingLatest()` +- `getState()` +- `hasPendingUsage()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## EntitlementStore + +Available methods: + +- `applicationIdsFetched()` +- `applicationIdsFetching()` +- `fetchedAllEntitlements()` +- `fetchingAllEntitlements()` +- `get()` +- `getForApplication()` +- `getForSku()` +- `getForSubscription()` +- `getFractionalPremium()` +- `getGiftable()` +- `getUnactivatedFractionalPremiumUnits()` +- `hasFetchedForApplicationIds()` +- `initialize()` +- `isEntitledToSku()` +- `isFetchedForApplication()` +- `isFetchingForApplication()` + +--- + +## ForumPostUnreadCountStore + +Available methods: + +- `getCount()` +- `getThreadIdsMissingCounts()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## UserSettingsProtoStore + +Available methods: + +- `computeState()` +- `frecencyWithoutFetchingLatest()` +- `getDismissedGuildContent()` +- `getFullState()` +- `getGuildFolders()` +- `getGuildRecentsDismissedAt()` +- `getGuildsProto()` +- `getState()` +- `hasLoaded()` +- `initialize()` +- `settings()` +- `wasMostRecentUpdateFromServer()` + +--- + +## GravityUnreadStateStore + +Available methods: + +- `getReadTimestamp()` +- `getState()` +- `getUserAgnosticState()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## InviteModalStore + +Available methods: + +- `getProps()` +- `initialize()` +- `isOpen()` + +--- + +## ChannelStore + +Available methods: + +- `getAllThreadsForParent()` +- `getBasicChannel()` +- `getChannel()` +- `getChannelIds()` +- `getDMChannelFromUserId()` +- `getDMFromUserId()` +- `getDMUserIds()` +- `getDebugInfo()` +- `getGuildChannelsVersion()` +- `getInitialOverlayState()` +- `getMutableBasicGuildChannelsForGuild()` +- `getMutableDMsByUserIds()` +- `getMutableGuildChannelsForGuild()` +- `getMutablePrivateChannels()` +- `getPrivateChannelsVersion()` +- `getSortedPrivateChannels()` +- `hasChannel()` +- `initialize()` +- `loadAllGuildAndPrivateChannelsFromDisk()` + +--- + +## LaunchableGameStore + +Available methods: + +- `isLaunchable()` +- `launchableGames()` +- `launchingGames()` + +--- + +## UserStore + +Available methods: + +- `filter()` +- `findByTag()` +- `forEach()` +- `getCurrentUser()` +- `getUser()` +- `getUserStoreVersion()` +- `getUsers()` +- `handleLoadCache()` +- `initialize()` +- `takeSnapshot()` + +--- + +## RunningGameStore + +Available methods: + +- `addExecutableTrackedByAnalytics()` +- `canShowAdminWarning()` +- `getCandidateGames()` +- `getCurrentGameForAnalytics()` +- `getGameForPID()` +- `getGameOverlayStatus()` +- `getGamesSeen()` +- `getLauncherForPID()` +- `getObservedAppNameForWindow()` +- `getOverlayOptionsForPID()` +- `getOverrideForGame()` +- `getOverrides()` +- `getRunningDiscordApplicationIds()` +- `getRunningGames()` +- `getRunningVerifiedApplicationIds()` +- `getSeenGameByName()` +- `getVisibleGame()` +- `getVisibleRunningGames()` +- `initialize()` +- `isDetectionEnabled()` +- `isObservedAppRunning()` +- `shouldContinueWithoutElevatedProcessForPID()` +- `shouldElevateProcessForPID()` + +--- + +## CollectiblesCategoryStore + +Available methods: + +- `categories()` +- `error()` +- `getCategory()` +- `getCategoryForProduct()` +- `getProduct()` +- `initialize()` +- `isFetchingCategories()` +- `isFetchingProduct()` +- `lastFetchOptions()` +- `lastSuccessfulFetch()` +- `products()` +- `recommendedGiftSkuIds()` + +--- + +## ActiveJoinedThreadsStore + +Available methods: + +- `computeAllActiveJoinedThreads()` +- `getActiveJoinedRelevantThreadsForGuild()` +- `getActiveJoinedRelevantThreadsForParent()` +- `getActiveJoinedThreadsForGuild()` +- `getActiveJoinedThreadsForParent()` +- `getActiveJoinedUnreadThreadsForGuild()` +- `getActiveJoinedUnreadThreadsForParent()` +- `getActiveThreadCount()` +- `getActiveUnjoinedThreadsForGuild()` +- `getActiveUnjoinedThreadsForParent()` +- `getActiveUnjoinedUnreadThreadsForGuild()` +- `getActiveUnjoinedUnreadThreadsForParent()` +- `getNewThreadCount()` +- `getNewThreadCountsForGuild()` +- `hasActiveJoinedUnreadThreads()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## SpeakingStore + +Available methods: + +- `getSpeakers()` +- `getSpeakingDuration()` +- `initialize()` +- `isAnyoneElseSpeaking()` +- `isAnyonePrioritySpeaking()` +- `isCurrentUserPrioritySpeaking()` +- `isCurrentUserSpeaking()` +- `isPrioritySpeaker()` +- `isSoundSharing()` +- `isSpeaking()` + +--- + +## AccessibilityStore + +Available methods: + +- `alwaysShowLinkDecorations()` +- `colorblindMode()` +- `contrast()` +- `desaturateUserColors()` +- `fontScale()` +- `fontScaleClass()` +- `fontSize()` +- `forcedColorsModalSeen()` +- `getUserAgnosticState()` +- `hideTags()` +- `initialize()` +- `isFontScaledDown()` +- `isFontScaledUp()` +- `isMessageGroupSpacingDecreased()` +- `isMessageGroupSpacingIncreased()` +- `isSubmitButtonEnabled()` +- `isZoomedIn()` +- `isZoomedOut()` +- `keyboardModeEnabled()` +- `keyboardNavigationExplainerModalSeen()` +- `lowContrastMode()` +- `messageGroupSpacing()` +- `rawPrefersReducedMotion()` +- `roleStyle()` +- `saturation()` +- `syncForcedColors()` +- `syncProfileThemeWithUserTheme()` +- `systemForcedColors()` +- `systemPrefersContrast()` +- `systemPrefersCrossfades()` +- `systemPrefersReducedMotion()` +- `useForcedColors()` +- `useReducedMotion()` +- `zoom()` + +--- + +## GuildVerificationStore + +Available methods: + +- `canChatInGuild()` +- `getCheck()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## ViewHistoryStore + +Available methods: + +- `getState()` +- `hasViewed()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## SecureFramesPersistedStore + +Available methods: + +- `getPersistentCodesEnabled()` +- `getState()` +- `getUploadedKeyVersionsCached()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## SubscriptionRemindersStore + +Available methods: + +- `shouldShowReactivateNotice()` + +--- + +## BraintreeStore + +Available methods: + +- `getClient()` +- `getLastURL()` +- `getPayPalClient()` +- `getVenmoClient()` + +--- + +## UserProfileStore + +Available methods: + +- `getGuildMemberProfile()` +- `getMutualFriends()` +- `getMutualFriendsCount()` +- `getMutualGuilds()` +- `getUserProfile()` +- `initialize()` +- `isFetchingFriends()` +- `isFetchingProfile()` +- `isSubmitting()` +- `takeSnapshot()` + +--- + +## ChannelPinsStore + +Available methods: + +- `getPinnedMessages()` +- `initialize()` +- `loaded()` + +--- + +## UnreadSettingNoticeStore + +Available methods: + +- `getNumberOfChannelVisitsSince()` +- `getNumberOfRenders()` +- `getNumberOfRendersSince()` +- `getState()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## VideoQualityModeStore + +Available methods: + +- `mode()` + +--- + +## VideoBackgroundStore + +Available methods: + +- `hasBeenApplied()` +- `hasUsedBackgroundInCall()` +- `initialize()` +- `videoFilterAssets()` + +--- + +## GuildOnboardingHomeNavigationStore + +Available methods: + +- `getHomeNavigationChannelId()` +- `getSelectedResourceChannelId()` +- `getState()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## LabFeatureStore + +Available methods: + +- `get()` +- `getUserAgnosticState()` +- `initialize()` +- `set()` + +--- + +## NowPlayingStore + +Available methods: + +- `gameIds()` +- `games()` +- `getNowPlaying()` +- `getUserGame()` +- `initialize()` +- `usersPlaying()` + +--- + +## ClanSetupStore + +Available methods: + +- `getGuildIds()` +- `getState()` +- `getStateForGuild()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## GuildMemberCountStore + +Available methods: + +- `getMemberCount()` +- `getMemberCounts()` +- `getOnlineCount()` + +--- + +## VerifiedKeyStore + +Available methods: + +- `getKeyTrustedAt()` +- `getState()` +- `getUserIds()` +- `getUserVerifiedKeys()` +- `initialize()` +- `isKeyVerified()` + +--- + +## LurkerModePopoutStore + +Available methods: + +- `initialize()` +- `shouldShowPopout()` + +--- + +## StreamingCapabilitiesStore + +Available methods: + +- `GPUDriversOutdated()` +- `canUseHardwareAcceleration()` +- `getState()` +- `initialize()` +- `problematicGPUDriver()` + +--- + +## ApplicationCommandFrecencyStore + +Available methods: + +- `getCommandFrecencyWithoutLoadingLatest()` +- `getScoreWithoutLoadingLatest()` +- `getState()` +- `getTopCommandsWithoutLoadingLatest()` +- `hasPendingUsage()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## GIFPickerViewStore + +Available methods: + +- `getAnalyticsID()` +- `getQuery()` +- `getResultItems()` +- `getResultQuery()` +- `getSelectedFormat()` +- `getSuggestions()` +- `getTrendingCategories()` +- `getTrendingSearchTerms()` + +--- + +## MobileWebSidebarStore + +Available methods: + +- `getIsOpen()` + +--- + +## ForumPostMessagesStore + +Available methods: + +- `getMessage()` +- `initialize()` +- `isLoading()` + +--- + +## UserSettingsModalStore + +Available methods: + +- `getPreviousSection()` +- `getProps()` +- `getScrollPosition()` +- `getSection()` +- `getSubsection()` +- `hasChanges()` +- `initialize()` +- `isOpen()` +- `onClose()` +- `shouldOpenWithoutBackstack()` + +--- + +## ExpandedGuildFolderStore + +Available methods: + +- `getExpandedFolders()` +- `getState()` +- `initialize()` +- `isFolderExpanded()` + +--- + +## DetectableGameSupplementalStore + +Available methods: + +- `canFetch()` +- `getCoverImageUrl()` +- `getGame()` +- `getGames()` +- `getLocalizedName()` +- `getThemes()` +- `isFetching()` + +--- + +## AuthSessionsStore + +Available methods: + +- `getSessions()` + +--- + +## SharedCanvasStore + +Available methods: + +- `getAvatarImage()` +- `getDrawMode()` +- `getDrawables()` +- `getEmojiImage()` +- `visibleOverlayCanvas()` + +--- + +## CreatorMonetizationMarketingStore + +Available methods: + +- `getEligibleGuildsForNagActivate()` + +--- + +## HypeSquadStore + +Available methods: + +- `getHouseMembership()` + +--- + +## SignUpStore + +Available methods: + +- `getActiveGuildSignUp()` +- `getActiveUserSignUp()` +- `hasCompletedTarget()` + +--- + +## CategoryCollapseStore + +Available methods: + +- `getCollapsedCategories()` +- `getState()` +- `initialize()` +- `isCollapsed()` +- `version()` + +--- + +## GuildDiscoveryStore + +Available methods: + +- `getCurrentCategoryId()` +- `getCurrentHomepageCategoryId()` +- `getDiscoverableGuilds()` +- `getIsReady()` +- `getLoadId()` +- `getMostRecentQuery()` +- `getSearchIndex()` +- `getSeenGuildIds()` +- `getTopCategoryCounts()` +- `hasSearchError()` +- `initialize()` +- `isFetching()` +- `isFetchingSearch()` + +--- + +## InviteNoticeStore + +Available methods: + +- `channelNoticePredicate()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## SubscriptionRoleStore + +Available methods: + +- `buildRoles()` +- `getGuildIdsWithPurchasableRoles()` +- `getPurchasableSubscriptionRoles()` +- `getSubscriptionRoles()` +- `getUserIsAdmin()` +- `getUserSubscriptionRoles()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## TestModeStore + +Available methods: + +- `error()` +- `getState()` +- `inTestModeForApplication()` +- `inTestModeForEmbeddedApplication()` +- `initialize()` +- `isFetchingAuthorization()` +- `isTestMode()` +- `shouldDisplayTestMode()` +- `testModeApplicationId()` +- `testModeEmbeddedApplicationId()` +- `testModeOriginURL()` +- `whenInitialized()` + +--- + +## VoiceChannelEffectsPersistedStore + +Available methods: + +- `getState()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## RelationshipStore + +Available methods: + +- `getBlockedIDs()` +- `getBlockedOrIgnoredIDs()` +- `getFriendCount()` +- `getFriendIDs()` +- `getNickname()` +- `getOutgoingCount()` +- `getPendingCount()` +- `getRelationshipCount()` +- `getRelationshipType()` +- `getRelationships()` +- `getSince()` +- `getSinces()` +- `getSpamCount()` +- `initialize()` +- `isBlocked()` +- `isBlockedForMessage()` +- `isBlockedOrIgnored()` +- `isBlockedOrIgnoredForMessage()` +- `isFriend()` +- `isIgnored()` +- `isIgnoredForMessage()` +- `isSpam()` + +--- + +## InviteStore + +Available methods: + +- `getInvite()` +- `getInviteError()` +- `getInviteKeyForGuildId()` +- `getInvites()` + +--- + +## DraftStore + +Available methods: + +- `getDraft()` +- `getRecentlyEditedDrafts()` +- `getState()` +- `getThreadDraftWithParentMessageId()` +- `getThreadSettings()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## LocaleStore + +Available methods: + +- `initialize()` +- `locale()` + +--- + +## GravityFiltersStore + +Available methods: + +- `filterNSFW()` +- `getState()` +- `getUserAgnosticState()` +- `initialize()` +- `negativeContentOnly()` + +--- + +## IntegrationQueryStore + +Available methods: + +- `getQuery()` +- `getResults()` + +--- + +## ContentInventoryActivityStore + +Available methods: + +- `getMatchingActivity()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## GuildMemberRequesterStore + +Available methods: + +- `initialize()` +- `requestMember()` + +--- + +## NoteStore + +Available methods: + +- `getNote()` + +--- + +## MultiAccountStore + +Available methods: + +- `canUseMultiAccountNotifications()` +- `getCanUseMultiAccountMobile()` +- `getHasLoggedInAccounts()` +- `getIsValidatingUsers()` +- `getState()` +- `getUsers()` +- `getValidUsers()` +- `initialize()` +- `isSwitchingAccount()` + +--- + +## TransientKeyStore + +Available methods: + +- `getUsers()` +- `isKeyVerified()` + +--- + +## GuildNSFWAgreeStore + +Available methods: + +- `didAgree()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## ChannelListStore + +Available methods: + +- `getGuild()` +- `getGuildWithoutChangingGuildActionRows()` +- `initialize()` +- `recentsChannelCount()` + +--- + +## SearchMessageStore + +Available methods: + +- `getMessage()` + +--- + +## UnsyncedUserSettingsStore + +Available methods: + +- `activityPanelHeight()` +- `callChatSidebarWidth()` +- `callHeaderHeight()` +- `darkSidebar()` +- `dataSavingMode()` +- `disableActivityHardwareAccelerationPrompt()` +- `disableActivityHostLeftNitroUpsell()` +- `disableApplicationSubscriptionCancellationSurvey()` +- `disableCallUserConfirmationPrompt()` +- `disableEmbeddedActivityPopOutAlert()` +- `disableHideSelfStreamAndVideoConfirmationAlert()` +- `disableInviteWithTextChannelActivityLaunch()` +- `disableVoiceChannelChangeAlert()` +- `displayCompactAvatars()` +- `expressionPickerWidth()` +- `getUserAgnosticState()` +- `homeSidebarWidth()` +- `initialize()` +- `lowQualityImageMode()` +- `messageRequestSidebarWidth()` +- `postSidebarWidth()` +- `pushUpsellUserSettingsDismissed()` +- `saveCameraUploadsToDevice()` +- `swipeToReply()` +- `threadSidebarWidth()` +- `useMobileChatCustomRenderer()` +- `useSystemTheme()` +- `videoUploadQuality()` + +--- + +## StageChannelSelfRichPresenceStore + +Available methods: + +- `getActivity()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## MessageRequestPreviewStore + +Available methods: + +- `getMessageRequestPreview()` +- `initialize()` +- `shouldLoadMessageRequestPreview()` + +--- + +## InviteSuggestionsStore + +Available methods: + +- `getInitialCounts()` +- `getInviteSuggestionRows()` +- `getSelectedInviteMetadata()` +- `getTotalSuggestionsCount()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## StageMusicStore + +Available methods: + +- `getUserAgnosticState()` +- `initialize()` +- `isMuted()` +- `shouldPlay()` + +--- + +## ConnectedAppsStore + +Available methods: + +- `connections()` +- `getAllConnections()` +- `getApplication()` +- `isConnected()` + +--- + +## SoundboardStore + +Available methods: + +- `getFavorites()` +- `getOverlaySerializedState()` +- `getSound()` +- `getSoundById()` +- `getSounds()` +- `getSoundsForGuild()` +- `hasFetchedAllSounds()` +- `hasFetchedDefaultSounds()` +- `hasHadOtherUserPlaySoundInSession()` +- `initialize()` +- `isFavoriteSound()` +- `isFetching()` +- `isFetchingDefaultSounds()` +- `isFetchingSounds()` +- `isLocalSoundboardMuted()` +- `isPlayingSound()` +- `isUserPlayingSounds()` +- `shouldFetchDefaultSounds()` + +--- + +## SearchStore + +Available methods: + +- `getAnalyticsId()` +- `getCurrentSearchId()` +- `getDocumentsIndexedCount()` +- `getEditorState()` +- `getHistory()` +- `getOffset()` +- `getQuery()` +- `getRawResults()` +- `getResultsBlocked()` +- `getResultsState()` +- `getSearchFetcher()` +- `getSearchType()` +- `getTotalResults()` +- `hasError()` +- `hasResults()` +- `initialize()` +- `isActive()` +- `isHistoricalIndexing()` +- `isIndexing()` +- `isSearching()` +- `isTokenized()` +- `shouldShowBlockedResults()` +- `shouldShowNoResultsAlt()` + +--- + +## SpotifyStore + +Available methods: + +- `canPlay()` +- `getActiveSocketAndDevice()` +- `getActivity()` +- `getLastPlayedTrackId()` +- `getPlayableComputerDevices()` +- `getPlayerState()` +- `getSyncingWith()` +- `getTrack()` +- `hasConnectedAccount()` +- `initialize()` +- `shouldShowActivity()` +- `wasAutoPaused()` + +--- + +## SavedMessagesStore + +Available methods: + +- `getIsStale()` +- `getLastChanged()` +- `getMessageBookmarks()` +- `getMessageReminders()` +- `getOverdueMessageReminderCount()` +- `getSavedMessage()` +- `getSavedMessageCount()` +- `getSavedMessages()` +- `hasOverdueReminder()` +- `initialize()` +- `isMessageBookmarked()` +- `isMessageReminder()` + +--- + +## SortedGuildStore + +Available methods: + +- `getCompatibleGuildFolders()` +- `getFastListGuildFolders()` +- `getFlattenedGuildFolderList()` +- `getFlattenedGuildIds()` +- `getGuildFolderById()` +- `getGuildFolders()` +- `getGuildsTree()` +- `initialize()` +- `takeSnapshot()` + +--- + +## AppViewStore + +Available methods: + +- `getHomeLink()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## NotificationCenterStore + +Available methods: + +- `getState()` +- `getTab()` +- `hasNewMentions()` +- `initialize()` +- `isDataStale()` +- `isLocalItemAcked()` +- `isRefreshing()` +- `shouldReload()` + +--- + +## FalsePositiveStore + +Available methods: + +- `canSubmitFpReport()` +- `getChannelFpInfo()` +- `getFpMessageInfo()` +- `validContentScanVersion()` + +--- + +## GuildIdentitySettingsStore + +Available methods: + +- `getAllPending()` +- `getAnalyticsLocations()` +- `getErrors()` +- `getFormState()` +- `getGuild()` +- `getIsSubmitDisabled()` +- `getPendingAccentColor()` +- `getPendingAvatar()` +- `getPendingAvatarDecoration()` +- `getPendingBanner()` +- `getPendingBio()` +- `getPendingNickname()` +- `getPendingProfileEffectId()` +- `getPendingPronouns()` +- `getPendingThemeColors()` +- `getSource()` +- `showNotice()` + +--- + +## DimensionStore + +Available methods: + +- `getChannelDimensions()` +- `getGuildDimensions()` +- `getGuildListDimensions()` +- `isAtBottom()` +- `percentageScrolled()` + +--- + +## SessionsStore + +Available methods: + +- `getActiveSession()` +- `getRemoteActivities()` +- `getSession()` +- `getSessionById()` +- `getSessions()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## GuildSubscriptionsStore + +Available methods: + +- `getSubscribedThreadIds()` +- `initialize()` +- `isSubscribedToAnyGuildChannel()` +- `isSubscribedToAnyMember()` +- `isSubscribedToMemberUpdates()` +- `isSubscribedToThreads()` + +--- + +## RecentlyActiveCollapseStore + +Available methods: + +- `getState()` +- `initialize()` +- `isCollapsed()` + +--- + +## GameLibraryViewStore + +Available methods: + +- `activeRowKey()` +- `initialize()` +- `isNavigatingByKeyboard()` +- `sortDirection()` +- `sortKey()` + +--- + +## NowPlayingViewStore + +Available methods: + +- `currentActivityParties()` +- `initialize()` +- `isMounted()` +- `loaded()` +- `nowPlayingCards()` + +--- + +## ApplicationSubscriptionChannelNoticeStore + +Available methods: + +- `getLastGuildDismissedTime()` +- `getUserAgnosticState()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## ChangelogStore + +Available methods: + +- `getChangelog()` +- `getChangelogLoadStatus()` +- `getConfig()` +- `getStateForDebugging()` +- `hasLoadedConfig()` +- `initialize()` +- `isLocked()` +- `lastSeenChangelogDate()` +- `lastSeenChangelogId()` +- `latestChangelogId()` +- `overrideId()` + +--- + +## KeywordFilterStore + +Available methods: + +- `getKeywordTrie()` +- `initializeForKeywordTests()` +- `loadCache()` +- `takeSnapshot()` + +--- + +## PendingReplyStore + +Available methods: + +- `getPendingReply()` +- `getPendingReplyActionSource()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## OverlayBridgeStore + +Available methods: + +- `enabled()` +- `getFocusedPID()` +- `initialize()` +- `isCrashed()` +- `isInputLocked()` +- `isReady()` +- `isSupported()` +- `legacyEnabled()` + +--- + +## ApplicationDirectorySearchStore + +Available methods: + +- `getFetchState()` +- `getSearchResults()` + +--- + +## HotspotStore + +Available methods: + +- `getHotspotOverride()` +- `getState()` +- `hasHiddenHotspot()` +- `hasHotspot()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## ApplicationStore + +Available methods: + +- `_getAllApplications()` +- `didFetchingApplicationFail()` +- `getAppIdForBotUserId()` +- `getApplication()` +- `getApplicationByName()` +- `getApplicationLastUpdated()` +- `getApplications()` +- `getFetchingOrFailedFetchingIds()` +- `getGuildApplication()` +- `getGuildApplicationIds()` +- `getState()` +- `initialize()` +- `isFetchingApplication()` + +--- + +## UserAffinitiesStore + +Available methods: + +- `getFetching()` +- `getState()` +- `getUserAffinities()` +- `getUserAffinitiesMap()` +- `getUserAffinitiesUserIds()` +- `getUserAffinity()` +- `initialize()` +- `needsRefresh()` + +--- + +## PaymentStore + +Available methods: + +- `getPayment()` +- `getPayments()` + +--- + +## GuildOnboardingStore + +Available methods: + +- `getCurrentOnboardingStep()` +- `getOnboardingStatus()` +- `resetOnboardingStatus()` +- `shouldShowOnboarding()` + +--- + +## LayerStore + +Available methods: + +- `getLayers()` +- `hasLayers()` + +--- + +## ConnectedDeviceStore + +Available methods: + +- `getUserAgnosticState()` +- `initialize()` +- `initialized()` +- `inputDevices()` +- `lastDeviceConnected()` +- `lastInputSystemDevice()` +- `lastOutputSystemDevice()` +- `outputDevices()` + +--- + +## StickersPersistedStore + +Available methods: + +- `getState()` +- `hasPendingUsage()` +- `initialize()` +- `stickerFrecencyWithoutFetchingLatest()` + +--- + +## ApplicationFrecencyStore + +Available methods: + +- `getApplicationFrecencyWithoutLoadingLatest()` +- `getScoreWithoutLoadingLatest()` +- `getState()` +- `getTopApplicationsWithoutLoadingLatest()` +- `hasPendingUsage()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## QuickSwitcherStore + +Available methods: + +- `channelNoticePredicate()` +- `getChannelHistory()` +- `getFrequentGuilds()` +- `getFrequentGuildsLength()` +- `getProps()` +- `getResultTotals()` +- `getState()` +- `initialize()` +- `isOpen()` + +--- + +## GamePartyStore + +Available methods: + +- `getParties()` +- `getParty()` +- `getUserParties()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## UpcomingEventNoticesStore + +Available methods: + +- `getAllEventDismissals()` +- `getAllUpcomingNoticeSeenTimes()` +- `getGuildEventNoticeDismissalTime()` +- `getState()` +- `getUpcomingNoticeSeenTime()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## GuildPopoutStore + +Available methods: + +- `getGuild()` +- `hasFetchFailed()` +- `initialize()` +- `isFetchingGuild()` + +--- + +## PoggermodeStore + +Available methods: + +- `getComboScore()` +- `getMessageCombo()` +- `getMostRecentMessageCombo()` +- `getUserCombo()` +- `getUserComboShakeIntensity()` +- `initialize()` +- `isComboing()` + +--- + +## GuildOnboardingMemberActionStore + +Available methods: + +- `getCompletedActions()` +- `getState()` +- `hasCompletedActionForChannel()` + +--- + +## ApplicationStoreUserSettingsStore + +Available methods: + +- `getState()` +- `hasAcceptedEULA()` +- `hasAcceptedStoreTerms()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## GuildRoleSubscriptionTierTemplatesStore + +Available methods: + +- `getChannel()` +- `getTemplateWithCategory()` +- `getTemplates()` + +--- + +## FavoriteStore + +Available methods: + +- `favoriteServerMuted()` +- `getCategoryRecord()` +- `getFavorite()` +- `getFavoriteChannels()` +- `getNickname()` +- `initialize()` +- `isFavorite()` + +--- + +## PaymentSourceStore + +Available methods: + +- `defaultPaymentSource()` +- `defaultPaymentSourceId()` +- `getDefaultBillingCountryCode()` +- `getPaymentSource()` +- `hasFetchedPaymentSources()` +- `paymentSourceIds()` +- `paymentSources()` + +--- + +## WebhooksStore + +Available methods: + +- `error()` +- `getWebhooksForChannel()` +- `getWebhooksForGuild()` +- `isFetching()` + +--- + +## SKUPaymentModalStore + +Available methods: + +- `analyticsLocation()` +- `applicationId()` +- `error()` +- `forceConfirmationStepOnMount()` +- `getPricesForSku()` +- `giftCode()` +- `isFetchingSKU()` +- `isGift()` +- `isIAP()` +- `isOpen()` +- `isPurchasingSKU()` +- `promotionId()` +- `skuId()` + +--- + +## DeveloperOptionsStore + +Available methods: + +- `appDirectoryIncludesInactiveCollections()` +- `cssDebuggingEnabled()` +- `getDebugOptionsHeaderValue()` +- `initialize()` +- `isAnalyticsDebuggerEnabled()` +- `isAxeEnabled()` +- `isBugReporterEnabled()` +- `isForcedCanary()` +- `isIdleStatusIndicatorEnabled()` +- `isLoggingAnalyticsEvents()` +- `isLoggingGatewayEvents()` +- `isLoggingOverlayEvents()` +- `isStreamInfoOverlayEnabled()` +- `isTracingRequests()` +- `layoutDebuggingEnabled()` +- `sourceMapsEnabled()` + +--- + +## HookErrorStore + +Available methods: + +- `getHookError()` + +--- + +## DevToolsDesignTogglesStore + +Available methods: + +- `all()` +- `allWithDescriptions()` +- `get()` +- `getUserAgnosticState()` +- `initialize()` +- `set()` + +--- + +## GuildDirectorySearchStore + +Available methods: + +- `getSearchResults()` +- `getSearchState()` +- `shouldFetch()` + +--- + +## NetworkStore + +Available methods: + +- `getEffectiveConnectionSpeed()` +- `getServiceProvider()` +- `getType()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## ReferencedMessageStore + +Available methods: + +- `getMessage()` +- `getMessageByReference()` +- `getReplyIdsForChannel()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## CollectiblesMarketingsStore + +Available methods: + +- `fetchState()` +- `getMarketingBySurface()` + +--- + +## RTCConnectionDesyncStore + +Available methods: + +- `desyncedVoiceStatesCount()` +- `getDesyncedParticipants()` +- `getDesyncedUserIds()` +- `getDesyncedVoiceStates()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## AuthorizedAppsStore + +Available methods: + +- `getApps()` +- `getFetchState()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## PoggermodeAchievementStore + +Available methods: + +- `getAllUnlockedAchievements()` +- `getState()` +- `getUnlocked()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## PurchaseTokenAuthStore + +Available methods: + +- `expiresAt()` +- `purchaseTokenAuthState()` +- `purchaseTokenHash()` + +--- + +## SelfPresenceStore + +Available methods: + +- `findActivity()` +- `getActivities()` +- `getApplicationActivity()` +- `getLocalPresence()` +- `getPrimaryActivity()` +- `getStatus()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## GuildReadStateStore + +Available methods: + +- `getGuildChangeSentinel()` +- `getGuildHasUnreadIgnoreMuted()` +- `getMentionCount()` +- `getMentionCountForChannels()` +- `getMentionCountForPrivateChannel()` +- `getMutableGuildReadState()` +- `getMutableGuildStates()` +- `getMutableUnreadGuilds()` +- `getPrivateChannelMentionCount()` +- `getStoreChangeSentinel()` +- `getTotalMentionCount()` +- `getTotalNotificationsMentionCount()` +- `hasAnyUnread()` +- `hasUnread()` +- `initialize()` +- `loadCache()` +- `takeSnapshot()` + +--- + +## GuildSettingsDefaultChannelsStore + +Available methods: + +- `editedDefaultChannelIds()` +- `guildId()` +- `hasChanges()` +- `initialize()` +- `submitting()` + +--- + +## LocalInteractionComponentStateStore + +Available methods: + +- `getInteractionComponentState()` +- `getInteractionComponentStateVersion()` +- `getInteractionComponentStates()` + +--- + +## MemberSafetyStore + +Available methods: + +- `getCurrentMemberSearchResultsByGuildId()` +- `getElasticSearchPaginationByGuildId()` +- `getEnhancedMember()` +- `getEstimatedMemberSearchCountByGuildId()` +- `getKnownMemberSearchCountByGuildId()` +- `getLastCursorTimestamp()` +- `getLastRefreshTimestamp()` +- `getMembersByGuildId()` +- `getMembersCountByGuildId()` +- `getNewMemberTimestamp()` +- `getPagedMembersByGuildId()` +- `getPaginationStateByGuildId()` +- `getSearchStateByGuildId()` +- `hasDefaultSearchStateByGuildId()` +- `initialize()` +- `isInitialized()` + +--- + +## ApplicationDirectoryCategoriesStore + +Available methods: + +- `getCategories()` +- `getLastFetchTimeMs()` + +--- + +## DefaultRouteStore + +Available methods: + +- `defaultRoute()` +- `fallbackRoute()` +- `getState()` +- `initialize()` +- `lastNonVoiceRoute()` + +--- + +## AppliedGuildBoostStore + +Available methods: + +- `applyBoostError()` +- `cooldownEndsAt()` +- `getAppliedGuildBoost()` +- `getAppliedGuildBoostsForGuild()` +- `getCurrentUserAppliedBoosts()` +- `getLastFetchedAtForGuild()` +- `isFetchingCurrentUserAppliedBoosts()` +- `isModifyingAppliedBoost()` +- `unapplyBoostError()` + +--- + +## RegionStore + +Available methods: + +- `getOptimalRegion()` +- `getOptimalRegionId()` +- `getRandomRegion()` +- `getRandomRegionId()` +- `getRegions()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## IntegrationPermissionStore + +Available methods: + +- `getApplicationId()` +- `getApplicationPermissions()` +- `getCommand()` +- `getCommands()` +- `getEditedApplication()` +- `getEditedCommand()` +- `isUnavailable()` + +--- + +## DeveloperExperimentStore + +Available methods: + +- `getExperimentDescriptor()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## PremiumPaymentModalStore + +Available methods: + +- `getGiftCode()` +- `paymentError()` + +--- + +## StickerMessagePreviewStore + +Available methods: + +- `getStickerPreview()` + +--- + +## SelectedGuildStore + +Available methods: + +- `getGuildId()` +- `getLastSelectedGuildId()` +- `getLastSelectedTimestamp()` +- `getState()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## FamilyCenterStore + +Available methods: + +- `canRefetch()` +- `getActionsForDisplayType()` +- `getGuild()` +- `getIsInitialized()` +- `getLinkCode()` +- `getLinkTimestamp()` +- `getLinkedUsers()` +- `getRangeStartTimestamp()` +- `getSelectedTab()` +- `getSelectedTeenId()` +- `getStartId()` +- `getTotalForDisplayType()` +- `getUserCountry()` +- `initialize()` +- `isLoading()` +- `loadCache()` +- `takeSnapshot()` + +--- + +## ArchivedThreadsStore + +Available methods: + +- `canLoadMore()` +- `getThreads()` +- `initialize()` +- `isInitialLoad()` +- `isLoading()` +- `nextOffset()` + +--- + +## ActivityInviteEducationStore + +Available methods: + +- `getState()` +- `initialize()` +- `shouldShowEducation()` + +--- + +## DispatchApplicationErrorStore + +Available methods: + +- `getLastError()` + +--- + +## ApplicationStoreLocationStore + +Available methods: + +- `getCurrentPath()` +- `getCurrentRoute()` +- `reset()` + +--- + +## GuildScheduledEventStore + +Available methods: + +- `getActiveEventByChannel()` +- `getGuildEventCountByIndex()` +- `getGuildScheduledEvent()` +- `getGuildScheduledEventsByIndex()` +- `getGuildScheduledEventsForGuild()` +- `getRsvp()` +- `getRsvpVersion()` +- `getUserCount()` +- `getUsersForGuildEvent()` +- `hasUserCount()` +- `isActive()` +- `isInterestedInEventRecurrence()` + +--- + +## StickersStore + +Available methods: + +- `getAllGuildStickers()` +- `getAllStickersIterator()` +- `getPremiumPacks()` +- `getRawStickersByGuild()` +- `getStickerById()` +- `getStickerPack()` +- `getStickersByGuildId()` +- `hasLoadedStickerPacks()` +- `initialize()` +- `isFetchingStickerPacks()` +- `isLoaded()` +- `isPremiumPack()` +- `loadState()` +- `stickerMetadata()` + +--- + +## PopoutWindowStore + +Available methods: + +- `getIsAlwaysOnTop()` +- `getState()` +- `getWindow()` +- `getWindowFocused()` +- `getWindowKeys()` +- `getWindowOpen()` +- `getWindowState()` +- `getWindowVisible()` +- `initialize()` +- `unmountWindow()` + +--- + +## NoticeStore + +Available methods: + +- `getNotice()` +- `hasNotice()` +- `initialize()` +- `isNoticeDismissed()` + +--- + +## RTCRegionStore + +Available methods: + +- `getPreferredRegion()` +- `getPreferredRegions()` +- `getRegion()` +- `getUserAgnosticState()` +- `initialize()` +- `shouldIncludePreferredRegion()` +- `shouldPerformLatencyTest()` + +--- + +## UserGuildJoinRequestStore + +Available methods: + +- `computeGuildIds()` +- `getCooldown()` +- `getJoinRequestGuild()` +- `getRequest()` +- `hasFetchedRequestToJoinGuilds()` +- `hasJoinRequestCoackmark()` + +--- + +## SortedVoiceStateStore + +Available methods: + +- `countVoiceStatesForChannel()` +- `getAllVoiceStates()` +- `getVoiceStateVersion()` +- `getVoiceStates()` +- `getVoiceStatesForChannel()` +- `getVoiceStatesForChannelAlt()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## DispatchManagerStore + +Available methods: + +- `activeItems()` +- `finishedItems()` +- `getQueuePosition()` +- `initialize()` +- `isCorruptInstallation()` +- `paused()` + +--- + +## AuthInviteStore + +Available methods: + +- `getGuild()` + +--- + +## MemberVerificationFormStore + +Available methods: + +- `get()` +- `getRulesPrompt()` + +--- + +## SelectedChannelStore + +Available methods: + +- `getChannelId()` +- `getCurrentlySelectedChannelId()` +- `getLastChannelFollowingDestination()` +- `getLastSelectedChannelId()` +- `getLastSelectedChannels()` +- `getMostRecentSelectedTextChannelId()` +- `getVoiceChannelId()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## DiscoverGuildChecklistStore + +Available methods: + +- `getDiscoveryChecklist()` +- `isLoading()` +- `isPendingSuccess()` +- `passesChecklist()` + +--- + +## GuildSettingsRolesStore + +Available methods: + +- `editedRoleIds()` +- `editedRoleIdsForConfigurations()` +- `errorMessage()` +- `formState()` +- `getEditedRoleConnectionConfigurationsMap()` +- `getPermissionSearchQuery()` +- `getRole()` +- `getSortDeltas()` +- `guild()` +- `hasChanges()` +- `hasRoleConfigurationChanges()` +- `hasSortChanges()` +- `initialize()` +- `roles()` +- `showNotice()` + +--- + +## StreamRTCConnectionStore + +Available methods: + +- `getActiveStreamKey()` +- `getAllActiveStreamKeys()` +- `getHostname()` +- `getMaxViewers()` +- `getMediaSessionId()` +- `getQuality()` +- `getRTCConnection()` +- `getRTCConnections()` +- `getRegion()` +- `getRtcConnectionId()` +- `getSecureFramesRosterMapEntry()` +- `getSecureFramesState()` +- `getStatsHistory()` +- `getStreamSourceId()` +- `getUserIds()` +- `getVideoStats()` +- `isUserConnected()` + +--- + +## BurstReactionEffectsStore + +Available methods: + +- `getEffectForEmojiId()` +- `getReactionPickerAnimation()` + +--- + +## NativeScreenSharePickerStore + +Available methods: + +- `enabled()` +- `getPickerState()` +- `initialize()` +- `releasePickerStream()` +- `supported()` + +--- + +## ForumChannelAdminOnboardingGuideStore + +Available methods: + +- `getState()` +- `hasHidden()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## BitRateStore + +Available methods: + +- `bitrate()` + +--- + +## ChannelListUnreadsStore + +Available methods: + +- `getUnreadStateForGuildId()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## GuildSettingsOnboardingHomeSettingsStore + +Available methods: + +- `getDismissedSuggestedChannelIds()` +- `getNewMemberAction()` +- `getResourceChannel()` +- `getSettings()` +- `getState()` +- `getSubmitting()` +- `hasChanges()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## MyGuildApplicationsStore + +Available methods: + +- `getFetchState()` +- `getGuildIdsForApplication()` +- `getLastFetchTimeMs()` +- `getNextFetchRetryTimeMs()` +- `getState()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## FriendsStore + +Available methods: + +- `getState()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## NewPaymentSourceStore + +Available methods: + +- `adyenPaymentData()` +- `braintreeEmail()` +- `braintreeNonce()` +- `error()` +- `getBillingAddressInfo()` +- `getCreditCardInfo()` +- `isBillingAddressInfoValid()` +- `isCardInfoValid()` +- `popupCallbackCalled()` +- `redirectedPaymentId()` +- `redirectedPaymentSourceId()` +- `stripePaymentMethod()` +- `venmoUsername()` + +--- + +## VoiceStateStore + +Available methods: + +- `getAllVoiceStates()` +- `getCurrentClientVoiceChannelId()` +- `getDiscoverableVoiceState()` +- `getDiscoverableVoiceStateForUser()` +- `getUserVoiceChannelId()` +- `getUsersWithVideo()` +- `getVideoVoiceStatesForChannel()` +- `getVoicePlatformForChannel()` +- `getVoiceState()` +- `getVoiceStateForChannel()` +- `getVoiceStateForSession()` +- `getVoiceStateForUser()` +- `getVoiceStateVersion()` +- `getVoiceStates()` +- `getVoiceStatesForChannel()` +- `hasVideo()` +- `isCurrentClientInVoiceChannel()` +- `isInChannel()` +- `userHasBeenMovedVersion()` + +--- + +## CallChatToastsStore + +Available methods: + +- `getState()` +- `getToastsEnabled()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## GuildChannelStore + +Available methods: + +- `getAllGuilds()` +- `getChannels()` +- `getDefaultChannel()` +- `getDirectoryChannelIds()` +- `getFirstChannel()` +- `getFirstChannelOfType()` +- `getSFWDefaultChannel()` +- `getSelectableChannelIds()` +- `getSelectableChannels()` +- `getTextChannelNameDisambiguations()` +- `getVocalChannelIds()` +- `hasCategories()` +- `hasChannels()` +- `hasElevatedPermissions()` +- `hasSelectableChannel()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## GuildSettingsAuditLogStore + +Available methods: + +- `actionFilter()` +- `applicationCommands()` +- `automodRules()` +- `deletedTargets()` +- `groupedFetchCount()` +- `guildScheduledEvents()` +- `hasError()` +- `hasOlderLogs()` +- `integrations()` +- `isInitialLoading()` +- `isLoading()` +- `isLoadingNextPage()` +- `logs()` +- `targetIdFilter()` +- `threads()` +- `userIdFilter()` +- `userIds()` +- `webhooks()` + +--- + +## GuildLeaderboardStore + +Available methods: + +- `get()` +- `getLeaderboardResponse()` +- `getLeaderboards()` + +--- + +## WelcomeScreenStore + +Available methods: + +- `get()` +- `hasError()` +- `hasSeen()` +- `isEmpty()` +- `isFetching()` + +--- + +## CommandsMigrationStore + +Available methods: + +- `canShowOverviewTooltip()` +- `canShowToggleTooltip()` +- `getState()` +- `initialize()` +- `shouldShowChannelNotice()` + +--- + +## ApplicationCommandStore + +Available methods: + +- `getActiveCommand()` +- `getActiveCommandSection()` +- `getActiveOption()` +- `getActiveOptionName()` +- `getCommandOrigin()` +- `getOption()` +- `getOptionState()` +- `getOptionStates()` +- `getPreferredCommandId()` +- `getSource()` +- `getState()` +- `initialize()` + +--- + +## GuildSettingsStore + +Available methods: + +- `getBans()` +- `getErrors()` +- `getGuild()` +- `getGuildId()` +- `getMetadata()` +- `getProps()` +- `getSavedRouteState()` +- `getSection()` +- `getSelectedRoleId()` +- `getSlug()` +- `hasChanges()` +- `initialize()` +- `isGuildMetadataLoaded()` +- `isOpen()` +- `isSubmitting()` +- `showNotice()` +- `showPublicSuccessModal()`