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Extend the IoT Plug and Play bridge

The IoT Plug and Play bridge lets you connect the existing devices attached to a gateway to your IoT hub. You use the bridge to map IoT Plug and Play interfaces to the attached devices. An IoT Plug and Play interface defines the telemetry that a device sends, the properties it synchronizes with the cloud, and the commands that it responds to. You can install and configure the open-source bridge application on Windows or Linux gateways. Additionally, the bridge can be run as an Azure IoT Edge runtime module.

This guide explains in detail how to:

  • Extend the IoT Plug and Play bridge with an adapter.
  • Implement common callbacks for a bridge adapter.

For an example that shows how to get started with the bridge, see How to connect the IoT Plug and Play bridge sample that runs on Linux or Windows to IoT Hub.

The guidance and samples in this guide assume basic familiarity with Azure Digital Twins and IoT Plug and Play. Additionally, this guide assumes familiarity with how to Build, and deploy the IoT Plug and Play bridge.


To extend the capabilities of the bridge, you can author your own bridge adapters. The bridge uses adapters to:

  • Establish a connection between a device and the cloud.
  • Enable data flow between a device and the cloud.
  • Enable device management from the cloud.

Every bridge adapter must:

  • Create a digital twins interface.
  • Use the interface to bind device-side functionality to cloud-based capabilities such as telemetry, properties, and commands.
  • Establish control and data communication with the device hardware or firmware.

Each bridge adapter interacts with a specific type of device based on how the adapter connects to and interacts with the device. Even if communication with a device uses a handshaking protocol, a bridge adapter may have several ways to interpret the data from the device. In this scenario, the bridge adapter uses adapter information in the configuration file to determine the interface configuration it should use to parse the data.

To interact with the device, a bridge adapter uses a communication protocol supported by the device and APIs provided either by the underlying operating system, or the device vendor.

To interact with the cloud, a bridge adapter uses APIs provided by the Azure IoT Device C SDK. The adapter uses these APIs to send telemetry, create digital twin interfaces, send property updates, and create callback functions for property updates and commands.

Create an adapter

The bridge expects a bridge adapter to implement the APIs defined in the _PNP_ADAPTER interface:

typedef struct _PNP_ADAPTER {
  // Identity of the IoT Plug and Play adapter that is retrieved from the config
  const char* identity;


In this interface:

  • PNPBRIDGE_ADAPTER_CREATE creates the adapter and sets up the interface management resources. An adapter may also rely on global adapter parameters for adapter creation. This function is called once for a single adapter.
  • PNPBRIDGE_COMPONENT_CREATE creates the digital twin client interfaces and binds the callback functions. The adapter initiates the communication channel to the device. The adapter may set up the resources to enable the telemetry flow but doesn't start reporting telemetry until PNPBRIDGE_COMPONENT_START is called. This function is called once for each interface component in the configuration file.
  • PNPBRIDGE_COMPONENT_START is called to let the bridge adapter start forwarding telemetry from the device to the digital twin client. This function is called once for each interface component in the configuration file.
  • PNPBRIDGE_COMPONENT_STOP stops the telemetry flow.
  • PNPBRIDGE_COMPONENT_DESTROY destroys the digital twin client and associated interface resources. When the bridge is torn down or when a fatal error occurs, the bridge calls this function once for each interface component in the configuration file.
  • PNPBRIDGE_ADAPTER_DESTROY cleans up the bridge adapter resources.

