this readme presumes that the user is working on the land use ec2 instance
###PostgreSQL Setup
create a database
sudo -u postgres createdb sf_bayarea_landuse
sudo -u postgres psql sf_bayarea_landuse -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;"
sudo -u postgres psql sf_bayarea_landuse -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis_topology;"
(optional) add a user
psql sf_bayarea_landuse -c "CREATE USER *** WITH PASSWORD '***';"
psql sf_bayarea_landuse -c "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE sf_bayarea_landuse to ***;
dump the parcel table into it
pg_dump -t public.parcel landuse | psql sf_bayarea_landuse
in this example, we'll borrow the parcel table from the existing landuse database so that we can skip the admin code assignment and save ourselves some time below under "load and assign administrative areas to parcels"
###Setup Zoning Metadata clone the zoning repository
git clone
load postgis extension for zoning processing
psql sf_bayarea_landuse -f functions/main.sql
create schemas to put things in:
psql sf_bayarea_landuse -f load/load-schema-names.sql
load generic zoning assignment tables
psql sf_bayarea_landuse -f load/load-generic-zoning-code-table.sql
psql sf_bayarea_landuse -f load/load-zoning-shapefile-metadata.sql
###Setup Administrative Metadata get admin data
make city10_ba.shp
make county10_ba.shp
load and assign adminstrative areas to parcels
shp2pgsql -t 2D -s 26910 -I city10_ba.shp admin_staging.city10_ba | psql sf_bayarea_landuse
shp2pgsql -t 2D -s 26910 -I county10_ca.shp admin_staging.county10_ca | psql sf_bayarea_landuse
psql sf_bayarea_landuse -f process/create_jurisdictional_table.sql
normally we would do the following but, in the interest of time, the following line is obviated by the parcel dump above
psql sf_bayarea_landuse -f process/assign_city_name_by_county.sql
###Load 2012 Zoning Data and Process it get zoning_data
make zoning_files
load zoning source data shapefiles from 2012
ls jurisdictional/*.shp | cut -d "/" -f2 | sed 's/.shp//' | xargs -I {} shp2pgsql -t 2D -s 26910 -I jurisdictional/{} zoning_2012_staging.{} | psql sf_bayarea_landuse
do 2012 assignment by city
psql sf_bayarea_landuse -c "SELECT fix_2012_geoms(TRUE);"
instead of doing this for every city, we will pg_dump from the landuse database and demonstrate functionality on just 1 single table.
pg_dump --schema zoning_2012_parcel_overlaps landuse | psql sf_bayarea_landuse
psql sf_bayarea_landuse -c "SELECT overlap_2012(FALSE);"
to do all the cities we would have done:
psql sf_bayarea_landuse -c "DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS zoning_2012_parcel_overlaps CASCADE;"
psql sf_bayarea_landuse -c "CREATE SCHEMA zoning_2012_parcel_overlaps;"
psql sf_bayarea_landuse -c "SELECT overlap_2012(TRUE);"
###Assign the 2012 Data to Parcels:
psql sf_bayarea_landuse -f process/assign_2012_zoning_to_parcels.sql
###Process 2006 Zoning Data load zoning source data shapefile from 2006
psql sf_bayarea_landuse -c "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS zoning.plu06_may2015estimate;"
$(shp2pgsql) data/plu06_may2015estimate.shp zoning.plu06_may2015estimate | psql sf_bayarea_landuse
psql sf_bayarea_landuse -f load/add-plu-2006.sql
clean and homogenize geometries
psql sf_bayarea_landuse -f process/clean_plu06_geoms.sql
intersection with 2006:
psql sf_bayarea_landuse -f process/assign_2006_zoning_to_parcels.sql
###Output Results: output:
psql sf_bayarea_landuse -c "process/assign_id.sql"
psql sf_bayarea_landuse -c "\COPY zoning.parcel to 'zoning_parcels_no_dev_as_zero.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;"