A cross-platform desktop application that simplifies showing media for meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses.
Finally, non-Windows users can now also display media in a more professional way.
This package is brought to you by Library API.
You can download the latest versions from the latest releases page. For Mac you want to .dmg
file (not the one ending .blockmap
). You can view more detailed installation instructions here.
For other systems you can package this yourself using the package
command (see Development.
View the documentation here.
Run the following commands to get started. If you are running from the root directory you can add media
to run these (for example yarn media dev
instead of just yarn dev
# Start server with hot reload for development
yarn dev
# Build (outputs to /dist)
yarn build
# Package the app for testing locally
# Note that local versions will raise app-update errors on startup, they can be ignored
yarn package
# Lint files
yarn lint
# Run test suite
yarn test
# Run Type Checking Service
yarn tsc