Bridge core interaction with adapters

The following list outlines what happens when the bridge starts:

  1. When the bridge starts, the bridge adapter manager looks through each interface component defined in the configuration file and calls PNPBRIDGE_ADAPTER_CREATE on the appropriate adapter. The adapter may use global adapter configuration parameters to set up resources to support the various interface configurations.
  2. For every device in the configuration file, the bridge manager initiates interface creation by calling PNPBRIDGE_COMPONENT_CREATE in the appropriate bridge adapter.
  3. The adapter receives any optional adapter configuration settings for the interface component and uses this information to set up connections to the device.
  4. The adapter creates the digital twin client interfaces and binds the callback functions for property updates and commands. Establishing device connections shouldn't block the return of the callbacks after digital twin interface creation succeeds. The active device connection is independent of the active interface client the bridge creates. If a connection fails, the adapter assumes the device is inactive. The bridge adapter can choose to retry making this connection.
  5. After the bridge adapter manger creates all the interface components specified in the configuration file, it registers all the interfaces with Azure IoT Hub. Registration is a blocking, asynchronous call. When the call completes, it triggers a callback in the bridge adapter that can then start handling property and command callbacks from the cloud.
  6. The bridge adapter manager then calls PNPBRIDGE_INTERFACE_START on each component and the bridge adapter starts reporting telemetry to the digital twin client.

Design guidelines

Follow these guidelines when you develop a new bridge adapter:

  • Determine which device capabilities are supported and what the interface definition of the components using this adapter looks like.
  • Determine what interface and global parameters your adapter needs defined in the configuration file.
  • Identify the low-level device communication required to support the component properties and commands.
  • Determine how the adapter should parse the raw data from the device and convert it to the telemetry types that the IoT Plug and Play interface definition specifies.
  • Implement the bridge adapter interface described previously.
  • Add the new adapter to the adapter manifest and build the bridge.

Enable a new bridge adapter

You enable adapters in the bridge by adding a reference in adapter_manifest.c:

extern PNP_ADAPTER MyPnpAdapter;

IMPORTANT: Bridge adapter callbacks are invoked sequentially. An adapter shouldn't block a callback because this prevents the bridge core from making progress.

Sample camera adapter

The Camera adapter readme describes a sample camera adapter that you can enable.

Code samples for common adapter scenarios

The following section details how an adapter for the bridge implements callbacks for some common scenarios and usages. This section covers the following callbacks:

The following examples are based on the environmental sensor sample adapter.

Receive property update (cloud to device)

The first step is to register a callback function:

PnpComponentHandleSetPropertyUpdateCallback(BridgeComponentHandle, EnvironmentSensor_ProcessPropertyUpdate);

The next step is to implement the callback function to read the property update on the device:

void EnvironmentSensor_ProcessPropertyUpdate(
    const char* PropertyName,
    JSON_Value* PropertyValue,
    int version,
    void* userContextCallback
  // User context for the callback is set to the IoT Hub client handle, and therefore can be type-cast to the client handle type
    SampleEnvironmentalSensor_ProcessPropertyUpdate(userContextCallback, PropertyName, PropertyValue, version, PnpComponentHandle);

// SampleEnvironmentalSensor_ProcessPropertyUpdate receives updated properties from the server.  This implementation
// acts as a simple dispatcher to the functions to perform the actual processing.
void SampleEnvironmentalSensor_ProcessPropertyUpdate(
    void * ClientHandle,
    const char* PropertyName,
    JSON_Value* PropertyValue,
    int version,
  if (strcmp(PropertyName, sampleEnvironmentalSensorPropertyBrightness) == 0)
        SampleEnvironmentalSensor_BrightnessCallback(ClientHandle, PropertyName, PropertyValue, version, PnpComponentHandle);
        // If the property is not implemented by this interface, presently we only record a log message but do not have a mechanism to report back to the service
        LogError("Environmental Sensor Adapter:: Property name <%s> is not associated with this interface", PropertyName);

// Process a property update for bright level.
static void SampleEnvironmentalSensor_BrightnessCallback(
    void * ClientHandle,
    const char* PropertyName,
    JSON_Value* PropertyValue,
    int version,
    IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT iothubClientResult;
    STRING_HANDLE jsonToSend = NULL;
    char targetBrightnessString[32];

    LogInfo("Environmental Sensor Adapter:: Brightness property invoked...");

    PENVIRONMENT_SENSOR EnvironmentalSensor = PnpComponentHandleGetContext(PnpComponentHandle);

    if (json_value_get_type(PropertyValue) != JSONNumber)
        LogError("JSON field %s is not a number", PropertyName);
    else if(EnvironmentalSensor == NULL || EnvironmentalSensor->SensorState == NULL)
        LogError("Environmental sensor device context not initialized correctly.");
    else if (SampleEnvironmentalSensor_ValidateBrightness(json_value_get_number(PropertyValue)))
        EnvironmentalSensor->SensorState->brightness = (int) json_value_get_number(PropertyValue);
        if (snprintf(targetBrightnessString, sizeof(targetBrightnessString), 
            g_environmentalSensorBrightnessResponseFormat, EnvironmentalSensor->SensorState->brightness) < 0)
            LogError("Unable to create target brightness string for reporting result");
        else if ((jsonToSend = PnP_CreateReportedPropertyWithStatus(EnvironmentalSensor->SensorState->componentName,
                    PropertyName, targetBrightnessString, PNP_STATUS_SUCCESS, g_environmentalSensorPropertyResponseDescription,
                    version)) == NULL)
            LogError("Unable to build reported property response");
            const char* jsonToSendStr = STRING_c_str(jsonToSend);
            size_t jsonToSendStrLen = strlen(jsonToSendStr);

            if ((iothubClientResult = SampleEnvironmentalSensor_RouteReportedState(ClientHandle, PnpComponentHandle, (const unsigned char*)jsonToSendStr, jsonToSendStrLen,
                                        (void*) &EnvironmentalSensor->SensorState->brightness)) != IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK)
                LogError("Environmental Sensor Adapter:: SampleEnvironmentalSensor_RouteReportedState for brightness failed, error=%d", iothubClientResult);
                LogInfo("Environmental Sensor Adapter:: Successfully queued Property update for Brightness for component=%s", EnvironmentalSensor->SensorState->componentName);


Report a property update (device to cloud)

At any point after your component is created, your device can report properties to the cloud with status:

// Environmental sensor's read-only property, device state indicating whether its online or not
static const char sampleDeviceStateProperty[] = "state";
static const unsigned char sampleDeviceStateData[] = "true";
static const int sampleDeviceStateDataLen = sizeof(sampleDeviceStateData) - 1;

// Sends a reported property for device state of this simulated device.
IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT SampleEnvironmentalSensor_ReportDeviceStateAsync(
    const char * ComponentName)

    STRING_HANDLE jsonToSend = NULL;

    if ((jsonToSend = PnP_CreateReportedProperty(ComponentName, sampleDeviceStateProperty, (const char*) sampleDeviceStateData)) == NULL)
        LogError("Unable to build reported property response for propertyName=%s, propertyValue=%s", sampleDeviceStateProperty, sampleDeviceStateData);
        const char* jsonToSendStr = STRING_c_str(jsonToSend);
        size_t jsonToSendStrLen = strlen(jsonToSendStr);

        if ((iothubClientResult = SampleEnvironmentalSensor_RouteReportedState(NULL, PnpComponentHandle, (const unsigned char*)jsonToSendStr, jsonToSendStrLen,
            SampleEnvironmentalSensor_PropertyCallback, (void*)sampleDeviceStateProperty)) != IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK)
            LogError("Environmental Sensor Adapter:: Unable to send reported state for property=%s, error=%d",
                                sampleDeviceStateProperty, iothubClientResult);
            LogInfo("Environmental Sensor Adapter:: Sending device information property to IoTHub. propertyName=%s, propertyValue=%s",
                        sampleDeviceStateProperty, sampleDeviceStateData);


    return iothubClientResult;

// Routes the reported property for device or module client. This function can be called either by passing a valid client handle or by passing
// a NULL client handle after components have been started such that the client handle can be extracted from the PnpComponentHandle
IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT SampleEnvironmentalSensor_RouteReportedState(
    void * ClientHandle,
    const unsigned char * ReportedState,
    size_t Size,
    void * UserContextCallback)

    PNP_BRIDGE_CLIENT_HANDLE clientHandle = (ClientHandle != NULL) ?
            (PNP_BRIDGE_CLIENT_HANDLE) ClientHandle : PnpComponentHandleGetClientHandle(PnpComponentHandle);

    if ((iothubClientResult = PnpBridgeClient_SendReportedState(clientHandle, ReportedState, Size,
            ReportedStateCallback, UserContextCallback)) != IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK)
        LogError("IoTHub client call to _SendReportedState failed with error code %d", iothubClientResult);
        goto exit;
        LogInfo("IoTHub client call to _SendReportedState succeeded");

    return iothubClientResult;

Send telemetry (device to cloud)

// SampleEnvironmentalSensor_SendTelemetryMessagesAsync is periodically invoked by the caller to
// send telemetry containing the current temperature and humidity (in both cases random numbers
// so this sample will work on platforms without these sensors).
IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT SampleEnvironmentalSensor_SendTelemetryMessagesAsync(
    PENVIRONMENT_SENSOR device = PnpComponentHandleGetContext(PnpComponentHandle);

    float currentTemperature = 20.0f + ((float)rand() / RAND_MAX) * 15.0f;
    float currentHumidity = 60.0f + ((float)rand() / RAND_MAX) * 20.0f;

    char currentMessage[128];
    sprintf(currentMessage, "{\"%s\":%.3f, \"%s\":%.3f}", SampleEnvironmentalSensor_TemperatureTelemetry, 
            currentTemperature, SampleEnvironmentalSensor_HumidityTelemetry, currentHumidity);

    if ((messageHandle = PnP_CreateTelemetryMessageHandle(device->SensorState->componentName, currentMessage)) == NULL)
        LogError("Environmental Sensor Adapter:: PnP_CreateTelemetryMessageHandle failed.");
    else if ((result = SampleEnvironmentalSensor_RouteSendEventAsync(PnpComponentHandle, messageHandle,
            SampleEnvironmentalSensor_TelemetryCallback, device)) != IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK)
        LogError("Environmental Sensor Adapter:: SampleEnvironmentalSensor_RouteSendEventAsync failed, error=%d", result);


    return result;

// Routes the sending asynchronous events for device or module client
IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT SampleEnvironmentalSensor_RouteSendEventAsync(
        PNPBRIDGE_COMPONENT_HANDLE PnpComponentHandle,
        IOTHUB_MESSAGE_HANDLE EventMessageHandle,
        void * UserContextCallback)
    PNP_BRIDGE_CLIENT_HANDLE clientHandle = PnpComponentHandleGetClientHandle(PnpComponentHandle);
    if ((iothubClientResult = PnpBridgeClient_SendEventAsync(clientHandle, EventMessageHandle,
            EventConfirmationCallback, UserContextCallback)) != IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK)
        LogError("IoTHub client call to _SendEventAsync failed with error code %d", iothubClientResult);
        goto exit;
        LogInfo("IoTHub client call to _SendEventAsync succeeded");

    return iothubClientResult;

Receive a command update callback from the cloud and process it on the device (cloud to device)

// SampleEnvironmentalSensor_ProcessCommandUpdate receives commands from the server.  This implementation acts as a simple dispatcher
// to the functions to perform the actual processing.
int SampleEnvironmentalSensor_ProcessCommandUpdate(
    PENVIRONMENT_SENSOR EnvironmentalSensor,
    const char* CommandName,
    JSON_Value* CommandValue,
    unsigned char** CommandResponse,
    size_t* CommandResponseSize)
    if (strcmp(CommandName, sampleEnvironmentalSensorCommandBlink) == 0)
        return SampleEnvironmentalSensor_BlinkCallback(EnvironmentalSensor, CommandValue, CommandResponse, CommandResponseSize);
    else if (strcmp(CommandName, sampleEnvironmentalSensorCommandTurnOn) == 0)
        return SampleEnvironmentalSensor_TurnOnLightCallback(EnvironmentalSensor, CommandValue, CommandResponse, CommandResponseSize);
    else if (strcmp(CommandName, sampleEnvironmentalSensorCommandTurnOff) == 0)
        return SampleEnvironmentalSensor_TurnOffLightCallback(EnvironmentalSensor, CommandValue, CommandResponse, CommandResponseSize);
        // If the command is not implemented by this interface, by convention we return a 404 error to server.
        LogError("Environmental Sensor Adapter:: Command name <%s> is not associated with this interface", CommandName);
        return SampleEnvironmentalSensor_SetCommandResponse(CommandResponse, CommandResponseSize, sampleEnviromentalSensor_NotImplemented);

// Implement the callback to process the command "blink". Information pertaining to the request is
// specified in the CommandValue parameter, and the callback fills out data it wishes to
// return to the caller on the service in CommandResponse.

static int SampleEnvironmentalSensor_BlinkCallback(
    PENVIRONMENT_SENSOR EnvironmentalSensor,
    JSON_Value* CommandValue,
    unsigned char** CommandResponse,
    size_t* CommandResponseSize)
    int result = PNP_STATUS_SUCCESS;
    int BlinkInterval = 0;

    LogInfo("Environmental Sensor Adapter:: Blink command invoked. It has been invoked %d times previously", EnvironmentalSensor->SensorState->numTimesBlinkCommandCalled);

    if (json_value_get_type(CommandValue) != JSONNumber)
        LogError("Cannot retrieve blink interval for blink command");
        result = PNP_STATUS_BAD_FORMAT;
        BlinkInterval = (int)json_value_get_number(CommandValue);
        LogInfo("Environmental Sensor Adapter:: Blinking with interval=%d second(s)", BlinkInterval);
        EnvironmentalSensor->SensorState->blinkInterval = BlinkInterval;

        result = SampleEnvironmentalSensor_SetCommandResponse(CommandResponse, CommandResponseSize, sampleEnviromentalSensor_BlinkResponse);

    return result;

Respond to command update on the device (device to cloud)

static int SampleEnvironmentalSensor_BlinkCallback(
    PENVIRONMENT_SENSOR EnvironmentalSensor,
    JSON_Value* CommandValue,
    unsigned char** CommandResponse,
    size_t* CommandResponseSize)
    int result = PNP_STATUS_SUCCESS;
    int BlinkInterval = 0;

    LogInfo("Environmental Sensor Adapter:: Blink command invoked. It has been invoked %d times previously", EnvironmentalSensor->SensorState->numTimesBlinkCommandCalled);

    if (json_value_get_type(CommandValue) != JSONNumber)
        LogError("Cannot retrieve blink interval for blink command");
        result = PNP_STATUS_BAD_FORMAT;
        BlinkInterval = (int)json_value_get_number(CommandValue);
        LogInfo("Environmental Sensor Adapter:: Blinking with interval=%d second(s)", BlinkInterval);
        EnvironmentalSensor->SensorState->blinkInterval = BlinkInterval;

        result = SampleEnvironmentalSensor_SetCommandResponse(CommandResponse, CommandResponseSize, sampleEnviromentalSensor_BlinkResponse);

    return result;

// SampleEnvironmentalSensor_SetCommandResponse is a helper that fills out a command response
static int SampleEnvironmentalSensor_SetCommandResponse(
    unsigned char** CommandResponse,
    size_t* CommandResponseSize,
    const unsigned char* ResponseData)
    int result = PNP_STATUS_SUCCESS;
    if (ResponseData == NULL)
        LogError("Environmental Sensor Adapter:: Response Data is empty");
        *CommandResponseSize = 0;

    *CommandResponseSize = strlen((char*)ResponseData);
    memset(CommandResponse, 0, sizeof(*CommandResponse));

    // Allocate a copy of the response data to return to the invoker. Caller will free this.
    if (mallocAndStrcpy_s((char**)CommandResponse, (char*)ResponseData) != 0)
        LogError("Environmental Sensor Adapter:: Unable to allocate response data");

    return result;